Amazon MWS Product API : How to determine Prime eligible - amazon-mws

I have been currently working with the Amzon MWS Product API for getting the lowest listing price. I would just want to know if there is a way that i can determine that this price is Prime eligible? Thanks in advance for the help.

By using the Product API you cannot identify whether the item is prime eligible or not, but instead you can try the following API calls to get the price offers
If you are using Product Advertising API, You can perform an ItemSearch the ResponseGroup will contain IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping which will tell you if it is Prime eligible.
Note:- Before associating prime items, you have to migrate to new shipping settings

You can perform an ItemSearch, the ResponseGroup will contain IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping which tells you if it is Prime eligible.


QBO SDK PHP getting all deposits customer

I would like to know how to get all deposits of a target customer with the following SDK (
Is there an easier way than getting all deposits, then looping to extract the wanted customer's deposits?
Official QBO answer:
You can get complete deposit list by querying the “Query a deposit”
API end point. If we use filter in query, then it may return incorrect
results. Better you can iterate the response and add filter logic in
your code and get specified

Gremlin Comparing DateTime

I have the following model
I am using Amazon Neptune to run this, and i am running in the following situation:
I should be able to for each match that a club has, identify which player are available
I need to check the date of each match Match
For each match, identify the club
From club, get players
From player, check if he has an unavailable state on the same match-DateTime
How could I run this in Neptune?
You need to look for all players that does not close the circle.
This query should give you what you need:
.project('match', 'players')

How to use an array to work around google scripts "service invoked too many times for one day" error

I wrote a simple script to fetch the distance between two locations, each in a different cell in GoogleSheets (below). My sheet has one set of 65 locations in the top row and a second set of 6000 locations listed in the first column. I want to find the distance between each location in the top row and each location in the first column.
Given the size of my data set, I'm running into the "service invoked too many times for one day: route" error message. I found this post suggesting that one could create an array to execute calculations for the whole spreadsheet at once, rather than cell by cell. Would this be a suitable solution for my current problem? If so, how would I go about writing the script? Here's my current code:
function GOOGLEMAPS(start_address,end_address) {
var mapObj = Maps.newDirectionFinder();
var directions = mapObj.getDirections();
var meters = directions["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"];
var distance = meters * 0.000621371
return distance;
If you desire overcome a daily limit established by the Google Apps Script you should initialize a Map with the Google Maps Premium plan credentials. This means you should contact Google and purchase a Google Maps Platform Premium plan license in order to get additional quota allowances.
There is a Maps.setAuthentication(clientId, signingKey); method for this purpose.
Enables the use of an externally established Maps API for Business account, to leverage additional quota allowances. Your client ID and signing key can be obtained from the Google Enterprise Support Portal. Set these values to null to go back to using the default quota allowances.
I hope this answer clarifies your doubt.

Salesforce rest api Events WhoId

I am using salesforce rest api to pull meeting data.There is a field "WhoId" in the reponse which according to the documentation is the related lead or contact id .How do i find whether it is a lead or contact?
You can always tell what sort of object an ID corresponds to by looking at the first 3 letters. In your case, you'd look for a prefix of 00Q (Lead) or 003 (Contact).
Backup copy of the full table gisted (just in case!) and rendered for your future convenience.

Screening stocks using Yahoo Finance API (YQL)

i am trying to roll my own stock screener using the Yahoo Finance API.
While it is easy to get a heap of data (via XML or JSON) by providing the ticker symbol:
(See the results here and click 'test').
I am struggling to find a way to find stocks which match a certain set of criteria. For instance, say I want to grab a list of stocks whose Bid price is greater than 20
SELECT symbol FROM WHERE Bid > 20.00
The query fails, with the following message:
Cannot find required keys in where clause; got 'Bid', expecting required keys: (symbol)
as can be seen here.
Is what I am trying to do possible? Is there a way to write the query string to get what I am looking for? Or is there a much simpler service out there that can help me out.
Would appreciate any help you guys can give me.
