How to map json data with array in react native - arrays

I have array like this in react native
const data = [
{ key: 1, label: 'Service1'},
{ key: 2, label: 'Service2' },
{ key: 3, label: 'Service3' },
{ key: 4, label: 'Service4' },
{ key: 5, label: 'Service4' },
and json data:
"services": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Hotels",
"id": 2,
"name": "Embassies",
How to map id to key and name to label???

You want to fill your const data with values from JSON, correct?
Try this:
var jsonData = {
"services": [
{ "id": 1, "name": "Hotels" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Embassies" }
var data = {
return {

if your data like below (removed services key)
var jsonData = [
{ "id": 1, "name": "Hotels" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Embassies" }
var data = {
return {

i know it to much late,but i hope its helpfull for others,How to fetch the response of JSON array in react native?How to map json data with array in react native
export default class ExpenseNew extends Component {
PickerSelectedVal : '',
var account_nam=[]
fetch('your Url', {
method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + your token }
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((customerselect) => {
// alert(JSON.stringify(customerselect))
global.customerdata = JSON.stringify(customerselect)
var customername = JSON.parse(customerdata);
for (i = 0; i < customername.cus_data.length; i++) {
var dataa = customername.cus_data[i]["account_name"];
render() {
return (
placeholder="Select your customer"
iosIcon={<Icon name="arrow-down" />}
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) => this.setState({PickerSelectedVal: itemValue})} >
{, key)=>(
<Picker.Item label={item} value={item} key={key}/>)
the above example is fetch array of data from json,and map data in to dropdown/picker,i hope its helpfull for others,if you have any query, asked from me


How to map an array of objects in React Native

How to map an array of objects in React Native
Api response data
Object {
"data": Object {
"1": Object {
"fk_i_attribute_id": "1",
"fk_i_item_id": "60730",
"locales": Object {
"en_US": "Car Make",
"pk_i_id": "12368",
"s_name": "Car Make",
"values": Object {
"355": Object {
"hierarchy": Object {
"355": Object {
"locales": Object {
"en_US": "Others Brands",
"pk_i_id": "355",
"s_name": "Others Brands",
"locales": Object {
"en_US": "Others Brands",
"pk_i_id": "355",
"s_name": "Others Brands",
"2": Object {
"fk_i_attribute_id": "2",
"values": Array [
Object {
"hierarchy": Array [],
"locales": Array [],
"pk_i_id": 0,
"s_name": "",
"s_value": "0",
Now I am trying to map through this data to display it on my screen:
data?.map(function (item, index) {
return (
But getting nothing
data should be an array , which in your case is an object.
Keep in mind map function only works with array and not with objects.
function App (){
// assume data is an array which you are getting from some api
return <View>
{ data?.map(function (item, index) { return (
<Text key={index} >
name: 'Sam',
email: ''
name: 'Ash',
email: ''
].map((anObjectMapped, index) => {
return (
<p key={`${}_{}`}>
{} - {}

React: How to render a list of items grouped by category (using .map)

I have an array (myArray), stored like so (in firebase):
"id": "1",
"Category": "Hardware",
"Name": "Xtreme"
"id": "123",
"Category": "Software",
"Name": "Obsolete"
"id": "12345",
"Category": "Software",
"Name": "V1"
"id": "1234567",
"Category": "Hardware",
"Name": "CPU"
I am using the following code:
const sorterAR = [];
myArray.forEach((item) => {
let cat = sorterAR.find(
(cat) => ===
if (!cat) {
cat = {
Category: item.Category,
items: [],
And then displaying like so:
<div className="App">
{ => (
{ => (
This works in that it produces an output like:
How do I alter this to produce the following output:
So that it displays the category name and then all the items in that category, and then moves to the next one and so forth?
I assumed that order doesn't matter if Hardware or Software should come first.
First I categorized the array into an object of Category objects using Array.prototype.reduce().
From the resultant object you can build the JSX
var data1 = [
id: '1',
Category: 'Hardware',
Name: 'Xtreme',
id: '123',
Category: 'Software',
Name: 'Obsolete',
id: '12345',
Category: 'Software',
Name: 'V1',
id: '1234567',
Category: 'Hardware',
Name: 'CPU',
const categorizedData = data1.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const { id, Category, Name } = curr;
if (!acc[Category]) {
acc[Category] = {
items: [],
return acc;
}, {});
Object.keys(categorizedData).map((key, index) => {
console.log(`Category: ${key}`);
categorizedData[key], index) =>
console.log(`Item ${index}: ${item}`)

React - setState with certain index

I've been stuck for whole day and please help me to fix it.
I have a json data which like this :
"menu": "menu_1",
"icon": "icon_1",
"detail": {
"name": "name_1",
"phone": "phone_1"
"menu": "menu_2",
"icon": "icon_2",
"detail": {
"name": "name_2",
"phone": "phone_2"
"menu": "menu_3",
"icon": "icon_3",
"detail": {
"name": "name_3",
"phone": "phone_3"
I put them into the "data" state and My goal is I wanna change the "detail" state with certain index ( ex: state "data" with index 1 change the "detail" data )
Currently my code is :
data: {,
"name": "billy",
"phone": "893823839"
That setState is clearly wanna change the state with certain index but fail..
How do I supposed to do?
I guess this is what you're looking for, we could replace an element inside an array using splice :
const index = 1;
data: [].splice(index, 1, {[index],
details: { name: "billy", phone: "893823839" },
Update: we could use slice also to make an immutable update with index :
data: [, index),
details: { name: "billy", phone: "893823839" },
}, + 1,,
could you try it ?
this is an example that i tested using splice:
const items = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }];
const indexToBeModified = 1; // { id: 2 } ==> { foo: "foo", id: 2 }
items.splice(indexToBeModified, 1, { ...items[indexToBeModified], foo: "foo" });
console.log("items", items);
Here is a little modified example. It uses prevState to prevent any unwanted changes that may happen when directly interacting with this.state.
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
data: [
menu: "menu_1",
icon: "icon_1",
detail: {
name: "name_1",
phone: "phone_1"
menu: "menu_2",
icon: "icon_2",
detail: {
name: "name_2",
phone: "phone_2"
menu: "menu_3",
icon: "icon_3",
detail: {
name: "name_3",
phone: "phone_3"
this.modifyData = this.modifyData.bind(this);
modifyData(index) {
this.setState((prevState) => {[index].detail={
name: "billy",
phone: "893823839"
return {
data: []
render() {
return (
<button onClick={() => this.modifyData(0)}>Click to modify data</button>
Here is a code sandbox reference.

