paper-listbox does not have a required property - polymer-1.0

We are using the paper-listbox to select multiple records, we want to make sure at least one is required, and reacts similar to other polymer elements. Is there a common way that people mimic this? Any examples would be helpful.


Interpolate a one-time binding manually

How could I interpolate a one-time binding manually?
Here is my use case.
I have a list of a lot of elements. The elements just sets of controls. I get the data for the elements from the BE. Then I would like to leverage the AngularJS interpolation and set the controls` values. But I would like to avoid the interpolation of all the elements every time I change only a single control.
So, I use a one-time binding to set the values, but then when I change them they are not updated.
The expected result in the example is that once something is typed in the control, the respective one-time binded value is updated. Also, the one-time binding should remain there, since in my real case there will be a lot of controls and I do not want to strain performance when only one control is interacted with. A simplified example of mine can be found here (in my real case I have not only inputs, but checkboxes as well, but I believe that the approach should be the same for them).
After a research I found out that a directive should be used in this case. But I was not able to find a simple to understand example. So, could someone post it here, please?
Different from a directive solutions are welcome here as well.
First to understand your problem: Why do you want to avoid the angular change detection here? The only reason that comes to my mind would be heavy performance problems.
In one case here, there were one or two thousand of inputs, all with a binding. The application was a little sluggish, but still usable. We accepted this, as we had to re-implement all the binding manually otherwise.
If your binding is rather simple (no validations, conversions, etc.) and the values are not shown on other places while being edited, maybe it would be a way for you to use an AngularJS directive on a native HTML Input element that just listens to its onChange event to save changed data and gets updated programmatically whenever you know it changed from outside (if it does at all).
(Not talking about better using Angular, which has a much tighter grip on change detection ;-) ).

Single app - drastically different views/usage - how?

I have a large app with a structure and UI that has been designed to meet the original requirements.
I am now faced with a situation where I have to make an alternative read-only "view" of certain parts of the app for embedding in an iframe (I have no say in this, this is how it has to be).
I'll be referring to these two ways of viewing the app at the "display context".
I am struggling with visualising how to achive this, I can see two solutions both of which have distinct disadvantages:
Have lots of ng-if directives attached to template elements, the ng-if would be bound to the current display context of the app and show/hide elements depending on how it was being used. Even if these were one-time bindings, it would potentially turn the templates into an unreadable mess of nested ng-ifs everywhere
Create entirely separate templates for the two different display contexts. While much cleaner than the first option, it would mean a lot of duplication and maintaining two templates per view whereas previously it would be one.
I should add that the nature of the views is very ng-repeat heavy, a list of data containing categories, each category contains items, each item contains a multitude of data, at each level data may need to be hidden/displayed/manipulated for display depending on the display context. I have made heavy use of directives and components to break things up into logical chunks, however these directives and components are still very much geared towards the original use, rather than the newly required one.
I have also considered creating an entirely new app for this, however I'm not sure this would bring any benefits as I'd be using controllers and injecting services containing tons of stuff that would be never used, I'd also be increasing my duplication problem.
Does anyone have any feeling, suggestions on a good way forward for this as at the moment I'm feeling anything is going to be horrible.
Many thanks

How does the ExtJS4 Column class work?

I wrote my own sub-class, for some selection stuff and paging etc. But those all worked with the renderer(), which required them to return a string.
This worked fine, I created some image-tags and returned those.
But how does this class work in detail?
I want a sub-class which displays a chart in a cell, which should technically be no problem, but the renderer() doesn't seem the right place for it, since it only works for strings.
Does the Class get instantiated for every row? or is it really just one instance for a column, which methods get called for every row with the needed data and the instances don't hold any state about the rows?
The renderer() mechanism is actually implemented in Ext.grid.column.Column, for which there is one per column.
As you have mentioned, the renderer() function returns a string, which could be an HTML string (which could be rather complex - have a look at the templates used by ExtJs for the standard columns). But you cannot return a component (chart).
To the best of my knowledge (based on my own understanding and replies to similar questions), ExtJs does not offer a straight-forward way to render components within grid cells. If you really think about it - you are asking a grid for much more than its intended role. It was designed to present records per raw, with the addition of simple user interaction facilities, like checkboxes.
But what you are really asking for is more of a way to layout charts, for which problem i suggest you look into the Table layout.
Alternatively you should be able to render a chart into a dom element, which will be defined in your own custom column template. But I will consider this to be an involved task.

Creating a Silverlight, drag & drag enabled query builder

what would be the best components to create a query builder? I imagine I'll need some sort of grid control. 30x30 cells perhaps. I would also love to have a snap-to-grid functionality as well. I'll be parsing the contents of the grid to create the queries so if I can iterate through the cells it would be a great help to. I'd be more than happy to post a sample project for anyone else to use if you all could help me with the base requirements. Thanks!
If you are already using the Telerik components for Silverlight, what about the RadExpressionEditor or RadDataFilter don't fit the requirements for what you're looking to do? Just curious as they are meant to handle this type of scenario.
ExpressionEditor allows for typing, which may not be the ideal if you're looking for a less error-prone scenario (aka, you don't trust users to write queries):
Otherwise DataFilter lets users select options based on the items and their respective types found in your collection, so it is much harder for a difficult user to break ;D :
Is neither of those fit the bill, can you post more info in regards to your scenario/what you're looking to accomplish (and why you're looking at a 30x30 grid setup for the basis) and we might be able to brainstorm something good up. :)

What's the purpose of Winforms controls tags?

I see a 'Tag' property in the design view for most WinForms controls. I have never used this tag and want to know why I would want to use it.
It allows you to store some of your own data with a control. It mostly useful in tree controls where you might want each node/leaf to have some extra data associated with it. This way when you click on a node you can perform an action relevant to the node.
Its a general "catch-all" for additional data you wish to store with a control.
I too have never used it.
We perform heavy use of tags. We have some methods for checking input, and these methods checks whats in the tags in order to know what control to perform.
IE: if a textbox has RQ=1;DT=int;MAX=100
the automatic method knows that this text can not be left blank, that should accept only integers within 0 and 100.
We have a complete pseudo declarative language for this.
Kind of useful!
More specific for your question, Tags are for your use.
for example you have a lot of buttons with single method handling clicks. then at handler you have do differentiate them from each other. So you put some sort of id (or reference) and then access it there.
