How to strip HTML from a field in drupal views - sql-server

I am trying to add a function to that strips the html from a field in drupal views. I found a function for sql server called "udf_StripHTML" that does that.
I am using the following code:
* Implements hook_views_query_alter().
function cviews_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
// Add a strip html tags from content.
$fields = array('field_data_body.body_value');
foreach ($query->where as $key1 => $value) {
foreach ($value['conditions'] as $key2 => $coditions) {
if (in_array($coditions['field'], $fields)) {
$query->where[$key1]['conditions'][$key2]['field'] = 'dbo.udf_StripHTML(' . $coditions['field'] . ')';
When views module converts the query object to a string the field become
My question is, how can I add a function there?
Thank you,

You are going way too deep here friend. I'm going to assume that you're using Drupal 7, but for Drupal 8 this should be similar (since views is in core for both).
A few things about your approach:
That function is a user defined function which means that it needs to be defined at a much lower-level (in the SQL database) before you can use it in your query.
This is a red-herring approach, however, because you don't need to even touch the SQL to accomplish what you want (you can do this with PHP with strip_tags!)
You don't need a query alter hook here (we don't need to go to the database to do this). You could do this with one of the preprocess or field hooks from the field API or the views API using the function linked in my previous point.
Even better, you don't even have to touch the code to accomplish this. You can do it right in the Drupal UI.
Under the field settings for the view, select rewrite results and then Strip HTML tags. Presto, no more HTML tags in that field.
Image source:

Here is the solution that worked for me:
// Traverse through the 'where' part of the query.
foreach ($query->where as &$condition_group) {
foreach ($condition_group['conditions'] as &$condition) {
if (in_array($condition['field'], $fields)) {
$value = $condition['value'];
$field = $condition['field'];
$condition = array(
'value' => array(),
'field' => t('dbo.udf_StripHTML(!field) like \'#value\'', array(
'!field' => $field,
'#value' => $value)),
'operator' => 'formula',);


Pagination links breaking search results coming from post data cakephp

When I've Search my listing i'm getting some results with pagination, but when i go for second page my search is
breaking as it was a get request where i'm getting the search results via post method.
Note: For getting search results I don't want to submit the form via get request (i.e. Query string params) and also don't want to store the form data in session
Is there any way to get the results which satisfy the above conditions ?
You want to implement the PRG Pattern.
Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) is a web development design pattern that
prevents some duplicate form submissions, creating a more intuitive
interface for user agents (users). PRG implements bookmarks and the
refresh button in a predictable way that does not create duplicate
form submissions.
The CakeDC Search plugin makes that pretty easy to do in CakePHP.
It would be very hard to do it using only "POST" calls. You'll need to transfor your POST into a GET call.
Check this post i made or clone it from github
Hope this helps
Using my git repo. If you want url querystrings instead of named parameters:
in this line, instead of the foreach build the querystring and pass it to the redirect
in this line, get the parameters from the query string ($GET)
and in this line add page, sort and direction to this->paginate
I haven't tested it, but it should be something like that
We can do it with a patch.
In Views :
create search form :
$this->Form->create('Search', array('url' => array('controller' => 'controller', 'action' => 'index', substr(time(), 2,rand(1, 7) ))) );
Note : A random number appended at the end of the form action. This will let us know when to clear session.
in Controller :
public function index( $search = null)
$conditions = array(1 => 1);
if( !empty($this->data['Search']['keyword']) && $search)
$conditions = array('Model.field like' => $this->data['Search']['keyword'] . '%');
// store search array in session
$this->Session->write('conditions', $this->data['Search']);
if ($search)
$this->request->data['Search'] = $this->Session->read('conditions');
$conditions = array('Model.field like' => $this->data['Search']['keyword'] . '%');
$conditions = array(1 => 1);
$this->paginate= array('limit'=> 10, 'conditions' => $conditions);
$lists = $this->Paginate('Model');
Hope you understand the logic behind.

