I know that on instantiation of a Quill editor, there is a placeholder option. Is there a way that I can change this placeholder dynamically after the editor is instantiated?
The placeholder is implemented with a CSS rule:
.ql-editor::before {
content: attr(data-placeholder);
So you can do quill.root.dataset.placeholder = 'Your new placeholder';
If you are using react-quill
The placeholder in the tooltip is coming from the value of the data-link attribute. So you can replace the value with your own when the component finishes mounting.
Here is the code:
componentDidMount() {
//Replcae link in placeholder to your own text
document.querySelector('.ql-tooltip-editor input').setAttribute("data-link", "your own placeholder");
Note: I am using bubble theme
I need to test a popover from chakra-ui in a React App.
I tried with this. But It does not find the popover. If I try by text, then I cannot assert if it is visible.
it('show a popover when hover terms and conditions', () => {
render(<SummaryForm />);
const link = screen.getByText(/terms and conditions/i);
const popover = screen.getByRole('dialog');
Try using the hidden option of the API:
const popover = screen.getByRole('dialog', {hidden: true})
ChakraUI renders a wrapper div around the section that has the dialog role. You can see this by using screen.debug() if you are using the testing-library. Notice the wrapper controls the visibility of said section, which starts as hidden, with styling elements and aria tags.
Using the hidden option allows you to look amognst the elements that aren't visible in the accessibility tree.
Since you want to test the popover, you should know there are some issues with modifying and checking the visibility of the popover when using jest-dom.
The chakra Modal applies a transform style to toggle its visibility. toBeVisible only checks a limited set of style attributes - transform is not one of them - so you might have to check for those instead, for example:
For invisibility:
expect(screen.getByRole('dialog')).toHaveStyle('transform: translateX(0px) translateY(0.18967%) translateZ(0);')
try toBeInTheDocument() or toMatchSnapshot()
I have tried every possible popular code editor from npm but all of them refuse to display monospace fonts. I have tried ThemeProvider and inline style but it doesn't work. It displays phantom monospace fonts and actual font displayed is the default one. Apart from the code editor, monospace works in the Typography component. Apart from the font, all code editors work fine. Please help.
Shadow Root
With shadow root you can isolate from root css design. For documentation, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM
window.customElements.define('codemirror', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
let shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
// !! Shadow Root inside css rules you can change this
shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
#import url(https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.24.2/codemirror.min.css)
// !! on ready you can change yourself CodeMirror constructor
this.cm = CodeMirror(this.shadowRoot, {lineNumbers: true});
Use custom element
<codemirror id="test"></codemirror>;
get CodeMirror object from element.cm
var code = document.getElementById("test");
code.cm.setValue("var i = 0;");
I have built a Quill text editor in ReactJS with React-Quill. I would like to wrap the generated text in the text editor with a Div tag instead of a P tag. Is this possible?
Overview of my use: When text is generated/edited in the Quill editor it is duplicated in another div on another part of the page. Our use of this editor goes back a few years, and thus was built on an older version of Quill, when the text was generated in Div's. We recently upgraded to Quill 1.0 and when the text is generated in P tags it creates unwanted styles that we can't remove. The simplest and least hacky solution would be to generate div's instead of p tags, but I have no idea if that's even possible.
Does anyone know more about this?
Thank you.
You can just change the tagName of the default Block:
var Block = Quill.import('blots/block');
Block.tagName = 'div';
Working example: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/brgvPR
This worked for me. I am using next.js
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const ReactQuill = dynamic(async () => {
const ReactQuill = await import('react-quill');
const { Quill } = ReactQuill.default;
const Block = Quill.import('blots/block');
Block.tagName = 'div';
return ReactQuill;
}, { ssr: false });
I have defined kendo tooltip in following way:
<i class="fa fa-info-circle ico-tooltip" kendo-tooltip k-content="model.Description"></i>
Initially the content is ok, but when model.Description is changed and the site is not reloaded the k-content shows the old value.
After reload site by F5 there is new value, but this is not what I want to achieve.
It is possible to somehow refresh this tooltip or workaround this issue?
I had a similar issue and I debugged through Kendo's code and following solution works, in my case I wanted to show only upto 22 characters of text from my model and show full text in the tooltip, here is example code
This sample below is using Angular's 1.5 component
<div kendo-tooltip="$ctrl.selectedItemTooltip" k-content="$ctrl.selectedItemText">{{$ctrl.selectedItemText | limitTo:22}}</div>
and in JS
function fetchFromServer(){
ctrl.selectedItemText = response.data.model.text;
ctrl.selectedItemTooltip.options.content = ctrl.selectedItemText
in the tooltip options object (when you initialize the tooltip) you set function for the hide event (check documentation ) and in this function you could call refresh function
var tooltip = $("#container").kendoTooltip({
hide: function() {
i think this will do the trick
I want to render some Ext components into the output of an XTemplate. We want to have the flexibility of using an XTemplate to render the HTML but retain the styling, behaviour, and handlers of using Ext components rather than plain old HTML elements.
I am currently successfully doing this with an Ext.Button. In the template I am writing a placeholder div like so:
<div id="paceholder-1"></div>
After I have called apply() on the template I then create a new Ext component and render it in like so:
this._replacePlaceholders.defer(1, this, [html, 'placeholder-1', collection]);
The _replacePlaceholders function looks like this:
_replacePlaceholders: function(html, id, collection) {
var emailField = new Ext.form.TextField({
emptyText: 'Email address',
hideLabel: true
var downloadButton = new Ext.Button({
text: 'Download as...',
icon: 'images/down.png',
scope: this,
menu: this._createDownloadOptionsMenu(collection) // Create Menu for this Button (works fine)
var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
items: [emailField, downloadButton]
downloadButton.render(html, id);
This works and renders the button into the html correctly. The button menu behaves as expected.
But if I change the last line of replacePlaceholders to emailField.render(html, id); or form.render(html, id); I get a javascript error.
TypeError: ct is null
ct.dom.insertBefore(this.el.dom, position);
ext-all-debug.js (line 10978)
I'm a bit confused because from what I can tell from the docs the render() method called is going to be the same one (from Ext.Component). But I've had a bit of a play around and can't seem to track down what is happening here.
So is there any good reason why these components behave differently from Ext.Button? and is it possible to render an Ext.form.TextField or an Ext.form.FormPanel or anything that will let me use an Ext text field in mt XTemplate html?
NB. I am using ExtJS 3.3.1 and don't have the opportunity to upgrade the version. I believe ExtJS 4 has functionality which would make doing what I doing much easier.
Solution is quite simple - use form.render(id) instead of form.render(html, id).
See [api][1] if you have doubts.
The reason why button is rendering properly is that it has weird onRender implementation, different from Component.
onRender : function(ct, position){
btn = this.template.insertBefore(position, targs, true);
btn = this.template.append(ct, targs, true);
As you can see in code above, if you provide position (which is basically second argument provided to render) it doen't use ct (which is first argument passed to render).
In normal component onRender method looks like this:
onRender : function(ct, position){
this.el = Ext.get(this.el);
if(this.allowDomMove !== false){
ct.dom.insertBefore(this.el.dom, position);
if (div) {
div = null;
In code above, you can see, that ct is called always, despite the position is not null.
The bottom line is that rendering of button works by accident.