converting 2 byte hex numbers back to a decimal - c

The code below, produces the following output on a serial console
My question is - if just had the serial output - how would you figure out that the number was 9999? How does the maths work? I think it has something to do with little endian?
int a = 9999;
buf[0] = 'B';
buf[1] = '%';
buf[2] = a&0xff;
buf[3] = (a>>8)&0xff;
buf[4] = (a>>16)&0xff;
buf[5] = (a>>24)&0xff;

Endianness determines how numbers are stored in memory, not how arithmetic is performed on it. Since the C code you provided only uses integer arithmetic (i.e. does not deal with pointers and memory access), the resulting data will be the same whatever the endianness is.
To serialize your number, you extract every byte (&0xff) of your number by applying bit shifting (respectively 0, 8, 16 and 24 bits); e.g. 0xAABBCCDD >> 8 becomes 0xAABBCC, and the binary AND operation &0xff discards the upper bytes to keep the least significant one, in case of the example it is 0xCC.
To undo that operation, you have to take the bytes and AND them together, applying bit shifts in the opposite direction. Parsing i would use the following code:
int a = buf[2] & (buf[3] << 8) & (buf[4] << 16) & (buf[5] << 24);
There is no need to cast any of the operands here as using bitwise operators in C implies integer promotion (ISO/IEC 9899§, and your resulting variable type is int — that is, assuming buf is an array of an unsigned 8-bit integer type.
Note this assumes the emitter of the serialized data also has a 32-bit int length, and uses the same signed number representation (often two's complement).

The hexi decimal number system is a base 16 numeral system.
This means that it consists of 16 different symbols and has The weight of 16.
What this means is that instead of only having 10 symbols(0-9)for illustrating numbers as in the decimal (base 10 ) system, you have 16 0-f.
Where the symbols a=10,b=11,c=12,d=13,e=14 and f=15 in The decimal system.
The weight part of the system means that the frist symbol in a hex digit has the weight of 1 which is also the case in the decimal system.
But if the number is represented by more than one digit, that weight is increased by 16.
So in hex:
f = 16^0*15 in decimal.
ff = (16^1*15)+15 in decimal.
fff=(16^2*15)+(16^1*15)+15 in decimal
n...fff = ((16^n-1)*m)+...+(16^2*15)+(16^1*15)+15 in decimal where m represents a given hex symbol.
This number system is widely used in electrical Engineering and hardware near software development, because it allows one to group bits in groups of fours and thereby illustrate large binary numbers more compact.

knowing how data are embedded into message, you can extrapolate them converting in the right format.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(void)
int32_t a = 9999;
unsigned char buf[6];
buf[0] = 'B';
buf[1] = '%';
buf[2] = a&0xff;
buf[3] = (a>>8)&0xff;
buf[4] = (a>>16)&0xff;
buf[5] = (a>>24)&0xff;
uint32_t res= buf[2] + ((buf[3] & 0xFFFFFFFFu) << 8) + ((buf[4] & 0xFFFFFFFFu) << 16) + ((buf[5] & 0xFFFFFFFFu) << 24);
printf("Converted from chars: %d\n", res);
return 0;
As data are pushed into buffer, you can position they back at the correct location in an int variable.
I think it has something to do with little endian?
Endianness doesn't matter because shift operations are made on the host platform considering its architecture.


How to combine two hex value(High Value & Low Value) at two different array positions?

