Windows universal app - set focus on captureElement - mobile

I have simple Win Universal app to capture photos.
When I start my app, I have some screen with button and some informations. When I press the button, I move to another page with captureElement. I wanted to use tap to capture photo and it works. However it doesnt work for first tap on that page. First tap doesnt fire "tapped" event but second and next ones work good. Can I set focus somehow on captureElement? I didnt find it for that type of control


Keyboard focus problems

I am needing to use the DotNetBrowserControl inside of another application (I am an add-in in the application). The application is written in WPF and has some WinForms components.
When I try to use the WPFBrowserView in the app I can never get focus to go into the Browser Window at all (even when clicking on a the google search box for example).
When I try to use the WinformsBrowserView inside of a WindowsFormsHost control I am able to get focus into the google search box by clicking on it. However once I click focus out of the browser control (to a WPF textbox for example) I can never get Keyboard focus back into the browser (even when clicking on a textbox in the browser).
It seams I am closest on getting the WInformsBrowserView working. Does anyone have any advice on how to force focus into the browser window? Even if I could programmatically force this to happen it would be a huge help.
We have implemented force focus feature for DotNetBrowser, but it is not yet present in the current version. We plan to add it to the next version of DotNetBrowser. If you need a build with this feature present, please get in touch with us via DotNetBrowser support email, and we will provide you with a preview build.

Restore Tab Focus From CEFSharp

I have a WPF application that hosts a CEF browser using CEFSharp. I've found that if I navigate my application's controls using keyboard tabbing, I can cycle through my controls without problem. Once focus makes it to the ChromiumWebBrowser control, focus shifts to within the current web page, as expected. However, once focus makes it within the web page, I can never get focus back out to my application. Hitting tab at the end of the html document just moves focus back to the top of the page, rather than pushing focus back to my application.
I have tried implementing IFocusHandler, but IFocusHandler.OnSetFocus() gets called right when the application is launched and none of the handler methods ever get called again.
How can I move focus back to the host application when tabbing reaches the end of a document in CEFSharp?
Since this is a bug in CEF that has yet to be fixed, here are a couple relevant links to check on later to see if any progress has been made.
CEFSharp issue:
CEF issue:

Ionic + Angular UI-Routing: How to delete Back Stack?

Im working with the Ionic-Framework and AngularJS.
If you create the Ionic sidemenu sample project:
ionic start myApp sidemenu
You will get a small example application which shows my exact problem.
You can try out the behaviour here: Plunker
If you open up the Side-Menu and navigate to several locations everything
is put on the Back-Stack. How can I prevent that behaviour for special pages?
For our example lets say i always want to completely delete the Back-Stack
when the "playlists" page is called. My Application will run on mobile devices only and its very untypical to be able to press the back button in the main menu and be navigated to the last opended page.
I want Angular UI-Routing to simulate the Android Backing behaviour.
How can i achieve that?
Another problem is that the hardware back button seems to work different than the back button of the navigation bar. You can see that in the browser. If you navigate to a link from the side menu there wont appear a back button in the navigation bar (Like it should be!). But when you press the browser back button, suddenly a back button in the navigation bar appears (very uncool!). How to prevent that?

Can Silverlight hook into the browser's Edit > Cut/Copy/Paste menu items?

We have a Silverlight app that contains a grid, and we've added support for selecting multiple cells, copying their contents to the clipboard, and pasting back elsewhere in the grid. Currently the user invokes the Copy and Paste commands by either clicking a toolbar button inside our Silverlight app, or using the standard keyboard shortcuts, which we catch with a KeyDown event.
Is it possible to also hook into the browser's native Edit menu, and the Cut, Copy, Paste, etc. menu items that are built into the browser? For example, can the user drop down the Firefox button (or press Alt+E to drop down the classic Edit menu), click the Copy item in Firefox's menu, and have some sort of Copy command be relayed to the focused control in my Silverlight app? Same thing for the equivalent menus in IE, Chrome, Opera, etc.
I wouldn't be surprised if this can't be done, since even long-established browser plug-ins like Adobe Reader have their own buttons for copy/paste and even print, rather than hooking into the browser's native menus. But I've never programmed to a browser's plug-in model, so I don't know for sure what's possible.

Windows phone 7 silverlight tombstoning

I have read in requirements that when user presses the back button, application must exit.
(5.4.2): "Pressing the Back button from the first screen of an application must exit the application".
So, i have read in many sites that exitting in silverlight is not available, but i think that they mean, that application should only deactivate (for example, it is deactivated when we press button with "windows flag").
I have a main menu in my application. If i navigate on another pages and return to main menu, pressing "back button" doesn't deactivate application because previous pages are another pages in application. So, maybe I need to clean "navigation history" ? But it is not possible, i have readed it somewhere...
so, what to do in this case?
The back button must exit the application from the first screen in your application. Your application is supposed to navigate backwards through your page stack if the user has navigated forwards through your pages.
This requirement simply means that you application must not prevent the user from exiting the application when the press the back button and have reached the first page.
First off, there is no explicite exiting in Silverlight. There is no Exit() method.
Think of your app as a webapp and whole navigation system is like a simple browser with back, home and search button.
Can you close ? you can back to another site (if any) or press start/home button to leave stackoverflow (if it's not your home page :) )
In Windows Phone 7 the behaviour you describe as "deactivate" is called Tombstoning.
You can use Non-linear Navigation Service to solve your problem with navigation.
