Has the Google App Engine Launcher for MAC OSX been deprecated? - google-app-engine

Sorry if this is off topic. If it is, please let me know where to post. I don't see a GAE site on SE. I can't update my Google App Engine Launcher. All the new install documentation I have found omits anything about it. I have version 1.9.37.
There is no .dmg file or .app file in the current GAE SDK downloads. I can't find a separate download either. I have not been able to find a statement by Google in any release notes or bug reports, etc. So again the question is:
Has the Google App Engine Launcher for MAC OSX been deprecated?

For anyone looking: you can still download it here !!
This is a godsend. Honestly dev_appserver.py is easy to work with (just run dev_appserver.py . in your app top level directory then browse to localhost:8080)
To deploy it was a mess: you need appcfg.py, which I couldn't find anywhere. I tried to install from the gcloud things but their install script didn't work for me. And then I found the old app. Working great!

As #Thomas mentioned in his reply, for a time, there was still the ability to download the App (from an old link) and use it. Starting from November (or December 2020), deploying via the old GAE Launcher is no longer supported because Google has shifted to using Cloud Build for deployment and the appcfg.py update app.yaml command did not use that.
We have created a replacement for GAE Launcher. You can find it on https://nocommandline.com. Simply put, it is a GUI for GAE and offers same functionality (with some improvements) as the old GAE Launcher


IntelliJ: cannot deploy to Google App Engine (Standard)

The IDE complains about no Deployment selected, but from the picture I can't pick one.
I have upgraded IntelliJ to the latest. I am planning to reinstall everything.
There should be an artifact displayed:
Make sure you have a war artifact defined in the Project Structure | Artifacts.
If the issue persists, please report a bug and attach a sample project to reproduce.
Artifact options available out of the box in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate:
If you don't see the Web Application options, you need to make sure that all the plug-ins are enabled. You can also just delete disabled_plugins.txt file from the IDE CONFIG directory and restart the IDE.
In case you are still running into issues:
It actually looks like you are using the Cloud Tools for IntelliJ plugin (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-intellij) and not the App Engine plugin bundled in IDEA Ultimate as in the accepted answer.
You can refer to the following documentation for deployment to the App Engine standard environment:
Also a couple things to check:
You should have an app engine standard facet
You should have an exploded-war artifact:
Try the following action:
Tools > Google Cloud Tools > Add App Engine support > Google App Engine Standard and see if this resolves the problem.
If none of this helps, perhaps you can post some screenshots of your artifact / module structure under project settings.
So OK, at the end I was using IntelliJ Community which doesn't support deploying to Google App Engine anymore (although it's bizarre the plugin is available). Apparently one of the latest updates disable whatever minimal support was there, as I was able to deploy to GAE just a few weeks ago.

Why is Google App Engine not showing new deployments?

We have been deploying using $ gcloud preview app deploy --no-promote --version production for some time now and everything worked nicely until a couple of days ago.
Not sure what changed, but now our deployments, even though they are executed and gcloud gives no errors, are not showing up in the control panel for Google App Engine.
There's an issue reported regarding this behavior.
Two questions:
Why is Google App Engine not showing new deployments?
How can I deploy my application again successfully?
I'm answering my own question to make it available for other people who are currently having problems with this and save you the time of finding out how to fix it.
Revert to gcloud version 112.0.0 with $ gcloud components update --version 112.0.0.
It seems that gcloud version 113.0.0 or 114.0.0 has some kind of bug (haven't verified this) that is preventing the deployment to actually be registered and shown in the control panel for Google App Engine. After going back to version 112.0.0 everything is back to normal. I hope this helps.

