Using jsonb_set() for updating specific jsonb array value - arrays

Currently I am working with PostgreSQL 9.5 and try to update a value inside an array of a jsonb field. But I am unable to get the index of the selected value
My table just looks like this:
CREATE TABLE samples (
id serial,
sample jsonb
My JSON looks like this:
{"result": [
{"8410": "ABNDAT", "8411": "Abnahmedatum"},
{"8410": "ABNZIT", "8411": "Abnahmezeit"},
{"8410": "FERR_R", "8411": "Ferritin"}
My SELECT statement to get the correct value works:
id, value
samples s, jsonb_array_elements(s.sample#>'{result}') r
WHERE = 26 and r->>'8410' = 'FERR_R';
results in:
id | value
26 | {"8410": "FERR_R", "8411": "Ferritin"}
Ok, this is what I wanted. Now I want to execute an update using the following UPDATE statement to add a new element "ratingtext" (if not already there):
samples s
sample = jsonb_set(sample,
'"Some individual text"'::jsonb,
WHERE = 26;
After executing the UPDATE statement, my data looks like this (also correct):
{"result": [
{"8410": "ABNDAT", "8411": "Abnahmedatum"},
{"8410": "ABNZIT", "8411": "Abnahmezeit"},
{"8410": "FERR_R", "8411": "Ferritin", "ratingtext": "Some individual text"}
So far so good, but I manually searched the index value of 2 to get the right element inside the JSON array. If the order will be changed, this won't work.
So my problem:
Is there a way to get the index of the selected JSON array element and combine the SELECT statement and the UPDATE statement into one?
Just like:
samples s
sample = jsonb_set(sample,
'{result,' || INDEX OF ELEMENT || ',ratingtext}',
'"Some individual text"'::jsonb,
WHERE = 26;
The values of and "8410" are known before preparing the statement.
Or is this not possible at the moment?

You can find an index of a searched element using jsonb_array_elements() with ordinality (note, ordinality starts from 1 while the first index of json array is 0):
pos- 1 as elem_index
jsonb_array_elements(sample->'result') with ordinality arr(elem, pos)
id = 26 and
elem->>'8410' = 'FERR_R';
(1 row)
Use the above query to update the element based on its index (note that the second argument of jsonb_set() is a text array):
sample =
array['result', elem_index::text, 'ratingtext'],
'"some individual text"'::jsonb,
from (
pos- 1 as elem_index
jsonb_array_elements(sample->'result') with ordinality arr(elem, pos)
id = 26 and
elem->>'8410' = 'FERR_R'
) sub
id = 26;
select id, jsonb_pretty(sample)
from samples;
id | jsonb_pretty
26 | { +
| "result": [ +
| { +
| "8410": "ABNDAT", +
| "8411": "Abnahmedatum" +
| }, +
| { +
| "8410": "ABNZIT", +
| "8411": "Abnahmezeit" +
| }, +
| { +
| "8410": "FERR_R", +
| "8411": "Ferritin", +
| "ratingtext": "Some individual text"+
| } +
| ] +
| }
(1 row)
The last argument in jsonb_set() should be true to force adding a new value if its key does not exist yet. It may be skipped however as its default value is true.
Though concurrency issues seem to be unlikely (due to the restrictive WHERE condition and a potentially small number of affected rows) you may be also interested in Atomic UPDATE .. SELECT in Postgres.


Do I really have to retype all the columns in a MERGE statement?

Suppose I have a table PRODUCTS with many columns, and that I want to insert/update a row using a MERGE statement. It is something along these lines:
USING (VALUES(42, 'Foo', 'Bar', 0, 14, 200, NULL)) AS Source (ID, Name, Description, IsSpecialPrice, CategoryID, Price, SomeOtherField)
ON Target.ID = Source.ID
-- update
-- insert
To write the UPDATE and INSERT "sub-statements" it seems I have to specify once again each and every column field. So -- update would be replaced by
UPDATE SET ID = Source.ID, Name = Source.Name, Description = Source.Description...
and -- insert by
INSERT (ID, Name, Description...) VALUES (Source.ID, Source.Name, Source.Description...)
This is very error-prone, hard to maintain, and apparently not really needed in the simple case where I just want to merge two "field sets" each representing a full table row. I appreciate that the update and insert statements could actually be anything (I've already used this in an unusual case in the past), but it would be great if there was a more concise way to represent the case where I just want "Target = Source" or "insert Source".
Does a better way to write the update and insert statements exist, or do I really need to specify the full column list every time?
You have to write the complete column lists.
You can check the documentation for MERGE here. Most SQL Server statement documentation starts with a syntax definition that shows you exactly what is allowed. For instance, the section for UPDATE is defined as:
{ UPDATE SET <set_clause> | DELETE }
{ column_name = { expression | DEFAULT | NULL }
| { udt_column_name.{ { property_name = expression
| field_name = expression }
| method_name ( argument [ ,...n ] ) }
| column_name { .WRITE ( expression , #Offset , #Length ) }
| #variable = expression
| #variable = column = expression
| column_name { += | -= | *= | /= | %= | &= | ^= | |= } expression
| #variable { += | -= | *= | /= | %= | &= | ^= | |= } expression
| #variable = column { += | -= | *= | /= | %= | &= | ^= | |= } expression
} [ ,...n ]
As you can see, the only options in <set clause> are individual columns/assignments. There is no "bulk" assignment option. Lower down in the documentation you'll find the options for INSERT also requires individual expressions (at least, in the VALUES clause - you can omit the column names after the INSERT but that's generally frowned upon).
SQL tends to favour verbose, explicit syntax.

