insert query in sql from another table with running number - sql-server

Am inserting rows in the table from another table
I need to the id columns should be running number like the below how to do that
i have set id column is unique key, so that the below code shows error
insert into Tbl1 (Id, DislayName,IsEnabled)
select 16000,Names,0 from Tbl2
Insertion should be like
16000 | John | false
16001 | Deo | false
16002 | Jake | false
NOTE: no auto increment should be used, because already its been assigned for another column

Add row_number() window function (minus one)
insert into Tbl1 (Id, DislayName,IsEnabled)
select 16000 -1 + row_number () over (order by Names),
from Tbl2;


Extracting data from a table into another table based on a common value

I have a table which somewhat looks like this
Table A:
Voter_id Id
null | DEPT 1f7h
null | DEPT 3k9n
null | DEPT 2lp0
null | DEPT 2f6k
(250,000 rows like this)
This table Table A has close to 250,000 rows.
I have another table Table B which looks like this
Name_of_variable |Id | value_of_variable
Voter_id |DEPT 1f7h | 12OK9MJL
First_Name |DEPT adas | Umar
DOB |DEPT opwe | 20-02-199
Age |DEPT jqwq | 24
Voter_id |DEPT 90aa | 189H8MLI
(almost 1 million rows like this)
Table B id column has index
I wanted to fill Voter_id column of Table A using Table B column such that Voter_id column of table A = value_of_variable of Table B where Name_of_variable of Table A is 'Voter_id' and TableA.Id=TableB.Id
I have used this query for extracting data and it is working fine on my development database which has 15,000 records in Table A.I want to know if i can further optimize it because it may not work that good on bigger data.
update TableA
set Voter_id =(select value_of_variable
from TableB
where Name_of_variable like 'Voter_id'
and TableA.Id =
limit 1);
You need to create an index on TableA.Id
In case your TableA.Id can contain duplicate entries, please remove UNIQUE
You might also wanna play with
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Id_idx ON TableB (Id) INCLUDE (Name_of_variable);
I have resolved this question by changing my update query like this
update TableA set Voter_id = TableB.value_of_variable
from TableB where = and TableB.Name_of_variable='Voter_id';

Lookup delimited values in a table in sql-server

In a table A i have a column (varchar*30) city-id with the value e.g. 1,2,3 or 2,4.
The description of the value is stored in another table B, e.g.
1 Amsterdam
2 The Hague
3 Maastricht
4 Rotterdam
How must i join table A with table B to get the descriptions in one or maybe more rows?
Assuming this is what you meant:
Table A:
Table B:
id | Place
1 | Amsterdam
2 | The Hague
3 | Maastricht
4 | Rotterdam
Keep id column in both tables as auto increment, and PK.
Then just do a simple inner join.
select * from A inner join B on ( =;
Ideal way to deal with such scenarios is to have a normalized table as Collin. In case that can't be done here is the way to go about -
You would need to use a table-valued function to split the comma-seperated value. If you are having SQL-Server 2016, there is a built-in SPLIT_STRING function, if not you would need to create one as shown in this link.
create table dbo.sCity(
CityId varchar(30)
create table dbo.sCityDescription(
CityId int
,CityDescription varchar(30)
insert into dbo.sCity values
insert into dbo.sCityDescription values
,(2,'The Hague')
select ctds.CityDescription
,sst.Value as 'CityId'
from dbo.sCity ct
cross apply dbo.SplitString(CityId,',') sst
join dbo.sCityDescription ctds
on sst.Value = ctds.CityId;

Max Value with unique values in more than one column

I feel like I'm missing something really obvious here.
Using T-SQL/SQL-Server:
I have unique values in more than one column but want to select the max version based on one particular column.
ID | Name| Version | Code
1 | Car | 3 | NULL
1 | Car | 2 | 1000
1 | Car | 1 | 2000
Target status: I want my query to only select the row with the highest version value. Running a MAX on the version column pulls all three because of the distinct values in the 'Code' column:
FROM Table
GROUP BY ID, Name, Code
The net result is that I get all three entries as per the data set due to the unique values in the Code column, but I only want the top row (Version 3).
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to identify the row with the highest version as 1 query and use another outer query to pull out all the fields for that row. Like so:
SELECT t.ID, t.Name, GRP.Version, t.Code
,MAX(Version) as Version
FROM Table
INNER JOIN Table t on GRP.ID = t.ID and GRP.Name = t.Name and GRP.Version = t.Version
You can also use row_number() to do this kind of logic, for example like this:
select ID, Name, Version, Code
from (
select *, row_number() over (order by Version desc) as RN
from Table1
) X where RN = 1
Example in SQL Fiddle
add the top statment to force the return of a single row. Also add the order by notation
FROM Table
GROUP BY ID, Name, Code
order by max(version) desc

