Correct length of VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo.pSampleMask - c

Unlike other Vulkan's structs, where all type pArrayName*; has a companion uint32_t arrayNameCount with array length, struct VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo does not define any sampleMaskCount for field const VkSampleMask* pSampleMask;.
The Vulkan docs says the following about valid usage:
"If pSampleMask is not NULL, pSampleMask must be a pointer to an array of ⌈rasterizationSamples / 32⌉ VkSampleMask values."
But VkSampleCountFlagBits rasterizationSamples; is a bitwise value:
rasterizationSamples is a VkSampleCountFlagBits specifying the number of samples per pixel used in rasterization.
So far so good.
But VkSampleCountFlagBits is a enumeration of power of 2 values, ranging from 0x01 to 0x40 (or 01 to 64 decimal). Possible ANDed values may ranges from 01 to 127.
So I guess bitwise values ranging from 1 to 31 will result in a pSampleMask with length 0; values from 32 to 63 will give length 2, and so on.
Is that correct ?
I'm felling really really dumb !

When they say "rasterizationSamples" in the formula they almost certainly mean "the number of rasterization samples", not "the value of the rasterizationSamples bitmask".
Additionally, ⌈...⌉ means to round up to the nearest integer.
So, for rasterization sample counts from 1 to 32 (bitmask values 0x01 to 0x20), pSampleMask points to a single value. For rasterization sample counts from 33 to 64 (bitmask value 0x40), it points to an array of two values.
I notice that the bitmask's value line up with the description of each bit (64 has the value 64, and so on) but it could be coincidence.

The rasterizationSamples must be only one of the SampleCountFlagBits values (not a bitwised | value).
Simply speaking, then you need the amount of bits in pSampleMask array (consisting of 32 b values) to be greater or equal to the amount of samples as specified by rasterizationSamples. (i.e. one VkSampleMask := uint32_t for all of them except for SAMPLE_COUNT_64, which needs two)
It is somewhat funny that they didn't choose single uint64_t for the purpose. (maybe they plan adding 128 samples :)


Storing individual bits in memory

So I want to store random bits of length 1 to 8 (a BYTE) in memory. I know that computer aren't efficient enough to store individual bits in memory and that we must store at least a BYTE data on most modern machines. I have been doing some research on this but haven't come across any useful material. I need to find a way to store these bits so that, for example, when reading the bits back from the memory, 0 must NOT be evaluated as 00, 0000 or 00000000. To further explain, for example, 010 must NOT be read back or evaluated for that matter, as 00000010. Numbers should be unique based on the value as well as their cardinality.
Some more examples;
1 ≠ 00000001
10 ≠ 00000010
0010 ≠ 00000010
10001 ≠ 00010001
And so on...
Also one thing i want to point out again is that the bit size is always between 1 and 8 (inclusive) and is NOT a fixed number. I'm using C for this problem.
So you want to store bits in memory and read them back without knowing how long they are. This is not possible. (It's not possible with bytes either)
Imagine if you could do this. Then we could compress a file by, for example, saying that "0" compresses to "0" and "1" compresses to "00". After this "compression" (which would actually make the file bigger) we have a file with only 0's in it. Then, we compress the file with only 0's in it by writing down how many 0's there are. Amazing! Any 2GB file compresses to only 4 bytes. But we know it's impossible to compress every 2GB file into 4 bytes. So something is wrong with this idea.
You can read several bits from memory but you need to know how many you are reading. You can also do it if you don't know how many bits you are reading, but the combinations don't "overlap". So if "01" is a valid combination, then you can't have "010" because that would overlap "01". But you could have "001". This is called a prefix code and it is used in Huffman coding, a type of compression.
Of course, you could also save the length before each number. So you could save "0" as "0010" where the "001" means how many bits long the number is. With 3-digit lengths, you could only have up to 7-bit numbers. Or 8-bit numbers if you subtract 1 from the length, in which case you can't have zero-bit numbers. (so "0" becomes "0000", "101" becomes "010101", etc)
You can control bits using bit shift operators or bit fields
Make sure you understand the endianess concept, that is machine dependent. and keep in mind that bit fields needs a struct, and a struct uses a minimum of 4 bytes.
And bit fields can be very tricky.
Good luck!
If you just need to make sure a given binary number is evaluated properly, then you have two choices I can think of. You could store all of the amount of bits of each numbers alongside with the given number, which wouldn't be so efficient.
But you could also store all the binary numbers as being 8-bit, then when processing each individual number, pass through all of its digits to find its length. That way you just store the lenght of a single number at a time.
Here is some quick code, hopefully it's clear:
Uint8 rightNumber = 2; //Which is 10 in binary, or 00000010
int rightLength = 2; //Since it is 2 bits long
Uint8 bn = mySuperbBinaryValueIWantToTest;
int i;
for(i = 7; i > 0; i--)
if((bn & (1 << i)) != 0)break;
int length = i + 1;
if(bn == rightNumber && length == rightLength) printf("Correct number");
else printf("Incorrect number");
Keep in mind you can also use the same technique to calculate the amount of bits inside the right value instead of precomputing it. If it's to arbitrary values you are comparing, the same can also work.
Hope this helped, if not, feel free to criticize/re-explain your problem

