Iterate through Rows in SQL to Output to Text File - sql-server

I have a SQL table that contains several hundred rows of data. One of the columns in this table contains text reports that were stored as plain text within the column.
Essentially, I need to iterate through each row of data in SQL and output the contents of each row's report column to its own individual text file with a unique name pulled from another column.
I am trying to accomplish this via PowerShell and I seem to be hung up. Below is what I have thus far.
foreach ($i=0; $i -le $Reports.Count; $i++)
$SDIR = "C:\harassmentreports"
$FILENAME = $Reports | Select-Object FILENAME
$FILETEXT = $Reports | Select-Object TEXT
if (!([System.IO.File]::Exists($NAME))) {
Out-File $NAME | Set-Content -Path $FULLFILE -Value $FILETEXT

Assuming that $Reports is a list of the records from your SQL query, you'll want to fix the following issues:
In an indexed loop use indexed access to the elements of your array:
$FILENAME = $Reports[$i] | Select-Object FILENAME
$FILETEXT = $Reports[$i] | Select-Object TEXT
Define variables outside the loop if their value doesn't change inside the loop:
$SDIR = "C:\harassmentreports"
foreach ($i=0; $i -le $Reports.Count; $i++) {
Expand properties if you want to use their value:
$FILENAME = $Reports[$i] | Select-Object -Expand FILENAME
$FILETEXT = $Reports[$i] | Select-Object -Expand TEXT
Use Join-Path for constructing paths:
$NAME = Join-Path $SDIR "$FILENAME.txt"
Use Test-Path for checking the existence of a file or folder:
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $NAME)) {
Use either Out-File
Out-File -FilePath $NAME -InputObject $TEXT
or Set-Content
Out-File -Path $NAME -Value $TEXT
not both of them. The basic difference between the two cmdlets is their default encoding. The former uses Unicode, the latter ASCII encoding. Both allow you to change the encoding via the parameter -Encoding.
You may also want to reconsider using a for loop in the first place. A pipeline with a ForEach-Object loop might be a better approach:
$SDIR = "C:\harassmentreports"
$Reports | ForEach-Object {
$file = Join-Path $SDIR ($_.FILENAME + '.txt')
if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { Set-Content -Path $file -Value $_.TEXT }


Using two arrays to create registry keys/values

Trying to automate our font installation process for new PCs.
To install fonts, Windows adds the .ttf, .otf, etc. file to C:\Windows\Fonts and then creates a corresponding registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts. A typical registry key would look like this:
Arial (TrueType) | Arial.ttf
To automate this, I've made two arrays using Get-ChildItem:
$names = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\corp\install\fonts" | Select-Object name | Out-String | ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace "----","" ` -Replace "Name","" ` -Replace ".otf","" ` -Replace ".ttf","" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\corp\install\fonts" | Select-Object name | Out-String | ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace "----","" ` -Replace "Name","" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
Each $name in $names will be the name of the registry key, and each $file in $files will be the data for that registry key.
How would I go about doing this? I've attempted to use hash tables, PSObjects, nested ForEach loops, all to no avail. I have had difficulty finding anything on here and elsewhere that matches this situation exactly.
Error checking is not really necessary since there will always be a corresponding value.
Write-Host "Installing corporate fonts..."
Copy-Item -Path "C:\corp\install\fonts\*" -Destination "C:\Windows\Fonts" -Force -Recurse
$fontList = #()
$fonts = Get-ChildItem "C:\corp\install\fonts" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
ForEach ( $font in $fonts ) {
$fontList += [PSCustomObject] #{
Name = $font -Replace ".otf","" ` -Replace ".ttf",""
File = $font
} |
ForEach-Object {
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" -Name $_.Name -Value $_.File
I must admit I don't fully understand your question so forgive me if this response is way off base, but it this what you're looking for? A table with both pieces of data in one?
Function CreateVariables {
$namevariables = #()
$filenames = ( Get-ChildItem "C:\corp\install\fonts" ).name
Foreach ( $name in $filenames ){
$namevariables += [PSCustomObject] #{
Name = $name -Replace "----","" ` -Replace "Name","" ` -Replace ".otf","" ` -Replace ".ttf",""
File = $name -Replace "----","" ` -Replace "Name",""
Return $namevariables
Piping both name and value to set-itemproperty seem impossible. Foreach-object seems the way to go.
$path = 'hklm:\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\fonts'
[pscustomobject]#{name='a name';value='a value'} |
foreach { set-itemproperty $path $ $_.value -whatif }
What if: Performing the operation "Set Property" on target "Item: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\fonts Property: a name".
You may prefer using this vbscript-like method to install fonts:

PowerShell searching matches over 3 CSVs ... slow execution

I have to find matches over 3 CSVs. It is to find out whether users have AccessRights on PublicFolders in Exchange 2016. For ease of use I have already searched and stored all the needed values in 3 CSVs
"PF-Folder_Full.csv": a list of all the Publich Folders (more than 5000)
"PF-Mailboxes.csv": a list of all the users (around 50)
"PF-Permissions.csv": the result of
Get-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity $Folder.Identity
looped through all the Public Folders (that takes ages)
I have written a script that does the job but even on a fast computer it is extremely slow because it has too loop through all the Public Folders and through all the users and then find a match for both values in the permissions
$Folders = Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Folder_Full.csv" -Encoding Unicode
$Mailboxes = Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Mailboxes.csv" -Encoding Unicode
$Permissions = Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Permissions.csv" -Encoding Unicode
foreach ($Folder in $Folders) {
foreach ($Mailbox in $Mailboxes) {
$Permission = $Permissions | where {
($_.Identity -eq $Folder.Identity) -and
($_.User -eq $Mailbox.DisplayName)
if ($Permission) {
# some code
} else {
# some other code
Remove-Variable Permission
Is there a way to speed-up things? Possibly through the use of regular expressions.
I couldn't find any example that allows for extended matches between multiple arrays.
As Kory Gill mentioned in the comments: build two hashtables from the Identity and DisplayName properties from the first two CSVs:
$Folders = #{}
Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Folder_Full.csv" -Encoding Unicode | ForEach-Object {
$Folders[$_.Identity] = $_
$Mailboxes = #{}
Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Mailboxes.csv" -Encoding Unicode | ForEach-Object {
$Mailboxes[$_.DisplayName] = $_
Then process the third CSV using these hashtables for lookups:
$Permissions = Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Permissions.csv" -Encoding Unicode
foreach ($p in $Permissions) {
if ($Folders.Contains($p.Identity) -and $Mailboxes.Contains($p.User)) {
# some code
} else {
# some other code
If you want code run just once per unique identity/user combination you could build a hashtable with the combined identity and mailbox name for filtering:
$Folders = Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Folder_Full.csv" -Encoding Unicode |
Select-Object -Expand Identity
$Mailboxes = Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Mailboxes.csv" -Encoding Unicode |
Select-Object -Expand DisplayName
$fltr = #{}
foreach ($f in $Folders) {
foreach ($m in $Mailboxes) {
$fltr["$f $m"] = $true
and then group the records from the third CSV:
Import-Csv -Path ".\PF-Permissions.csv" -Encoding Unicode |
Group-Object Identity, User |
ForEach-Object {
if ($fltr.Contains($_.Name)) {
# some code
} else {
# some other code

Powershell read filenames under folder and read each file content to create menu items

I've a folder called c:\mycommands
files under this folder are multiple files like:
each file has one line only, like this:
in file command1.txt:
echo "this is command1"
in file command2.txt"
echo "this is command2"
and so on
I want to read the filename and it's content into an array/variable pair in order to build a dynamic menu.
so theoretically, all I would need to do in the future is to, drop a file into the folder and program will include it as menu option dynamically. (or remove the file to have it not show up in menu option.
What's the best way to approach this? maybe a do while loop with get-content into an array? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm really trying limit or avoid menu maintenance but would rather have the menu bre created dynamically
Here are three variations on the same basic idea, depending on what kind of output you need.
# Storing output in a hash table (key/value pairs)
$resultHash = #{}
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mycommands -File |
ForEach-Object {$resultHash.Add($_.Name, (Get-Content -Path $_.FullName))}
# Storing output in an array of psobjects
$resultArray = #()
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mycommands -File |
ForEach-Object {
$resultArray += (New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{"NameOfFile"=$_.Name; "CommandText"=(Get-Content -Path $_.FullName);})
# Outputting psobjects to the pipeline
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mycommands -File |
ForEach-Object {
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{"NameOfFile"=$_.Name; "CommandText"=(Get-Content -Path $_.FullName);}
# Making a nice menu out of the hash table version
$promptTitle = "My menu"
$promptMessage = "Choose from the options below"
$promptOptions = #()
foreach ($key in $resultHash.Keys)
$promptOptions += New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription $key, $resultHash[$key]
$promptResponse = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($promptTitle, $promptMessage, $promptOptions, 0)
If I am understanding what you want correctly, this might be able to accomplish it for you.
If will gather a list of all the files in a folder, then get the content from each one and add them to an Array one by one.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Files = #(Get-ChildItem "C:\Logs\" |
Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} |
Select-Object FullName)
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$List_Of_Commands = #()
foreach ($File in $Files) {
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$File_Contents = #(Get-Content $File.FullName)
foreach ($Content in $File_Contents) {
$Array_Object = [PSCustomObject]#{
'Command' = $Content
$List_Of_Commands.Add($Array_Object) | Out-Null

