Importing the latitude and longitude into a geofield - drupal-7

I am using bizreview as the theme for my Drupal 7 site. I am using the Feeds module to import thousands of records that are in CSV files into the site. I need to use a geofield to store the locations.
For this I created a field 'Coordinates' in my content type, made it a geofield and set the widget type to latitude/longitude. I can add the locations manually and they do show up in the map, but I just can't import the coordinates with Feeds.

This seems to be an ongoing issue with the geofield/feeds interface (see Drupal issue here). I had the same problem but applied the patch in comment #12 from the aforementioned link which worked.
One suggestion: If the current version of geofield is not the same as the one used in the patch, or if you are running WAMP without Cygwin, I would suggest applying the patch manually by following the directions here, making sure to save a safe backup file in the process. If you haven't worked with patches before, basically all that you (or the patch command) will do for this particular case is add the following lines of code after line 143 in the ./sites/all/modules/geofield/ file (I am working with geofield version 7.x-2.3):
foreach ($field[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $delta => $value) {
if (!empty($value['lat']) && !empty($value['lon'])) {
// Build up geom data.
$field[LANGUAGE_NONE][$delta] = geofield_compute_values($value, 'latlon');


CakePhp 4.x basic Authentication

I am following the CakePHP 4.x tutorial to the letter (as far as I can see) until chapter "CMS Tutorial - Authentication".
Half way through "Now, on every request, the AuthenticationMiddleware will inspect the request session to look for an authenticated user. If we are loading the /users/login page, it will also inspect the posted form data (if any) to extract the credentials."
When I try to access articles or users I get an error:
( ! ) Fatal error: Interface
'Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProviderInterface' not found in
C:\wamp64\www\cake\src\Application.php on line 41
I have tried to figure out why this would be, but I cannot find it. I have tried looking up the same problem on the internet, no dice. Not even a mention that this could be security related (I found a mention about strict brower settings earlier but it was related to another problem).
I have uploaded my code on Github here:
I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I was under the assumption that if I create the full code set from the tutorial, given of course I run CakePHP 4.1.5 and follow the related Cake 4.x manual, that it would work. However, I already found out that I have to change the line about the use of DefaultPasswordHasher compared to what was in the code. So I can imagine the Tutorial page is not exactly as it should be.
This would be hte correct line about the use of the DefaultPasswordHasher in User.php;
//the use line
use Cake\Auth\DefaultPasswordHasher as AuthDefaultPasswordHasher;
//and the function
protected function _setPassword(string $password) : ?string
if (strlen($password) > 0) {
$hasher = new AuthDefaultPasswordHasher();
return $hasher->hash($password);
The solution to this was to navigate to the Cake install dir (containing the src and config folder and so on), then running the Composer call again. This apparently placed the filed in the right directories and then the error no longer appeared.

