Retrieve all documents but only specific fields from Cloudant database - database

I want to return all the documents in a Cloudant database but only include some of the fields. I know that you can make a GET request against https://$$DATABASE/_all_docs, but there doesn't seem to be a way to select only certain fields.
Alternatively , you can POST to /db/_find and include selector and fields in the JSON body. However, is there a universal selector, similar to SELECT * in SQL databases?

You can use {"_id":{"$gt":0}} as your selector to match all the documents, although you should note that it is not going to be performant on large data sets.


Querying Salesforce Object Column Names w/SOQL

I am using the Salesforce SOQL snap in a SnapLogic integration between our Salesforce instance and an S3 bucket.
I am trying to use a SOQL query in the Salesforce SOQL snap field "SOQL query*" to return the column names of an object. For example, I want to run a SOQL query to return the column names of the "Account" object.
I am doing this because SOQL does not allow "Select *". I have seen code solutions in Apex for this, but I am looking for a way to do it using only a SOQL query.
You want to query metadata? Names of available tables, names of columns you can see in each table, maybe types instead of real Account/Contact/... data, correct?
You might have to bump the version of the API up a bit, current is 47 / 48 so some objects might not be visible in your current one. Also - what API options you have? SOAP, REST? Is "Tooling API" an option? Because it has very nice official FieldDefinition table to pull this.
It's not perfect but this could get you started:
SELECT EntityDefinition.QualifiedApiName, QualifiedApiName, DataType
FROM FieldDefinition
WHERE EntityDefinition.QualifiedApiName IN ('Account', 'Contact', 'myNamespace__myCustomObject__c')
I don't see the table in the REST API reference but it seems to query OK in Workbench so there's hope.
Generally try to Google around about EntityDefinition, FieldDefinition, EntityParticle... For example this is a decent shot at learning which tables are visible to you:
SELECT KeyPrefix, QualifiedApiName, Label, IsQueryable, IsDeprecatedAndHidden, IsCustomSetting
FROM EntityDefinition
WHERE IsCustomizable = true AND IsCustomSetting = false
Or in a pinch you could try to see which fields your user has permission to query. It's bit roundabout way to do it but I have no idea which tables your connector can "see".
Starting from API version 51.0 there's the FIELDS() function available: it lets you query all fields of a given object similar to "SELECT *"

MongoDB: Does findOne retrieve the whole collection from the database to the server

I am trying to make a website and I'm using mongoDB to store my database. I have a question about the performance about the query findOne which I've used widely. Does this query take the whole collection from the database to the server and then perform the iteration over it or does it perform the iteration on the database and just return the document to the server? Picking up the whole collection from the server will be an issue because transferring such a huge chunk of data will take time.
Understanding how mongodb uses indexes would help you answer this question. If you pass in parameters to the findOne query, and those parameters match an index on the collection then mongodb will use the index to find your results. Without the index mongodb will need to scan the collection till it finds a match.
For example if you run a query like:
db.coll.findOne({"_id": ObjectId("5a0a0e6f29642fd7a970420c")})
then mongodb will know exactly which document you want since the _id field is unique and contains an index. If you query on another field which isn't indexed then mongodb will need to do a COLLSCAN to find the document(s) to return.
Quoting official MongoDB documentation:
findOne - Returns one document that satisfies the specified query criteria on
the collection or view. If multiple documents satisfy the query, this
method returns the first document according to the natural order which
reflects the order of documents on the disk.
Obviously implied is that the database itself will only return one collection, and in addition, you could always use postman, or console.log to check what the server returns (if you're not sure).

What is the best method to exclude data and query parts of data in a Swift Firebase query?