Check a value in an array inside a object json in PostgreSQL 9.5

I have an json object containing an array and others properties.
I need to check the first value of the array for each line of my table.
Here is an example of the json
So I need for example to get all lines with ObjectType[0] = 'Demand' and objectId1 = 46.
This the the table colums
id | relationName | content
Content column contains the json.
just query them? like:
t=# with table_name(id, rn, content) as (values(1,null,'{"objectID2":342,"objectID1":46,"objectType":["Demand","Entity"]}'::json))
select * From table_name
where content->'objectType'->>0 = 'Demand' and content->>'objectID1' = '46';
id | rn | content
1 | | {"objectID2":342,"objectID1":46,"objectType":["Demand","Entity"]}
(1 row)

Is there a jsonb array overlap function for postgres?

Am not able to extract and compare two arrays from jsonb in postgres to do an overlap check. Is there a working function for this?
Example in people_favorite_color table:
Array overlap postgres tests:
p1.json_data->'favorite_colors' && p2.json_data->'favorite_colors'
from people_favorite_color p1 join people_favorite_color p2 on (1=1)
where p1.json_data->>'person_id' < p2.json_data->>'person_id'
Expected results:;;likes_same_color
Attempting to cast to text[] results in an error:
ERROR: malformed array literal: "["black", "white"]"
DETAIL: "[" must introduce explicitly-specified array dimensions.
Use array_agg() and jsonb_array_elements_text() to convert jsonb array to text array:
with the_data as (
select id, array_agg(color) colors
from (
select json_data->'person_id' id, color
jsonb_array_elements_text(json_data->'favorite_colors') color
) sub
group by 1
select,, p1.colors && p2.colors like_same_colors
from the_data p1
join the_data p2 on <
order by 1, 2;
id | id | like_same_colors
1 | 2 | t
1 | 3 | f
2 | 3 | f
(3 rows)

Returning BigQuery data filtered on nested objects

I'm trying to create a query which returns data which is filtered on 2 nested objects. I've added (1) and (2) to the code to indicate that I want results from two different nested objects (I know that this isn't a valid query). I've been looking at WITHIN RECORD but I can't get my head around it.
SELECT externalIds.value(1) AS appName, externalIds.value(2) AS driverRef, SUM(quantity)/ 60 FROM [billing.tempBilling]
WHERE callTo = 'example' AND externalIds.type(1) = 'driverRef' AND externalIds.type(2) = 'applicationName'
GROUP BY appName, driverRef ORDER BY appName, driverRef;
The data loaded into BigQuery looks like this:
"callTo": "example",
"quantity": 120,
"externalIds": [
{"type": "applicationName", "value": "Example App"},
{"type": "driverRef", "value": 234}
The result I'm after is this:
| appName | driverRef | quantity |
| Example App | 123 | 12.3 |
| Example App | 234 | 132.7 |
| Test App | 142 | 14.1 |
| Test App | 234 | 17.4 |
| Test App | 347 | 327.5 |
If all of the quantities that you need to sum are within the same record, then you can use WITHIN RECORD for this query. Use NTH() WITHIN RECORD to get the first and second values for a field in the record. Then use HAVING to perform the filtering because it requires a value computed by an aggregation function.
SELECT callTo,
NTH(1, externalIds.type) WITHIN RECORD AS firstType,
NTH(1, externalIds.value) WITHIN RECORD AS maybeAppName,
NTH(2, externalIds.type) WITHIN RECORD AS secondType,
NTH(2, externalIds.value) WITHIN RECORD AS maybeDriverRef,
FROM [billing.tempBilling]
HAVING callTo LIKE 'example%' AND
firstType = 'applicationName' AND
secondType = 'driverRef';
If the quantities to be summed are spread across multiple records, then you can start with this approach and then group by your keys and sum those quantities in an outer query.

