Access Show Date In MMDDYYY Format - sql-server

I have a backend SQL Server 2008 R2 table linked into an Access 2013 database. The field name is entereddate and it is is a date field type in SQL Server. When I view the data from within SSMS it appears as a date and I just Cast it to the proper format. However, on my access form I can not get the date to format to mmddyyyy. I tried adding an input mask on the form field (called txtentereddate) but that is not altering the way the date is displayed.
What must I change to have the date in access dispaly as MMDDYYYY?

You could try the MS Access format() function:
format(date, "mmddyyyy")


Access DB type mismatch with SQL server

I have migrated an Access database to SQL server. Many of my "dates" were stored in the Access database in the format "DD/MM/YYYY". However, I notice the SSMA has updated all date columns to the format "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS". What type should we choose in SQL Server to accomplish the same? The thing that is I want to keep it this way as else we need to change the underlying code.
Much appreciated for your help!
According to this the format SQL Server stores datetime fields is generic. You can convert the datetime fields and convert it to varchar in order to show the formal you want.
For example this
convert(varchar, datimefield, 103)
will convert the datetime field using the format 'dd/mm/yyyy'
You should be able to use the date datatype to not store the time, as according to This Link, but only in 2008 or 2012
I checked if it works as such on my SQL Server 2008, and it does.
This will still show it with a dash rather then a slash and in the order YYYY-MM-DD though.

Importing specific date format to Excel from Microsoft SQL Server

I'm importing dates from a German SQL Server table into a German Excel file via the built-in Excel connection tool.
However the date format is just like in the SQL Server: 2012-08-08 but I want to display: 08.08.2012. When I double-click inside a cell it will recognize the German date formatting but of course I would like to have that format for the entire column without having to manually change it.
I also need to be able to use these dates for calculations.
Do I need to change something in SQL Server or how do I make this work?
Thank you.
The problem is that Excel does not recognise the SQL Server Date type. Cast the date to a Smalldatetime or Datetime, then import and format.
As long as it's recognized ad a date, you can set the formatting of the entire column to a custom one and set the value of the custom format to (or mm.dd.yyyy, depending on which you want).
Not a programming answer, but it will get you the display you want just by setting the custom format of the whole column.

Delphi 6, ADO, MS database "Date" field is same as ftWideString

I want to copy elements to a remote MS-SQL database.
I got conversion error on it.
When I checked the ADOTable structure I saw the MS field
is converted to
ftWideString 10
Is it normal? Or I can set something to Date fields are come as TDateTime?
The Provider is "SQLOLEDB.1"
Its a DATE (yyyy-mm-dd) type which was introduced in SQL Server 2008 as an alternative to the DATETIME type.
Because SQLOLEDB.1 precedes this there is a backward conversion to DBTYPE_WSTR, using an updated provider (SQLNCLI) would be preferable.

Values In Timestamp Field Displayed In Hex (0x000000000000000866) On Microsoft SQL Server 2008

I have a table where I save emails that have been sent. I decided then to add a TimeStamp field to this table so I can track when the e-mail had been sent. Data is being written to the table with out any issues, but when I go to view the table contents using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, the data contained within the Timestamp field is displayed like this: 0x000000000000000000845, even in records that have been written to the database since the Timestamp value was introduced
I then changed the field type to datetime, and it then displays a date. But it displays the date 1900-01-01 00:00:23 for example. I then changed it back to the Timestamp field, and it returned back in to it's current Hexadecimal format.
Am I doing anything wrong?
I decided then to add a TimeStamp
field to this table so I can track
when the e-mail had been sent
Ah yes. Reading teh database would have shown you that the TMIestamp field - which is a legacy from Sybase server -does NOT store a timestamp. Basically it is something like a global operations counter. It has NO relation to time.
If you want a real timestamp, put in a DateTime type of column and set the system time as default / through atrigger etc. Timestamp is totally unsuiteable for that.
Again, no a MS thing - MS SQL Server started as Sybase SQL Server port for windows, and the Timestampdata type is a Sybase legacy.

Date format problem using SSIS for Excel into SQL Server

I am trying to import a column of dates from a spreadsheet in Excel 2003 into SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. I am in the UK so want dates formatted as dd/MM/yyyy.
Unfortunately, the column in the spreadsheet contains a mixture of dates stored as strings in dd/MM/yyyy (with Excel 'General' formatting) as well as dates using Excel 'Date' formatting dd/MM/yyyy (with locale 'English (United Kingdom)').
This is just the way it is and I can't expect the users to be able to sort this out themselves.
When looking at the spreadsheet, all of the dates visually appear correct i.e. dd/MM/yyyy.
I am trying to import the values into a varchar column in a holding table in the database. Then I run a stored procedure that copies these values into the proper table which contains a datetime column.
The problem is that the dates that are stored in the spreadsheet and use Date formatting get imported as MM/dd/yyyy into SQL Server and the dates stored as strings are getting imported as dd/MM/yyyy. I have IMEX=1 in the connection string.
Having dates using both formats in the same varchar column is obviously causing a problem when I try to put it into a datetime column, hence
are of no use.
Does anyone know why the SSIS package would import the seemingly correct dates in the Excel spreadsheet into SQL Server as MM/dd/yyyy anyway?
Is there anyway to force the SSIS package to import the dates as dd/MM/yyyy that will work with this combination of dates as strings and cells with date formatting applied?
Any other ideas?!
Many thanks,
I think you have answered your own question. The import of date formatted cells are treated as dates and others as a string. Possibly you SQL server date setting is MM/dd/yyyy and hence the conversion.
Why don't you try adding a data conversion step in you SSIS package and convert everyting in the column into a single format - datetime or string. Then I am sure SQL server will handle all of them the same way.
What worked for me was to add IMEX=1 to the Excel connection string.
So it will look like this:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Folder1\Book1.xls;Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";