Subtracting 1 from 0 in 8 bit binary

I have 8 bit int zero = 0b00000000; and 8 bit int one = 0b00000001;
according to binary arithmetic rule,
0 - 1 = 1 (borrow 1 from next significant bit).
So if I have:
int s = zero - one;
s = -1;
-1 = 0b1111111;
where all those 1s are coming from? There are nothing to borrow since all bits are 0 in zero variable.
This is a great question and has to do with how computers represent integer values.
If you’re writing out a negative number in base ten, you just write out the regular number and then prefix it with a minus sign. But if you’re working inside a computer where everything needs to either be a zero or a one, you don’t have any minus signs. The question then comes up of how you then choose to represent negative values.
One popular way of doing this is to use signed two’s complement form. The way this works is that you write the number using ones and zeros, except that the meaning of those ones and zeros differs from “standard” binary in how they’re interpreted. Specifically, if you have a signed 8-bit number, the lower seven bits have their standard meaning as 20, 21, 22, etc. However, the meaning of the most significant bit is changed: instead of representing 27, it represents the value -27.
So let’s look at the number 0b11111111. This would be interpreted as
-27 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20
= -128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1
= -1
which is why this collection of bits represents -1.
There’s another way to interpret what’s going on here. Given that our integer only has eight bits to work with, we know that there’s no way to represent all possible integers. If you pick any 257 integer values, given that there are only 256 possible bit patterns, there’s no way to uniquely represent all these numbers.
To address this, we could alternatively say that we’re going to have our integer values represent not the true value of the integer, but the value of that integer modulo 256. All of the values we’ll store will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.
In that case, what is 0 - 1? It’s -1, but if we take that value mod 256 and force it to be nonnegative, then we get back that -1 = 255 (mod 256). And how would you write 255 in binary? It’s 0b11111111.
There’s a ton of other cool stuff to learn here if you’re interested, so I’d recommend reading up on signed and unsigned two’s-complement numbers.
As some exercises: what would -4 look like in this format? How about -9?
These aren't the only ways you can represent numbers in a computer, but they're probably the most popular. Some older computers used the balanced ternary number system (notably the Setun machine). There's also the one's complement format, which isn't super popular these days.
Zero minus one must give some number such that if you add one to it, you get zero. The only number you can add one to and get zero is the one represented in binary as all 1's. So that's what you get.
So long as you use any valid form of arithmetic, you get the same results. If there are eight cars and someone takes away three cars, the value you get for how many case are left should be five, regardless of whether you do the math with binary, decimal, or any other kind of representation.
So any valid system of representation that supports the operations you are using with their normal meanings must produce the same result. When you take the representation for zero and perform the subtraction operation using the representation for one, you must get the representation such that when you add one to it, you get the representation for zero. Otherwise, the result is just wrong based on the definitions of addition, subtraction, zero, one, and so on.

constructing key by bit shifting 3 integers in C

I want to construct a key composed of 3 values by using bit shifting operations:
According to my understanding, the C statement code I am starting from creates a hash table by constructing its keys from certain data variables:
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)c->pos<<32 | c->isize;
My interpretation is that key is a combination of the last 32 digits
of c->pos, which must be a 64 bit unsigned integer, and c->isize, also a 64bit unsigned integer.
But I am not sure if that is the case, and maybe the | pipe operator
has a different meaning when applied to bit shifting operations.
What I want to do next is to modify the way key is constructed and
include a third c->barc element into the variable. Given the number
of possibilities of c->barc and c->isize, I was thinking that instead
of building key with 32+32 bits (pos+isize), I would build it
with 32+16+16 bits (pos+isize+barc) splitting the last 32 bits between
isize and barc.
Any ideas how to do that?
What I think you need is a solid explanation of bitmasking.
For this particular case, you should use the & operator to mask out the upper 16 bits of c->isize before shifting it up, and then use the & operator again to mask the upper 48 bits of c->barc.
Let's look at some diagrams.
c->pos = xxxx_xxxx_....._xxxx
c->isize = yyyy_yyyy_....._yyyy
c->barc = zzzz_zzzz_....._zzzz
x, y, and z are bits.
note: underscores are to identify groups of 4 bits.
If I understand correctly, you want a 64-bit number like this:
As you already know, we get the upper 32 x's by doing
|-----32 bits of pos----|---32 0 bits--|
(uint64_t)c->pos<<32 = xxxx_xxxx_...._xxxx_xxxx_0000_...._0000
Now, we want to bitwise-or that with the following:
|----------32 0 bits----|
To get that number there, we do this:
((c->isize & 0xffff) << 16)
c->isize & 0xffff gives
& 0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
and then we shift it left by 16 to get
|--------32 0 bits------|
Now, the final part, the
|-------48 0 bits-------|
is the result plain and simply of
(c->barc & 0xffff) =
& 0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
So we take all of these expressions and bitwise-or them together.
uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)c->pos << 32) | ((c->isize & 0xffff) << 16)
| (c->barc & 0xffff);
if we diagram it out, we see
or 0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz_zzzz
The "pipe operator" is actually a bitwise OR operator. The code takes two (presumably) 32-bit integers, one of them shifts left by 32 bits and combines them together. Thus you get a single 64-bit number. See Wiki for more info about bitwise operations.
If you want to compose your key from three 32-bit integers, then you obviously have to manipulate them to fit them into 64 bits. You can do something like this:
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)c->pos<<32 | (c->isize & 0xFFFF0000) | (c->barc & 0xFFFF);
This code takes 32 bits from c->pos, shifts them in the higher 32 bits of the 64-bit key, then takes the higher 16 bits of c->isize and finally the lower 16 bits of c->barc. See here for more.
I wouldn't do it. It is not safe if you are not designing whole thing by yourself. But let's explain some things.
My interpretation is that key is a combination of the last 32 digits of c->pos,
Generally, yes.
which must be a 64 bit unsigned integer, and c->isize, also a 64bit unsigned integer.
No. You know nothing about size of type of pos andisize, it is cast onto uint64_t it might be any type that allows such a cast.
My bet is that both values are 32-bit. 1st value is being cast onto 64bit type, because bit shift equal to or greater than the width of the type is undefined behaviour. So to stay safe it is widened.
The code probably packs two 32bit values into a 64bit one, otherwise it would loose information.
Moreover, if it wanted to construct key from values which would overlap it would most probably use xor rather than or. Your way is not a good approach, unless you precisely know what are you doing. You should find out what types your operands are and then choose a method for creation keys out of them.

