Two radgridviews - programmatically select row on 2nd based on selection on 1st - wpf

I have two radgridviews where a row selected on grid #1 by the user appears automatically in grid #2. The new row in grid #2 needs to be programmatically selected as there may be further processing for that new row and the row index is needed.
Both grids use a datatable for their items source.
It is possible that the user can select the same item twice from grid #1. So the selected row in grid #2 must be the most current selection from grid #1.
How do I programmatically select the new row in grid #2?

Datagrid in wpf is a derive class of ItemsControl which has the SelectedIndex property which you can use to get the first index of selection in your grid after which you can set the second grid selectedIndex to the first's.
int selectedIndex=grid1.SelectedIndex ;
grid2.SelectedIndex =selectedIndex.


Put a Button on first row of WPF DataGrid Columns

I'm working on the WPF application.
My application has a DataGrid with 4 columns which works properly.
I only want the first row to have a Button with DataGrid width for inserting new data by user's click.
First row's columns may be use Column span.
Also I read How to add button in first row of datagrid column? .
This solution Insert Button to All Rows and control with Collapsing .
Thanks in advance for any help

WPF : Know which Control is clicked on Datagrid

I have a DataGrid bounded to OservableCollection populated cols and rows dynamically. The DataGrid's row has couple of buttons. On each button a method is called (have implemented AddHandler while generating columns).
In the handler method, I can get which row was selected. I want to know the button of which column was selected. Based on that only I can take action and open respective windows.
How do I know which button of the row was selected ?
I get the column using :
int col = myDataGrid.CurrentCell.Column.DisplayIndex;
int row = seivesTorGrid.SelectedIndex;
Based on this I am able to code respective actions.

Datagrid Row Selection On Button Click In WPF

I am having a Datagrid that gets populated with values from a DataTable. In my program i have four buttons: Goto First, Last, Next and Previous, as the name name indicates i have to select the rows based on the selection made using these buttons. Everything seems well if i use the below code to get the row (for example first row).
DataGridRow row =(DataGridRow)userControl.m_DataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(0);
row.IsSelected = true;
But the code throws null value when there is more rows than the height of the Datagrid(When scrollbar comes into picture).
Please help me out of this issue. I think this is because of the view problem.
Due to virtualization the containers are only created when the object is in view, so you could first scroll the item into view using the respective method, wait for the creation of the container and then select it.
As this is rather messy i would suggest binding the IsSelected to a property on your item using a style for DataGridRow (set it as ItemContainerStyle). Then you can just set the property to true and scroll the item into view if need be.

How to select a row, if i click a disabled cell in a wpf datagrid

I have a wpf dynamic datagrid with a column disabled. if i click a cell in that column, the row is not selected.
The following article shows how to detect the row and column of a DataGrid click:
This will work for disabled columns also.
You can adapt this code so that when the row is found, you set its IsSelected property to true.

WPF DataGrid: edit all cells, new row position, click once to edit

I was wondering if anyone could point me into the right direction with DataGrids.
I'm trying to position the new row at the top of the grid
When the user clicks a cell all cells in the row move into an editable state.
Check this out for single click editing:
And this for New row formatting:
I think positioning a new row on top might not be possible as the new item row is not part of the DataGrid's control template. Haven't given it a try though.