Use variable language specific strings in hugo config file

My goal is to build a multilingual site using hugo. For this I would like to:
not touch the theme file
have a config file which defines the overall structure for all languages (config.toml)
have a "string" file for all languages
So for example, I would have a config.toml file like this:
brand = "out-website"
about = $ABOUT_NAME
services = $SERVICES_NAME
team = $TEAM_NAME
impressum = $IMPRESSUM_NAME
a english language file:
and a german language file like this:
And then I want to compile the project for english, I do something along the line of:
hugo --theme=... --config=config.toml --config=english.toml
and german:
hugo --theme=... --config=config.toml --config=german.toml
Or in same similar way.
For this I need to use variables in the config.toml that are defined in english.toml or german.toml
My google search so far say, that I cannot use variables in toml.
So is there a different approach with which I could achieve this?
Your approach with variables is not optimal, use the tutorial below.
Multilingual sites are coming as a feature on Hugo 0.16, but I managed to build a multilingual site on current Hugo using this tutorial and some hacks.
The tutorial above requires to "have a separate domain name for each language". I managed to bypass that and to have to sites, one at root (EN), and one in the folder (/LT/).
Here are the steps I used.
Set up reliable build runner, you can use Grunt/Gulp, but I used npm scripts. I hacked npm-build-boilerplate and outsourced rendering from Hugo. Hugo is used only to generate files. This is important, because 1) we will be generating two sites; 2) hacks will require operations on folders, what is easy on npm (I'm not proficient on building custom Grunt/Gulp scripts).
Set up config_en.toml and config_de.toml in root folder as per tutorial.
Here's excerpt from my config_en.toml:
contentdir = "content/en"
publishdir = "public"
Here's excerpt from my config_lt.toml (change it to DE in your case):
contentdir = "content/lt"
publishdir = "public/lt"
Basically, I want my to show EN version, and to show LT version. This deviates from tutorial and will require hacks.
Set up translations in /data folder as per tutorial.
Bonus: set up snippet on Dash:
{{ ( index $.Site.Data.translations $.Site.Params.locale ).#cursor }}
Whenever I type "trn", I get the above, what's left is to paste the key from translations file and I get the value in correct language.
Hack part. The blog posts will work fine on /lt/, but not static pages (landing pages). I use this instruction.
Basically, every static page, for example content/lt/ will have slug set:
slug: "lt/duk"
But this slug will result in double URL path, for example lt/lt/duk.
I restore this using my npm scripts task using rsync and manual command to delete redundant folder:
"restorefolders": "rsync -a public/lt/lt/ public/lt/ && rm -rf public/lt/lt/",

Correct way in CakePHP 1.3 to create zip file and download without leaving view

I just upgraded from cakephp 1.1 to 1.3. I have everything on the site updated and working great, except for creating and downloading zip files.
Here is the code in my accounts_controller.php:
function zip() {
$files = array();
code where I locate the files to zip, combine them, etc
$tmp_file = "/home/[userdirectory]/tmp/".md5(mktime()).".zip"; //directory name edited
$command = "/usr/bin/zip -j $tmp_file ".implode(" ",$zip_files);
foreach($zip_files as $zf) {
$file_path = $tmp_file;
When I call this action, however, I get an error:
Error: The requested address '/accounts/zip' was not found on this
It worked just like this in version 1.1. I'm assuming something has changed, but I'm not sure what, and was unable to find anything pertinent in the documentation.
The zip.ctp view file does exists, but it has nothing in it other than: <?php ?>
I suspect something is different with layouts. There is NO "zip.ctp" in the /layouts directory. However, I have changed that line to $this->layout('default'); and it renders a blank page with NO ERROR, but also with no download.
Please direct me on the proper way to download my zip file in cake 1.3. Thanks in advance.
You have two different problems here. That error you're getting is because you don't have a zip layout file. As for your problem with getting the zip file, you should be using the media view class -

