Edge Upload File control using Selenium - selenium-webdriver

I am trying to upload a file using Selenium Webdriver on the Edge browser, and yes I have downloaded EdgeDriver and installed the MSI for testing Edge. Clicking on elements on the screen from within the Edge browser works fine. The problem is the upload file control. My code is as follows:
IWebElement fileUploader2 = Browser.Driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("input[type='file']"))[0];
fileUploader2.SendKeys(FileUtility.FileUploadsDirectory + "\\sample-account_balances.xlsx");
The code above works for Chrome and Firefox, but does not work for Edge. This is a ReactJS web app. I have tried the suggestions below that are similar to my code above and I cannot seem to upload a file using the control programmatically from Selenium Webdriver. There is no error given it just does not click on send text to the file upload control. Nothing is executed:
How to upload file using Selenium Webdriver?
File Control on Edge
DOM Upload Control Edge

Unfortunately this feature has not been added to the edge webdriver yet. I've run into the same problem and have not been able to find a suitable solution yet. One (admitedly not ideal) solution is to use AutoIt to automate the file upload for edge. There are multiple reports of this issue, but here's one of the latest reports showing that its an issue with the edge driver.


Grab and save SVG File using selenium - C# Selenium chromedriver WinForm

I am writing WhatsApp tool in C# winform using Selenium ChromeDriver.
I have handled all operations like sending the message, clicking the attachment and all from WhatsApp web using Selenium ChromeDriver.
I want to read the WhatsApp web's QR Code which is in SVG format. I want to read the SVG File and convert and save as image in local.
I could save the QR Code using snapshot, but I don't prefer using this because I have to maintain vertical scroll position to bring full QR Code on screen.
So please help me save svg file image using chromedriver
Thank you.
I'm not sure of the specific commands in Selenium, but can't you just:
copy the SVG code via Javascript/a Selenium method
then create a new .svg file in Java and save this copied svg code as the contents?

Is there any way to handle security alert on chrome browser while uploading a file.?

I am automating test cases in which I have to upload a folder on Google drive. I am able to successfully click and upload folder by path but immediately when I click on upload button of browse windows the alert appears on top middle of the screen saying 'This will upload all files from "folderName". Only do this if you trust this site." (see attached image)
There are two buttons 'Upload' and Cancel but there is no way I can identify those element. I tried all possible approaches.
Is there any other way to handle that security alert. I found following info about the alert.
How to remove warning message in Chrome when uploading a directory
Disable alert in chrome web driver configuration
Auto accept alert.
AutoIT ( can not identify button )
Robot Keys (works) but not stable. fails the test if you will execute two test in parallel.
uploadFolder(folderToUpload, 5000);
Robot robot = new Robot();
I faced the same problem and to solve this I have used Sikuli. Sikuli will identify the pop-up as per the image. (you need to capture the screenshot of that pop-up).
Try searching for Sikuli on google and you can find lot of stuff about implementation and all. Hope this will help.

C# Selenium Webdriver Interacting with native image upload dialog using SendKeys.SendWait does not work on TeamCity

I am using Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait to interact with the native windows dialog when uploading an image.
I click the upload button using webdriver, then go:
SendKeys.SendWait("^A"); //Highlight content so it can be overwritten
Works great when I run it locally on my PC, however, the test won't run on the TeamCity agent (I have many other tests that run OK). It fails as it seems that native dialog never appears or if it does, it can't interact with it.
Not sure what's happening as this whole test agent process runs in the background and I can't see what it's doing - I can take screenshots using webdriver but it won't capture native dialogs anyway.
I tried to configure the team city test agent windows service (change Log On settings to allow interacting with desktop) but this did not work. Seems it just isn't able to interact with it... any ideas on how to make this work?
In order to upload a file with Selenium, you should use Webdriver's SendKeys directly to the input element that requires the path (Not Forms.SendKeys). See this example.
Note: You'll need to avoid clicking the button that opens the dialog.

How to get file download complete status using selenium web driver c#

I am writing a automation script using selenium web driver for downloading multiple files one by one from a web site in Mozilla fire fox. I have downloaded first file successfully and next time I need to wait for download to complete. Can anybody help how to identify an ongoing download is completed using c# selenium web driver.? Since I am not getting the download complete status, I am unable to continue downloading next file.
Assuming you are testing file downloading in Firefox as you mentioned. Here is an approach to achieve what you want.
Open new window/tab in Firefox and navigate to 'about:downloads' directly.
i.e. driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("about:downloads");
You will get the list of downloads (i.e. already downloaded files and the file which is being downloaded currently.)
You will have to switch between your site tab and downloads tab.
Now on downloads tab, looking at HTML, you can easily find out in progress download using state or status attributes.
For example, for the first file in the list, if state="0" and/or status
contains the text 'remaining', it means downloading is in progress
So you can wait till state becomes state = 1 and/or status does not contain >the text 'remaining'
Refer the attached screen shot.
The explanation I gave here looks very high level, but I am sure this approach will work. It is simple too.
Let me know if you have any queries on this.

Issue in clicking on the browse button with selenium in IE

I am Clicking on the browse button in IE using Selenium Webdriver code in an upload file utility by reading the co-ordinates of the browse text. Whlie the code works fine in some machines in IE and firefox both, in yet another machine the same code is working for firefoxx but the browse button becomes unclickable in IE. We checked the settings in internet options, everything looks alike in both machines.
Please let us know if anyone faced any such issue and the resolution that could work.
If there is any other way to upload the file in your app by avoiding the "Browser" button method, then that is always preferred. Some people will use Apache HTTPComponents to do a POST upload to the servlet that the "Browse" button refers to. That is by far the preferred method rather than using WebDriver. The problem with the Browse button is that it opens native OS controls ( in some cases) and the only way you can control those is by using the Sikuli API to click on elements based on finding them with matching screenshots. Also, if you use Sikuli, you can't run multiple browser tests on the same machine since each test will block screen comparisons of another test and that will rule you out of using RemoteWebDriver.
