Running commands in the background while another is processing? - batch-file

#echo off
color e
echo YOU HAVE WON $1,000,000! WHAT WILL YOU DO?
echo =================
echo -Take it (1)
echo -Leave it (2)
echo -Double it (3)
echo =================
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color a
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color b
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color e
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color a
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color b
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color e
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color a
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color b
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color e
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color a
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color b
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color e
set /p INPUT=Please specify your answer:
If /i "%INPUT%" == "1" goto 1
If /i "%INPUT%" == "2" goto 2
If /i "%INPUT%" == "3" goto 3
I have this code above, and there is a really annoying thing that I can't figure out. So you can see I am repeatedly changing the colors, but you can see it gets in the way of the next command. Is there a way I can make it like in the background until the answer has been chosen? (1, 2, or 3).

Using start /B with an aux script does the trick.
The aux script exits when it finds that a temporary file exists. Lame but works.
my mockup main routine (call it main.bat)
#echo off
color e
echo YOU HAVE WON $1,000,000! WHAT WILL YOU DO?
echo =================
echo -Take it (1)
echo -Leave it (2)
echo -Double it (3)
echo =================
start /B %~dp0\color_cycling.bat
set /p INPUT=Please specify your answer:
If /i "%INPUT%" == "1" goto 1
If /i "%INPUT%" == "2" goto 2
If /i "%INPUT%" == "3" goto 3
goto err
echo.> %TEMP%\stopcol
echo take it
set /p SURE=are you sure?
echo.> %TEMP%\stopcol
echo leave it
My color_cycling.bat routine
#echo off
del %TEMP%\stopcol 2>NUL >NUL
for %%i in (a b e) do (
timeout /t 1 >nul 2>&1
color %%i
if exist %TEMP%\stopcol exit
goto lab
Nice effect from year 1977 indeed!


how to give a .bat code line a time limit?

I want to put a 30s time limit for the :choice Y/N/P and after the time is up goto :start
The code I have need help for the timeing thing
#echo off
echo AmishCraft will start
echo (%time%)
java -Xms2048M -Xmx4096M -jar server.jar
call C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
set /P a=do you want to restart? Yes No Pause [Y/N/P]?
if /I "%a%" EQU "Y" goto :restart
if /I "%a%" EQU "N" goto :stop
if /I "%a%" EQU "P" goto :pause
goto :start
echo server will restart
goto :start
echo closing server
echo server is paused
set /P a=do you want start? Restart Stop [R/S]?
if /I "%a%" EQU "R" goto :restart
if /I "%a%" EQU "S" goto :stop
goto :start
/T is the timeout switch for choice.
/D is the switch to define the default errorlevel / option to set if the
time Elapses.
CHOICE /T 5 /N /C 1234 /M "Select Option 1,2,3 or 4" /D 1
Applies a timeout of 5 seconds, with the errorlevel being set to option 1, equal to errorlevel 1 in this instance.
/N Hides the default Choice Prompt String.
/M Allows you to Define your own Prompt string
/C Allows alphanumerical characters to be defined as Choice options
Errorlevel is Set from Left to Right with regards to listed options.
After the Choice Command Errorlevel Needs to be Assessed From Highest to lowest
Used Directly; Such as in a Goto :LabelName%errorlevel% Command
* Response to comment *
CHOICE /C 123 /T Timeout 25 /D goto :start /M 1 choice menu 25s
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto :choice1
There are multiple errors in the above.
/T Timeout 25 should be: /T 25
Timeout is implicit in the /T switch and does NOT form a part of correct usage of the choice command.
/D goto :start should be: /D 1 OR /D 2 OR /D 3
Only the defined /C options should be used following the /D switch
/M 1 choice menu 25s is incorrect.
The prompt after /M should be encased in Doublequotes: "[1] Option 1. [2] Option 2. [3] Option 3."
Errorlevel Assessment should be done on the Line After the CHOICE Command.
Again, to be clear, Assesment should be done from Highest to Lowest. When errorlevel is Assessed following Choice it is actually interpreted as If ERRORLEVEL GTR n , Despite being scripted Using If ERRORLEVEL n
An example of the Correct usage of all of the above:
#echo off
CHOICE /N /T 25 /C 123 /M "[1] Option 1. [2] Option 2. [3] Start." /D 3
GOTO :start
) else (
GOTO :choice%errorlevel%
ECHO( You are at the start
GOTO :menu
ECHO( You are at option 1
GOTO :menu
ECHO( You are at option 2
GOTO :menu

Why does the following batch code may exit?