Write 9 bits binary data in C

I am trying to write to a file binary data that does not fit in 8 bits. From what I understand you can write binary data of any length if you can group it in a predefined length of 8, 16, 32,64.
Is there a way to write just 9 bits to a file? Or two values of 9 bits?
I have one value in the range -+32768 and 3 values in the range +-256. What would be the way to save most space?
Thank you
No, I don't think there's any way using C's file I/O API:s to express storing less than 1 char of data, which will typically be 8 bits.
If you're on a 9-bit system, where CHAR_BIT really is 9, then it will be trivial.
If what you're really asking is "how can I store a number that has a limited range using the precise number of bits needed", inside a possibly larger file, then that's of course very possible.
This is often called bitstreaming and is a good way to optimize the space used for some information. Encoding/decoding bitstream formats requires you to keep track of how many bits you have "consumed" of the current input/output byte in the actual file. It's a bit complicated but not very hard.
Basically, you'll need:
A byte stream s, i.e. something you can put bytes into, such as a FILE *.
A bit index i, i.e. an unsigned value that keeps track of how many bits you've emitted.
A current byte x, into which bits can be put, each time incrementing i. When i reaches CHAR_BIT, write it to s and reset i to zero.
You cannot store values in the range –256 to +256 in nine bits either. That is 513 values, and nine bits can only distinguish 512 values.
If your actual ranges are –32768 to +32767 and –256 to +255, then you can use bit-fields to pack them into a single structure:
struct MyStruct
int a : 16;
int b : 9;
int c : 9;
int d : 9;
Objects such as this will still be rounded up to a whole number of bytes, so the above will have six bytes on typical systems, since it uses 43 bits total, and the next whole number of eight-bit bytes has 48 bits.
You can either accept this padding of 43 bits to 48 or use more complicated code to concatenate bits further before writing to a file. This requires additional code to assemble bits into sequences of bytes. It is rarely worth the effort, since storage space is currently cheap.
You can apply the principle of base64 (just enlarging your base, not making it smaller).
Every value will be written to two bytes and and combined with the last/next byte by shift and or operations.
I hope this very abstract description helps you.

Multiplication of two 32 bit numbers using only 8 bit numbers

I saw this interview question online and can't find a good method other than the usual additive methods.
Any suggestions if this can be done quicker using some bitshift / recursion or something similar ?
Bitshifting would be natural part of a solution.
To multiply a value a by an eight-bit value b, for each 1 bit in b, add up all the values of a multiplied by b with all other bits set to 0. For example, a * 10100001 = a * 10000000 + a * 00100000 + a * 00000001.
Taking this further, suppose we want to multiply 11001011 by 0010000, this is 11001011(bin) << 4(dec). Doing this on an eight-bit value gives you 10110000. You have also lost (8-4)=4 bits from the beginning. Hence you would also want to do 11001011(bin) >> 4(dec) to get 00001100 as a carry into the next "8-bit column" (assuming that we are using 8 columns to represent a 64-bit answer).
Recursion would not really be necessary. All you'd need is a loop through the 4 bytes of the first 32-bit number, with another loop through the 4 bytes of the second number inside, multiplying each pair of bytes together in turn and adding it to your solution.
