Composite C1 site with MVC Player - not returning 404 on non-existent pages - c1-cms

I'm using MVC Player with a Composite C1 site - instead of returning a 404 on all made up non-existent pages it returns:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: filePath
How can I get it to return a 404 instead? (this is very important for Google Indexing).


404 page not found error when passing getMapping( value="/") and requestParameters

Myapp is java springboot microservice deployed in kubernetes. In local it works fine since I do not need proxy and kubernetes.yml, however when I deploy to int environment, I run into "404 page not found" error.
Please advice if there is any other way to call the service endpoint with this path /api/v1/primary-domain/domain-objects?parameter1=645&parameter2=363&parameter3=2023-02-01
Why is it not able to find the resource? Are there any options to make this work still with same naming pattern for path?
server.servlet.context-path=/api/v1/primary-domain/domain-objects management.endpoints.web.base-path=/
#API Registry
`#GetMapping(value="", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<List<DomainObjectsMsResponseDTO>> getDomainObjects(
#RequestParam(name = "parameter1", required = false) String parameter1,
#RequestParam(name = "parameter2", required = false) String parameter2,
#RequestParam(name = "parameter3", required = false) String parameter3,
) throws Exception{..}`
The path variable in proxy is /v1/primary-domain/domain-objects
spec: path: /v1/primary-domain/domain-objects target: /api/v1/primary-domain/domain-objects
Due to the architecture direction the path for health, doc and actual service endpoint should follow certain naming convention, hence running this issue.
If I use proxy.yml path variable v1/primary-domain and getMapping( value="/domain-objects"..) then it works fine but the domain-objects/doc endpoint returns sever array with url: api/v1/primary-domain, which is not what I want. Since under primary-domain multiple microservices will be created which will be in their own gitRepos and they will path like /primary-domain/points and /primary-domain/positions
I tried getMapping( value="/"..) and removing value variable entirely from getMapping, but still getting same error
I tried changing the Label variables, path target and paths in kube and proxy and matched the app.proeprties and controller to go with it. However with every approach one thing gets broken. None of the approach satisfies endpoint, health endpoint, doc endpoint( open api)

WebApi and Ampersands in name

So my angular website has a webapi with the following method.
public object GetMcguffinsByItem(string itemName)
return _mcguffinsService.GetAllByItemName(itemName);
However, an item name can have an ampersand as a valid character. However when attempting to use items that do have an ampersand, the method will return a 400 badrequest.
Im not sure how to go about fixing this problem.
For more verification: I was under the impression that encoding and using %26 is all required to pass an ampersand to part of the URI. It seems to be a common answer when searching my problem. I have excluded the angular as I can verify that it builds the string correctly, and other names produce the desired result.
The javascript method encodeURIComponent() followed by using the angular service double encodes the item name, and returns a 404.
Sample Input:
A&B 266
After Encoding:
angular.js:10722 GET http://localhost:60894/api/v1/mcguffins/items/A%26B%20266 404 (Not Found)
Using the browser on api directly with same input gives this error:
[HttpException (0x80004005): A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&).]
System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig() +11944671
System.Web.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context) +55

What is the use of 'Route' in Restangular functions oneUrl() and allUrl()

That's the signature for oneUrl function: oneUrl(route, url)
And from the documentation:
oneUrl(route, url): This will create a new Restangular object that is
just a pointer to one element with the specified URL.
To me, it seems useless to set Route when you are giving a url for the resource. Why does it exist in the argument list? Why is it mandatory? And how can it be used?
In my use of oneUrl I've found the route name is used to build the URL for subsequent PUT and DELETE operations. For example (pseudo code):
// "GET /api/v2/users/3/ HTTP/1.1" 200 184
var user = Restangular.oneUrl('myuser', 'http://localhost:8000/api/v2/users/3').get(); = 'Fred';
// the following uses the route name and not the URL:
// "PUT /api/v2/myuser HTTP/1.1 404 100
I was surprised by this behavior. I expected put() to use the same URL as get(); which would be helpful in my case.
My API uses absolute URLs within the JSON payloads to navigate to all related resources and I wanted to use oneUrl() to GET/PUT instances without recreating the routes in the JS code. But I'm pretty new to Restangular so I might not have the mental model correct.

Yelp API key not working in Sencha Architect demo code

I am using the tutorial here :
getBusinesses: function(location, callback) {
// Note: Obtain a Yelp API key by registering (for free)
// with Yelp at
// (in this app, we use the Review Search API v1.0)
var store ='BusinessStore'),
yelpKey = '', // Enter your Yelp API key here
url = '' +
'?ywsid=' + yelpKey +
'&term=Bars' +
'&lat=' + location.coords.latitude +
'&long=' + location.coords.longitude;
store.load(function() {
I applied for an API key on Yelp and got the following:
I am not sure which one to use. The tutorial code has placeholder for one single key as in the code above
The completed app shows error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setStore' of undefined at:
me.getBusinesses(location, function (store) {
// Bind data to the list and display it
You need the API v1.0 key.
getDataList() returns undefined because the View does not exist. You may have forgotten to name the List view in the ListContainer, see "List View - Step 4". Also, the function name is derived from whatever you set the reference to in *"The Controller - Step 7". Naming it datalist will make the function getDatalist(), whereas naming it dataList will make it getDataList(). Note the capital "L".
Hope this helps others running into the problem.

Nginx config for serving snapshots to the Google bot

I have an AngularJS app which I'd like to get indexed properly on Google.
I wrote a client that scrapes the sites for links and then downloads the pages with Phantomjs making snapshots. This all works fine. What I'm having a problem with is serving those snapshots to the Google bot.
For some reason, the Google bot appends ?_escaped_fragment= to my URLs. As an example, gets changed to I've verified this in the access logs.
I'm trying to catch this request and serve the Google bot the snapshot with this config:
location / {
if ($args ~ "_escaped_fragment_=") {
rewrite ^ /snapshots/$1;
However, requesting this URL: always results in a 404. Same with the other pages.
The snapshots are stored in /snapshots, relative to the root of the website. They're named after their pages, following directory structure, so has a snapshot in /snapshots/business/register.html.
What can I do to get these snapshots to work?
Ok first let me explain why google uses ?_escaped_fragment_, This is used for websites that rely on ajax, and mark their page with hashes, like for example if you have!image1 and each time the user changes to the next image you update the hash to image2, image3, but if the user goes directly to!image50 your javascript uses that hash to load the 50th image directly instead of image1 ( servers can't see the hash part, only javascript can ).
So google uses this _excaped_fragment_ to tell the server which page it's trying to cache.
For more explanation use this link
As for why you get a 404 error, I think because you used a $1 without using a capturing block, The right rule would be something like this
location / {
if ($args ~ "_escaped_fragment_=(.*)") {
rewrite ^ /snapshots/$1;
But I don't think this will fix your problem, because according to your example, you didn't use hashes, you used the uri of the page, so i would rewrite the rule to something like this
location / {
# try snapshot, if not found try direct file.
try_files snapshots$request_uri.html $uri;
Here is what I have in nginx and it is working fine, you might need to add a special one for index.html (i.e. when accessing the root of your website)
if ($args ~ "_escaped_fragment_=/(.+)/?") {
set $path $1;
rewrite ^ /snapshots/$path.html;
location /snapshots/ {
alias /var/www/snapshots/;
So will access /var/www/snaphots/about.html
Don't forget this meta tag as well in your page if you use html pushstate instead of hashbangs:
meta(name="fragment", content="!")