I am using this batch to automatically restart some program, they are running very well, but sometimes the batch exit, which causes process_1 and process_2 also exit. It seems that everything is normal, but the batch itself crashes. Why ?
#echo off
cd %~dp0
set process_1=process_1.exe
set process_2=process_2.exe
set interval=10
tasklist > task_tmp.txt
findstr %process1% task_tmp.txt> NUL
if ErrorLevel 1 (
timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
goto start_1
findstr %process2% task_tmp.txt> NUL
if ErrorLevel 1 (
timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL
goto start_2
timeout /t %interval% /nobreak > NUL
goto check_service
start /b "" %process_1%
echo %date% %time% %process_1% " down, up it" >> start_note.txt
goto check_service
start /b "" %process_2%
echo %date% %time% %process_2% " down, up it" >> start_note.txt
goto check_service
You can maybe simplify like this:
#echo off
Set "MyProcess1=process_1.exe"
Set "MyProcess2=process_2.exe"
%SystemRoot%\System32\tasklist.exe /NH | %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /i "%MyProcess1%">nul || echo starting %MyProcess1% && start "process 1" "%MyProcess1%"
%SystemRoot%\System32\tasklist.exe /NH | %SystemRoot%\System32\find.exe /i "%MyProcess2%">nul || echo starting %MyProcess2% && start "Process 2" "%MyProcess2%"
%SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /t 10 /nobreak >nul
goto check
Full qualified file names are used for the commands tasklist, find and timeout to make this batch file independent on the values of the local environment variables PATH and PATHEXT and to avoid that the Windows command processor has to search for these three executables.
You can shorten your code like this:
#echo off
pushd "%~dp0"
tasklist | find /I "Process_1.exe" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
start Process_1.exe
echo %date% %time% Process_1.exe Down up, it >>startnote.txt
tasklist | find /I "Process_2.exe" >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
start Process_2.exe
echo %date% %time% Process_2.exe Down up, it >>startnote.txt
timeout /t 10 /nobreak >nul 2>&1
goto chkservice

How can I make my script not continue if no variable is entered?

I want to make is so that in my game it doesn't just continue the code if you press enter without entering a choice. How can I do this? By this I mean if you press enter without entering a 1, 2, 3, etc. Is there a command to allow me to do this?
#echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
echo You have been studying for years for this moment, to create a human master race, all you have to do is complete the circuit connecting the lightning rods to the speciman. Do you do it?
ping -n 2 > nul
echo 1) Connect the circuit.
echo 2) No, you take your work and burn it.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto awaken
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto end1
echo 3
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo 2
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo 1
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo CRACK!!
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo Lightning strikes the rod and you see movement coming from the speciman under the sheet on the table.
echo The creature sits up. It is more disgusting then you ever could have imagined, you are terrified. It stares at you with mindless eyes, what do you do?
echo 1) Run for your life.
echo 2) Stay in the Room.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm
:run4life [
:staycalm [
echo The monster stares at you.
timeout /t 4 /nobreak >nul
echo It screams
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
call :colorEcho 0a "RAAAAUUUGGGHHH"
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo 1) Run for your life.
echo 2) Stay in the Room.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm2
timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
echo You hear a knock at the door.
call :colorEcho 0a " Hello, anyone there? Someone reported hearing a scream from your residence."
echo How should you react?
echo 1) Jump out the window.
echo 2) Answer the door.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm3
call :colorEcho 0c "Oh yes, I was just scared by a spider."
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
call :colorEcho ob "uhhmmm..."
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
call :colorEcho 0b "Well, do you mind if I come in just to check around?
:end 1
echo Congratulations, you have completed the game without causing anyone to die!
echo 1) Exit
echo 2) Play Again!
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto first
echo off
<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "%~2"
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1i
This is one way:
set "Choice="
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm
goto :loop1

