I want update document using two ids using $resource.my api root is like this
$resource("",{"subid": "#subid"},{"productid": "#productid"},{update:{method:"PUT"}});
i got the error like this.
subproduct.$update is not a function
My Factory Like this:
var subproductinfo=[]
var subproductresource=$resource("",{"subid": "#subid"},{"productid": "#productid"},{update:{method:"PUT"}});
var subproduct=new subproductresource(SubMenuItem,SubMenuItem.subid);
subproduct.$update({"subid":SubMenuItem.subid,"productid": SubMenuItem._id},function(data){
console.log("Not Updated...")
please help me how to do this?
Try putting update in quotes like so:
{"subid": "#subid"},{"productid": "#productid"},
'update': {method:"PUT"}
You also might be using new wrong. new usually takes one argument which is the resource to be created as a JSON object. If the above fix doesn't work, what is the output of your console.logs?
So in my angular JS web app, I have a function that calls on a node in the firebase database called orderedPlayers and returns it as an array as follows:
.$loaded(function(loadedPlayers) {
// function in here
When attempting to do something similar in the cloud function I am experiencing problems. Is there a way to return the the players node as an array?
I know i can access the database as follows:
but the $firebaseArray doesnt work.
These docs can help: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/admin/retrieve-data
snapshot.val() will return an object that can be referenced as a key-value array. In your case:
admin.database().ref('orderedPlayers').on("value", function(snapshot) {
var loadedPlayers = snapshot.val();
//access your players here
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
To the best of my knowledge cloudfunctions does not include firebaseArray. You can instead just make the players children into an array.
let yourArray = [];
admin.database().ref('orderedPlayers').once('value').then(snap => {
snap.forEach(childSnap => {
or you can use the children:
let yourArray = [];
admin.database().ref('orderedPlayers').on('child_added',snap => {
*on('child_added') will always be called at least once so it removes the need to loop over the children.
If you want to query the database by a specific value you just add something like orderByChild('order') after the ref and before calling once or on
I have this problem with kinvey backend,
I'm trying to fetch data from my collection but it doesn't work for me. here is my code :
var query = new $kinvey.Query();
query.equalTo('_id', '5909e8084c68b1ef74fa4efc');
var dataStore = $kinvey.DataStore.collection('User1Bases', $kinvey.DataStoreType.Network);
var stream = dataStore.find(query);
stream.subscribe(function onNext(entity) {
// ...
}, function onError(error) {
// ...
}, function onComplete() {
Can you help me please
If you let run the code you have posted then consider four things:
Make sure you have Kinvey implemented:
<script src="https://da189i1jfloii.cloudfront.net/js/kinvey-html5-sdk-3.10.2.min.js"></script>
Make sure you have initialized the Kinvey service before:
// Values shown in your Kinvey console
appKey: '<your_appKey>',
appSecret: 'your_appSecret'
Make sure you are logged in with a user that has the rights to read your collection (should be fine using the All Users role (default)):
var promise = Kinvey.User.login('<username>', '<password>')
.then(function() {
console.log ("You are logged in");
.catch(function(error) {
console.log (error);
Output the return result to see whats coming back. To make sure you do the query AFTER successful login, paste you query inside the .then function of login.
I'm not sure if your query is valid unter 3.x since a lot has changed and I'm not working with older Kinvey versions.
So that all together would look like this:
// Initialize Kinvey
appKey: '<your_appKey>',
appSecret: 'your_appSecret'
// Login with already registered user
var promise = Kinvey.User.login('<username>', '<password>')
.then(function() {
console.log ("You are logged in");
// Your query
var query = new $kinvey.Query();
query.equalTo('_id', '5909e8084c68b1ef74fa4efc');
var dataStore = $kinvey.DataStore.collection('User1Bases', $kinvey.DataStoreType.Network);
var stream = dataStore.find(query);
stream.subscribe(function onNext(entity) {
// Output of returning result
console.log (entity);
// ...
}, function onError(error) {
// ...
}, function onComplete() {
.catch(function(error) {
console.log (error);
There are now three return sets possible:
Nothing (as you say) -> Something missing/wrong in the code (compare yours with mine)
Empty array: Your query didn't find anything, adapt the search value(s)
One or more entries in the array -> All fine, what you were looking for!
Hope that helps!
When querying by _id there is a built in method: http://devcenter.kinvey.com/angular/guides/datastore#FetchingbyId
Try switching to var stream = dataStore.findById('entity-id');
Also check to make sure you don't have any preFetch or postFetch BL that is interfering with the query.