Trying to write a simple Joomla plugin

Please help, this is my first plugin I'm writing and I'm completely lost. I'm trying to write and update information in a table in a joomla database using my custom giveBadge() function. The functions receives two different variables, the first variable is the $userID and the second one is the digit 300 which I pass at the bottom of the class using giveBadge(300). At the same comparing the $userID in the Joomla database to ensure that the number 300 is given to the current user logged in the Joomla site.
Thanks in advance.
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;
class plgUserBadge extends JPlugin
public function onUserLogin () {
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$userID =& user->userID;
return $userID;
public function giveBadge ($userID, &$badgeID) {
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Fields to update.
$fields = array(
'profile_value=\'Updating custom message for user 1001.\'',
// Conditions for which records should be updated.
$conditions = array(
try {
$result = $db->query();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Catch the error.
}es = array(1001, $db->quote('custom.message'), $db->quote('Inserting a record using insert()'), 1);
giveBadge(300); //attaches to $badgeID
Here is not going well with your code:
You can drop the assign by reference in all your code (&) - you really don't need it, in 99% of the cases.
Use an IDE (for example Eclipse with PDT). At the top of your code you have & user->userID; Any IDE will spot your error and also other things in your code.
Study existing plugins to understand how they work. Here is also the documentation on plugins.
The method onUserLogin() will automatically be called by Joomla when the specific event is triggered (when your plugin is activated). Check with a die("My plugin was called") to see if your plugin is really called
inside onUserLogin() you do all your business logic. You are not supposed to return something, just return true. Right now your method does absolutely nothing. But you can call $this->giveBadge() to move the logic to another method.

Add a new translatable field to an existing translatable table in CakePHP 2.2

I'm using CakePHP's translatable behavior. I have a few existing fields working fine, but I'm having trouble adding a new translatable field to my model.
CakePHP uses an INNER JOIN to fetch all translatable fields from the database.
Now, if I add an extra translatable field to my model, all the translation records for that field won't exist in the database. And because of the inner join, whenever it tries to fetch ANY existing records from the database, it will return blank - because the INNER JOIN on the new field fails, and so the entire query returns nothing.
Surely people must have come accross this situation before. Is there an easy solution?
One solution would be to edit/override the core and make all the INNER JOIN's into LEFT OUTER JOIN's. Is there anything wrong with that?
Another solution would be to run an update on the translations table to create all the extra records for the new field, every time you add a new translatable field - but I hate that solution.
Is there a better solution? How have others dealt with this problem?
Thanks in advance.
OK, here's a way of making sure the records exist after each time you add a new translatable field. If you've got a better answer, add it, and I'll mark yours as correct.
PS - this is tested for my purposes. I'm using multiple translation tables ( I think it should work for most situations, but if not, it should at least be a good starting point.
In your model (the model that actsAs Translatable), add the following method. What it does is takes an array of locales, and then for every record in the table, and for every translatable field, and for every locale (ie, 3 loops), it checks that a translation record exists. If a translation doesn't exist, it adds a blank one, so at least the INNER JOIN won't fail.
It returns an array of all the records it added, so you can then go through and check them or change their content or whatever.
Here's the model method:
function ensureTranslationIntegrity($localesToCheck){
$allRows = $this->find('all', array('fields' => array('id')));
$fieldsToCheck = array();
$translatableFields = $this->actsAs['Translate'];
foreach($translatableFields as $key => $value){
// actsAs Translatabe can take field names only, or Key => Value pairs - see
$field = $value;
} else {
$field = $key;
array_push($fieldsToCheck, $field);
$translateModel = $this->translateModel();
$addedRows = array(); // This will contain all the rows we have to add
foreach ($allRows as $row){
foreach($fieldsToCheck as $field){
foreach($localesToCheck as $locale){
$conditions = array(
'model' => $this->name,
'foreign_key' => $row[$this->name]['id'],
'field' => $field,
'locale' => $locale
$translation = $translateModel->find('first',array('conditions' => $conditions));
$data = $conditions; // The data we want to insert will mostly just match the conditions of the failed find
$data['content'] = ''; // add it as empty
array_push($addedRows, $data);
} // END foreach($localesToCheck as $locale){
} // END foreach($fieldsToCheck as $field){
} // END foreach ($allRows as $row){
return $addedRows;
And in your controller, you'd call it something like this:
public function ensure_translation_integrity(){
$locales = array('en_au','en_gb','en_nz','pt_br','xh_za');
$addedRows = $this->YourModel->ensureTranslationIntegrity($locales);
Hope that helps someone, but like I said, I'd love to see a better solution if someone has one.

