Strange output in Ruby Longest Palindrome substring function - arrays

I am trying to develop a function which will return the longest palindrome substring of an entered string. I am right now working on breaking up the string so that each subsection could then be analyzed to see if it is a palindromeThe code is as follows:
def longest_palindrome(s)
place = 0
array = s.chars
output = []
while place < s.length
output << (array[0]..array[place]).to_a
place += 1
return output
if given string "ababa" I would expect the resulting array to look like this:
However, when i return the output array this is what is stored inside:
[["a"], ["a", "b"], ["a"], ["a", "b"], ["a"], ["a", "b"]]
What about my function is causing this to happen?
Not sure if I should start another topic for this. My code is now as follows:
def longest_palindrome(s)
array = s.chars
start = 0
place = 1
output = []
while start < s.length - 1
while place < s.length
output << array[]
place += 1
start += 1
return output
My logic is that this will start at index 0, then progressively capture one character more of the string until the whole string is complete. Then it will start on index 1 and do the same until it has gotten all possible substrings within the string. However, it only returns:
Where is the flaw in my logic?

You're misusing the range operator to produce ranges like 'a'..'a', which is just 'a'.
You have two completely independent array indexing operations, each of which return a single element (character) from the array to be used in a range. You're getting array[0], which is always a, and array[place] which alternates between a and b, and producing the ranges 'a'..'a' and 'a'..'b' over and over, which have nothing to do with the arrays the characters originally came from.
You can't build the ranges after extracting the elements from the array and expect the ranges to be produced from the array. The correct sub-array is produced by using the range as the index of the array: array[]. This returns the sub-array from 0 to place, inclusive.


merge the array of array in ruby on rails

I have one array like below
And I want result like below
"GJ, MP, KL, HR, MH"
First element of array ["GJ","MP"]
Added is in the answer_string = "GJ, MP"
Now Find MP which is the last element of this array in the other where is should be first element like this ["MP","KL"]
after this I have to add KL in to the answer_string = "GJ, MP, KL"
This is What I want as output
ary = [["GJ","MP"],["HR","MH"],["MP","KL"],["KL","HR"]]
(where each element is in fact an edge in a simple graph that you need to traverse) your task can be solved in a quite straightforward way:
acc = ary.first.dup
ary.size.times do
# Find an edge whose "from" value is equal to the latest "to" one
next_edge = ary.find { |a, _| a == acc.last }
acc << next_edge.last if next_edge
#=> ["GJ", "MP", "KL", "HR", "MH"]
Bad thing here is its quadratic time (you search through the whole array on each iteration) that would hit you badly if the initial array is large enough. It would be faster to use some auxiliary data structure with the faster lookup (hash, for instance). Smth. like
head, *tail = ary
edges = tail.to_h
tail.reduce(head.dup) { |acc, (k, v)| acc << edges[acc.last] }
#=> ["GJ", "MP", "KL", "HR", "MH"]
(I'm not joining the resulting array into a string but this is kinda straightforward)
d = [["GJ","MP"],["HR","MH"],["MP","KL"],["KL","HR"]]
o = [] # List for output
c = d[0][0] # Save the current first object
loop do # Keep looping through until there are no matching pairs
o.push(c) # Push the current first object to the output
n = d.index { |a| a[0] == c } # Get the index of the first matched pair of the current `c`
break if n == nil # If there are no found index, we've essentially gotten to the end of the graph
c = d[n][1] # Update the current first object
puts o.join(',') # Join the results
Updated as the question was dramatically changed. Essentially, you navigating a graph.
I use arr.size.times to loop
def check arr
new_arr = arr.first #new_arr = ["GJ","MP"]
arr.delete_at(0) # remove the first of arr. arr = [["HR","MH"],["MP","KL"],["KL","HR"]]
arr.size.times do
find = arr.find {|e| e.first == new_arr.last}
new_arr << find.last if find
array = [["GJ","MP"],["HR","MH"],["MP","KL"],["KL","HR"]]
p check(array)
#=> "GJ,MP,KL,HR,MH"
a is an Array or a Hash
a is in the form provided in the Original Post
For each element b in a b[0] is unique
First thing I would do is, if a is an Array, then convert a to Hash for faster easier lookup up (this is not technically necessary but it simplifies implementation and should increase performance)
a = [["GJ","MP"],["HR","MH"],["MP","KL"],["KL","HR"]]
#=> {"GJ"=>"MP", "HR"=>"MH", "MP"=>"KL", "KL"=>"HR"}
If the path will always be from first to end of the chain and the elements are always a complete chain, then borrowing from #KonstantinStrukov's inspiration: (If you prefer this option then please given him the credit ✔️)
a.to_h.then {|edges| edges.reduce { |acc,_| acc << edges[acc.last] }}.join(",")
#=> "GJ,MP,KL,HR,MH"
Caveat: If there are disconnected elements in the original this result will contain nil (represented as trailing commas). This could be solved with the addition of Array#compact but it will also cause unnecessary traversals for each disconnected element.
We can use a recursive method to lookup the path from a given key to the end of the path. Default key is a[0][0]
def navigate(h,from:h.keys.first)
return unless h.key?(from)
[from, *navigate(h,from:h[from]) || h[from]].join(",")
navigation(h,from:h.keys.first) - Hash to traverse and the starting point for traversal
return unless h.key?(key) if the Hash does not contain the from key return nil (end of the chain)
[from, *navigate(h,from:h[from]) || h[from]].join(",") - build a Array of from key and the recursive result of looking up the value for that from key if the recursion returns nil then append the last value. Then simply convert the Array to a String joining the elements with a comma.
a = [["GJ","MP"],["HR","MH"],["MP","KL"],["KL","HR"]].to_h
#=> "GJ,MP,KL,HR,MH"
navigate(a,from: "KL")
#=> "KL,HR,MH"
navigate(a,from: "X")
#=> nil

