Google AppEngine Yaml PHP Handler Issue - google-app-engine

Really simple setup; I just want to access any php file from the api folder (technically would like to specifiy /api/.* or something along that lines to include any subfolders) but this setup only returns 404; I have a feeling it is completely ignoring this line - url: /api/app/(.+\.php)$ because if I type (there is a main.php in the root directory) it loads. So this tells me it is staying in the root path the whole time. Any suggestions?
application: fsfhakjsldhf9
version: 1
runtime: php55
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
MYSQL_DSN: mysql:unix_socket=/cloudsql/fudfsy9:us-central1:fuasdfe-prod1;dbname=f25dsfss9
MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'asfdasdff'
MYSQL_DATABASE: 'asdfasdf'
- url: /favicon\.ico
static_files: favicon.ico
upload: favicon\.ico
- url: /files
static_dir: files
- url: /api/app/(.+\.php)$
script: \1
secure: always
- url: /.*
script: main.php

The - url: /api/app/(.+\.php)$ also needed script: /api/app/\1 to match


I am hosting my website (php files) in GAE. The app.yaml file is not routing the pages of my site. Error: No Found

My site has 8 pages and it is written in php: After deploying in GAE, it can load and dislpay the index.php page. However, does not display the other pages when I click on other links: Error: No Found The requested URL /file.php was not found on this server.
Here is the directory of my file: hightlighted in blue are the pages of my site.
enter image description here
Here is my app.yaml file:
runtime: php72 </b>
# Serve a directory as a static resource.
- url: /styles
static_dir: styles
# Serve images as static resources.
- url: /(.+\.(gif|png|jpg))$
static_files: \1
upload: .+\.(gif|png|jpg)$
# Serve your app through a front controller at index.php or public/index.php.
- url: /(.+\.php)$
static_files: static/\1
upload: /(.+\.php)$
# I add the "/" to url bellow as suggested but still get same error
- url: /.*
script: auto
secure: always
Although it displays the site address in the browser, it says: Error: No Found The requested URL /file.php was not found on this server.
What is missing in the app.yaml file to route properly to the other pages of my site?
The URL for your final entry in the app.yaml should be url: /.* (with slash). This is necessary to match URLs of*. You can see an example in the app.yaml reference.
I already fixed it.
The main problem was in the php version. I thought my code was written in php7.2 but actually it was php5.5, hence, the app.yaml didn't work properly.
Here is the app.yaml file:
This is my app.yaml file
runtime: php55
api_version: 1
- url: /styles
static_dir: styles
- url: /(.+\.(gif|png|jpg))$
static_files: \1
upload: .+\.(gif|png|jpg)$
application_readable: true
- url: /
script: index.php
secure: always
- url: /(.+\.php)$
script: \1
secure: always

google app engine: url not found on this server/404 error

I have code cloned from GitHub Zorya. I just added a www folder and an index.html file in it as I read somewhere that error was because there was no www directory.
Here's how my app structure looks like:
My app.yaml file:
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
service: default
- deferred: on
# Handlers define how to route requests to your application.
- url: /api/v1/(.*)
- url: /tasks/(.*)
- url: /
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
- url: /favicon\.png
static_files: build/favicon.png
upload: build/favicon\.png
# unused for now
# - url: /service-worker\.js
# static_files: build/service-worker.js
# upload: build/service-worker\.js
- url: /manifest\.json
static_files: build/manifest.json
upload: build/manifest\.json
- url: /static/(.*)
static_files: build/static/\1
upload: build/static/(.*)
- url: .*
static_files: build/index.html
upload: build/index.html
# here if you want to use them. See
# for
# a list of libraries included in the SDK. Third party libs that are *not*
# of the App Engine SDK don't need to be listed here, instead add them to
# project directory, either as a git submodule or as a plain subdirectory.
#- name: jinja2
# version: latest
- name: ssl
version: latest
- name: numpy
version: "1.6.1"
- ^\.git$
- ^\client$
- ^\venv$
# needed for, tracks too many changes otherwise
- .*/zorya/client
Here's one of the errors that I see in the logs :
Your requests for /favicon.ico (shown in the comment log) and for / (from the logs image) both match the .* handler pattern, for which you have configured serving a build/index.html static resource.
But you don't have a build directory under the zorya app/service directory, so your static resource doesn't exist. Hence the 404 error.
Maybe you mean to use www instead of build? If so you should match the name of the directory with the one used in the handler pattern. You could just rename the www directory to build (no, you don't need to use that exact name).
In particular for the favicon error, you may want to specify a handler for favicon.ico instead of favicon.png

App engine App.yaml. what to include if I want to use a source php file?

