BBC Basic: Inserting a control character without occupying space in Mode 7 - bbc-micro

I'm using mode 7 ("Teletext mode") on my Beeb. I'd like to print a string of unbroken characters with an coloured text control character in the middle, as-per this mock-up:
However, I can't work how this can be done. The control character needs to occupy space in the output:
I read up on held graphics mode, but this only seems to allow me to repeat the last used graphics symbol, instead of inserting a space when I print a control character. When I do try this with text I just get an additional space for the held graphics character:
Is this possible? Can I print a control character without getting a visible space?
Or perhaps there is a way to insert a control character followed by a backspace, to claim back the occupied space but retain the control code effect?

It is not possible to treat the text characters as graphics characters when using the 'held graphics' character. A good example of using 'held graphics' can be found here:
You also cannot use the backspace character to go back one space as each control code takes up one space on the screen.

OK so this is a bit of a fudge; but it was an answer to my problem so I will share it here for all those BBC Micro / Teletext developers struggling with the same problem...
My challenge was to avoid a noticeable space between the two coloured words. Control characters must exist in the text and occupy a character (either as a space or a copy of the last used block graphic).
Therefore, by inserting a space between every character I was able to make the text appear as one word (albeit with slightly excessive letter spacing):
PRINT CHR$129;"S T A C K"CHR$132;"O V E R F L O W"
This had the desired effect for me - it may not for some others. The only other route I could see available was to render the whole text in block graphics, which would occupy significantly more screen space than the approach I settled for.

This is from memory, I recall that CHR$(8) moves the cursor one place to the left.
Put that just before the "O":
Sadly my BBC Model B is, I believe, in my parents' attic, so I can't test this.


How can I specify the color of particular characters in a String in c?

I am experimenting with colorized text output to the console in c. I know that you are able to change the color of entire printf statements, but I was wondering if I am able to change the text color of individual characters within a printf statement.
In summary, I would like to be able to print out "asdf" with the a being red, the s being green, the d being blue, and the f being orange.
Thank you in advance.
First of all, in C, characters has no color. They are just numbers. So your question is not at all related to C, which doesn't care at all about how your print things.
What you are referring to, is the fact that some terminals accept some control characters to specific how they should render what is sent to them.
Those are just special characters, that are not meant to be printed, but to modify the terminal behavior. There is no guarantee that your terminal understand those control characters. Nor is there any guarantee that they are the same control characters as other terminals.
Some library (such as ncurses) exist that have knowledge on the terminal you are using, and provide helper functions that make this transparent.
All that being said, the way to print in red (well, the most common one, at least) is
That switch the terminal to red
That switches is back to normal.
Those are control characters. So, from C point of view, just characters like any other, to be printed, that is sent to the terminal. It is then up to the terminal to do whatever it sees fit with it.
Being just characters like other, nothing prevent you to mix them with any normal characters,
So your example
But there is no guarantee it works. You can't really count on it. There is even no guarantee that it won't print some unwanted chars.
I have found a temporary workaround: using multiple printf statements since they do not go to the next line, I do not like this solution very much.

Can backspace escape cancel a new-line escape?