ruby - How to make an array of arrays of letters (a-z) of varying lengths with maximum length five

So I'm trying to make an array of all possible permutations of the alphabet letters (all lowercase), in which the letters can repeat and vary in length from 1 to 5. So for example these are some possibilities that would be in the array:
I tried this, and it gets all the variations of words 5 letters long, but I don't know how to find varying length.
I'm trying to do this in order to crack a SHA1 encrypted string:
require 'digest'
def decrypt_string(hash)
("a".."z").to_a.repeated_permutation(5).map(&:join).find {|elem| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(elem) == hash}
Hash being the SHA1 encryption of the word, such as 'e6fb06210fafc02fd7479ddbed2d042cc3a5155e'
You can modify your method slightly.
require 'digest'
def decrypt_string(hash)
arr = ("a".."z").to_a
(1..5).each do |n|
arr.repeated_permutation(n) do |a|
s = a.join
return s if Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(s) == hash
word = "cat"
hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(word)
#=> "9d989e8d27dc9e0ec3389fc855f142c3d40f0c50"
#=> "cat"
word = "zebra"
hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(word)
#=> "38aa53de31c04bcfae9163cc23b7963ed9cf90f7"
#=> "zebra"
Calculations for "cat" took well under one second on my 2020 Macbook Pro; those for "zebra" took about 15 seconds.
Note that join should be applied within repeated_permutation's block, as repeated_permutation(n).map(&:join) would create a temporary array having as many as 26**5 #=> 11,881,376 elements (for n = 5).
If you do not mind the possibility of repeating strings then
e = do |y|
r = ('a'..'z').to_a * 5
loop do
y << r.shuffle.take(rand(4)+1).join
Should work. Then you can call as
#=> ["bz", "tnld", "jv", "s", "ngrm", "phiy", "ar", "zq", "ajjn", "cn"]
Creates an Array of a through z repeated 5 times
Continually shuffles said Array
Then takes the first 1 to 5 ("random number") elements from the shuffled Array and joins them together