I have a search.php file that is supposed to interact with my index.php file for autocomplete. The search.php file content Google Cloud SQL information. In my app.yaml, I have specify the env_variables for cloud SQL, but I am not sure what should I write in app.yaml for the search.php file.
My app.yaml is like:
runtime: php55
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- url: /favicon\.ico
static_files: favicon.ico
upload: favicon\.ico
- url: .*
script: index.php
MYSQL_DSN: mysql:unix_socket=/cloudsql/myprojectexample:us-central1:product;dbname=pd
A part of my index.php: (just show you where the search.php going to be used)
$(function() {
$( "#456" ).autocomplete({
source: 'search.php',
minLength: 3
So, how should I include search.php in App.yaml to let it work? so far, the app engine won't interact with Cloud SQL.
You can define a handler for your search.php file, and have your .* handler catch everything else. eg
runtime: php55
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- url: /favicon\.ico
static_files: favicon.ico
upload: favicon\.ico
- url: /search.php
script: search.php
- url: .*
script: index.php
The handlers will be read in order until a match is found. So any time you try to call search.php it will point to your search.php file, and any time any other file is called it will point to index.php
You can also use the app.yaml file to organise your handlers or endpoints.
- url: /api/search.php
script: search.php
- url: /api/authenticate.php
script: authenticate.php
You can also use this to remove the need for specifying the .php or file extension in the request.
- url: /search/.*
script: search.php
Now anytime you call /search or you will hit the search page.
You can add as many handlers as you like, but remember they are searched in the order they are written, and as soon as a match is found the match will be executed. So have you catch-all handlers at the end!

Hosting jekyll to Google App engine

Built a personal blog using jekyll. Everything works well on local host. I do not want to deploy it on github. I prefer hosting on google app engine for some reasons.
I followed some instructions online and copied _site folder generated to my google app engine project.
this is how app.yaml looks like:
application: myblog
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- file: /404.html
- url: /
static_files: _site/index.html
upload: _site/index.html
- url: /(.*)
static_files: _site/\1
upload: _site/(.*)
- name: webapp2
version: "2.5.2"
when i run it locally on google app engine, only the index.html and some other files displays. others shows page not found. Is there anything I am not implementing properly ?
Well, I finally figure it out. It is a little trick anyway.
First in your _config.yaml file add:
permalink: /posts/:title/index.html
after that, run jekyll serve to generate the static file in _site folder. Copy the the post folder to _site/ in your app engine project.
Then, in your _config.yaml file change permalink to:
permalink: /posts/:title
run jekyll serve to generate the static file in _site. Copy the entire files generated excluding posts folder into _site/ into your app engine project.
then, make your appengine app.yaml look somewhat like this:
application: myblog
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- url: /(.*\.js)
mime_type: text/javascript
static_files: _site/\1
upload: _site/(.*\.js)
- url: /(.*\.(jpg|png|ico))
static_files: _site/\1
upload: _site/(.*\.img)
- url: /(.*\.css)
mime_type: text/css
static_files: _site/\1
upload: _site/(.*\.css)
- url: /(.*\.(eot|svg|svgz|otf|ttf|woff|woff2))
static_files: _site/\1
upload: _site/(.*\.fonts)
- url: /
static_files: _site/index.html
upload: _site/index.html
- url: /(.+)/
static_files: _site/\1/index.html
upload: _site/(.+)/index.html
expiration: "15m"
- url: /(.+)
static_files: _site/\1/index.html
upload: _site/(.+)/index.html
expiration: "15m"
- url: /(.*)
static_files: _site/\1
upload: _site/(.*)
#- url: /((tags)|(archive)|(about)|(posts)|(fonts))/
- name: webapp2
version: "2.5.2"
see example for clarification

Appenging serve HTML without trailing / in folder

I cant seem to find this anywhere.
What I have is an appengine project that just serves html pages. But it only correctly loads files when the filename is 'exactly' correct.
I.e. loads perfectly
but does not load at all
I want the website to load correctly when the trailing / is left out. What am I missing???
Here is my app.yaml
application: websitewithsubfolder
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: (.*)/
static_files: static\1/index.html
upload: static/index.html
- url: /
static_dir: static
#Shay means the line should be:
- url: (.*)
That is a route that handles all URL requests you will not get any 404 errors, and all Requests are handled by a static index.html page. Your second route will not ever be handled as it is more specific and after your generic route.
You want the more specific routes above your catch all routes.
application: websitewithsubfolder
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /favicon.ico
static_files: static/images/favicon.ico
upload: static/images/favicon.ico
mime_type: image/
- url: /robots.txt
static_files: robots.txt
upload: robots.txt
- url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
static_files: \1
upload: (.*\.(gif|png|jpg))
- url: /static/css
static_dir: static/css
- url: /static/js
static_dir: static/js
- url: (.*)
static_files: static/index.html
upload: static/index.html
The app.yaml file above is more in line with what you want.
I suggest you read the app.yaml docs which go over this in more detail.
Your first mapping in the yaml file tells the AppEngine "every url that ends with / should be mapped to ...". You don't have any mapping to something that doesn't ends with /.
this will map everything to a folder named static/html (untested let me know if it works)
- url: /.*
static_dir: static/html
mime_type: text/html