Cakephp Upgrade from 1.3 to 2.1

UPDATE: the question i asked doesn't quite cover how deep i went in doing this upgrade! If you stumble on this, i hope the answer i pushed is useful to you
So, in an effort to get the "forum" plugin working, i've decided to upgrade cakephp from 1.3 to 2.1
(This was because the forum plugin uses something called CakeDC utils, and they are already up to cakephp 2.0, and surprise surprise, the 2.3 version of forum isn't clear which utils it works with...)
Ok, so I have run the cake upgrader magic thing, in accordance with the instructions found here:
And i ran the upgrader, and it said it did a bunch of things, and it looks like it did do a bunch of things.
Now when i visit my site, it is down - no response at all.
The error logs in apache read:
[Thu Apr 05 02:58:04 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Can't find application core file. Please create /cake_install/app/config/core.php, and make sure it is readable by PHP. in /cake_install/cake/libs/configure.php on line 393
The reason that file doesn't exist is that it was changed to a capital "C" Config in the upgrade. What am i missing?
The given answer by mensch isn't quite what I need - I never touched the index.php file - so i will detail what I am trying here.
I am using this site as a guide, but with my own commentary too!
(i also found this: which i might have a shot at if the above tutorial fails. I'm not too keen on it though, I like super-exhaustive documents, not
Put `CakePlugin::loadAll();` in your app bootstrap to make sure this plugin is loaded
which to me is meaningless... can you specify the folder of the file? Any particular spot in the file to add the line? etc... i'll try and be particular about what i did!)
First up, i've noticed that the index.php that my cake was using was not the index.php that came with the cake2.1 code. Unsure why that is the case, but I copied the "new" 2.1 index.php across (yes, this is the app/webroot/index.php file) and now i have a new error:
Notice: Undefined index: Error in /cake_install/lib/Cake/Core/Configure.php on line 94 Notice: Undefined index: Exception in /cake_install/lib/Cake/Core/Configure.php on line 95 Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /cake_install/lib/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.php on line 126
(where cake_install is the folder where my cake app sits)
Working on this now...
AND now i see that the upgrade tool didn't upgrade the core.php file - found in app/Config (for 2.1, app/config for 1.3)... what did the upgrade tool really do? I've cut and paste the 2.1 version in (that is, from the zip file of the 2.1 code, i took that /app/Config/core.php and moved it into my /app/Config directory), and made sure the salt and security values were swapped across. That's it.
Still no luck. So now i have upgraded the database.php file (also in app/Config, or app/config) ~ I changed the
'driver' => 'mysqli',
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysqli',
Configuring files randomly is fun!
Ah, ok, so the upgrade to core and database changed the error message... that's good? Still unsure what their much vaunted "upgrade" script did... it just changed file names? Really?
Warning (2): file_put_contents(/cake_install/app/tmp/logs/error.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied [CORE/Cake/Log/Engine/FileLog.php, line 69]
Notice (1024): Please change the value of 'Security.cipherSeed' in app/Config/core.php to a numeric (digits only) seed value specific to your application [CORE/Cake/Utility/Debugger.php, line 810]
Fatal error: Class 'AppHelper' not found in /cake_install/lib/Cake/View/Helper/HtmlHelper.php on line 31
Ok, so i 777 the /cake_install/app/tmp/logs/ folder (chmod 777 -R folderHere) and
...guess i never upgraded the cipher seed. Ok, made up a new number! (What does the cipher seed do, you ask? Um, well, bing wasn't much help - i read the code. Seems to be used for encrypting/decrypting from cookies? Ok, i can live with that)
I moved the bootstrap in the zip file to my version (thanks for little, upgrade script!). Haven't made any changes yet, I think i will need to to load plugins though... i'm sure that is well documented though (hah!)
So that leaves me with this errror:
Fatal error: Class 'AppHelper' not found in /cake_install/lib/Cake/View/Helper/HtmlHelper.php on line 31
And of course, the much vaunted cake upgrader has failed to do another upgrade. Check this page out:
Ok, so now I have to make the files - just as they are in that page. The only trick was that, yes, it is in the app folder, and no, my app/View folder that cakePhp made didn't have a "Helper" subfolder... so for the AppHelper.php i had to make a Helper subfolder under /app/View/.
HEY! Now i get a background and a logo... and these:
Notice (8): Undefined variable: loggedIn [APP/pages/top_menu.html, line 3]
Notice (8): Undefined variable: html [APP/pages/top_menu.html, line 25]
Fatal error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object in /cake_install/app/pages/top_menu.html on line 25
Great. Some sort of cool new cake 2 feature that means that i cannot use $html? That seems... oddly appropriate, really.
Unbelievable. Now I need to change how $this->data works??? WHY?? WHY?? Why can't this mob work out that apis tend to be fixed contracts, not floating ideas... argh. That's ok, the most used cake line i have is now... wrong. I'm developing in scala or django from now on, junior languages suck.
Here is what i ran:
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/$this->data/$this->request->data/g' {} \;
I went to the /app directory to do so. This 2.1... it better be seriously awesome... the amount of work everyone has to do to get it up. Is this, i assume, a normal day working with the junior languages?
Ah fantastic, the $html problem is caused because somebody didn't like lowercase? One can only wonder:
Undefined var when using Html Helper in CakePHP 2.0
And the solution is: (thanks to another post in SO)
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/$html/$this->Html/g' {} \;
And naturally the same problem with $session -
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/$session/$this->Session/g' {} \;
