How can I uninstall google-cloud-sdk ? - google-app-engine

I tried deleted Google Cloud AppEngine SDK from macbook, but I'm getting this
Last login: Thu Aug 11 14:12:18 on ttys002
-bash: /Users/Squirrel/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk/ No such file or directory
-bash: /Users/Squirrel/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk/ No such file or directory
Whenever I open a new terminal window. Is there a way I can stop that from happening?

Converting the comment to an anwer...
Some SDK installations may modify system or user profiles to include proper setup of the SDK environment.
First thing to check, if the user didn't log out from the system since the uninstall, is if the errors are not just side effects of the current user session which already picked up the SDK environment. Logging out and back in should take care of such cases.
If the errors messages persist after logging out/in indicates that the removal of the installation did not clean up the system or user profiles modified at SDK installation, manual cleanup being required.
In your case the errors come from bash, so the files to check are either /etc/bash* or ~/.bash* - look for /Users/Squirrel/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk - the now-removed SDK installation path mentioned in the messages.

Related slow start

After some time I needed to do changes on GAE Python (2.7) First Generation app, but when I develop and run locally, it's basically nonusable due to a very slow start.
These are printed logs:
INFO 2019-10-18 07:56:35,533] Skipping SDK update check.
INFO 2019-10-18 07:56:35,595] Starting API server at: http://localhost:36159
INFO 2019-10-18 07:56:35,599] Starting module "default" running at:
INFO 2019-10-18 07:56:35,600] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000
INFO 2019-10-18 08:01:01,644] Instance PID: 28496
What I notice that the last line ( is printed after ~5 minutes and only after that app responds to requests, not before. Interesting that the admin server (localhost:8000) is available right away. Of course, when I do some code change it automatically reloads and it repeats again.
Things I tried/found out:
it behaves like that on my all GAE projects Python First Gen.
tried to create a bare minimal version (webapp2 with one URL), clean virtualenv, still the same behavior
tried to reinstall Google Cloud SDK. delete the whole google-cloud-sdk folder and install again, no changes
tried to install older version of Cloud SDK
used clean VM and it works ok!!!, so it looks like there could be something wrong with my system (outside of SDK), but I'm not sure what.
It's interesting that the pause between the last two log lines is always about 5 minutes, not sure why exactly that time.
Python 2.7.14
OS: OpenSuse Leap 15.0
I'm running out of ideas so any advice would be appreciated.
I solved this accidentally.
I wanted to run Jupyter notebook, but I got the error:
error: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
after debugging in /tornado/, I noticed that it tries to work with IP which I wasn't sure where did that come from, (probably I set it since I was playing with my home network some time ago), but when I deleted it from /etc/hosts, Jupyter, as well as GAE, works ok.
What a coincidence :)

AppX Installation Failed with errror message "The system cannot find the file specified"

I have created appx using MakeAppx tool. During sideloading, i am getting below error.
I knew Windows Apps are gets installed at location "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps"
and normal user won't have ownership for this folder.
Does I need to change the ownership for "WindowsApps" folder?Looking for the solution to this problem as we can't expect from user to change the ownership to install appx.
Today by just turning off the windows defender smartscreen security in RS3 machines,appx gets installed succefully without internet which i want.So marking this as resolution.Thankz for input#Sunteen😄

Getiing error message 'Failed Installing JBAS50SVC' whle running service.bat file in Windows 7

I need to run Jboss 7 as service.
Followed these steps :-
Copied my Jboss to C:\Program Files <86>
Downloaded Jboss-native-2.0.10-windows-x64-ssl and copied the contenst of bin catalog to %JBOSS_HOME%/bin
Changes done on service.bat as per link instructions
Changed my dir location to my Jboss bin
and given command service.bat install
C:\Program Files \jboss7>bin>service.bat install
Failed installing JBAS50SVC
Access is Denied.
Service JBoss Application Server 7.1.1 installed.
I'm not able to rectify this problem .
It appears to be windows access issue.
Try the following:
Does the windows ID you are using have Administrator privileges? If no, get a Admin ID else if Yes, proceed to step 2.
Try to do the same but in some other drive (not c: )
UPDATE #1 : OP says he can not see the output of service.bat file
Follow the following steps
Open start menu
Search for "cmd"
Right click "cmd" and run as Administrator
type in following command
cd C:\Program Files \jboss7\bin
Type service.bat and observe the output
On a 2008 Windows Server this occurs because you're not running the command line as an administrator. Those of us who have spent considerable amounts of time on 2003 server, and others before that, keep forgetting that your logged in ADMIN level account does NOT get passed to the command line automatically like with previous versions of Windows.
With any additional errors, past this one, I would keep going back to the service.bat file and looking at the path statements, throughout that file, to ensure that they are all correct to reach what is correct for your installation.
Also, don't forget to create a log folder under standalone (unless you're doing a domain install). Failure to do that will also cause issues as well.

running web2py with GoogleAppEngineLauncher

Trying to run my web2py app from the development server using GoogleAppEngineLauncher
Not sure if the on-line tutorials are out of date or I'm just missing something, but when I follow the link to download the GoogleAppEngine pythonSDK for OSX I get a dmg for the GoogleAppEngineLauncher.
I download and use that, which installs the proper executables, however after I setup my app.yaml file and run " myApp" I get this error:
fancy_urllib.InvalidCertificateException: Host returned an invalid certificate (_ssl.c:503: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed):
I don't get the error if I try and launch the app from the launcher itself, however I can't launch the app because it says the directory already exists and I don't have write permissions. I even tried chmod 777 on the myApp directory.
Should I not be using the GoogleAppLauncher?
additionally I tried using the linux SDX and received the same "certificate" error. The error message directs me to a link mentioning that I need the "ssl" module, but that is included in python 2.7.2 which I am using.
The link also mentions: "appcfg uses SSL when connecting to the Admin Console by default, unless the --insecure flag is passed." But I cannot find that flag in the help menu.
Found this answer which solves the problem.
rm google_appengine/lib/cacerts/cacerts.txt
From the SDK

How do I download the source code of a google app engine project?

