angular- how to hide one element and show another with ng-blur? - angularjs

I want to hide this div:
<div class="desc" ng-show="desc">
and show this div
<div class="lists"ng-show="lists"
ng-repeat="x in todoWork | orderBy:['todoPriority', 'todoTime']"
on ng-blur directive.
I tried this but,
$scope.myFunc1 = function() {
if($scope.myForm1.description.$dirty && $scope.myForm1.datetime.$dirty && $scope.myForm1.priority.$dirty==true){
$scope.lists =true;
but only first one is executing.Even if try to write another function for second one the problem remains.

if you want to hide first one and show second one then why are not you using a single variable like the below:
First one <div ng-show="desc">
Second one <div ng-show="!desc">


Angular way of toggle md-button inside ng-repeat

I have some 10 buttons inside ng-repeat which basically operate like a switch to get multiple data, each of the button must pass a value to controller and in controller push that value to an array on first click and delete that value in next(toggle action).
My html code segment
<md-button id="{{}}btn{{ambutton}}" ng-repeat="ambutton in ambuttons" ng-click="getTime(choice,ambutton);" class="md-fab md-primary" ng-class="{'active md-warn': variable,'disable md-primary': !variable}">{{ambutton}}</md-button>
Controller function
$scope.getTime = function (choice,ambutton) {
$scope.variable = !$scope.variable;
//save the value to an array;
//remove the value from array
Problem facing is when i click a button all the button becomes active, i tried adding differnt variables for each button like variable0,variable1,variable2... (by adding variable{{ambutton}}) and in controller using if-elseif it's working fine, But i need a better solution can anything possible with id related to each button?
check this out
you can use variables as an array and with index manipulate, whether choose or not, like
$scope.getTime = function (choice, ambutton, index) {
$scope.variables[index] = !$scope.variables[index];
//save the value to an array;
//remove the value from array
and your partial like
<md-button ng-repeat="ambutton in ambuttons track by $index" ng-click="getTime(choice, ambutton, $index);" class="md-fab md-primary" ng-class="{'active md-warn': variable,'disable md-primary': !variables[$index]}">{{ambutton}}</md-button>

angularjs uib-timepicker add variable runtime

I am using uib-timpicker for dates as input from user the problem is i want to add key to my data on runtime if something changes on the div e.g i want to add variable etiming.clockOut.edited to my data here is the code:
<div style="float:left" uib-timepicker key-handler="" data-ng-model="etiming.clockOut.time" ></div>
if you want to add dynamic key on change then simply use:
<divuib-timepicker key-handler="" ng-change="etiming.clockOut.edited=true" data-ng-model="etiming.clockOut.time" ></div>
create a function and on ng-change call the created function and assign anything you want in the function in your case :
<div uib-timepicker key-handler="" ng-change="callFunction(etiming.clockOut)" data-ng-model="etiming.clockOut.time" ></div>
and in js file
$scope.callFunction = function(data) {
data.edited =true //or false as you wish

ngRepeat doesn't refresh rendered value

I'm having an issue with ngRepeat :
I want to display a list of students in two different ways. In the first one they are filtered by group, and in the second they are not filtered.
The whole display being quite complex, I use a ngInclude with a template to display each student. I can switch between view by changing bClasseVue, each switch being followed by a $scope.$apply().
<div ng-if="currentCours.classesOfGroup !== undefined"
<div ng-repeat="group in currentCours.classesOfGroup">
<h2>Classe : [[]]</h2>
<div class="list-view">
<div class="twelve cell"
ng-repeat="eleve in group.eleves | orderBy:'lastName'"
<div class="list-view" ng-show="!bClassesVue">
<div class="twelve cell"
ng-repeat="eleve in currentCours.eleves.all"
My problem happens when my list of students change (currentCours here). Instead of refreshing the ngRepeat, both lists concatenate, but only in the unfiltered view.
I tried adding some $scope.$apply in strategic places (and I synchronize my list for example) but it doesn't help.
EDIT : the function used to refresh currentCours in the controller. It's called when a "cours" is selected inside a menu.
$scope.selectCours = function (cours) {
$scope.bClassesVue = false;
$scope.currentCours = cours;
$scope.currentCours.eleves.sync().then(() => {
if ($scope.currentCours.classe.type_groupe === 1) {
let _elevesByGroup = _.groupBy($scope.currentCours.eleves.all, function (oEleve) {
return oEleve.className;
$scope.currentCours.classesOfGroup = [];
for(let group in _elevesByGroup) {
name: group,
eleves: _elevesByGroup[group]
$scope.bClassesVue = true;
Well, I found a workaround, but I still don't know why it didn't work, so if someone could write an explanation, I would be very thankful.
My solution was simply to open and close the template each time I switch between views.

AngularJS : why after loading more data filter stop working?