String incrementer codewars (Ruby) problem

I am working on a string incrementer project on codewars.
Writing a function which increments a string, to create a new string.
If the string already ends with a number, the number should be incremented by 1.
If the string does not end with a number. the number 1 should be appended to the new string.
If the number has leading zeros the amount of digits should be considered.
foo -> foo1
foo001 ->foo002
foobar23 -> foobar24
foo099 -> foo100
My code is : input.gsub(/\d/,"")+input.split().map {|x| x[/\d+/].next!}.join(" ") . It works on this playground
However it doesnt work on codewars. I get this error:
main.rb:5:in block in increment_string': undefined methodnext!' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)`
Any idea?
thanks in advance!.
To see what's going on here, it's beneficial to run each of your commands individual and see what the output is to track down the error:
input = "foo"
input.gsub(/\d/, "") # => "foo"
So the left hand side of the + operator is going to become "foo" and now we need to see what the right hand side of the is:
input.split # => ["foo"]
["foo"].map { |x| x[/\d+/].next! }
As seen in the question, this is where the error happens, so let's dig into the code inside the map block, where the error is:
["foo"].map { |x| p x }
# Outputs: "foo"
So, x == "foo" at this point:
["foo"].map { |x| p x[/\d+/] }
# Outputs: nil
Since the string "foo" doesn't have any digits in it, the regex pulling out the digits from it, to increment them returns nil and then, without any safeguarding you increment that. NilClass doesn't have a method next!, so you get your error.
If the string was instead "foo1", though, you'd get:
["foo1"].map { |x| p x[/\d+/] }
# Outputs: "1"
Which returns the matched string, and then allows you to call next! (which is a synonym of the String#succ! method called out in the comments) on it. The reason it works in the playground is because the string has digits in it, and doesn't take into account or test the case where strings don't (the first example in the text of the question where "foo" should become "foo1").
Here are some points to consider in developing your solution.
If your string were:
str = "ca9t00456"
the desired return value would be:
(Note that the OP's solution would return an incorrect result ("cat10") for this string. The Codewars question does not say that the only digits in the string are those at the end; it only mentions the "number" at the end of the string".)
A reasonable first step would be to divide the string into two parts:
n = str.index(/\d+\z/)
#=> 4
prefix = str[0, n]
#=> "ca9t"
suffix = str[n..-1]
#=> "00456"
See String#index. The regular expression, /\d+\z/, reads, "match one or more (+) digits (\d) followed by the end of the string (\z). The digit '9' is skipped over because it is neither followed by a digit nor is at the end of the string. See also See String#[].
The string we return will begin with (the value held by) prefix, so we can set that aside for now and concentrate on modifying suffix.
One approach would be:
((suffix.to_i) + 1).to_s
#=> "457"
but then we would have to add the correct number of leading zeroes. Here that would be the same as the number of leading zeroes in suffix (2), but if suffix were, for example, 00999, it would be only one (01000). That could be done, but it's messy.
An easier way would be to use the method String#succ, as #steenslag suggested in the comments.
new_suffix = suffix.succ
#=> "00457"
#=> "01000"
Now we need only combine prefix and new_suffix.
Note what happens if we execute succ on the entire string:
#=> "ca9t0457" correct
#=> "ca9t1000" correct
#=> "ca9u0000" incorrect
As you see, there's a problem with the third example. That's why I chose to divide the string into two parts as a first step.
You need to investigate three other cases. The first is when the prefix is an empty string:
str = "00456"
the second is when the suffix is an empty string:
str = "ca9t"
and the third is when the string is empty:
str = ""
You can check if the previous calculations still work in the first case.
In the second case we would find:
n = str.index(/\d+\z/)
#=> "cat9t".index(/\d+\z/) => nil
The nil value for n tells us that the desired return value is:
str + "1"
#=> "ca9t" + "1" => "ca9t1"
Would that work?

