I'm using an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller to develop an application with FreeRTOS.
For exact timing, I want use an interrupt based timer. The interrupt has an appropriate priority so it should be able to call the FreeRTOS API. The ISR is called periodically and should wake up a task as in the given code:
/* This function is executed by the task I'd like to resume */
void hello_task() {
while (1) {
/* The ISR is called by an interrupt about 200 times per second */
void Timer_IRQHandler() {
The ISR is executed correctly but the task doesn't resume afterwards.
Does anyone have an explaination for this behavior?
Thank you!
Read the documentation for xTaskResumeFromISR(). It tells you not to do what you are doing.
Direct to task notifications offer the best (most light weight and efficient) method of doing what you describe. There is a worked example on the following page: http://www.freertos.org/RTOS_Task_Notification_As_Counting_Semaphore.html
I am using FreeRTOS on an ARM Cortex A9 CPU und I'm desperately trying to find out if it is possible to determin if the processor is executing a normal thread or an interrupt service routine. It is implemented in V7-a architecture.
I found some promising reference hinting the ICSR register (-> VECTACTIVE bits), but this only exist in the cortex M family. Is there a comparable register in the A family as well? I tried to read out the processor modes in the current processor status register (CPSR), but when read during an ISR I saw that the mode bits indicate supervisor mode rather than IRQ or FIQ mode.
Looks a lot like there is no way to determine in which state the processor is, but I wanted to ask anyway, maybe I missed something...
The processor has a pl390 General Interrupt Controller. Maybe it is possible to determine the if an interrupt has been triggered by reading some of it's registers?
If anybody can give me a clue I would be very greatfull!
The IRQ Handler of FreeRTOS switches the processor to Superviser mode:
And subsequently switches back to system mode:
Can I just check if the processor is in supervisor mode and assume that this means that the execution takes place in an ISR, or are there other situations where the kernel may switches to supervisor mode, without being in an ISR?
On request I'll add an overal background description of the solution that I want to achieve in the first place, by solving the problem of knowing the current execution context.
I'm writing a set of libraries for the CortexA9 and FreeRTOS that will access periphery. Amongst others I want to implement a library for the available HW timer from the processor's periphery.
In order to secure the access to the HW and to avoid multiple tasks trying to access the HW resource simultaneously I added Mutex Semaphores to the timer library implementation. The first thing the lib function does on call is to try to gain the Mutex. If it fails the function returns an error, otherwise it continouses its execution.
Lets focus on the function that starts the timer:
static ret_val_e TmrStart(tmr_ctrl_t * pCtrl)
ret_val_e retVal = RET_ERR_DEF;
BaseType_t retVal_os = pdFAIL;
XTtcPs * pHwTmrInstance = (XTtcPs *) pCtrl->pHwTmrInstance;
//Check status of driver
if(pCtrl == NULL)
}else if(!pCtrl->bInitialized )
retVal_os = xSemaphoreTake(pCtrl->osSemMux_Tmr, INSTANCE_BUSY_ACCESS_DELAY_TICKS);
if(retVal_os != pdPASS)
//This function starts the timer
Sometimes it can be helpful to start the timer directly inside an ISR. The problem that appears is that while the rest of function would support it, the SemaphoreTake() call MUST be changed to SemaphoreTakeFromISR() - moreover no wait ticks are supported when called from ISR in order to avoid a blocking ISR.
In order to achieve code that is suitable for both execution modes (thread mode and IRQ mode) we would need to change the function to first check the execution state and based on that invokes either SemaphoreTake() or SemaphoreTakeFromISR() before proceeding to access the HW.
That's the context of my question. As mentioned in the comments I do not want to implement this by adding a parameter that must be supplied by the user on every call which tells the function if it's been called from a thread or an ISR, as I want to keep the API as slim as possible.
I could take FreeRTOS approch and implement a copy of the TmrStart() function with the name TmrStartFromISR() which contains the the ISR specific calls to FreeRTOS's system resources. But I rather avoid that either as duplicating all my functions makes the code overall harder to maintain.
So determining the execution state by reading out some processor registers would be the only way that I can think of. But apparently the A9 does not supply this information easily unfortunately, unlike the M3 for example.
Another approch that just came to my mind could be to set a global variable in the assembler code of FreeRTOS that handles exeptions. In the portSAVE_CONTEXT it could be set and in the portRESTORE_CONTEXT it could be reset.
