Angularjs ng-model for checkbox input - angularjs

I'm having a bit of trouble with ng-model. The function checkshow() is called whenever an option from the select box is selected. Depending on which buttons are selected it should call the function in the condition.
$scope.checkshow=function(item) {
var Name=item;
if ($scope.radioSelected === 'radiobutton1')
{ $;
else if($scope.radioSelected === 'radiobutton2' && $scope.checkboxed1 === 'detailchecked'){
else if($scope.radioSelected === 'radiobutton2' && $scope.checkboxed2 === 'comparechecked'){
Only the if and else conditions are working, it never enters the else if part .
<input type="checkbox" id="chck1" disabled value="detailchecked" ng-model="checkboxed1">Detailed
<input type="checkbox" id="chck2" disabled value="comparechecked" ng-model="checkboxed2">Compare</label></td></tr>
There are 2 radiobuttions 1 and 2. I didn't write their code because conditions on them are working.

The model of a checkbox is a boolean: if the checkbox with ng-model="checkboxed1" is chceked, then $scope.checkboxed1 is set to true, otherwise it's set to false.
But you're comparing it to 'detailchecked', so that comparison will always be false.
Read the documentation: it explains how it works and has examples.


Prevent check of checkbox until function has been called

We are using AngularJS, and we require to run a function that determines whether or not the checkbox the user clicked on is actually checked. I have tried to pass $event on ngChange, but discovered it is unable to pass the $event object. The reason I want to access the $event object is so I could prevent the default behaviour until the required function has been called.
The code is as follows (does not include the code where I attempted to pass $event as it didn't work):
<label for="specificCase">
data-ng-click=" = false; specificCase.unsure = false;"
data-ng-change="$ctrl.specificCaseCheck('yes', specificCase.yes)">
<label for="notSpecificCase">
data-ng-click="specificCase.yes = false; specificCase.unsure = false;"
function specificCaseCheck(value, boolean) {
vm.optionSelected = !boolean ? false : true;
vm.caseSpecific = value == 'yes' && boolean ? true : false;
How do I keep the checkbox unchecked until I have run a function in the controller?
Since you need to prevent default behavior but dont have the event you can follow the approach of this question Angular 2 Checkbox preventDefault
Basically you need to return false in your event handler to prevent the default behavior of "checking the checkbox when is clicked" then you can click it programatically
For that you can check this question Angular 4 checkbox set programmatically

Checkbox with ng-model that reflect if another element is showed

I have an element checkbox, that I want to reset the value of ng-model when another element is not showed, example: set to false if another element is not showed in my view. ng-show only hide my checkbox, but not reflect in object of controller.
<select ng-model="item.myOption" convert-to-boolean>
<option value="false" selected>Option false</option>
<option value="true">Option true</option>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.myChecked" ng-show="item.myOption">
You can write small function on ng-change of select field, in which you can set model value of checkbox to either true or false or null.
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.item = {myOption: "true"}
$scope.myCheckbox = true;
$scope.changed = function() {
if($scope.item.myOption == "false") {
$scope.myCheckbox = false;
} else {
$scope.myCheckbox = true;
Similarly, you can change any dependent field's value (like finding age field value right after user selects his DOB using datepicker, etc). You can use switchcase either for large set of values instead of if else inside change function

Trying to validate that at least one checkbox is checked angularJS

Trying to figure out the best way to stay on the same page alerting the user if they have failed to check at least one checkbox.
<div class="col3">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="$parent.value5" ng-true-value="'Togetherness'" ng-false-value="">
<span class="checkboxtext">
<!--<p>We value our people and recognize that <strong>Together</strong> we achieve superior results.</p><br>-->
<div class="col3">
<a ui-sref="form.submit">
<button name="button" ng-click="SaveValue()">Continue</button>
Back-end angularJS to check if one of the boxes was checked-
$scope.SaveValue = function () {
var valueStatus = [];
if ($scope.value1 === "Methodical")
if ($scope.value2 === "Relentless")
if ($scope.value3 === "Togetherness")
if ($scope.value4 === "Excellent") {
if ($scope.value5 === "Ingenious") {
return valueStatus
Basically I'm wanting to make an array of these values and then return it. However, I want the user to check at least one box. I've tried redirecting back to the page if valueStatus[0] == null. However, I don't think this is the best way to validate and it does not work completely how I think it ought to.
The way I solve this is putting validation on the length of array (valueStatus in your case) with hidden number input. The input will have min validation on. So, if user fails to check at least one, the form is not submitted;
<input type="number" name="valueStatus" ng-model="valueStatus.length" min="1" style="display: none">
Then, you can use normal validation on valueStatus that is available on the form model
This way, most of the logic is put into the template, which is called angularjs way ;)
Forgot to mention:
You need to update the list of checked values on on-change checkbox event
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkboxValue1" on-change="updateValueStatus(checkboxValue1)">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="checkboxValue2" on-change="updateValueStatus(checkboxValue2)">
and in controller
$scope.updateValueStatus = function(value){
var indexOf = $scope.valueStatus.indexOf(value);
if(indexOf < 0) {
} else {
$scope.valueStatus.splice(indexOf, 1);
Hope it will help people with the same issue
simply just check the valueStatus length is equal to 0 or not
$scope.SaveValue = function () {
var valueStatus = [];
if ($scope.value1 === "Methodical")
if ($scope.value2 === "Relentless")
if ($scope.value3 === "Togetherness")
if ($scope.value4 === "Excellent") {
if ($scope.value5 === "Ingenious") {
if (valueStatus.length === 0 ) {
console.log('please select atleast one select box')
return valueStatus
remove the ui-sref tag and change the state inside your click function
<button name="button" ng-click="SaveValue()">Continue</button>
in the saveValue function add this
if (valueStatus.length === 0 ) {
console.log('please select atleast one select box')
$state.go('form.submit') // if atleast one selected then the page will change

AngularJS checkbox filter true and false

I have a checkbox <input type="checkbox" ng-model="search.isWorking" />
And after click on it I have filtered list with only true value, and it's Ok :)
But if I uncheked I want list with all vale (true and false) but angular give me only false value. How can I do that ?
Ohh, stackoverflow cut my code ;)
SOLVED: I do that:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="search.isWorking" ng-click="onClick(search.isWorking)" />
$scope.onClick = function ($event) {
if($event === false)
$ = "";
After that i have a list without filtering in false value.

how to stop bind in angularjs

I hava a checkbox ,the model status.useJoin also bind the div.
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="status.useJoin" ng-click="toggleJoin($event);" >
<div ng-if="status.useJoin"> show area</div>
when status.useJoin is true ,will show div.
My question is ,when I want to prevent the default action of the checkbox. I will write function toggleJoin like this.
$scope.toggleJoin = function (dimension,$event) {
if (status.useJoin) {
the checkbox action is stopped ,but status.useJoin is still modified. How can I stop the bind?
You can use ng-disabled directive
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="status.useJoin" ng-disabled="onYourDisableCondition();" >
$scope. onYourDisableCondition = function () {
if (status.useJoin) { //Add your additional conditions
return true;
