Codenameone: Alert Dialog message - codenameone

we want dialog message in this format and look and fill
Can you please let me know how to resolve it. My application needs to be supported on all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows) and I don't want to write native code for all platforms separately.

Actually customizing the look is easier in Codename One as everything is written in Java you can customize literally everything about the look of anything.
For simplicity sake I used code rather than styles which would be better, you can customize the Dialog UIID and other UIID's in the theme designer to get more flexibility and have this easier. However, this would require many screenshots and explanations so I did the customization in code:
Form f = new Form("Test");
Button b = new Button("Show Dialog");
b.addActionListener(e -> {
Dialog dlg = new Dialog("Authentication");
Style dlgStyle = dlg.getDialogStyle();
Label title = dlg.getTitleComponent();
Label blueLabel = new Label();
blueLabel.getUnselectedStyle().setPadding(1, 1, 1, 1);
TextArea ta = new TextArea("This is the text you want to appear in the dialog, this might line break if the text is too long...");
Label grayLabel = new Label();
grayLabel.getUnselectedStyle().setPadding(1, 1, 1, 1);
Button ok = new Button(new Command("OK"));
I would recommend doing the dialog customization in the theme designer and using a 9-piece image border which is better looking.


Layout issue with Codename One

At this moment I'm only testing my app in the simulator (as I'm having issues with "Send iOS Build" mentioned in another thread [Errors with Codename One "Send iOS Build" and "Send Android Build")
I'm experiencing some layout issues where it is not making use of the width and height correctly. The elements are left-aligned and there is unused space on the right side. And I need to scroll up and down instead of having everything fit within the visual area. Please see images.
The code are:
private final void show() {
loginSignupForm = new Form("Company", new BoxLayout(0));
Tabs loginSignupTabs = new Tabs();
Style loginSignupStyle = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Tab");
prepareAndAddSignupTab(loginSignupTabs, loginSignupStyle);
prepareAndAddLoginTab(loginSignupTabs, loginSignupStyle);
private void prepareAndAddLoginTab(Tabs loginSignupTabs, Style loginSignupStyle) {
loginID = new TextField();
loginPassword = new TextField();
Button loginButton = getLoginButton();
Component[] loginComponents = {
new Label("Email Address"),
new Label("Password"),
Container loginContainer = BoxLayout.encloseY(loginComponents);
FontImage loginIcon = FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_QUESTION_ANSWER, loginSignupStyle);
loginSignupTabs.addTab("Login", loginIcon, loginContainer);
What do I need to changenter code heree to get the elements to:
1. expand to the maximum width (no free space on the right)
2. fit within the visual area (for top-to-bottom)
Please note that I'm coding the elements because I find the (new) GUI Builder quite a challenge to use.
Firstly, don't pass a constant value as an argument to Layouts, coz the values might change in future Codename One updates and this will be difficult for you to debug. new BoxLayout(0) should be new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) or simply BoxLayout.y().
The above is where the problem arose but not the only problem because BoxLayout doesn't recognize 0 as a valid argument as it has only 3 which are X_AXIS = 1, Y_AXIS = 2, and X_AXIS_NO_GROW = 3.
If you change the above to use BoxLayout.Y_AXIS, it will work, but from the screenshot above, that's not the best solution.
In conclusion, change your code to below:
private final void show() {
loginSignupForm = new Form("Company", new BorderLayout());
Tabs loginSignupTabs = new Tabs();
Style loginSignupStyle = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Tab");
prepareAndAddSignupTab(loginSignupTabs, loginSignupStyle);
prepareAndAddLoginTab(loginSignupTabs, loginSignupStyle);
loginSignupForm.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, loginSignupTabs);;

codenameone Picker Alternative to ComboBox

I am getting my feet wet with Codename One. I have looked into more other options like Xamarin, PhoneGap, Ionic for cross platform but I kinda got hooked with Codename one as it really code once and run anywhere.
I've been going through ui elements and I am kinda blocked on populating a combobox (Alternative is Picker)
Let's say I have stores as value pair (storeId, storeName). I want to display the storeName in Picker but keep storeId as the value reference.
Once the store is selected I would like to pass the storeId to an API call.
Is this possible. This might be very simple question but seems bit difficult to implement (I am really new to mobile).
Thank you.
Our recommendation is to avoid ComboBox. It's a UI pattern that doesn't exist on iOS natively and would feel alien on modern phones. It exists in Codename One.
In this code from the sample above you can get a similar effect to a complex multi-field combo box:
Form hi = new Form("Button", BoxLayout.y());
String[] characters = { "Tyrion Lannister", "Jaime Lannister", "Cersei Lannister"};
String[] actors = { "Peter Dinklage", "Nikolaj Coster-Waldau", "Lena Headey"};
int size = Display.getInstance().convertToPixels(7);
EncodedImage placeholder = EncodedImage.createFromImage(Image.createImage(size, size, 0xffcccccc), true);
Image[] pictures = {
URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "tyrion",""),
URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "jaime",""),
URLImage.createToStorage(placeholder, "cersei","")
MultiButton b = new MultiButton("Pick A Lanister...");
b.addActionListener(e -> {
Dialog d = new Dialog();
for(int iter = 0 ; iter < characters.length ; iter++) {
MultiButton mb = new MultiButton(characters[iter]);
mb.addActionListener(ee -> {
If you insist on using a ComboBox you can use a model to give it any object data you want. Then create a cell render to display the data. This is all discussed in depth in the component section of Codname One's developer guide. Notice that since ComboBox derives from List a lot of the List tips and docs apply to ComboBox.