The downside of this solution is that the library then would not work with the official A9 port of FreeRTOS which does not sound good either. Moreover you could get problems with race conditions if the variable is changed right after it has been checked by the lib function, but I guess this would also be a problem when reading the state from a processor registers directly... Probably one would need to enclose this check in a critical section that prevents interrupts for a short period of time.
If somebody sees some other solutions that I did not think of please do not hesitate to bring them up.
Also please feel free to discuss the solutions I brought up so far.
I'd just like to find the best way to do it.
On a Cortex-A processor, when an interrupt handler is triggered, the processor enters IRQ mode, with interrupts disabled. This is reflected in the state field of CPSR. IRQ mode is not suitable to receive nested interrupts, because if a second interrupt happened, the return address for the first interrupt would be overwritten. So, if an interrupt handler ever needs to re-enable interrupts, it must switch to supervisor mode first.
Generally, one of the first thing that an operating system's interrupt handler does is to switch to supervisor mode. By the time the code reaches a particular driver, the processor is in supervisor mode. So the behavior you're observing is perfectly normal.
A FreeRTOS interrupt handler is a C function. It runs with interrupts enabled, in supervisor mode. If you want to know whether your code is running in the context of an interrupt handler, never call the interrupt handler function directly, and when it calls auxiliary functions that care, pass a variable that indicates who the caller is.
void code_that_wants_to_know_who_called_it(int context) {
if (context != 0)
// called from an interrupt handler
// called from outside an interrupt handler
void my_handler1(void) {
void my_handler2(void) {
int main(void) {
Install_Interrupt(EVENT1, my_handler1);
Install_Interrupt(EVENT2, my_handler1);
While creating FreeRTOS application project with STM32CubeMx, there are two ways you can use to introduce delay, namely osDelay and HAL_Delay.
What's the difference among them and which one should be preferred?
osDelay Code:
/*********************** Generic Wait Functions *******************************/
* #brief Wait for Timeout (Time Delay)
* #param millisec time delay value
* #retval status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
osStatus osDelay (uint32_t millisec)
#if INCLUDE_vTaskDelay
TickType_t ticks = millisec / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
vTaskDelay(ticks ? ticks : 1); /* Minimum delay = 1 tick */
return osOK;
(void) millisec;
return osErrorResource;
HAL_Delay Code:
* #brief This function provides accurate delay (in milliseconds) based
* on variable incremented.
* #note In the default implementation , SysTick timer is the source of time base.
* It is used to generate interrupts at regular time intervals where uwTick
* is incremented.
* #note ThiS function is declared as __weak to be overwritten in case of other
* implementations in user file.
* #param Delay: specifies the delay time length, in milliseconds.
* #retval None
__weak void HAL_Delay(__IO uint32_t Delay)
uint32_t tickstart = 0;
tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
while((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < Delay)
HAL_Delay is NOT a FreeRTOS function and _osDelay is a function built around FreeRTOS function. (acc #Clifford: ) They both are entirely different functions by different developers for different purposes.
osDelay is part of the CMSIS Library and uses vTaskDelay() internally to introduce delay with the difference that input argument of osDelay is delay time in milliseconds while the input argument of _vTaskDelay() is number of Ticks to be delayed. (acc. #Bence Kaulics:) Using this function, OS will be notified about the delay and OS will change the status of task to blocked for that particular time period.
HAL_Delay is part of the hardware abstraction layer for our processor. It basically uses polling to introduce delay. (acc. #Bence Kaulics:) Using this function, OS won't be notified about the delay. Also if you do not use OS, then HAL_Delay is the default and only blocking delay to use provided by the HAL library. (acc. #Clifford: ) This is part of HAL Library and can be used without FreeRTOS (or when FreeRTOS is not running)
To introduce Delay using FreeRTOS functions, you can use vTaskDelay() or vTaskDelayUntil() after the scheduler has started.
(acc. #Clifford: )
Always Favour FreeRTOS API function if you want your application to be deterministic.
CubeMX is a collection of parts from multiple sources.