Need help coloring specific text in batch

I am trying to color specific parts of the text and have managed to succeed partially. I am using the call :colorEcho line to color the text. The line that doesn't work is line 72. It works the first time, in line 54, but not the next. I was just wondering if anyone here knows how to fix this.
BTW I got the code from here
#echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
echo You have been studying for years for this moment, to create a human master race, all you have to do is complete the circuit connecting the lightning rods to the speciman. Do you do it?
ping -n 2 > nul
echo 1) Connect the circuit.
echo 2) No, you take your work and burn it.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto awaken
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto end1
echo 3
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo 2
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo 1
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo CRACK!!
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo Lightning strikes the rod and you see movement coming from the speciman under the sheet on the table.
echo The creature sits up. It is more disgusting then you ever could have imagined, you are terrified. It stares at you with mindless eyes, what do you do?
echo 1) Run for your life.
echo 2) Stay in the Room.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm
:run4life [
:staycalm [
echo The monster stares at you.
timeout /t 4 /nobreak >nul
echo It screams
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
call :colorEcho 0a "RAAAAUUUGGGHHH"
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo 1) Run for your life.
echo 2) Stay in the Room.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm2
timeout /t 3 /nobreak >nul
echo You hear a knock at the door.
call :colorEcho 0a " Hello, anyone there? Someone reported hearing a scream from your residence."
echo How should you react?
echo 1) Jump out the window.
echo 2) Answer the door.
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto run4life
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto staycalm3
call :colorEcho 0c "Oh yes, I was just scared by a spider."
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
call :colorEcho ob "uhhmmm..."
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
call :colorEcho 0b "Well, do you mind if I come in just to check around?
:end 1
echo Congratulations, you have completed the game without causing anyone to die!
echo 1) Exit
echo 2) Play Again!
set /p Choice=Choose Now:
if "%Choice%"=="1" goto
if "%Choice%"=="2" goto first
echo off
<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "%~2"
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1i
You are using a primitive version of the color print routine that cannot handle characters that are invalid in file names: \, /, :, ", ?, *, &, |, <, >. The version you are using attempts to create a file with a name equal to your displayed string, so it cannot work for your question string.
The top three answers at How to have multiple colors in a Windows batch file? have more sophisticated versions (more complicated), that can handle nearly any character.
The question mark in the text is screwing it up. By the way, I think you mean line 70 is the one that's failing.

"Counter" in Batch

I'm trying to make a Batch file that will increment a variable by 1 each time it loops, and then check if the variable is equal to 5, and if it isn't, it loops again. I know there's probably a while loop for this, but I didn't know how to do that, and I'm just enjoying learning Batch for fun right now
Here's the code, it doesn't work the way it should, it just displays a 0: and then does nothing else. So how would I go about fixing it? I have a feeling I'm setting and incrementing the variable wrong, and maybe it's confused about the 2 if statements? (Does it have an else if....?) Anyways, thanks for the help
#echo off
set /p i=0:
goto A
set /p i=i+1:
if i != 5 goto C
if i == 5 goto B
echo Test :D
Note: I don't know a lot of Batch and I'm not a pro, but I like to learn and I'm just doing this for future reference, and because I enjoy it. So, this code probably isn't good, but I want to know how I can accomplish this.
This is a way to simulate the while loop you are trying to accomplish. Only one goto is needed:
#echo off
set /a x=0
if %x% lss 5 (
echo %x%
set /a x+=1
goto :while
echo Test :D
You can do that with a simple FOR command :
for /l %%x in (0,1,100) do (
echo %%x
You can replace 100 by the number you want
To set a numerical value to a variable, you may use the /a switch:
The /A switch specifies that the string to the right of the equal sign
is a numerical expression that is evaluated.
(Type SET /? for all the help).
Second, check your goto flow - this never loops back to A.
Third, check the syntax of the if expression (!= doesn't exist in batch).
This should work:
#echo off
set var1=0
set /a var1=%var1%+1
echo %var1%
if %var1% EQU 5 (
goto :end
) else (
goto :loop
#echo off
set a=0
set /a a=a+1
echo %a%
goto Count
try this:
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
#echo off
color c
echo --------------
echo start:
echo --------------
set /p start=
echo --------------
echo start: %start%
echo --------------
echo --------------
echo stop:
echo --------------
set /p stop=
echo --------------
echo start: %start%
echo --------------
echo --------------
echo stop: %stop%
echo --------------
echo Start in:
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
echo. 5
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
echo. 4
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
echo. 3
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
echo. 2
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
echo. 1
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
echo --------------
echo start: %start%
echo --------------
echo --------------
echo stop: %stop%
echo --------------
echo ============================================
set SendKeys=CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"
%SendKeys% ">----"
%SendKeys% "{enter}"
echo %start%
%SendKeys% "%start%"
%SendKeys% "{enter}"
set /a start=start+1
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
if %start% leq %stop% goto :while
goto :end
echo ============================================
%SendKeys% ">----"
%SendKeys% "{enter}"
echo count again? Y/N
set /p return=
if %return% == Y goto :a
if %return% == N goto :b
goto :c
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