Things are coming along! Now I have the inscrutible error:
Controller class PagesController could not be found.
Oh for the love of... so i need to move the PagesController found here:
and put it here
again, the Cake installer/upgrader seems to be asleep on the job.
And now I have
Helper class JavascriptHelper could not be found.
This isn't too bad - you won't find any references to "JavascriptHelper", but you will find references to "Javascript" in your "$helpers" array. The back-end adds in the word Helper for extra obfuscation. Anyway, i searched through my php files for any $helpers arrays, and found one, in the AppController(2.1) class.
I don't like nor understand helpers - javascript ones, anyway - so I never used them. I must have followed a tutorial blindly at some point and added it in... but i don't need it, so out it goes!
And now i need to clean up all the ctp files i had, where i used a "require" to ensure that the right html was used. Once more i will use the find command from above for this (to point them to the "View" and not "views" folder)
Sigh. Ok, no, it isn't that simple, is it? Where before I had :
i now need:
(where the cake folder is where all my cake stuff is. Unsure why this is, but a simple find fixed it:
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/app\/View\/Pages/\/cake_folder\/app\/View\/Pages/g' {} \;
(the \ will "depower" a /)
Ok, so having done all that and gotten your site to some sort of acceptable level, what next? Well, you might now find some db issues:
Warning (2): mysqli::mysqli() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given [CORE/Cake/Model/ConnectionManager.php, line 101]
Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli::getSchemaName() in /cake_install/lib/Cake/Model/Model.php on line 3383
Of course, no more mysqli support. Edited the database.php to use mysql instead (ie i just removed the ending "i")
(what is wrong with the peeps in cakephp??? API means "don't change everything if it will break existing code, ever." not "change! OBAMAAAAA!" ~ next upgrade, i'll push all my code to django or spring or scala. Ruddy nonsense.)
The next issue is the "Components" that i am using - i get a cake error saying:
Missing Plugin
Error: The application is trying to load a file from the Uploader plugin
Error: Make sure your plugin Uploader is in the app/Plugin directory and was loaded
Loading all plugins: If you wish to load all plugins at once, use the following line in your app/Config/bootstrap.php file
So... not only is all my code busted, but all the old plugins too? Nice.
The solution is to create an app/Plugin folder (yes, the magic upgrader doesn't do that, either) and then look at the plugins you had. Now! This is different from your components! I don't know how just yet - check out my question for a possible answer : Difference between a "component" and a "plugin" in cakephp 2.1? - but right now, we are just looking at the "PLUGIN" folder, and plugins in general. Looks like, in cake 1.3, the plugins were listed like this:
var $components = array('Uploader.Uploader',...);
that is, with a dot notation. I can live with that. In my case, I needed to get the latest version of the Uploader plugin (that, thankfully, was upgraded to be 2.x compatible!) and put it in the app/Plugin folder
so i got:
<the other files here too!>
That seems to work right now, hooray!
The next error was:
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE/Cake/Utility/Set.php, line 1048]
Warning (2): array_multisort() []: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag [CORE/Cake/Utility/Set.php, line 1087]
Warning (2): array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [CORE/Cake/Utility/Set.php, line 1089]
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE/Cake/Utility/Set.php, line 1091]
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /cake_install/lib/Cake/Utility/Debugger.php:761) [CORE/Cake/Network/CakeResponse.php, line 395]
Ah, ok then. That is clear. I am glad I know what the error is in my code. Good error messaging!
Now I see, foolish me, to think that the utility Set::Sort would continue to work if the first array was empty! Truly, the cakephp people are standing, not on the shoulders of giants, but on their very foreheads.
It would seem that the new 2.1 upgrade does away with this shabby practice, so now i need a check before any Set:Sort calls to avoid if the array in question is empty or null. Fine. Easy enough, but... geeze.
I just threw in a
if (!empty($theArray)){
and that fixed that.
Now I am getting FormHelper errors - it looks like $form in the view now becomes $this->Form, so i have another quick script to replace this:
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/$form/$this->Form/g' {} \;
And now the next error I get is:
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /cake_install/lib/Cake/View/Helper/FormHelper.php on line 1804
And now they've done gone messed up the "select" method in the FormHelper - so before, where I had this:
echo $this->Form->select('treatment_id', $treatments, null, array('empty' => '-- select treatment to rate -- '));
i now have this:
echo $this->Form->select('treatment_id',$treatments, array('empty' => '-- select treatment to rate -- '));
And now one of my components - actually, the You_tube_loader_component - was broken. I need to modify it so that the header reads:
class YouTubeLoaderComponent extends Component {
function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $settings = array()) {
parent::__construct($collection, $settings);
Previously i had just defaulted the valeus of the uname and password - now i stick them in the "..." section instead of messing around with the mysterious "settings" array!
Next up is:
Warning (2): Illegal offset type [CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 2689]
Warning (2): Illegal offset type [CORE/Cake/Model/Model.php, line 2665]
Soooo this is a problem that isn't picked up in cake 1.3, but is in 2.1
The issue is that in the controller action being referenced, there is a "find" call without a type paramter. That is, I had
$results = $this->User->find(array(...), array(...), null, false);
where i should have had:
$results = $this->User->find('first',array(