It does not look like HAL_Delay() is intended for use with an RTOS because it is a NULL loop delay. If you call HAL_Delay() from an RTOS task then the task will continue to run until the delay has expired. Higher priority tasks will be able to run, but lower priority tasks will be starved of any processing time during the delay period. That is a waste of processing time, power, and can be detrimental to system responsiveness.
osDelay() on the other hand effects a delay using the RTOS. It tells the RTOS that it has nothing to do until the delay period has expired, so the RTOS does not assign any processing time to the task during that period. That saves processing time, potentially saves power, and allows lower priority tasks to get processing time during the delay period. http://www.freertos.org/FAQWhat.html#WhyUseRTOS
There is a task with the highest priority. If you are going to use the HAL_Delay to block the task then probably there won't be a context switch because the scheduler won't be notified that the task currently just polls a tick counter in a while loop and actually does not do any useful operation. Tasks with lower priority won't run.
The other function uses the vTaskDelay function of the OS, I did not peek into its source code, but probably this will notify the OS the current task wants to be blocked for a certain time, so the task's state will change to blocked and the scheduler can switch to a lower prio task in the meanwhile.
HAL_Delay is used across the stm32_HAL library, including in some case, the function being called in ISR. Beside the naming implication that it is hardware abstract layer, the timer that used the HAL_Delay (HAL_GetTick) needs to have highest NVIC priority. (because it may be called inside ISR and can't be blocked) Whether this is good or bad from the implementation point of view, there are some discussions in web. However, this is the way ST do, you choose if you want to use STM32_HAL.
osDelay is in CMSIS layer is implemented with vTaskDelay. Which use the systick function as timer. The FreeRTOS also use systick to do task context switch. According to FreeRTOS document. The NVIC priority of systick need to be lowest. (So it won't get into the middle of ISR).
Which function is preferred depend on what you are doing, one has highest priority and the one has lowest (according to ST and FreeRTOS recommendation). That's the reason that if you use STM32CubeMX, it will ask you to assign a hardware timer as the 'tick' in addition to systick if you choose to use FreeRTOS.
The answer is quite simple,
If your project is bare-metal (means without os), you should(or can) use HAL_Delay.
The "weak" symbol implementation uses a code like the below.
You can declare your own function if you want.
__weak void HAL_Delay(uint32_t Delay)
uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
uint32_t wait = Delay;
/* Add a period to guaranty minimum wait */
if (wait < HAL_MAX_DELAY)
wait += (uint32_t)(uwTickFreq);
while((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait)
But if your project has an os (lets say FreeRTOS or Keil-RTX) or any other, then you should use a osDelay. This is because as #ARK4579 explained if you use hal_delay with the above function definition then the above function is a blocking call, which means this is just consuming cycles. With osDelay, the caller task will go into blocked state and when the ticks are completed, the task will be in Ready state once again. So here you don't consume any cycles. It is a non-blocking call.
I am starting to use FreeRTOS and I would like a interrupt to preempt whatever task was about to run and run the task I need to run critically.
Is there a way to do this in FreeRTOS? (Is this achieved through task priority?)
NO! Both the above answers are DANGEROUS.
Do NOT use taskENTER_CRITICAL() or taskEXIT_CRITICAL() inside an ISR - it is unusual to need a critical section in an ISR but if you do then use taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR()/taskEXIT_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR(). (possible the AVR32 port is an exception to that rule?)
Do NOT use xTaskResumeFromISR() to synchronise a task with an interrupt. The link already posted to the documentation for that function even says this.
If my understanding of your question is correct you want the ability to have an interrupt unblock a task, and then if that task is the highest priority task in that is able to run, have the interrupt return directly to the unblocked task. If my understanding is right then there is an example of how to do that in an efficient way on the following page: http://www.freertos.org/RTOS_Task_Notification_As_Counting_Semaphore.html
The short answer would be: Yes, this is achieved through task priority.
The FreeRTOS kernel will consider swapping in any task in ready-state after an ISR has completed so it would preempt the current running task if a higher priority task is now ready.
It should be mentioned that this is really only true if the handler is called through FreeRTOS. On a Cortex-A processor there is a common IRQ entry-point in the IRQ or FIQ exception handler which is most likely handled by FreeRTOS or otherwise by an IRQ dispatcher which is easily wrapped by FreeRTOS, usually by a function in the port-layer called vApplicationIRQHandler().
On a Cortex-M this is not necessarily the case as the vector is usually manipulated by the vendor's MCU API. On a Cortex-M I'd safe-guard against this using portYIELD_FROM_ISR() in the ISR which should be implemented to provide the kernel with an opportunity to perform a context switch.