there is one filter functionality in my demo I will explain my problem I have one table in which i use infinite scroll is implemented In other words when user moves to bottom it load more data.There is search input field in top .Using this I am able to filter item in table .but I don't know why it is not working
When you search "ubs" and "ing" first time .it works perfectly .But when you load more data other words when user scroll to bottom and load more data the again it try to filter "ubs" and "ing" it not give any result why ?
<label class="item item-input">
<img src="">
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" ng-model="query">
secondly Actually I am implementing infinite scroll so only 100 element display .can we search element from 2000 (which I am getting from service )and display data the search result ?
Update :
Here's a Plunker with everything working together. I have separated all of the pieces into individual JS files, as it was getting unruly:
The built in filter will only return results from the current view data that the ng-repeat is displaying. Because you're not loading all of the data into the view at once, you'll have to create your own search functionality.
In the demo, click the search icon to show the search box, then type your search value and press the ENTER key or click the search button to return the results.
Since you want to check whether the user pressed ENTER you have to pass both the event and the querystring to the function, so you can check for the enter keycode. The function should also run when someone clicks or taps the search button. I set ng-model="query" on the input, so query is the reference in the view. Therefore, you'll add ng-click="searchInvoices($event, query)" to your search button, and ng-keyup="searchInvoices($event, query)" to the input. And, finally, to make it easy to clear the input field, add a button that displays when the input is not empty with ng-show="query" and attach a click event with ng-click="query=null; resetGrid()".
Add the searchInvoices function to your controller. It will only run the search if either the query is empty (because you need to reset the view if the person uses the backspace key to empty the input) OR if the user pressed ENTER OR if the event was a click event in case the user clicks the search button. The inner if statement, prevents the search from running if the query is empty and just resets the view. If the query is not empty, against the total dataset and builds an array of matching results, which is used to update the view.
The last line sets the scroll position to the top of the scrollview container. This makes sure that the user sees the results without having to click somewhere in the scrollview container. Make sure you inject the $ionicScrollDelegate into your controller for this to work and set delegate-handle="invoicegrid" on your ion-scroll directive.
$scope.searchInvoices = function(evt, queryval) {
if (queryval.length === 0 || evt.keyCode === 13 || evt.type === 'click') {
if (queryval.length === 0) {
$scope.invoice_records = $scope.total_invoice_records;
} else {
var recordset = $scope.total_invoice_records;
results = [];
var recordsetLength = recordset.length;
var searchVal = queryval.toLowerCase();
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < recordsetLength; i++) {
var record = recordset[i].columns;
for (j = 0; j < record.length; j++) {
var invoice = record[j].value.toLowerCase();
if (invoice.indexOf(searchVal) >= 0) {
$scope.invoice_records = results;
Lastly, you need to modify the loadMore() function that is used by the infinite scroll directive, so that it doesn't try to load additional data when scrolling through the search results. To do this, you can just pass the query into loadMore on the directive like: on-infinite="loadMore(query)", then in your function, you can just run the broadcast event when the query exists. Also, removing the ngIf will ensure that the list remains dynamic.
$scope.loadMore = function(query) {
if (query || counter >= $scope.total_invoice_records.length) {
} else {
$scope.counter = $scope.counter + showitems;
You used filter in wrong way inside ng-repeat like ng-repeat="column in invoice_records | filter:query" instead of ng-repeat="column in invoice_records | query"
<div class="row" ng-repeat="column in invoice_records |filter:query">
<div class="col col-center brd collapse-sm" ng-repeat="field in column.columns" ng-show="data[$index].checked && data[$index].fieldNameOrPath===field.fieldNameOrPath">{{field.value}}</div>
<div class="col col-10 text-center brd collapse-sm"></div>
Demo Plunkr

How to expand/collapse all rows in Angular

I have successfully created a function to toggle the individual rows of my ng-table to open and close using:
TestCase.prototype.toggle = function() {
this.showMe = !this.showMe;
<tr ng-repeat="row in $data">
<td align="left">
<p ng-click="row.toggle();">{{row.description}}</p>
<div ng-show="row.showMe">
See the plunkr for more code, note the expand/collapse buttons are in the "menu".
However, I can't figure out a way to now toggle ALL of the rows on and off. I want to be able to somehow run a for loop over the rows and then call toggle if needed, however my attempts at doing so have failed. See them below:
TestCase.prototype.expandAllAttemptOne = function() {
for (var row in this) {
if (!row.showMe)
row.showMe = !row.showMe;
function expandAllAttemptOneTwo(data) {
for (var i in data) {
if (!data[i].showMe)
data[i].showMe = !data[i].showMe;
Any ideas on how to properly toggle all rows on/off?
Using the ng-show directive in combination with the ng-click and ng-init directives, we can do something like this:
<div ng-controller="TableController">
<button ng-click="setVisible(true)">Show All</button>
<button ng-click="setVisible(false)">Hide All</button>
<li ng-repeat="person in persons"
ng-click="person.visible = !person.visible"
Our controller might then look like this:
myApp.controller('TableController', function ($scope) {
$scope.persons = [
{ name: "John", visible : true},
{ name: "Jill", visible : true},
{ name: "Sue", visible : true},
{ name: "Jackson", visible : true}
$scope.setVisible = function (visible) {
angular.forEach($scope.persons, function (person) {
person.visible = visible;
We are doing a couple things here. First, our controller contains an array of person objects. Each one of these objects has a property named visible. We'll use this to toggle items on and off. Second, we define a function in our controller named setVisible. This takes a boolean value as an argument, and will iterate over the entire persons array and set each person object's visible property to that value.
Now, in our html, we are using three angular directives; ng-click, ng-repeat, and ng-show. It seems like you already kinda know how these work, so I'll just explain what I'm doing with them instead. In our html we use ng-click to set up our click event handler for our "Show All" and "Hide All" buttons. Clicking either of these will cause setVisible to be called with a value of either true or false. This will take care of toggling all of our list items either all on, or all off.
Next, in our ng-repeat directive, we provide an expression for angular to evaluate when a list item is clicked. In this case, we tell angular to toggle person.visible to the opposite value that it is currently. This effectively will hide a list item. And finally, we have our ng-show directive, which is simply used in conjunction with our visible property to determine whether or not to render a particular list item.
Here is a plnkr with a working example:
This code is a general example of something you might do, you should be able to expand upon it to fit your particular need. Hope this help!