I'm working with ubuntu.
printf("Hello\n\b world");
I get on terminal:
Why does backspace not cancel the \n?
Is there a hierarchy in chars?
How can I delete special chars?
Your question goes beyond the scope of the C language: printf("Hello\n\b world"); outputs the bytes from the format string, possibly translated according to the text mode handling of newlines:
on unix systems, the bytes are output to the system handle unmodified.
on Microsoft legacy systems, the newline is converted to CR LF and the other bytes transmitted unmodified.
If the standard output is directed to a file, the file will contain the translation of the newline and a backspace (0x08 on most systems).
If the standard output goes to a terminal, the handling of the backspace special character is outside the program's control: the terminal (hardware, virtual, local or remote...) will perform its task as programmed and configured... Most terminals move the cursor left one position on whatever display they control, some erase the character at that position. If the cursor is already at column 1, it is again system dependent whether backspace moves the cursor back to the end of the previous line, whatever that means. Many systems don't do that and keep the cursor at column 1. This seems consistent with the behavior you observe.
This is what the C standard says (in C 2018 5.2.2 2) about the new line character:
Moves the active position to the initial position of the next line.
and backspace:
Moves the active position to the previous position on the current line. If the active position is at the initial position of a line, the behavior of the display device is unspecified.
Note that the backspace character is not specified to erase a previous character. It is specified to cause a certain action on a display device.
Recall that C was developed in an era when teletypes and other physical printing devices were in common use. Many of these devices could only push the paper upward. Once a new line character caused the paper to be pushed upward, there was no way to move it downward again.
Additionally, some early video displays, or the software driving them, emulated physical printing and did not support going back a line, at least in some of their modes of operation.
On displays where one could move the cursor freely, it is not clear what a backspace from the beginning of a line should do. Consider a display which has 80 columns, numbered from 1 to 80, and the last line printed contained 40 characters, followed by a new line. When we backspace, we move the cursor back to that line, but which column do we move it to? Column 80, the last one of the display? Or column 40, the last one where something was printed? Different devices might handle this differently. Note that the latter choice requires the device to remember the length of each line, an added burden on early computing machinery. (My high school’s cheap display terminals did not have enough memory to remember all the text in a 24×80 display. I think it was only 1024 bytes, enough for 12.8 lines of 80 characters. If you wrote complete lines of text, it would scroll earlier lines off the display, keeping only the last 12.)
Because of these variations in behavior, the C standard did not specify the details of backspacing from the start of a line.
You ask about a “backspace escape” canceling a “new-line escape.” However, the escape sequences are irrelevant here; they are in a different layer of representation than the operations of the characters:
Inside a string literal, \b and \n are escape sequences. As the compiler translates the program, it replaces these with a backspace character and a new line character. Then they are no longer escape sequences; they are simply characters in a string.
When you write the characters with printf, they are transmitted as characters in a stream.
When the characters are sent to a display device (because that is what the stream is connected to), they produce the actions in the 5.2.2 2 text cited above.
Those escape sequences \b and \n represent control characters. A control character is a special character that, well, controls the behavior of the output device in some special way. When you say
it prints the (ordinary) character A to the screen. But when you say
it doesn't print anything, instead it moves the cursor down to the beginning of the next line.
Now, the meaning of \b is not "cancel the character to the left". The control character \b does not "cancel" anything. What it does is just move the cursor one character to the left, if it can. But if the cursor is already at the left edge, it probably can't.
Once upon a time, and especially when the output was going to a printer that actually printed on paper, it was common to do things like
printf("this is u\b_n\b_d\b_e\b_r\b_l\b_i\b_n\b_e\b_d\b_\n");
printf("this is b\bbo\bol\bld\bd\n");
to print underlined or bold words by overprinting. These examples obviously rely on the move-one-to-the-left behavior of \b. These examples prove that the behavior of \b is not anything like "canceling"!
It sounds like you think \b might somehow affect the string it's part of.
It sounds like you think \b might somehow be processed by your C compiler, or by the C library.
It sounds like you think that the string "abc\bdef" might get converted to "abdef".
But none of these things is true. The backspace character \b is interpreted by your screen or your printer, or whatever output device your program is "printing" to. The interpretation of control characters like \b is mostly up to your output device. It is mostly not a property of the C programming language.

How tab and space affect code size in C

When working on embedded system, every byte of memory matters, in C/C++ program is there any difference in resulting code size when you use 4 space instead of 1 tab?
The emitted binary doesn't change based on what spacing you use in your program.
The amount of space the source file takes up does change though. spaces and tabs are each one character, so using 1 tab vs 4 spaces takes up different amounts of memory. It's important to note that this is only for the source file, and during compilation.
Formatting the source code itself with spaces or tabs, makes no difference to the executable code size. It is a preference, mine is never to use tab formatting - please read this.
As for program itself, tabs only make a difference when using string literals. The control character '\t' is one byte in the executable, any spaces will be one or more.
But I prefer to use a field width specifier such as printf("%4d", i) to format the output.