You can use xTaskResumeFromISR to do this.
There is a number of conditions to be met for the yielded task not to be interrupted by other tasks (like it's priority must be high enough) and a number of other conditions to be met to ensure that no interrupt can go un-serviced (like the yielded task must guarantee to be done before the next interrupt)
1. enable preemption:
This is very simple to do.
All the configuration options of FreeRTOS are under "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#define configUSE_PREEMPTION 1
You can set this to 1 to use the preemptive RTOS scheduler, or 0 to use the cooperative RTOS scheduler.
Check this link for more info
2. Use critical section inside ISR
void taskENTER_CRITICAL( void );
void taskEXIT_CRITICAL( void );
RTOS wont do anythis extra inside this critical part
ref: here
As we know we write Embedded C programming, for task management, memory management, ISR, File system and all.
I would like to know if some task or process is running and at the same time an interrupt occurred, then how SW or process or system comes to know that, the interrupt has occurred? and pauses the current task execution and starts serving ISR.
Suppose if I will write the below code like;
// Dummy Code
void main()
printf("\n forever");
// Dummy code for ISR for understanding
void ISR()
printf("\n Interrupt occurred");
In this above code if an external interrupt(ISR) occurs, then how main() comes to know that the interrupt occurred? So that it would start serving ISR first?
main doesn't know. You have to execute some-system dependent function in your setup code (maybe in main) that registers the interrupt handler with the hardware interrupt routine/vector, etc.
Whether that interrupt code can execute a C function directly varies quite a lot; runtime conventions for interrupt procedures don't always follow runtime conventions for application code. Usually there's some indirection involved in getting a signal from the interrupt routine to your C code.
your query: I understood your answer. But I wanted to know when Interrupt occurs how the current task execution gets stopped/paused and the ISR starts executing?
well Rashmi to answer your query read below,
when microcontroller detects interrupt, it stops exucution of the program after executing current instruction. Then it pushes PC(program counter) on to stack and loads PC with the vector location of that inerrupt hence, program flow is directed to interrrupt service routine. On completion of ISR the microcontroller again pops the stored program counter from stack and loads it on to PC hence, program execution again resumes from next location it was stopped.
does that replied to your query?
It depends on your target.
For example the ATMEL mega family uses a pre-processor directive to register the ISR with an interrupt vector. When an interrupt occurs the corrosponding interrupt flag is raised in the relevant status register. If the global interrupt flag is raised the program counter is stored on the stack before the ISR is called. This all happens in hardware and the main function knows nothing about it.
In order to allow main to know if an interrupt has occurred you need to implement a shared data resource between the interrupt routine and your main function and all the rules from RTOS programming apply here. This means that as the ISR may be executed at any time it as not safe to read from a shared resource from main without disabling interrupts first.
On an ATMEL target this could look like:
volatile int shared;
int main() {
char status_register;
int buffer;
while(1) {
status_register = SREG;
buffer = shared;
SREG = status_register;
// perform some action on the shared resource here.
return 0;
void ISR(void) {
// update shared resource here.
Please note that the ISR is not added to the vector table here. Check your compiler documentation for instructions on how to do that.
Also, an important thing to remember is that ISRs should be very short and very fast to execute.
On most embedded systems the hardware has some specific memory address that the instruction pointer will move to when a hardware condition indicates an interrupt is required.
When the instruction pointer is at this specific location it will then begin to execute the code there.
On a lot of systems the programmer will place only an address of the ISR at this location so that when the interrupt occurs and the instruction pointer moves to the specific location it will then jump to the ISR
try doing a Google search on "interrupt vectoring"
An interrupt handling is transparent for the running program. The processor branchs automatically to a previously configured address, depending on the event, and this address being the corresponding ISR function. When returning from the interrupt, a special instruction restores the interrupted program.
Actually, most of the time you won't ever want that a program interrupted know it has been interrupted. If you need to know such info, the program should call a driver function instead.
interrupts are a hardware thing not a software thing. When the interrupt signal hits the processor the processor (generally) completes the current instruction. In some way shape or form preserves the state (so it can get back to where it was) and in some way shape or form starts executing the interrupt service routine. The isr is generally not C code at least the entry point is usually special as the processor does not conform to the calling convention for the compiler. The ISR might call C code, but you end up with the mistakes that you made, making calls like printf that should not be in an ISR. hard once in C to keep from trying to write general C code in an isr, rather than the typical get in and get out type of thing.