Using existing field name as different name

i have existing website.
and i write the new back-end (in cakephp) without changing front-end programm
the discomfort that
db table has field names as
is it possiable to do something in cakephp model file (reindentify the field names)
so i can use model in controller as
What you need to do is setup some very basic virtual fields in your news model. Something like this should suit your needs.
public $virtualFields = array(
'title' => 'news_title',
'date' => 'news_date',
'content' => 'news_content'
Also do yourself a favour by checking out the other model attributes that could help you out, you'll want to set displayType as new_title I'd imagine.
Is said by Dunhamzz, virtualFields are a good solution until you want to work with these new field-names.
Since I assume your frontend needs to use the old names from the database I would go with the afterFind-callback in your model.
Let's say you've got the model news.php:
# /app/model/news.php
function afterFind($results) {
foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
if (isset($val['News']['title'])) {
$results[$key]['News']['news_title'] = $val['News']['title']);
# unset($results[$key]['News']['title']); //use this if you don't want the "new" fields in your array
if (isset($val['News']['date'])) {
$results[$key]['News']['news_date'] = $val['News']['date']);
# unset($results[$key]['News']['date']); //use this if you don't want the "new" fields in your array
if (isset($val['News']['content'])) {
$results[$key]['News']['news_content'] = $val['News']['content']);
# unset($results[$key]['News']['content']); //use this if you don't want the "new" fields in your array
return $results;
You need to rename the database-fields to your new wanted value. You then can use these within conditions like every other field.
Only difference is, that you get back an array where all your fields have been renamed to your frontend-fields.
For more information about the available callback-methods have a look here: Callback Methods

CakePHP: Can I ignore a field when reading the Model from the DB?

In one of my models, I have a "LONGTEXT" field that has a big dump of a bunch of stuff that I never care to read, and it slows things down, since I'm moving much more data between the DB and the web app.
Is there a way to specify in the model that I want CakePHP to simply ignore that field, and never read it or do anything with it?
I really want to avoid the hassle of creating a separate table and a separate model, only for this field.
As #SpawnCxy said, you'll need to use the 'fields' => array(...) option in a find to limit the data you want to retrieve. If you don't want to do this every time you write a find, you can add something like this to your models beforeFind() callback, which will automatically populate the fields options with all fields except the longtext field:
function beforeFind($query) {
if (!isset($query['fields'])) {
foreach ($this->_schema as $field => $foo) {
if ($field == 'longtextfield') {
$query['fields'][] = $this->alias . '.' . $field;
return $query;
Regarding comment:
That's true… The easiest way in this case is probably to unset the field from the schema.
I haven't tested it, but this should prevent the field from being included in the query. If you want to make this switchable for each query, you could move it to another variable like $Model->_schemaInactiveFields and move it back when needed. You could even make a Behavior for this.
The parameter fields may help you.It doesn't ignore fields but specifies fields you want:
'conditions' => array('Model.field' => $thisValue), //array of conditions
'fields' => array('Model.field1', 'Model.field2'), //list columns you want
You can get more information of retrieving data in the cookbook .
Another idea:
Define your special query in the model:
function myfind($type,$params)
$params['fields'] = array('Model.field1','Model.field2',...);
return $this->find($type,$params);
Then use it in the controller
Also try containable behaviour will strip out all unwanted fields and works on model associations as well.
class Post extends AppModel { <br>
var $actsAs = array('Containable'); <br>
where Post is your model?
You can add a beforeFilter function in your Table and add a select to the query
public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query){
$protected = $this->newEntity()->hidden;
$tableSchema = $event->subject()->schema();
$fields = $tableSchema->columns();
foreach($fields as $key => $name){
return $event;
In this excample I took the hidden fields from the ModelClass to exclude from result.
Took it from my answer to a simular question here : Hidden fields are still listed from database in cakephp 3