I received two hex values where at array[1] = lowbyte and at array[2] = highbyte where for my example lowbyte = 0xF4 and highbyte = 0x01 so the value will be in my example 1F4(500). So I want to combine these two values and compare but how do I do that without any library function?
Please help and sorry for my bad English.
I did some research and I found this as my solution and it seems to be working fine:
int temp = (short)(((HIGHBYTE) & 0xFF) << 8 | (LOWBYTE) & 0xFF);
Just a basic example showing how to combine values of two different variables into one:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
char highbyte = 0x01;
unsigned char lowbyte = 0xF4; //Edited as per comments from #Fe2O3,
short int val = 0;
val = (highbyte << 8) | lowbyte; // If lowbyte declared as signed, then masking is required `lowbyte & 0xFF`
printf("0x%hx\n", val);
return 0;
Tested this on Linux PC.
Based on the answer where you converted to short, it seems you may want to combine the two bytes to produce a 16-bit two’s complement integer. This answer shows how to do that in three ways for which the behavior is fully defined by the C standard, as well as a fourth way that requires knowledge of the C implementation being used. Methods 1 and 3 are also defined in C++.
Given two eight-bit unsigned bytes with the more significant byte in highbyte and the less significant byte in lowbyte, four options for constructing the 16-bit two’s complement value they represent are:
Assemble the bytes in the desired order and copy them into an int16_t: uint16_t t = (uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte; int16_t result; memcpy(&result, &t, sizeof result);.
Assemble the bytes in the desired order and use a union to reinterpret them: int16_t result = (union { uint16_t u; int16_t i; }) { (uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte } .i;.
Construct the result arithmetically: int16_t result = ((highbyte ^ 128) - 128) * 256 + lowbyte;.
If it is given that the code will be used only with C implementations that define conversion to a signed integer to wrap, then a conversion may be used: int16_t result = (int16_t) ((uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte);.
(In the last, the conversion to int16_t is implicit in the initialization, but a cast is used because, without it, some compilers will produce a warning or error, depending on switches.)
Note: int16_t and uint16_t are defined by including <stdint.h>. Alternatively, if it is given that short is 16 bits, then short and unsigned short may be used in place of int16_t and uint16_t.
Here is more information about the first three of these.
1. Assemble the bytes and copy
(uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte converts to a type suitable for shifting without sign-bit issues, moves the more significant byte into the upper 8 bits of 16, and puts the less significant byte into the lower 8 bits.
Then uint16_t = …; puts those bits into a uint16_t.
memcpy(&result, &t, sizeof result); copies those bits into an int16_t. C 2018 1 guarantees that int16_t uses two’s complement. C 2018 2 guarantees that the value bits in int16_t have the same position values as their counterparts in uint16_t, so the copy produces the desired arrangement in result.
2. Assemble the bytes and use a union
(type) { initial value } is a compound literal. (union { uint16_t u; int16_t i; }) { (uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte } makes a compound literal that is a union and initializes its u member to have the value described above. Then .i reads the i member of the union, which reinterprets the bits using the type int16_t, which is two’s complement as describe above. Then int16_t result = …; initializes result to this value.
3. Construct the result arithmetically
Here we start with the more significant byte separately, interpreting the eight bits of highbyte as two’s complement. In eight-bit two’s complement, the sign bit represents 0 if it is off and −128 if it is on. (For example, 111111002 as unsigned binary represents 128+64+32+16+8+4 =252, but, in two’s complement, it is −128+64+32+16+8+4 = −4.)
Consider highbyte ^ 128) - 128. If the first bit is off, ^ 128 turns it on, which adds 128 to its unsigned binary meaning. Then - 128 subtracts 128, producing a net effect of zero. If the first bit is on, ^ 128 turns it off, which cancels its unsigned binary meaning. Then - 128 gives the desired value. Thus (highbyte ^ 128) - 128 reinterprets the first bit to have a value of 0 if it is off and −128 if it is on.
Then ((highbyte ^ 128) - 128) * 256 moves this to the more significant byte of 16 bits (in an int type at this point), and + lowbyte puts the less significant byte in the less significant position. And of course int16_t result = …; initializes result to this computed value.