How to get array format value in json using reactjs?

I added my coding's for how to create state like at the end of this question above coding's are i will try but am not able to create like that state.
This is my json format coding to get through
"Results": {
"labels": ["Under 18", "Age 18-54", "Age 55+"],
"datasets": [{
"data": [2000, 4000, 2850],
"backgroundColor": ["red", "blue", "green"]
Here is my React Code
this.state = {labels: [], datasets: []};
componentDidMount() {
this.pieChart().then(result => {
this.setState({diagramData: result.pieDiagramLabel});
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
async pieChart() {
let pieChart = await import('../data/result_log.json');
return {
pieDiagramLabel: pieChart[0].Results.Piechart.labels
How to get both label and datasets? And how to set into state like below format
this.state= {
"labels": ["Under 18", "Age 18-54", "Age 55+"],
"datasets": [{
"data": [2000, 4000, 2850],
You can try like this
"Piechart": [
"labels": ["Under 18", "Age 18-54", "Age 55+"],
"datasets": [
"data": [2000, 4000, 2850],
"backgroundColor": ["red", "blue", "green"]
import React from "react";
import Results from "./data.json";
export default class App extends React.Component {
state = {
labels: [],
datasets: []
componentDidMount() {
labels: Results.Piechart[0].labels,
datasets: Results.Piechart[0].datasets
render() {
const { labels, datasets } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App">
{, index) => (
<p key={index}>{label}</p>
<hr />
{, index) => (
<p key={index}>{data.backgroundColor}</p>
Live working demo

Mongoose Update array in a document does not work as expected

I'm scratching my head since a couple day on how to update the content of an array with Mongoose.
Here is my schema to begin with:
const playedGameSchema = new Schema ({
created: Date,
updated: Date,
game: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'game'
creator: {
id: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
score: Number
partners: [{
id: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
score: Number
module.exports = mongoose.model('PlayedGame', playedGameSchema);
Basically, what I want to achieve is to, at the same time:
- Update the creator.score (successful with dot notation).
- Update the score key for each partner (unsuccessful).
Here is the result of a document created:
"creator": {
"id": "5b8544fa11235d9f02a9b4f1",
"score": 0
"_id": "5bb6375f5f68cc5c52bc93ae",
"game": "5b45080bb1806be939bfde03",
"partners": [
"_id": "5bb637605f68cc5cafbc93b0",
"id": "5b85497111235d677ba9b4f2",
"score": 0
"_id": "5bb637605f68ccc70ebc93af",
"id": "5b85497111235d677ba9b4f2",
"score": 0
"created": "2018-10-04T15:53:03.386Z",
"updated": "2018-10-04T15:53:03.386Z",
"__v": 0
As I said, I was able to change the score of the score creator by passing something like { "creator.score": 500 } as a second parameter, then I switch to trying to update the array.
Here is my lambda function to update the score for each partner:
export const update: Handler = (event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context, cb: Callback) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
const body = JSON.parse(event.body);
let partnersScore: object = {};
if( {, index) => {
const key = `partners.${index}.$.score`;
partnersScore = Object.assign(partnersScore, { [key]: score});
connectToDatabase().then(() => {
console.log('connected', partnersScore)
PlayedGame.findByIdAndUpdate(, { $set: { partners: partnersScore } },{ new: true})
.then(game => cb(null, {
statusCode: 200,
headers: defaultResponseHeader,
body: JSON.stringify(game)
.catch(err => {
cb(null, {
statusCode: err.statusCode || 500,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
body: err
Which passes a nice { 'partners.0.$.score': 500, 'partners.1.$.score': 1000 } to the $set.
Unfortunately, the result to my request is a partners array that contains only one empty object.
"creator": {
"id": "5b8544fa11235d9f02a9b4f1",
"score": 0
"_id": "5bb6375f5f68cc5c52bc93ae",
"game": "5b45080bb1806be939bfde03",
"partners": [
"_id": "5bb63775f6d99b7b76443741"
"created": "2018-10-04T15:53:03.386Z",
"updated": "2018-10-04T15:53:03.386Z",
"__v": 0
Can anyone guide me into updating the creator score and all partners score at the same time?
My thoughs about findOneAndUpdate method on a model is that it's better because it doesn't require the data to be changed outside of the BDD, but wanting to update array keys and another key seems very difficult.
Instead, I relied on a set/save logic, like this:
.then(game => {
game.set('creator.score', update.creatorScore);, index) => game.set(`partners.${index}.score`, score));
.then(result => {
cb(null, {
statusCode: 200,
headers: defaultResponseHeader,
body: JSON.stringify(result)
.catch(err => {
cb(null, {
statusCode: err.statusCode || 500,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
body: JSON.stringify({ 'Update failed: ': err })
