Polymer equivalent to ng-show? - angularjs

Is the a polymer equivalent for ng-show? Here's a snippet example of what I'm trying to convert:
<div ng-show="authenticated">
<p>The ID is {{controller.greeting.id}}</p>
<p>The content is {{controller.greeting.content}}</p>
<div ng-show="!authenticated">
<p>Login to see your greeting</p>

dom-if is not necessary here. Simply use $= (attribute binding) to add/remove hidden attribute.
[hidden] {
<div hidden$=[[!authenticated]]>
<p>The ID is {{controller.greeting.id}}</p>
<p>The content is {{controller.greeting.content}}</p>
<div hidden$=[[authenticated]]>
<p>Login to see your greeting</p>
Use dom-if to make decisions about blocks of code that you don't want to be rendered, not just hidden.

I guess you could use dom-if to conditionally keep required HTML in DOM tree. properties should be defined there in properties of component.
<template is="dom-if" if="{{authenticated}}">
<p>The ID is {{controller.greeting.id}}</p>
<p>The content is {{controller.greeting.content}}</p>
<template is="dom-if" if="{{!authenticated}}">
<p>Login to see your greeting</p>

True and False will work once you add template with in template. I tried
<template is="dom-if" if="{{authenticated}}">
<p>The ID is {{controller.greeting.id}}</p>
<p>The content is {{controller.greeting.content}}</p>
<template is="dom-if" if="{{!authenticated}}">
<p>Login to see your greeting</p>
If you will not add template with in template True, false will never work. It will always show you the first template wheather you have True or False value of properties.
Hope it works.


can we have ng-show and ng-if in one div tag?

Following code snippet does not work
Please suggest any other way of doing it
`<div id="tablediv" ng-model="ngtable">
<div ng-show="ngtable">
<div ng-if="currentdevicetype == 'condition1'">
<!-- Other code to display contents -->
Yes you can, Both are different.
sets the display:none of the element when expression evaluates to false while ng-if removes the element from the DOM when the expression evaluates to false
Check out this question to know the differences between ng-show and ng-if & where and How to use them:
When to favor ng-if vs. ng-show/ng-hide?
In your html code , you are using something wrong, because you are using ng-model for a div .
<div id="tablediv" ng-model="ngtable">
<div ng-show="ngtable">
<div ng-if="currentdevicetype == 'condition1'">
<!-- Other code to display contents -->
ng-model is used to bind the value of any inputbox/textarea/select like tags, you can not bind any value like this:
<div id="tablediv" ng-model="ngtable">
if you remove this ng-model then your code would be like this:
<div id="tablediv">
<div ng-show="ngtable">
<div ng-if="currentdevicetype == 'condition1'">
<!-- Other code to display contents -->
Now, if ngtable have some value it means ng-show=true then
<div ng-show=true>
// all the elements are visible on the DOM.
but , if if ngtable do not have any value it means ng-show=false then :
<div ng-show=false>
// all the elements are not visible on the DOM.
And inside this code:
<div ng-if="currentdevicetype == 'condition1'">
<!-- Other code to display contents -->
if ng-if="currentdevicetype == 'condition1'" returns true then all the elements would be create, otherwise element will not be created.

How to pass value from one custom element to another element in Polymerjs 1.0

I have a custom element element1.html in which we use iron-ajax to call the service,data received from the service is used to populate the dropdown menu
<dom-module id="element1">
<iron-ajax auto
<paper-dropdown-menu-light label="select site" noink no-animations>
<paper-listbox class="dropdown-content sitedropdown">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{data}}">
<a class="sitelist" on-tap="testclick" data-cus$="{{item.keyValue}}" href$="{{baseUrl}}site/{{item.keyValue}}" tabindex="-1">
<paper-item raised>{{item.Name}}</paper-item>
is: 'element1',
properties: {
testclick : function(e){
In the above dropdown each value is a link and it has a unique key when clicked on it will route to other section(other page) where data will be displayed using the "keyValue" present in the anchor tag.In this section I use another custom element (element2.html).So how can I pass the keyValue present in element1.html to element2.html
<section data-route="site" tabindex="-1">
<dom-module id="my-list">
<iron-ajax auto
url="serviceURL/?key={{I need to get the value from element1.html here}}"