This seems like it should be very easy but I don't see a link to it anywhere.
How do I download the source code of a google app engine project?
appengine-java-sdk\bin\appcfg.cmd -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> download_app <output-dir>
./appengine-java-sdk/bin/ -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> download_app <output-dir>
For completeness, using the Python implementation: download_app -A $appID -V $appVersionNumber $downloadDirectory --oauth2
--oauth2 is of course optional, you can omit it and provide your email + app-specific password (or your password, and then go implement two-factor authentication right after), but it's easier, and frankly there's no reason not to.
App Engine actually recently added the ability for the developer who uploaded a given app version to download its source code.
As of October 2019 you can simply go to --> App Engine --> Services and in the tool dropdown select 'source' and the source code is there
Posting this since none of the listed methods above didn't take me to the code (by June 2021)
You could try accessing it through;
Google Cloud Platform > Debugger > choosing the version of the
Application from combo at top.
This will list the files of that version on the left pane. There is no way to download it automatically but you can copy-paste the code.
Hope you will find this helpful.
IMHO, the best option today (Aug 2018) is:
Under the main menu, under Products, go to Tools -> Cloud Build -> Build history.
There, click the ID of the build you want (for me - the last one).
Then, in the opened window (Build details), click the "source" link, the download of your compressed code begins.
As simple as that.
Working with App engine standard using Go, the debugger isn't available yet.
How I managed to download the source code for an existing service was to use the gcloud tool.
First: Get the version id of your service using the app engine console or running: gcloud app versions list
Second: use the version and service name and run: gcloud app versions describe <versionID> --service=<service name>
the describe parameter will give you the storage locations for your source files that looks like this:
sha1Sum: e3fe5848c2640eca7ac3591490e1debc2d3a9b09
sourceUrl:<project>/<file id>
Third: you can then use the storage console, using the file id, to download the files you are interested in.
this process based on java sdk
Its works for me...
Download Google cloud SDK
gcloud init
enter image description here
Follow through process of logging in using your credentials
Enter following command from SDK
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\appengine-java-sdk-1.9.49\bin
enter image description here
Enter Following command to download source code -A [YOUR_APP_ID] -V [YOUR_APP_VERSION] download_app [OUTPUT_DIR]
Eg: -A my-project-name-1234 -V 2 download_app C:\Users\india\Desktop\my project
Note: this progress based on java-appengine sdk so we use instead of
check if your app is uploaded with same email id that is in your app engine. if you are not sure then in app engine > control > Clear deployment credentials and then click on any project, deploy to sign in again then use this download_app -A {app id from google app engine} -V {1} "{c:\path}" --oauth2_credential_file=C:\Users\{your account name}/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens
change all {} to your needs
Things have changed since this question was asked so I'm adding an updated answer. Note that this only applies to GAE Standard Environment
Google has deprecated and so the previous responses download_app no longer works.
gcloud which is the SDK in use (it replaced appcfg) does not have the functionality to download your source code.
When you deploy your app via gcloud app deploy, it copies your source code to a bucket. The default bucket is staging.<project_name> Your files will stay in this bucket for a maximum of 15 days before they are deleted. You can modify the rule so that the files are retained for longer or less time.
The file names in the bucket are encoded so you can't figure out what each file is unless you open it (i.e. download it). Google has a mapping of the encoded names to the original file names. To get this mapping, you run the gcloud app versions describe command and it will list the file names and their encoded names. To download the files, you have to manually click each url one by one. So essentially, you have to download each file manually and then use the mapping to rename them (or open the file, check the content and then rename them). Also note that downloading the files manually will not maintain the folder structure in which they were uploaded.
If you do not wish to go through all of the above hassles (imagine having to manually open each url for each file if you have a small to mid-sized project which has hundreds of files), our App - - now supports downloading source code from the default bucket - staging.<project_name> (so far as your files are still there which means any deployment i.e update not older than 15 days from your current date unless you previously increased the deletion age on your staging bucket's lifecycle page).
In simple terms, you enter your project name, the version number and our App will take care of retrieving the original file name to encoded name mapping, automatically downloading the files and renaming them to the original names, while maintaining the folder structure. For more information, refer to
Log in to the
Select the project you want to download the code from (Google App Engine Standard Envoronment).
Go to the App Engine Dashboard. Under Summary is Debug and Source. Click on Source.
Select each file one at a time and copy it (highlight the code, copy and paste into your local editor.)
Select the next file....
You need to use svn to checkout the files.
If you are on Windows, you can use tortoise svn for your GUI end.
Here are tutorials on how to do it, here is the related question.