Can't access values in an array that's part of a foreach loop in powershell

I'm relatively new to powershell and coding and am having issues accessing the values in an array. I'm trying to loop thru a set of files using foreach and count the number of messages in each file. And then have the count for each file put in to an array so I can assign it to a variable. When I do write-host $data[0] it returns all the values. If I do write-host $data1 it returns nothing. It seems like these values are all being stored as one instead of as individual numbers. How do I get each value and then assign it to a variable. Any help would be appreciated.
$FilePath = 'some file path here'
$TodaysDate = (Get-Date -format "MM-dd-yyyy")
ForEach($file in Get-ChildItem $FilePath -exclude *.ps1,*.xml,*.xls | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge $TodaysDate})
$data = ,#(Get-Content $file | Where-Object {$_.Contains("MSH|")}).Count
write-host $data[0]
powershell result
In this line:
$data = ,#(Get-Content $file | Where-Object {$_.Contains("MSH|")}).Count
you are creating an array of a single element (the count). What you want to do is add to $data each time:
$data += ,#(Get-Content $file | Where-Object {$_.Contains("MSH|")}).Count
But given your description, I think you may want a hashtable, using the filename as a key:
$data = #{} #init hashtable
ForEach($file in Get-ChildItem $FilePath -exclude *.ps1,*.xml,*.xls | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -ge $TodaysDate})
$data[$file] = #(Get-Content $file | Where-Object {$_.Contains("MSH|")}).Count
write-output $data

Trying to thin out backup files but Get-ChildItem isn't returning usable list

We have a backup that runs every other day, but the files are large and we want to just remove every other one once we get a certain amount of backup files with our file signature.
I've tried this:
$Drive = "E:\temp\"
$deleteTime = -42;
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays($deleteTime)
#this is finding the correct files but I don't think it's really in an array
$temp1 = Get-ChildItem -Path $Drive -filter "*junk.vhd*" | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit} | Select -Expand Name
for($i=$temp1.GetLowerBound(0); $i -le $temp1.GetUpperBound(0); $i+=2) {
Write-Host "removing $temp1[$i]" #this is listing the entire array with a [0] for first one and the third [2] element also, whether I cast to an array or not
I tried this instead of the above (Get-ChildItem) line currently but it listed the entire set of junk files for [0] instead of just the first junk.vhd at [0]:
[array]$temp1 =#( Get-ChildItem -Path $Drive -filter "*junk.vhd*" | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit} | Foreach-Object {$_.Name} )
I tried this too:
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-42)
$list = (dir -Filter *junk.ps1 | where LastWriteTime -lt $limit).FullName
$count = $list.Length
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i += 2)
Write-Verbose "[$i] $($list[$i])"
#it's not getting in here because I'm not sure how
#to add the $Drive location and list is empty
Does anyone have a suggestion how to get an array of the filenames from $Drive location with the signature *junk.vhd so I can loop through them and remove every other one?
An internet search isn't turning much up.
This works for me:
$deleteTime = -12;
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays($deleteTime)
$t = Get-ChildItem -Path $pwd -filter "p*.txt" | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $limit} | Select -Expand Name
foreach ($a in $t) { Write-Host "Name : $a" }
What have I missed from what you were looking for?
(Obviously, you will need to maintain a counter and do some modulo arithmetic in the body of the foreach() statement... )
This works, too:
for($i=$t.GetLowerBound(0); $i -le $t.GetUpperBound(0); $i+=2) {
$n = $t[$i]
Write-Host "removing $n"