Very small material font

I'm trying to use the material icon font in my title commands without transforming them in a FontImage but I can only obtain very little chars.
Style s = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("TitleCommand");
UIManager.getInstance().setComponentStyle("TitleCommand", s);
this should give me the possibility to have multiple icons in a single command but the chars/glyphs I get are very small (on iphone3 simulator they are scaled to a single pixel!).
What is wrong?
This code worked for me:
Style s = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("TitleCommand");
s.setFont(FontImage.getMaterialDesignFont().derive(s.getFont().getHeight(), Font.STYLE_PLAIN));
UIManager.getInstance().setComponentStyle("TitleCommand", s);
Form hi = new Form("Test");
hi.getToolbar().addCommandToRightBar("" + FontImage.MATERIAL_3D_ROTATION, null, e -> Log.p("Invoked"));;
To produce this:
I usually use a more conventional way of creating an icon with a millimeter size but this should work.

How to open Color and Font Dialog box using WPF?

I want to show the color and font dialog box in WPF .net 4.5, how to can I do?
Please help me anybody.
Thnx in Advanced!
The best out of the box solution is using FontDialog form System.Windows.Forms assembly, but you will have to convert it's output to apply it to WPF elements.
FontDialog fd = new FontDialog();
var result = fd.ShowDialog();
if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
tbFonttest.FontFamily = new FontFamily(fd.Font.Name);
tbFonttest.FontSize = fd.Font.Size * 96.0 / 72.0;
tbFonttest.FontWeight = fd.Font.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Regular;
tbFonttest.FontStyle = fd.Font.Italic ? FontStyles.Italic : FontStyles.Normal;
TextDecorationCollection tdc = new TextDecorationCollection();
if (fd.Font.Underline) tdc.Add(TextDecorations.Underline);
if (fd.Font.Strikeout) tdc.Add(TextDecorations.Strikethrough);
tbFonttest.TextDecorations = tdc;
Notice that winforms dialog does not support many of WPF font properties like extra bold fonts.
Color dialog is much easier:
ColorDialog cd = new ColorDialog();
var result = cd.ShowDialog();
if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
tbFonttest.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(cd.Color.A, cd.Color.R, cd.Color.G, cd.Color.B));
It does not support alpha though.
You can use classes from System.Windows.Forms, there is nothing wrong with using them. You'll probably need to convert values to WPF-specific though.
Alternatively, you can implement your own dialogs or use third-party controls, see Free font and color chooser for WPF?.

WPF Printing Flow Document

I have a problem with printing in WPF.
I am creating a flow document and add some controls to that flow document.
Print Preview works ok and i have no problem with printing from a print preview window.
The problem exists when I print directly to the printer without a print preview. But what is more surprisingly - when I use XPS Document Writer as a printer
everyting is ok, when i use some physical printer, some controls on my flow document are not displayed.
Thanks in advance
Important thing to note : You can use XpsDocumentWriter even when printing directly to a physical printer. Don't make the mistake I did of avoiding it just because you're not creating an .xps file!
Anyway - I had this same problem, and none of the DoEvents() hacks seemed to work. I also wasn't particularly happy about having to use them in the first place. In my situation some of the databound controls printed fine, but some others (nested UserControls) didnt. It was as if only one 'level' was being databound and the rest wouldn't bind even with a 'DoEvents()' hack.
The solution was simple though. Use XpsDocumentWriter like this. it will open a dialog where you can choose whichever installed physical printer you want.
// 8.5 x 11 paper
Size sz = new Size(96 * 8.5, 96 * 11);
// create your visual (this is a WPF UserControl)
var template = new PackingSlipTemplate()
DataContext = new PackingSlipViewModel(order)
// arrange
template.Arrange(new Rect(sz));
// print to XpsDocumentWriter
// this will open a dialog and you can print to any installed printer
// not just a 'virtual' .xps file
PrintDocumentImageableArea area = null;
XpsDocumentWriter xps = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(ref area,);
I found the OReilly book on 'Programming WPF' quite useful with its chapter on Printing - found through Google Books.
If you don't want a print dialog to appear, but want to print directly to the default printer you can do the following. (For me the application is to print packing slips in a warehouse environment - and I don't want a dialog popping up every time).
var template = new PackingSlipTemplate()
DataContext = new PackingSlipViewModel(orders.Single())
// arrange
template.Arrange(new Rect(sz));
LocalPrintServer localPrintServer = new LocalPrintServer();
var defaultPrintQueue = localPrintServer.DefaultPrintQueue;
XpsDocumentWriter xps = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(defaultPrintQueue);
xps.Write(template, defaultPrinter.DefaultPrintTicket);
XPS Document can be printed without a problem
i have noticed one thing:
tip: the controls that are not displayed are the controls I am binding some data, so the conclusion is that the binding doesn't work. Can it be the case that binding is not executing before sending the document to the printer?