Compare two two arrays to add or remove records from database

Maybe today's been a long week, but I'm starting to run in circles with trying to figure out the logic on how to solve this.
To use the classic Orders and Items example, we have a webform that tabulates the data of an EXISTING Order e.g. saved in the db.
Now this form needs the ability to add/"mark as removed" ItemIDs from an order after the order has been 'saved'. When the form is submitted, I have two arrays:
$ogList = The original ItemIDs for the OrderID in question. (ex. [123, 456, 789])
$_POST['items'] = The modifications of ItemIDs, if any (ex. [123, 789, 1240, 944])
The intent is to compare the two arrays and:
1) Add new ItemIDs (never have been related to this OrderID before)
2) Mark the date 'removed' those ItemIDs that weren't $_POSTed.
The simple approach of just removing the existing ItemIDs from the Order, and adding the $_POSTed list won't work for business reasons.
PHP's array_diff() doesn't really tell me which ones are "new".
So what's the best way to do this? It appears that I'm looking at a nested foreach() loop ala:
foreach($_POST['items'] as $posted){
foreach($ogList as $ogItem){
if($posted == $ogItem){
Open to ideas here.
...with maybe conditional break(1) in there? Maybe there's a better way?
Another way to perhaps explain is to show the db records. The original in this example would be:
| itemID | dateRemoved |
| 123 | 0 |
| 456 | 0 |
| 789 | 0 |
After the POST, the ItemIDs in this OrderID would look something like:
| itemID | dateRemoved |
| 123 | 0 |
| 456 | 1368029148 |
| 789 | 0 |
| 1240 | 0 |
| 944 | 0 |
Does this make sense? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
EDIT: I found JavaScript sync two arrays (of objects) / find delta, but I'm not nearly proficient enough to translate Javascript and maps. Though it gets me almost there.
Well, when you have items in databse and you receive new dokument with changed set of items, you obviously must update database. One of the easyest way is to delete all previous items and insert new list. But, in case that items is related to other data, you can't do that. So you must apply this technique of comparing two lists. You have items in database, you have items from client after dokument change and with bellow commands you can separate what is for insert in database, what you just need to update and what to delete from database. Below is a simplified example.
$a = [1,2,3,4,5]; //elements in database
$b = [2,3,4,6]; //elements after document save
$del = array_diff($a, $b);
//for delete 1, 5
$ins = array_diff($b, $a);
//for insert 6
$upd = array_intersect($a, $b);
//for update 2, 3, 4
As you can see, this simply compare elements, but if you want to insert real data, you must switch to associative arrays and compare keys. You need to array look something like this:
Here, you have ID extracted from data and placed in array key position.
On server-side, that arrays can be eays get with PDO:
Beware that this will strip the first column from the resultset. So if you want to ID be on both places, use: "SELECT id AS arrkey, id, ... FROM ...".
On server side, when you make array, you don't need all data, just fetch id-s. That all need for compare, because key only matters:
[16=>16, 17=>17, 18=>18, 19=>19, 20=>20];
On client side, with JavaScript, you have to make same structured array of objects so can be compared on server. When you have new items on client, simply use Math.random() to genareate random key, because that doesn't matter.
let cards = {};
cards[Math.random()] = {
employee_id: something,
barcode: something,
is_active: something
After that, from client you will get array like this:
item with Id 15 is deleted, 16, 17, 18 are changed (or not, you will update them anyway), and new item added. On server you can apply 3 way comparison with: array_diff_key and array_intersect_key.
So, for end, how this server side code looks in my case. First loop is on array keys and secound is to dynamically make UPDATE/INSERT statement.
//card differences
$sql = 'SELECT card_id AS arrkey, card_id FROM card WHERE (employee_id = ?)';
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$array_database = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE|PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$array_client = json_decode($_POST['...'], true);
//cards update
foreach (array_intersect_key($array_database, $array_client) as $id => $data) {
$query = 'UPDATE card SET';
$updates = array_filter($array_client[$id], function ($value) {return null !== $value;}); //clear nulls
$values = [];
foreach ($updates as $name => $value) {
$query .= ' '.$name.' = :'.$name.',';
$values[':'.$name] = $value;
$query = substr($query, 0, -1); // remove last comma
$sth = $this->db->prepare($query . ' WHERE (card_id = ' . $id . ');');
//cards insert
foreach (array_diff_key($array_client, $array_database) as $id => $card) {
$prep = array();
foreach($card as $k => $v ) {
$prep[':'.$k] = $v;
$sth = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO card ( " . implode(', ',array_keys($card)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(', ',array_keys($prep)) . ")");
//cards delete
foreach (array_diff_key($array_database, $array_client) as $id => $data) {
$sth = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM card WHERE card_id = ?');