I am querying users from Firebase and would like to know the best method to query all users excluding the current ref.authData.uid . In parse its read like this......
query?.whereKey("username", notEqualTo: PFUser.currentUser()!.username!)
query?.whereKey("username", containsString: self.searchTXTFLD.text)
Also, is there any Firebase query type similar to Parse's containsString?
There is no way to retrieve only items from Firebase that don't match a certain condition. You'll have to retrieve all items and exclude the offending ones client-side. Also see is it possible query data that are not equal to the specified condition?
There is also no contains operator for Firebase queries. This has been covered many times before, such as in this question: Firebase query - Find item with child that contains string

conversion of DateField to TrieDateField in Solr

I'm using Apache Solr for powering the search functionality in my Drupal site using a contributed module for drupal named ApacheSolr Search Integration. I'm pretty novice with Solr and have a basic understanding of it, hence wish to convey my apologies in advance if this query sounds outrageous.
I have a date field added through one of drupal's hooks named ds_myDate which I initially used for sorting the search results. I decided to use a date boosting, so that the search results are displayed based on relevancy and boosted by their date rather than merely being displayed by the descending order of date. Once I had updated my hook to implement the same by adding a boost field as recip(ms(NOW/HOUR,ds_myDate),3.16e-11,1,1) I got a HTTP 400 error stating
Can't use ms() function on non-numeric legacy date field ds_myDate
Googling for the same suggested that I use a TrieDateField instead of the Legacy DateField to prevent this error. Adding a TrieDate field named tds_myDate following the suggested naming convention and implementing the boost as recip(ms(NOW/HOUR,tds_myDate),3.16e-11,1,1) did effectively achieve the boosting. However this requires me to reindex all the content (close to 500k records) to populate the new TrieDate field so that I may be able to use it effectively.
I'd request to know if there's an effective workaround than re-indexing all my content such as converting my ds_myDate to a TrieDate field like running an alter query on a mysql table field to change its type. Since I'm unfamiliar with how Solr works would request to know if such an option is feasible and what the right thing to do would be for this case.
You may be able to achieve it by doing a Partial update, but for that you need to be on on Solr 4+ and storing all indexed fields.
Here is how I would go with this:
Make sure version of Solr is 4+
Make sure all indexed fields are stored (requirement for partial updates)
If above two conditions meet, write a script(PHP), which does following:
1) Iterate through full Solr index, and for each doc:
----a) read value stored in ds_myDate field
----b) Convert it to TrieDateField format
----c) Push onto Solr, via partial update to only tds_myDate field (see sample query)
Sample query:
curl 'localhost:8983/solr/update?commit=true' -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '[{"id":"$id","tds_myDate":{"set":$converted_Val}}]'
For more details on partial updates:
Unfortunately, once a document has been indexed a certain way and you change the schema, you cannot have the new schema changes be applied to existing documents until those documents are re-indexed.
Please see this previous question - Does Schema Change need Reindex for additional details.

How to store XML result of WebService into SQL Server database?

We have got a .Net Client that calls a Webservice. We want to store the result in a SQL Server database.
I think we have two options here how to store the data, and I am a bit undecided as I can't see the pros and cons clearly: One would be to map the results into database fields. That would require us to have database fields corresponding to each possible result type, e.g. for each "normal" result type as well as those for faults.
On the other hand, we could store the resulting XML and query that via the SQL Server built in XML functions.
Personally, I am comfortable with dealing with both SQL and XML, so both look fine to me.
Are there any big pros and cons and what would I need to consider in terms of database design when trying to store the resulting XML for quite a few different possible Webservice operations? I was thinking about a result table for each operation that we call with different entries for the different possible outcomes / types and then store the XML in the right field, e.g. a fault in the fault field, a "normal" return type in the appropriate field etc.
We use a combination of both. XML for reference and detailed data, and text columns for fields you might search on. Searchable columns include order number, customer reference, ticket number. We just add them when we need them since you can extract them from the XML column.
I wouldn't recommend just the XML. If you store 10.000 messages a day, a query like:
select * from XmlLogging with (nolock) where Response like '%Order12%'
can become slow and interfere with other queries. You also can't display the logging in a GUI because retrieval is too slow.
I wouldn't recommend just the text columns either. If the XML format changes, you'd get an empty column. That's hard to troubleshoot without the XML message. In addition, if you need to "replay" the message stream, that's a lot easier with the XML messages. Few requirements demand replay, but it's really helpful when repairing the fallout of production problems.