Extract k bits from any side of hex notation

int X = 0x1234ABCD;
int Y = 0xcdba4321;
// a) print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation
int output1 = X & 0xFF;
printf("%X\n", output1);
// b) print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
int output2 = Y >> 20;
printf("%X\n", output2);
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
No, that would be incorrect. You'd want to use 0x3FF to get the low 10 bits. (0x2FF in binary is: 1011111111). If you're a little uncertain with hex values, an easier way to do that these days is via binary constants instead, e.g.
// mask lowest ten bits in hex
int output1 = X & 0x3FF;
// mask lowest ten bits in binary
int output1 = X & 0b1111111111;
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
In the case of LEFT shift, zeros will be shifted in from the right, and the higher bits will be dropped.
In the case of RIGHT shift, it depends on the sign of the data type you are shifting.
// unsigned right shift
unsigned U = 0x80000000;
U = U >> 20;
printf("%x\n", U); // prints: 800
// signed right shift
int S = 0x80000000;
S = S >> 20;
printf("%x\n", S); // prints: fffff800
Signed right-shift typically shifts the highest bit in from the left. Unsigned right-shift always shifts in zero.
As an aside: IIRC the C standard is a little vague wrt to signed integer shifts. I believe it is theoretically possible to have a hardware platform that shifts in zeros for signed right shift (i.e. micro-controllers). Most of your typical platforms (Intel/Arm) will shift in the highest bit though.
Assuming 32 bit int, then you have the following problems:
0xcdba4321 is too large to fit inside an int. The hex constant itself will actually be unsigned int in this specific case, because of an oddball type rule in C. From there you force an implicit conversion to int, likely ending up with a negative number.
Y >> 20 right shifts a negative number, which is non-portable behavior. It can either shift in ones (arithmetic shift) or zeroes (logical shift), depending on compiler. Whereas right shifting unsigned types is well-defined and always results in logical shift.
& 0xFF masks out 8 bits, not 10.
%X expects an unsigned int, not an int.
The root of all your problems is "sloppy typing" - that is, writing int all over the place when you actually need a more suitable type. You should start using the portable types from stdint.h instead, in this case uint32_t. Also make a habit of always ending you hex constants with a u or U suffix.
A fixed program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main (void)
uint32_t X = 0x1234ABCDu;
uint32_t Y = 0xcdba4321u;
printf("%X\n", X & 0x3FFu);
printf("%X\n", Y >> (32-12));
The 0x3FFu mask can also be written as ( (1u<<10) - 1).
(Strictly speaking you need to printf the stdint.h types using specifiers from inttypes.h but lets not confuse the answer by introducing those at the same time.)
Lots of high-value answers to this question.
Here's more info that might spark curiosity...
int main() {
uint32_t X;
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
printf( "%X\n", X );
X &= ((1u<<12)-1)<<20; // mask 12 bits, shifting mask left
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
X &= ~0u^(~0u>>12);
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x0234ABCDu; // Note leading 0 printed in two styles
printf( "%X %08X\n", X, X );
return 0;
234ABCD 0234ABCD
print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
To handle this when the width of int is not known, first determine the width with code like sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT. (C specifies it must be at least 16-bit.)
Best to use unsigned or mask the shifted result with an unsigned.
#include <limits.h>
int output2 = Y;
printf("%X\n", (unsigned) output2 >> (sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT - 12));
// or
printf("%X\n", (output2 >> (sizeof output2 * CHAR_BIT - 12)) & 0x3FFu);
Rare non-2's complement encoded int needs additional code - not shown.
Very rare padded int needs other bit width detection - not shown.