Cannot downgrade App Engine release

Recently I've found out App Engine 1.9.1 has a bug which however does not occur in version 1.8.9 and below. I am developing my applications with Eclipse and the Google Plugin for Eclipse. In the Google properties of the project I switched back to 1.8.9. If I work locally I can see that it is using version 1.8.9 (the bug does not occur) however when I deploy to App Engine no matter what I do it will still run on 1.9.1. I even tryed to create a new project/application from scratch, still 1.9.1. I even deleted SDKs 1.9.1 and 1.9.0 from my system but nothing seems to help. What can I do? Thanks.
You don't control the version in production. It runs on Google servers and isn't deployed as part of your app.
Welcome to the cloud world where some parameters slip from your hand no matter how hard you try...
Indeed, you have no control over the AppEngine version that will be used to run your application in production. In fact, if you look carefully in the list of instance on your cloud console, you will see sometimes that some instances use an AppEngine version that is not even publicly available at the moment.

Deploy Dropwizard on Google AppEngine

I have been trying to find a way to deploy a Dropwizard app on Google AppEngine, but I haven't found anything so far.
Judging by this question (and answer) I think it might not be possible.
I would like to be sure about that, and If it does work, I'd like to learn how.
There is a dropwizard fork called warwizard which apparently lets you create war files from your dropwizard code, but it has not been touched for over 6 months, which would likely make it difficult to work with using the dropwizard docs.
Dropwizard is just Jersey+Jackson+Jetty bundled together nicely. Jetty and App Engine won't get along (that is, App Engine is already running Jetty, so it doesn't want the application to provide its own).
You're probably best off using Jersey and Jackson without Dropwizard tying them together: http://blog.iparissa.com/googles-app-engine-java/google-app-engine-jax-rs-jersey/ & http://www.cowtowncoder.com/blog/archives/2009/11/entry_338.html
You can however, run Dropwizard on Google Compute Engine. Which is basically just linux VMs provided by Google, with access to their APIs if needed.
I manged to get my Dropwizard instance working by doing the following on GCE:
Install Java
sudo apt-get install java7-runtime-headless
Open firewall ports:
gcutil addfirewall rest --description="http" --allowed="tcp:8080
gcutil addfirewall admin --description="admin" --allowed="tcp:8081"
Copy file to GCE
gcutil --project={project-id} push {instance-name} {local-file} {remote-target-path}
Run your app
java -jar your-app.jar server your-config.yml
EDIT: there is also another alternative called wiztowar https://github.com/twilio/wiztowar which supports DW 0.6.2 only.
I've been trying to solve this issue for the past two month. Here are my findings:
1- Yes, you can deploy Dropwizard as a WAR file. You need to use some hacks like Wizard in a box or WizToWar
2- No! You can't deploy that WAR file on AppEngine standard environment.
The main issue is that AppEngine is using servlet-api v2.5 (which is more than 10 years old!) and has no plan to upgrade to servlet-api v3 or higher. Dropwizard on the other hand require servlet-api v3 or higher.
BUT wait! there is another option
You can deploy Dropwizard on App Engine Flexible Environment
App Engine Flex is still in beta, but I've heard it will be available for public usage in Q1 2017. If you want to use it now, you have to ask for that to be enabled for you.
How do you deploy on App Engine Flex?
-> I've put all the steps on doing that in a blog post here:
Deploying Dropwizard on App Engine Flex

How to manage uploaded code in GAE?

Is there a way to manage interactively (view/delete) config and code of an application in google app engine? I understand that the deployment approach is versioned batch upload, but can i at least download back a collection of uploaded files of current (or any given) revision of an app? Or is there even an interface for GAE similar to CVS/SVN/GIT with features like revisions diff?
You can download your deployed code as of SDK version 1.3.8 according to the prerelease announcement
This feature was apparently not included in 1.3.8, but it seems to at least be in the works.
The developer who uploaded an app
version can download that version's
code using the appcfg.py
download_app command. You can use this
to download both Python and Java
application code.
You can't interactively configure your app, or modify the code without redeploying, however.
No, you cannot download a deployed application. The only way to see the source is if you have it. You can use git/CVS/SVN but it wont have anything to do with the actual deployment of the application.
Edit: Here are the docs