I am making $http request to multiple environment and processing after I get all the responses. I am using the code below:
var results = {};
for (var env in res) {
results[env] = res[env].data;
}, function(err){
function request(env) {
return $http.get(callService.getDomainUrl()+'/'+$rootScope.envs[env]+ '/hosts.json');
The above code works fine, but the results object looks like below:
0: {data:{}},
1: {data:{}},
2: {data:{}},
3: {data:{}}
I want the corresponding response for each key and the results should be like
env1: {data:{//data for env1}},
env2: {data:{//data for env2}},
env3: {data:{//data for env3}},
env4: {data:{//data for env4}},
How to map the corresponding response to the key? Please let me know how to get this as this is asynchronous request. Should I have something from the API to know which env the API is coming from?
I think the simplest way would be to push the result handling into the request function, that way you still have the 'env' value in scope.
var results = {};
// Do something with 'results' here.
}, function(err){
function request(env) {
return $http.get(callService.getDomainUrl()+'/'+$rootScope.envs[env]+ '/hosts.json')
.then(function(res) { results[env] = res.data; return env; });
Another option would be to replace my return env with return [env, res.data] and then you can go back to creating the results object as in your original code.
The important thing here is to remember you can handle the $http.get promises individually as well as using the promises from the call to then in $q.all.
I have these "methods" in my angular service that use restangular to get remote data where the respose is this:
function restfulService(ipCookie,Restangular) {
return {
//Setta la directory di partenza del service rest. In questo modo non devo sempre definirlo
restfulBase : function() {
return Restangular.oneUrl('rest','http://MYREMOTEHOST/rest');
getAllCity : function () {
return this.restfulBase().get('cities', {'all':1}, {}, {'X-CSRF-Token': tokenVar});
Why when I call getAllCity() the url is :
If I use this :
Restangular.oneUrl('rest','http://MYDOMAIN/rest/cities').get({all : 1});
I have no problems.
I have tried changing my app to set Restangular.setBaseUrl() in .config() method and then changing my service to use Restangular.all('cities').get() but I have an error about "strings".
If I use getAll() I have an error about "getLists() want array and not objects".
So: which is the correct way to use Restangular ? I have read online documentation and tutorial, but I have not understand how to retrieve elements in the right way. And to "post".
Thanks and sorry for this stupid question.
I believe the problem is that you set your base as "one" type of resource. The "one" method is not for setting the base urls. The way I set the base url is like this:
.config(['RestangularProvider', function (RestangularProvider) {
// Set the base URL
And then I access each resource, depending on its type with "one" or "all", like so:
function restfulService(ipCookie,Restangular) {
return {
getAllCity : function () {
return Restangular.all('cities').getList();
You can also set the default params in the config phase, or per request at runtime.
The "getLists() want array and not objects" error you get when you use "all" is because it accepts only arrays as a response, therefore you need to intercept the data before and parse it in an array. In your case, you are getting an object, so you can parse it like this:
// this happens at runtime, either in your implementation code or in a more global config file, like:
Restangular.addResponseInterceptor(function (data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {
// If the what is set, than just grab it and return it
if (data.hasOwnProperty(what)) {
return data[what];
} else {
// Otherwise make it an array
var arr = [];
for (var key in data) {
return arr;
Hope this helps.
Adding Backbone to a Rails app, I created a post model inside an app namespace like this
var app = {
this.models.post = new app.Models.Post();
In the router, I created the following route
"posts/:id": "postDetails"
When I navigate to /posts/4, I'm getting an Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function error when I try to call fetch on the model like this
postDetails: function (id) {
var post = new app.models.post({id: id});
success: function (data) {
$('#content').html(new PostView({model: data}).render().el);
According to the Backbone docs http://backbonejs.org/#Model-fetch, I should be able to call fetch on a model to retrieve the data from the server. Why does Backbone think I'm treating an object like a function?
You're doing this:
this.models.post = new app.Models.Post();
to, presumably, set app.models.post to an instance of the app.Models.Post model. Then you try to do this:
var post = new app.models.post({id: id});
But you can only use the new operator on a function:
new constructor[([arguments])]
A function that specifies the type of the object instance.
You probably want to say:
var post = new app.Models.Post({ id: id });
or something similar.
The problem is you've declared post as a local variable var post, but then tried to access it as a member this.post. You need either this:
this.post = new app.models.post({id: id});
this.post.fetch({ ...
Or this:
var post = new app.models.post({id: id});
post.fetch({ ...
(The difference being that a local variable var post is declared in transient scope and thrown away after postDetails completes; while instance variable this.post gets added to the Router object and will typically live for the whole lifetime of the application.)