Convert 8 bit signed integer to unsigned and then convert to int32

I have a signed 8-bit integer (int8_t) -- which can be any value from -5 to 5 -- and need to convert it to an unsigned 8-bit integer (uint8_t).
This uint8_t value then gets passed to another piece of hardware (which can only handle 32-bit types) and needs to be converted to a int32_t.
How can I do this?
Example code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void main() {
int8_t input;
uint8_t package;
int32_t output;
input = -5;
package = (uint8_t)input;
output = (int32_t)package;
printf("output = %d",output);
In this example, I start with -5. It temporarily gets cast to 251 so it can be packaged as a uint8_t. This data then gets sent to another piece of hardware where I can't use (int8_t) to cast the 8-bit unsigned integer back to signed before casting to int32_t. Ultimately, I want to be able to obtain the original -5 value.
For more info, the receiving hardware is a SHARC processor which doesn't allow int8_t - see
The smallest addressable memory unit on the SHARC processor is 32 bits, which means that the minimum size of any data type is 32 bits. This applies to the native C types like char and short. Because the types "int8_t", "uint16_t" specify that the size of the type must be 8 bits and 16 bits respectively, they cannot be supported for SHARC.
Here is one possible branch-free conversion:
output = package; // range 0 to 255
output -= (output & 0x80) << 1;
The second line will subtract 256 if bit 7 is set, e.g.:
251 has bit 7 set, 251 - 256 = -5
5 has bit 7 clear, 5 - 0 = 5
If you want to get the negative sign back using 32-bit operations, you could do something like this:
output = (int32_t)package;
if (output & 0x80) { /* char sign bit set */
output |= 0xffffff00;
printf("output = %d",output);
Since your receiver platform does not have types that are less than 32 bits wide, your simplest option is to solve this problem on the sender:
int8_t input = -5;
int32_t input_extended = input;
uint8_t buffer[4];
memcpy(buffer, &input_extended, 4);
send_data(buffer, 4);
Then on the receiving end you can simply treat the data as a single int32_t:
int32_t received_data;
receive_data(&received_data, 4);
All of this is assuming that your sender and receiver share the same endianness. If not, you will have to flip the endianness in the sender before sending:
int8_t input = -5;
int32_t input_extended = input;
uint32_t tmp = (uint32_t)input_extended;
tmp = ((tmp >> 24) & 0x000000ff)
| ((tmp >> 8) & 0x0000ff00)
| ((tmp << 8) & 0x00ff0000)
| ((tmp << 24) & 0xff000000);
uint8_t buffer[4];
memcpy(buffer, &tmp, 4);
send_data(buffer, 4);
Just subtract 256 from the value, because in 2's complement an n-bit negative value v is stored as 2n - v
input = -5;
package = (uint8_t)input;
output = package > 127 ? (int32_t)package - 256 : package;
If the issue is that your code has if statements for values of -5 to 5, than the simplest solution might be to test for result + 5 and change the if statements to values between 0 and 10.
This is probably what the compiler will do when optimizing (since values of 0-10 can be converted to a map, avoiding if statements and minimizing predictive CPU flushing).
Type casting will work if first cast to uint8_t and then uint32_t...
output = (int32_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t)input;
Of course, if the 8th bit is set it will remain set, but the sign won't be extended since the type casting operation is telling the compiler to treat the 8th bit as a regular bit (it is unsigned).
Of course, you can always have fun with bit masking if you want to be even more strict, but that's essentially a waste or CPU cycles.
The code:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
int8_t input;
int32_t output;
input = -5;
output = (int32_t)(uint32_t)(uint8_t)input;
printf("output = %d\n", output);
Results in "output = 251".