'conditions' => array("" => ($this->Auth->user("id"))),
'fields' => array("User.confirmed")
Another issue I had was that, for whatever reason, the check:
$this->set('loggedIn', $this->Auth->user('id'));
did not work. Apparently (although am unsure how/why), cakePHP auth in 2.x will no longer store all the user's details to the session. I don't know which details it stores to the session, or how to modify them - looking into that! - but my code wasn't saving the "id" value, so the check above always set the loggedIn value to false.
To remedy, I modified the call to read:
$this->set('loggedIn', $this->Auth->loggedIn());
which worked fine for me.
Next problem is that the thios->auth->user('id') will return me sweet nothing after logging in a user. Fortunately I came across this post, that made things clearer:
Amazingly, the geniuses at cake labs thought that changing the very way that logging in worked would help clear up some confusion. To be honest, the only thing I'm confused about is who was so confused about the fact that the auth component had all the user's details available after logging in. But fear not, they've cleared the confusion up and... removed the feature entirely.
So, what are you to do? The link above suggests getting all the user details, then shipping that into the auth login section. I don't particularly like this (because it is a stupid problem and i cannot believe anything so inelegant is needed), but it is what I have to do. Suggestions welcome!
So instead of the oh-so-confusing:
if ($this->Auth->login($this->request->data)) {
... //argh! I am so confused by that line above!!!1
i now have:
$user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('' => $this->request->data['User']['email'])
// Use the AuthComponent~Rs login action
if ($this->Auth->login($user['User'])) {
... //omg the extra check that the entry is in the db is just brilliant and efficient
isn't that just so much neater and less confusing? Good job, cakephp mavericks!
The next error is
Authorization adapter "controller" was not found.
Which is a bit vague...
Ah! Answered already on stack overflow here:
Authorization adapter was not found in cakePHP
And that was it! There might be other issues - god speed on them - but i didn't come across them, so i cannot help you any more.
You probably had a custom Cake path set in app/webroot/index.php. The directory structure for Cake 2.0 has changed slightly and normally this would be handled by the new code which automatically finds the right value for CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH. Also, make sure APP_DIR is set correctly in the same index.php file.
Make sure app/webroot/index.php contains the correct path to Cake, which is /path/to/cake/lib.
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'path'.DS.'to'.DS.'cake'.DS.'lib');
Reverting back to the standard define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', ROOT) might work as well, if the way Cake is set up is not too custom.
Here's my blog post on migrating from 1.3 to 2.x :
For future reference, I've included the content of that post here. Enjoy!
Getting started
There are several ways to update, but for small to medium projects, I found it best to just unzip the new CakePHP 2 structure, and manually copy over your Controllers and Views to their new folders. Mind you that the folder structure has changed significantly. For instance, the controllers map is now Controller. Pay attention to where you copy the files – don’t worry about the filenames themselves, we’ll come to that later.
Make sure you update core.php and database.php (now located in (cakephp root)/app/Config) with the values for your application. Make sure to copy over the salt and cipherseed values from your old installation too, since CakePHP will continue whining when you use the default ones – it’s a security risk. Also, to get the database connection up and running again, the syntax was changed:
'driver' => 'mysqli'
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql'
Bulk work: Upgrade via console
In order to rename all your app files to the new CakePHP file structure, there is a console command. New to CakePHP 2.0 is that each application now has its own console. Navigate to your app’s console (not the Console in /lib/Cake !) in /app/Console, make sure the Console command is executable by doing a chmod +x on it, and execute:
./cake upgrade all
This will rename all files to the new cake standard, and update all references within your PHP code.
Cleaning Up
Unfortunately, this is not the end. Chances are thin that your code will just run fine now. Have a look at the CakePHP 2.0 migration guide for more information. I’ll sum up the issues I’ve dealt with the most here:
In your views, you now have to address the Helper classes through the $this object. No more calling, for example
, it’s
now, sir.
The JavascriptHelper is now called JsHelper.
The Auth component has changed significantly. The login() action is not automatically added when you use the component, you’ve got to manually specify it now. Check the new Auth component documentation for more info.
The AjaxHelper has been removed, along with the handy functions for AJAX-style searches, like observefield. I’ve cooked my own observefield using jQuery – use at your own risk. I serialise a form, which in this case holds a query input box which allows me to do a live-search-and-update for Reservations.
$this->Js->get('#query')->event('keyup', $this->Js->request(
array('controller' => 'sales','action' => 'searchReservations', $event['Event']['id']),
'update' => '#view',
'async' => true,
'dataExpression' => true,
'method' => 'post',
'data' => $this->Js->serializeForm(array('isForm' => false, 'inline' => true)))
I had this same problem after using the Cake Shell Upgrade tool. While our web app is large, we never customized the index.php file.
Replacing our myapp/app/webroot/index.php with the newly downloaded CakePHP cakephp-2.3.4/app/webroot/index.php solved this issue for me.
I'm not sure why the CakePHP Upgrade Shell or it's instructions don't specify to change the index.php file, but as #bharal's lengthy and great answer shows, there is a lot more work to do since the Upgrade Shell doesn't do everything.