Keep nulls with two IN()

I'm refactoring very old code. Currently, PHP generates a separate select for every value. Say loc contains 1,2 and data contains a,b, it generates
select val from tablename where loc_id=1 and data_id=a;
select val from tablename where loc_id=1 and data_id=b;
select val from tablename where loc_id=2 and data_id=a;
select val from tablename where loc_id=2 and data_id=b;
...etc which all return either a single value or nothing. That meant I always had n(loc_id)*n(data_id) results, including nulls, which is necessary for subsequent processing. Knowing the order, this was used to generate an HTML table. Both data_id and loc_id can in theory scale up to a couple thousands (which is obviously not great in a table, but that's another concern).
| data_id 1 | data_id 2 |
| loc_id 1 | - | 999.99 |
+ loc_id 2 | 888.88 | - |
To speed things up, I was looking at replacing this with a single query:
select val from tablename where loc_id in (1,2) and data_id in (a,b) order by loc_id asc, data_id asc;
to get a result like (below) and iterate to build my table.
Rownum VAL
------- --------
1 null
2 999.99
3 777.77
4 null
Unfortunately that approach drops the nulls from the resultset so I end up with
Rownum VAL
------- --------
1 999.99
2 777.77
Note that it is possible that neither data_id or loc_id have any match, in which case I would still need a null, null.
So I don't know which value matches which. I ways to match with the expected loc_id/data_id combination in php if I add loc_id and data_id... but that's getting messy.
Still a novice in SQL in general and that's absolutely the first time I work on PostgreSQL so hopefully that's not too obvious... As I post this I'm looking at two ways to solve this: any in array[] and joins. Will update if anything new is found.
tl;dr question
How do I do a where loc_id in (1,2) and data_id in (a,b) and keep the nulls so that I always get n(loc)*n(data) results?
You can achieve that in a single query with two steps:
Generate a matrix of all desired rows in the output.
LEFT [OUTER] JOIN to actual rows.
You get at least one row for every cell in your table.
If (loc_id, data_id) is unique, you get exactly one row.
SELECT t.val
FROM (VALUES (1), (2)) AS l(loc_id)
CROSS JOIN (VALUES ('a'), ('b')) AS d(data_id) -- generate total grid of rows
LEFT JOIN tablname t USING (loc_id, data_id) -- attach matching rows (if any)
ORDER BY l.loc_id, d.data_id;
Works for any number of columns with any number of values.
For your simple case:
SELECT t.val
(1, 'a'), (1, 'b')
, (2, 'a'), (2, 'b')
) AS ld (loc_id, data_id) -- total grid of rows
LEFT JOIN tablname t USING (loc_id, data_id) -- attach matching rows (if any)
ORDER BY ld.loc_id, ld.data_id;
where (loc_id in (1,2) or loc_id is null)
and (data_id in (a,b) or data_id is null)
Select the fields you use for filtering, so you know where the values came from:
select loc,data,val from tablename where loc in (1,2) and data in (a,b);
You won't get nulls this way either, but it's not a problem anymore. You know which fields are missing, and you know those are nulls.

A trigger to update one column value to equal the pkid of the record

I need to write a trigger that will set the value in column 2 = to the value in column 1 after a record has been created.
This is what I have so far:
create trigger update_docindex2_to_docid
after insert
I answered my own question one I sat and thought about it long enough....
This seems way to simple. I'm concerned that I'm going break something because I don't have a where condition that would identify the correct record. I want this to update docindex2 to the newly created DOCID after a record is created in the database. The docid is the pkid.
Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated....
Are you looking for something like this?
CREATE TRIGGER tg_mytrigger
SET t.docindex2 = t.docid
ON t.docid = i.docid;
INSERT INTO Table1 (docindex2) VALUES(0), (0);
Contents of Table after insert
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
Here is SQLFiddle demo