C Bit-Level Int to Float Conversion Unexpected Output

I am playing around with bit-level coding (this is not homework - just curious). I found a lot of good material online and in a book called Hacker's Delight, but I am having trouble with one of the online problems.
It asks to convert an integer to a float. I used the following links as reference to work through the problem:
How to manually (bitwise) perform (float)x?
How to convert an unsigned int to a float?
Problem and Question:
I thought I understood the process well enough (I tried to document the process in the comments), but when I test it, I don't understand the output.
Test Cases:
float_i2f(2) returns 1073741824
float_i2f(3) returns 1077936128
I expected to see something like 2.0000 and 3.0000.
Did I mess up the conversion somewhere? I thought maybe this was a memory address, so I was thinking maybe I missed something in the conversion step needed to access the actual number? Or maybe I am printing it incorrectly? I am printing my output like this:
printf("Float_i2f ( %d ): ", 3);
printf("%u", float_i2f(3));
But I thought that printing method was fine for unsigned values in C (I'm used to programming in Java).
Thanks for any advice.
* float_i2f - Return bit-level equivalent of expression (float) x
* Result is returned as unsigned int, but
* it is to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of a
* single-precision floating point values.
* Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
* Max ops: 30
* Rating: 4
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {
if (x == 0){
return 0;
//save the sign bit for later and get the asolute value of x
//the absolute value is needed to shift bits to put them
//into the appropriate position for the float
unsigned int signBit = 0;
unsigned int absVal = (unsigned int)x;
if (x < 0){
signBit = 0x80000000;
absVal = (unsigned int)-x;
//Calculate the exponent
// Shift the input left until the high order bit is set to form the mantissa.
// Form the floating exponent by subtracting the number of shifts from 158.
unsigned int exponent = 158; //158 possibly because of place in byte range
while ((absVal & 0x80000000) == 0){//this checks for 0 or 1. when it reaches 1, the loop breaks
absVal <<= 1;
//find the mantissa (bit shift to the right)
unsigned int mantissa = absVal >> 8;
//place the exponent bits in the right place
exponent = exponent << 23;
//get the mantissa
mantissa = mantissa & 0x7fffff;
//return the reconstructed float
return signBit | exponent | mantissa;
Continuing from the comment. Your code is correct, and you are simply looking at the equivalent unsigned integer made up by the bits in your IEEE-754 single-precision floating point number. The IEEE-754 single-precision number format (made up of the sign, extended exponent, and mantissa), can be interpreted as a float, or those same bits can be interpreted as an unsigned integer (just the number that is made up by the 32-bits). You are outputting the unsigned equivalent for the floating point number.
You can confirm with a simple union. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef union {
uint32_t u;
float f;
} u2f;
int main (void) {
u2f tmp = { .f = 2.0 };
printf ("\n u : %u\n f : %f\n", tmp.u, tmp.f);
return 0;
Example Usage/Output
$ ./bin/unionuf
u : 1073741824
f : 2.000000
Let me know if you have any further questions. It's good to see that your study resulted in the correct floating point conversion. (also note the second comment regarding truncation/rounding)
I'll just chime in here, because nothing specifically about endianness has been addressed. So let's talk about it.
The construction of the value in the original question was endianness-agnostic, using shifts and other bitwise operations. This means that regardless of whether your system is big- or little-endian, the actual value will be the same. The difference will be its byte order in memory.
The generally accepted convention for IEEE-754 is that the byte order is big-endian (although I believe there is no formal specification of this, and therefore no requirement on implementations to follow it). This means if you want to directly interpret your integer value as a float, it needs to be laid out in big-endian byte order.
So, you can use this approach combined with a union if and only if you know that the endianness of floats and integers on your system is the same.
On the common Intel-based architectures this is not okay. On those architectures, integers are little-endian and floats are big-endian. You need to convert your value to big-endian. A simple approach to this is to repack its bytes even if they are already big-endian:
uint32_t n = float_i2f( input_val );
uint8_t char bytes[4] = {
(uint8_t)((n >> 24) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)((n >> 16) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)((n >> 8) & 0xff),
(uint8_t)(n & 0xff)
float fval;
memcpy( &fval, bytes, sizeof(float) );
I'll stress that you only need to worry about this if you are trying to reinterpret your integer representation as a float or the other way round.
If you're only trying to output what the representation is in bits, then you don't need to worry. You can just display your integer in a useful form such as hex:
printf( "0x%08x\n", n );