How to create file in current system from within Grails controller action and save data fetched from database?

In my Grails application I need to create a file in current system in which I need to save information fetched from table in database. How to do this from within controller action? I don't have any idea of it.
I have created file as
File file=new File("file name.txt")
then I have wrote values of MySQL database table fields in it as:
it stores data like continuous text but I want to have a .doc file in which data should get stored in table. I found Apache's POI for creating doc file but I am not getting how it works and how I should use it.
Not sure exactly what you want to store in a file but below is an example of how to easly write a String to a file using Apache-commons-io Which should be included in grails
class SomeController{
def writeToFile = {
def data = getSomeStringData();
def fileStore = new File("./path/to/files/ControllerOutput_${new Date()}.txt");
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fileStore, data);
println("your file was created # {fileStore.absolutePath} and is ${fileStore.length()} bytes");
Does this help? If not, you need to explain exactly what your looking for.
This is a comment to Michael's answer (unfortunately I still don't have the reputation to reply on answers).
If you're struggling around the problem how to specifiy the relative path from within your controller's context, this might help you:
So if you have following folder you want to read/write files from/into"..
you can access the file like this:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder as AH
// getResource references to the web-app folder as root folder
Resource resource = AH.getApplication().getParentContext().getResource("/temp/myfile.txt)