Ruby modify array items and return full array

I have this code here
string.split(/(\w{1,}=)/).each_slice(1).map { |i| items << i }! do |i|
i = i << str if i.to_s =~ /\w{1,}=/
puts items*''
And I want to modify certain items in the array based on regex, then return the full array with the modified items in it. This only returns the modified items. How do I achieve what I'm looking for?
EDIT: Ok, so say I'm trying to split a link using this regex:
The link is split and added to the array which now contains
What I want to do is append some value to the end of the elements ending with a =. This way, when I return the modified array as a string it would output like this:
You have several undefined variables in your example, which is very sloppy.
each_slice(1) is equivalent to each(), so it's not clear why you are using each_slice(1). In any case, both each() and map() step through the items in an Array one by one, but each() returns the original Array unchanged. On the other hand, you use map() when you want to create a new Array that contains changes to the items.
In the regex /\w{1,}/, there is a shortcut for the quantifier {1, }, and it's: +, so most people would write the regex as /\w+/, where + means 1 or more.
I want to modify certain items in the array based on regex, then
return the full array with the modified items in it.
Here is an example:
results = [1, 2, 3].map do |num|
if num == 2
num + 4
num - 1
p results
[0, 6, 2]
Your current attempt with map() doesn't return anything if the conditional fails. Note how the example above returns something both when the condition fails AND when the condition succeeds. map() replaces an item with whatever is returned for that item.
Now look at this example:
results = [1, 2, 3].map do |num|
if num == 2
num + 4
p results
[nil, 6, nil]
If you don't return something for an item, then map() will use nil for that item. In the example, if the condition num == 2 is true then num+4 is returned--but if num == 2 is false, nothing is returned.
words = %w[
] #=> words = ["page.php?", "site=", "blah&", "id=", "1"]
suffix = 'hello'
results = do |word|
if word.end_with?('=')
p results
["page.php?", "site=hello", "blah&", "id=hello", "1"]
Instead of parsing a URL with a regex, have you considered using the addressable gem?
require 'addressable/uri'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('page.php?site=blah&id=1&bar')
uri.query_values = do |k, v|
[k, v.is_a?(String) ? v << 'foo' : v]
puts uri.to_s # => page.php?site=blahfoo&id=1foo&bar
This won't handle very complex query parameters (it will just pass them through).
You can use respond_to? :sub! and v.sub! /$/, 'foo' instead of checking types if that makes you uneasy. (I wouldn't use :<< or :concat because those are valid methods for Arrays.)

Find a Duplicate in an array Ruby

I am trying to find the duplicate values in an array of strings between 1 to 1000000.
However, with the code I have, I get the output as all the entries that are doubled.
So for instance, if I have [1,2,3,4,3,4], it gives me the output of 3 4 3 4 instead of 3 4.
Here is my code:
array = [gets]
if array.uniq.length == array.length
puts "array does not contain duplicates"
puts "array does contain duplicates"
print{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}
Also, every time I test my code, I have to define the array as array = [1,2,3,4,5,3,5]. The puts works but it does not print when I use array [gets].
Can someone help me how to fix these two problems?
How I wish we had a built-in method Array#difference:
class Array
def difference(other)
h = other.tally
reject { |e| h[e] > 0 && h[e] -= 1 }
though #user123's answer is more straightforward. (Array#difference is probably the more efficient of the two, as it avoids the repeated invocations of count.) See my answer here for a description of the method and links to its use.
In a nutshell, it differs from Array#- as illustrated in the following example:
a = [1,2,3,4,3,2,4,2]
b = [2,3,4,4,4]
a - b #=> [1]
a.difference b #=> [1, 3, 2, 2]
For the present problem, if:
arr = [1,2,3,4,3,4]
the duplicate elements are given by:
#=> [3, 4]
For your first problem, you need to uniq function like{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}.uniq
For your second problem, when you receive a value using array = [gets] it would receive your entire sequence of array numbers as a single string, so everything would be stored in a[0] like ["1, 2 3 4\n"].
puts "Enter array"
array = gets.chomp.split(",").map(&:to_i)
if array.uniq.length == array.length
puts "array does not contain duplicates"
puts "array does contain duplicates"
print{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}.uniq
copy this code in ruby file and try to run using
ruby file_name.rb
Coming to your 'gets' problem,
When you are doing a gets, your are basically getting a string as an input but not an array.
2.2.0 :001 > array = [gets]
=> ["1,2,1,4,1,2,3\n"]
See the above example, how the ruby interpreter took all your elements as a single string and put it in an array as a single array element. So you need to explicitly convert the input to an array with comma as a delimiter. The below will address both your questions.
array = gets.chomp
array = array.split(',').map(&:to_i)
if array.uniq.length == array.length
puts "array does not contain duplicates"
puts "array does contain duplicates"
print{ |x| array.count(x) > 1}.uniq!