fetch 32bit instruction from binary file in C

I need to read 32bit instructions from a binary file.
so what i have right now is:
unsigned char buffer[4];
which will put 4 bytes in an array
how should I approach that to connect those 4 bytes together in order to process 32bit instruction later?
Or should I even start in a different way and not use fread?
my weird method right now is to create an array of ints of size 32 and the fill it with bits from buffer array
The answer depends on how the 32-bit integer is stored in the binary file. (I'll assume that the integer is unsigned, because it really is an id, and use the type uint32_t from <stdint.h>.)
Native byte order The data was written out as integer on this machine. Just read the integer with fread:
uint32_t op;
fread(&op, sizeof(op), 1, file);
Rationale: fread read the raw representation of the integer into memory. The matching fwrite does the reverse: It writes the raw representation to thze file. If you don't need to exchange the file between platforms, this is a good method to store and read data.
Little-endian byte order The data is stored as four bytes, least significant byte first:
uint32_t op = 0u;
op |= getc(file); // 0x000000AA
op |= getc(file) << 8; // 0x0000BBaa
op |= getc(file) << 16; // 0x00CCbbaa
op |= getc(file) << 24; // 0xDDccbbaa
Rationale: getc reads a char and returns an integer between 0 and 255. (The case where the stream runs out and getc returns the negative value EOF is not considered here for brevity, viz laziness.) Build your integer by shifting each byte you read by multiples of 8 and or them with the existing value. The comments sketch how it works. The capital letters are being read, the lower-case letters were already there. Zeros have not yet been assigned.
Big-endian byte order The data is stored as four bytes, least significant byte last:
uint32_t op = 0u;
op |= getc(file) << 24; // 0xAA000000
op |= getc(file) << 16; // 0xaaBB0000
op |= getc(file) << 8; // 0xaabbCC00
op |= getc(file); // 0xaabbccDD
Rationale: Pretty much the same as above, only that you shift the bytes in another order.
You can imagine little-endian and big-endian as writing the number one hundred and twenty tree (CXXIII) as either 321 or 123. The bit-shifting is similar to shifting decimal digtis when dividing by or multiplying with powers of 10, only that you shift my 8 bits to multiply with 2^8 = 256 here.
unsigned int instruction;
to your code. This will copy the 4 bytes of buffer to a single 32-bit variable. Hence you will get connected 4 bytes :)
If you know that the int in the file is the same endian as the machine the program's running on, then you can read straight into the int. No need for a char buffer.
unsigned int instruction;
If you know the endianness of the int in the file, but not the machine the program's running on, then you'll need to add and shift the bytes together.
unsigned char buffer[4];
unsigned int instruction;
instruction = (buffer[0]<<24) + (buffer[1]<<16) + (buffer[2]<<8) + buffer[3];
instruction = (buffer[3]<<24) + (buffer[2]<<16) + (buffer[1]<<8) + buffer[0];
Another way to think of this is that it's a positional number system in base-256. So just like you combine digits in a base-10.
= 2*100 + 5*10 + 7
= 2*10^2 + 5*10^1 + 7*10^0
So you can also combine them using Horner's rule.
instruction = ((((buffer[0]*256) + buffer[1]*256) + buffer[2]*256) + buffer[3]);
instruction = ((((buffer[3]*256) + buffer[2]*256) + buffer[1]*256) + buffer[0]);
#luser droog
There are two bugs in your code.
The size of the variable "instruction" must not be 4 bytes: for example, Turbo C assumes sizeof(int) to be 2. Obviously, your program fails in this case. But, what is much more important and not so obvious: your program will also fail in case sizeof(int) be more than 4 bytes! To understand this, consider the following example:
int main()
{ const unsigned char a[4] = {0x21,0x43,0x65,0x87};
const unsigned char* p = &a;
unsigned long x = (((((p[3] << 8) + p[2]) << 8) + p[1]) << 8) + p[0];
printf("%08lX\n", x);
return 0;
This program prints "FFFFFFFF87654321" under amd64, because an unsigned char variable becomes SIGNED INT when it is used! So, changing the type of the variable "instruction" from "int" to "long" does not solve the problem.
The only way is to write something like:
unsigned long instruction;
instruction = 0;
for (int i = 0, unsigned char* p = buffer + 3; i < 4; i++, p--) {
instruction <<= 8;
instruction += *p;
