total days in Arrears calculation - sql-server

guys i have problem with one old SP which calculates total days late when the costumer is late with the payments of an instalment
it goes like this:
#total days paid# #1st inst days due# #2nd inst days due# #total days#
0 1 0 1
0 2 0 2
0 3 0 3
0 4 0 4
0 30 0 30
0 31 1 31
0 32 2 32
32 0 3 35
so the procedure calculates (total days paid) + max of the days due
0+32 =32
32+3 =35
and makes mistakes whenever the costumer is latemore then 30 days
its should always increment by 1 and not overlap the calculations
can anyone think of a quick way to fix this without over writhing the whole thing

so you have an existing formula for calculating #total days#, if you can locate the final place where that is returned, it could be a formula or a field name, let's call that (...) because we don't know what it is here, you can change it to
(...) + CASE WHEN (...) >= 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS '#total days#'


How to create a function to generate a matrix where numbers progessivley get smaller columnwise? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 months ago.
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Basically I have been trying to come up with a 2D array loop in Matlab. It will create a 5 column array for example that starts of with full 100's and removes the 5th column by an interval of 10 until it hits zero and then moves onto the 4th column and starts at 90, then the 5th column (starting at 90) goes down to zero. This repeats until all the numbers have become zero. Im looking for some sort of loop that creates something like this:
100 100 100 100 90
100 100 100 100 80
100 100 100 100 70 .....
100 100 100 90 90 .....
100 100 100 90 80
100 0 0 0 0 ....
0 0 0 0 0
But I am really struggling to come up with a simple loop for it.
If anyone has an ideas on how to create this I would really appreciate it.
Here's a simple loop-approach that does what you want. You have to make minor adjustments for it to work with the steps you want, but that should be simple:
c = 4; % number of columns
n = 3; % starting number
x = zeros(n*c+1, c); % Initial matrix of zeros
for ii = 1:c
last_idx(ii) = ((n*c+1)-n)-(ii-1)*n;
x(1:last_idx(ii),ii) = n;
x(last_idx(ii)+[1:n-1], ii) = [n-1:-1:1];
x =
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 2
3 3 3 1
3 3 3 0
3 3 2 0
3 3 1 0
3 3 0 0
3 2 0 0
3 1 0 0
3 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
The following should get you started. Its a very nice application possibility of the Kronecker Tensor Product to get a fully vectorized solution without loop.
step = 20;
nrows = 3;
nsteps = 5;
As one-liner:
A = cumsum(kron(fliplr(eye(nrows)),step*ones(nsteps,1)),1,'reverse');
with explanation:
basepattern = fliplr(eye(nrows)); % general matrix design
subpattern = step*ones(nsteps,1); % pattern to repeat
a = kron(basepattern, subpattern); % kronecker delta to repeat pattern
A = cumsum(a,1,'reverse'); % cumulative sum upwards
% optional: filter out lines:
A(nsteps+1:nsteps:end,:) = [];
% optional: pad zeros at the end
A(end+1,:) = 0
A =
100 100 100
100 100 80
100 100 60
100 100 40
100 100 20
100 80 0
100 60 0
100 40 0
100 20 0
80 0 0
60 0 0
40 0 0
20 0 0
0 0 0

How to aggregate number of notes sent to each user?

Consider the following tables
group (obj_id here is user_id)
group_id obj_id role
100 1 A
100 2 root
100 3 B
100 4 C
obj_id ref_obj_id note note_id
1 2 10
1 3 10
1 0 foobar 10
1 4 20
1 2 20
1 0 barbaz 20
2 0 caszes 30
2 1 30
4 1 70
4 0 taz 70
4 3 70
Note: a note in the system can be assigned to multiple users (for instance: an admin could write "sent warning to 2 users" and link it to 2 user_ids). The first user the note gets linked to is stored differently than the other linked users. The note itself is linked to the first linked user only. Whenever group.obj_id = notes.obj_id then ref_obj_id = 0 and note <> null
I need to make an overview of the notes per user. Normally I would do this by joining on group.obj_id = notes.obj_idbut here this goes wrong because of ref_obj_id being 0 (in which case I should join on notes.obj_id)
There are 4 notes in this system (foobar, barbaz, caszes and taz).
The desired output is:
obj_id user_is_primary notes_primary user_is_linked notes_linked
1 2 10;20 2 30;70
2 1 30 2 10;20
3 0 2 10;70
4 1 70 1 20
How can I get to this aggregated result?
I hope that I was able to explain the situation clearly; perhaps it is my inexperience but I find the data model not the most straightforward.
Couldn't you simply put this in the ON clause of your join?
case when notes.ref_obj_id = 0 then notes.obj_id else notes.ref_obj_id end = group.obj_id

Working with an upper-triangular array in SAS (challenge +2 Points)