Ideally your application layer code should never know the interrupt happened, there should be no (hardware based) residuals affecting your program. You may choose to leave something for the application to see like a counter or other shared data which you need to mark as volatile so the application and isr can share it. this is not uncommon to have the isr simply flag that an interrupt happened and the application polls that flag/counter/variable and the handling happens primarily in the application not isr. This way the application can make whatever system calls it wants. So long as the overall bandwidth or performance is met this can and does work as a solution.
Software doesnt recognize the interrupt to be specific, it is microprocessor (INTC) or microcontrollers JOB.
Interrupt routine call is just like normal function call for Main(), the only difference is that main dont know when that routine will be called.
And every interrupt has specific priority and vector address. Once the interrput is received (either software or hardware), depending on interrupt priority, mask values and program flow is diverted to specific vector location associated with that interrupt.
hope it helps.
I'm using FreeRTOS port for PIC32 microcontroller on the PIC32MX starter kit. Was just playing with tasks but the tasks aren't context switching. Here are my main config settings:
#define configMAX_PRIORITIES ( ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 5 )
#define configTICK_RATE_HZ ( ( portTickType ) 100 )
Now I have two tasks defined which blink two LEDs. Both have priority of 4(highest). Under normal operation the LEDs should alternatively blink for each 100 ticks. But this doesn't happen. The second LED blinks for 100 ticks and the control goes to the general exception handler. Why does this happen? Seems like there is no scheduling at all.
FreeRTOS is a priority based pre-emptive scheduler, tasks of equal priority that do not yield processor time will be round-robin scheduled. Relying on round-robin scheduling is seldom suitable for real-time tasks, and depending on the configured time slice, that may mess up your timing. Time-slicing may even be disabled.
Your tasks must enter the Blocked state waiting on some event (such as elapsed time) to allow each other to run as intended.
That said, entering the exception handler rather than simply one task starving another or not running with the intended timing is a different matter. For that you will need to post additional information, though your first approach should be to deploy your debugger.
The absolute first thing to check is your "tick" interrupt. Often interrupts are not enabled, timers aren't set up right, clocks are not configured properly in the #pragma's that set up the PIC32.. and all those issues manifest themselves first in a lack of a "tick".
This is the #1 cause of not task switching: if you're not getting the tick interrupt. That's where the normal pre-emptive task switching happens.
Assuming you're using the "off the shelf demo", in MPLAB, set a breakpoint in the void vPortIncrementTick( void ) function (around line 177 in FreeRTOS\Source\portable\MPLAB\PIC32MX\port.c) and run your code. If it breakpoints in there, your timer tick is working.
Are you sure both tasks are well registered and the scheduler has been launched?
Something like the following code would do the job:
xTaskCreate( yourFirstTask, "firstTask", STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
xTaskCreate( yourSecondTask, "secondTask", STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
You can also add an application tick hook to see if the tick interruption occurs correctly or if there is a problem with the tick timer.
There are standard demo tasks that just blink LEDs in the FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/flash.c source file. The tasks created in that file are included in the standard PIC32 demo application (which targets the Microchip Explorer16 board).
In its very simplest form, a task that just toggles and LED every 500ms would look like this:
/* Standard task prototype, the parameter is not used in this case. */
void vADummyTask( void *pvParameters )
const portTickType xDelayTime = 500 / portTICK_RATE_MS;
for( ;; )
vTaskDelay( xDelayTime );
Do you have a round-robin scheduler? Are your tasks sleeping for any length of time, or just yielding (or busy waiting)?
A very common gotcha in embedded OSs is that the scheduler will frequently not attempt to schedule multiple processes of the same priority fairly. That is, once A yields, if A is runnable A may get scheduled again immediately even if B has not had any CPU for ages. This is very counterintuitive if you're used to desktop OSs which go to a lot of effort to do fair scheduling (or at least, it was to me).
If you're running into this, you'll want to make sure that your tasks look like this:
for (;;)
led(on); sleep(delay);
led(off); sleep(delay);
...to ensure that the task actually stops being runnable between blinks. It won't work if it looks like this:
for (;;)
(Also, as a general rule, you want to use normal priority rather than high priority unless you know you'll really need it --- if you starve a system task the system can behave oddly or crash.)