show a div with ng if ionic

<ion-view cache-view="false">
<div class="navbar-fixed-top navbar-header bar bar-header " ng-if="showHeader">
<div class="container row">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
<h1>ROCK 'N' GRILL<br>
<span>Pitampura New Delhi...</span></h1>
<div ng-if="showSubHeader===true" class="topPull" draggable >
<button ng-if="showSubHeader" class="button-icon"><img src="img/topImg.jpg"></button>
The value of showSubHeader changes to false but yet I see the div in my view. How do I update view to not show the div when the value is false?
This is veiw attached to an abstract state so I believe , the abstract state is not updated when views are switched. How do I reload header when views change or switch?
Instead of using ng-if you could use ng-show. So when showSubHeader is false, your div won't be shown. Have a look here: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngShow

AngularJS Expression Not Working Correctly in ng-src with JSF

The angularjs module. the products array contains 2 product objects that will be added as a property of the controller.
(function () {
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
var products = [
title: "Dummy Title 1",
description: "Dummy Description 1",
image: "dummy_image_1.jpg"
title: "Dummy Title 2",
description: "Dummy Description 2",
image: "dummy_image_2.jpg"
app.controller('myController', function () {
this.products = products;
The JSF Page, if I remove images/{{product.image}} with the actual image file name such as images/dummy_image_1.jpg, the images are displayed, but if I use angularjs expression instead, then nothing is shown. Please note that other expressions in the loop work besides {{product.image}}. If I add {{product.image}} somewhere else, then it displays the filename correctly, but used in ng-srs, it prints nothing if I view the html. I don't know why it is.
<div class="container" ng-controller="myController as controller">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-offset-10">
Hello <b><h:outputText value="#{user.userName}"/></b><br/>
<h:commandLink action="cart" value="Cart"/>
<div ng-repeat="product in controller.products">
<div class="row">
<div class="media">
<div class="media-left">
<img class="media-object" ng-src="images/{{product.image}}"/> <!--If I replace that expression with a the image file name, it shows the image -->
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="media-heading">{{product.title}}</h4>
<span class="caption">{{product.description}}</span><br/>
<h:commandLink action="cart" value="Add to cart"/>
Sometimes using interpolation {{}} won't evaluate & update value of attribute (most often this happens in IE). The way to do this is using ng-src directive with interpolation {{}} this will add src to the img tag after evaluation interpolation directive.
<div class="media-left">
<img class="media-object" ng-src="{{'images/'+product.image}}"/>
<!--If I replace that expression with a the image file name, it shows the image -->
The other way would be using ng-attr directive which add attribute with evaluated value. This will ensure you everytime that the interpolated value has been assigned to the attribute mentioned it in ng-attr (the part after ng-attr is considered as attribute to be added, suppose we have ng-attr-value="{{someVar}}" then angular will evaluate someVar and then assign that value to value attribute on that element.
<div class="media-left">
<img class="media-object" ng-attr-src="{{'images/'+product.image}}"/>
<!--If I replace that expression with a the image file name, it shows the image -->

How can I call an angular controller function from my custom polymer web component?

I've seen this question and seen it answered but not in any way I can use or understand. The question is very specific and simple but somehow the answers are a bit over my head.
All I want to do is have a very simple menu work. when i menu item is clicked, I need it to of course use my angular controller function to handle it. I want all of that on the angular side. It actually does work when I simply use the elements directly without declaratively making my own.
So this works just fine and my ng-click is successfuly calling my acceptedSelect() in my controller:
<div ng-repeat="order in acceptedOrders" ng-click="acceptedSelect(order)">
<paper-item class="my-paper-item" >
<div class="order-list-item">
<div class="order-number">{{order.Order}}</div>
<div class="order-date"> {{order.Date}} </div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<div class="order-address">
But i do the same thing by wrapping the paper element in a polymer-element, it doesn't work. So this will not work:
<polymer-element name="my-app" attributes="refresh">
<div ng-repeat="order in acceptedOrders" ng-click="acceptedSelect(order)">
<paper-item class="my-paper-item" >
<div class="order-list-item">
<div class="order-number">{{order.Order}}</div>
<div class="order-date"> {{order.Date}} </div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<div class="order-address">
Polymer('my-app', {
I'm just not sure what I can do to make this work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