How to dynamically change the string from the i/o stream in c

I was looking at a problem in K&R (Exercise 1-18), which asked to remove any trailing blanks or tabs. That pushed me to think about text messengers like Whatsapp. The thing is lets say I am writing a word Parochial, then the moment I had just written paro, it shows parochial as options, I click on that replaces the entire word (even if the spelling is wrong written by me, it replaces when I chose an option).
What I am thinking is the pointer goes back to the starting of the word or say that with start of every new word when I am writing, the pointer gets fixed to the 1st letter & if I choose some option it replaces that entire word in the stream (don't know if I'm thinking in the right direction).
I can use getchar() to point at the next letter but how do I:
1: Go backward from the current position of the pointer pointing the stream?
(By using fseek())?
2: How to fix a pointer a position in an I/o stream, so that I can fix it at the beginning of a new word.
Please tell me my approach is correct or understanding of some different concept is needed. Thanks in advance
Standard streams are mainly for going forward*, minimizing the number of IO system calls, and for avoiding the need to keep large files in memory at once.
A GUI app is likely to want to keep all of its display output in memory, and when you have the whole thing in memory, going back and forth is just a simple mater of incrementing and decrementing pointers or indices.
*(random seeks aren't always optimal and they limit you from doing IO on nonseekable files such as pipes or sockets)

Query on handling TAB character?

In ASCII CharacterSet world, Below 3 whitespace characters have a number.
Space(32) LineFeed(10) CarriageReturn(13)
So, It is easy to write a program to read or write such whitespace characters in standard way using some programming language(like C) in a portable way, by using following notations,
LineFeed - '\n'
Carriage Return - '\r'
Space - ' '
I learnt that TAB is collection of sometimes 4 or sometimes 8 Space characters.
My question:
How do i understand the meaning of '\t' character in programming language(like C)? When there is no standard definition of TAB in CharacterSet world?
In ASCII, a Horizontal Tab is code 9. The ASCII Horizontal Tab is code 9 regardless of what character set the code is written in.
In C, '\t' is the horizontal tab in the character set of the source code, regardless of the character set of the IO. the integer value of '\t' may/may not be 9.
The character set of the code and character set of IO (e.g. files) are commonly the same. In 2014, there are often both ASCII (at least for the ASCII codes 0 - 127).
In C, printing a '\t' is somewhat precise;
Moves the active position to the next horizontal tabulation position
on the current line. If the active position is at or past the last defined horizontal
tabulation position, the behavior of the display device is unspecified. C11 §5.2.2 2
With ASCII, the Horizontal Tab is intended not to represent printable information, but rather to control devices. The ASCII original definition led to ambiguity as to the precise action of a control device: move to the next tabulation stop.
Given these similar, but different meanings, and acknowledging other languages have various meanings, the precise meaning is highly dependent on the situation. Therefore to maintain portability, other situation dependent info is needed (e. g. a definition or list of the tab stops) to precisely generate and interpret a horizontal tab.
Unless the data format requires ( CSV, makefile), do not generate tabs, but spaces. Upon reading a '\t', interpret it, as able, the same as 1 or more consecutive spaces.
What to do with tab depends on
What kind of input you are processing
The capability of the device you are targeting
A tab is meant as an elastic delimiter that tells the device to move to next tab stop. Replacing tabs with N spaces is just poor man's handling. To correctly render a tab you need to figure out appropriate tab-stops somehow.
When printing a table that uses tabs as field separator onto a text terminal you need to load the table, count the number of characters in each column, and fill each field with spaces so the fit the widest field in that column. In this case the length of the tab is determined by the number of characters you have to write before next column, which in turn varies with the contents of current row.
A practical example of tab-stops:
This is just an addition to other answers. The tab stops are usually set at positions 4*n or 8*n (here I am using 0-based numbering of positions). If a cursor is at position x, after outputting a tab character it jumps to next tab stop:
x = (x / 8 + 1) * 8;
Or if the tab-stops have spacing of s (usually s is 4 or 8, as mentioned):
x = (x / s + 1) * s;
However, if tab-stops are completely flexible (e.g. the user can specify each tab-stop in Microsoft Word), no such formula exists.