I'm looking to improve my code efficiency by turning my code into arrays and loops. The data i'm working with starts off like this:
ID Mapping Asset Fixed Performing Payment 2017 Payment2018 Payment2019 Payment2020
1 Loan1 1 1 1 90 30 30 30
2 Loan1 1 1 0 80 20 40 20
3 Loan1 1 0 1 60 40 10 10
4 Loan1 1 0 0 120 60 30 30
5 Loan2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
So For each ID (essentially the data sorted by Mapping, Asset, Fixed and then Performing) I'm looking to build a profile for the Payment Scheme.
The Payment Vector for the first ID looks like this:
PaymentVector1 PaymentVector2 PaymentVector3 PaymentVector4
1 0.33 0.33 0.33
It is represented by the formula
The above is fine to create in an array, example code can be given if you wish.
Next, under the assumption that every payment made is replaced i.e. when 30 is paid in 2018, it must be replaced, and so on.
I'm looking to make a profile that shows the outflows (and for illustration, but not required in code, in brackets inflows) for the movement of the payments as such - For ID=1:
Payment2017 Payment2018 Payment2019 Payment2020
17 (+90) -30 -30 -30
18 N/A (+30) -10 -10
19 N/A N/A (+40) -13.3
20 N/A N/A N/A (+53.3)
so if you're looking forwards, the rows can be thought of what year it is and the columns representing what years are coming up.
Hence, in year 2019, looking at what is to be paid in 2017 and 2018 is N/A because those payments are in the past / cannot be paid now.
As for in year 2018, looking at what has to be paid in 2019, you have to pay one-third of the money you have now, so -10.
I've been working to turn this dataset row by row into the array but there surely has to be a quicker way using an array:
The Code I've used so far looks like:
Data Want;
Set Have;
Array Vintage(2017:2020) Vintage2017-Vintage2020;
Array PaymentSchedule(2017:2020) PaymentSchedule2017-PaymentSchedule2020;
Array PaymentVector(2017:2020) PaymentVector2017-PaymentVector2020;
Array PaymentVolume(2017:2020) PaymentVolume2017-PaymentVolume2020;
do i=1 to 4;
I'll add code tomorrow... but the code doesn't work regardless.
data have;
ID Mapping $ Asset Fixed Performing Payment2017 Payment2018 Payment2019 Payment2020; datalines;
1 Loan1 1 1 1 90 30 30 30
2 Loan1 1 1 0 80 20 40 20
3 Loan1 1 0 1 60 40 10 10
4 Loan1 1 0 0 120 60 30 30
data want(keep=id payment: fraction:);
set have;
array p payment:;
array fraction(4); * track constant fraction determined at start of profile;
array out(4); * track outlay for ith iteration;
* compute constant (over iterations) fraction for row;
do i = dim(p) to 1 by -1;
fraction(i) = p(i) / p(1);
* reset to missing to allow for sum statement, which is <variable> + <expression>;
call missing(of out(*));
out(1) = p(1);
do iter = 1 to 4;
p(iter) = out(iter);
do i = iter+1 to dim(p);
p(i) = -fraction(i) * p(iter);
out(i) + (-p(i)); * <--- compute next iteration outlay with ye olde sum statement ;
p(iter) = .;
format fract: best4. payment: 7.2;
You've indexed your arrays with 2017:2020 but then try and use them using the 1 to 4 index. That won't work, you need to be consistent.
Array PaymentSchedule(2017:2020) PaymentSchedule2017-PaymentSchedule2020;
Array PaymentVector(2017:2020) PaymentVector2017-PaymentVector2020;
do i=2017 to 2020;

Adding and multiplying tables' data by values in another table

Say I have a table of subtractions and divisions sorted by date:
dt sub divide
2014-07-01 1 1
2014-06-01 0 5
2014-05-01 2 1
2014-05-01 0 3
I have another table of values, sorted by date:
dt val
2014-07-05 4
2014-06-15 5
2014-05-15 21
2014-04-14 31
2014-03-15 71
I need to perform some sequential calculations. For the first value in tblFactors, I need to subtract 1 from every val where tblValues.dt < '2014-07-01'.
Next, I need to process the second row in tblFactors. There is nothing to subtract. However, the divide = 5 means that I need to divide every val by 5 where tblValues.dt < '2014-06-01'. The tricky thing is that I need to do this on the modified val from the row before (divide 20 / 5, not 21 / 5).
Each row in tblFactors would process in this manner, giving a sequence like this:
tblFactors: Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4
Dt Original Val Subtract 1 Divide by 5 Subtract 2 Divide by 3
7/5/2014 4
6/15/2014 5 4
5/15/2014 21 20 4
4/14/2014 31 30 6 4
3/25/2014 71 70 14 12 4
This would leave me with:
dt val
2014-07-05 4
2014-06-15 4
2014-05-15 4
2014-04-14 4
2014-03-15 4
Right now I'm doing vector multiplications over loops in R. I was wondering if there was a clever way to accomplish this in the native sql. I tried doing some aggregations but I've had limited success.

Matlab Dataset Array Calculating delta t

I have a very large dataset array with over a million values that looks like this:
Month Day Year Hour Min Second Line1 Line2 Power Dt
7 8 2013 0 1 54 1.91 4.98 826.8 0
7 8 2013 0 0 9 1.93 3.71 676.8 0
7 8 2013 0 1 15 1.92 5.02 832.8 0
7 8 2013 0 1 21 1.91 5.01 830.4 0
and so on.
When the measurement of seconds got to 60 it would start over again at 0 hence why the first number is bigger. I need to fill the delta t column (Dt) by taking the current rows seconds column and subtracting the previous rows seconds column and correcting for negatyive values. This opperation cannot preform this operation in a loop as the it would take ages to complete and needs to be completed in a simple, one-shot, vector subtraction operation.
You can try diff command to generate such results. Its very fast and should work wihout any for loop.
This gives the delta in seconds, but I'm not sure what you want you correction for negative differences to be. Could you give an example of the expected output?
Note that Dt will be one entry shorter than A, so you may have to pad it.
You can remove the negative values (I think) with the command
If you need to pad the Dt vector so that it is the same length as the data set, try
