How to find SQL Server running port when you don't own the server? - sql-server

In our enterprise I don't have access to MSSQL Server, so I can'r access the system tables.

What works for me is:
capture the network traffic Wireshark (run as Administrator, select Network Interface),while opening connection to server.
Find the ip address with ping
filter with ip.dst == x.x.x.x
The port is shown in the column info in the format src.port -> dst.port

If you have elevated rights to SQL but not the OS, you can query the log.
If you don't have access to the OS but can run queries, perhaps try:
USE master
xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Server is listening on'
If you don't have elevated rights to SQL, from the client-side windows machine with an active connection, you could run a netstat command and see on which ports you are connected to the target. Filter on IP address of the host.
netstat -an | find ""
You'll see that I have connections to the host on 3389 and 1433. Maybe this helps narrow it down.


All but one Windows 11 Surface Tablet can make remote connection to SQL Server

I have SQL Server Express 2017 running on Windows Server 2016 Standard (default instance, not named). It has remote connections enabled and is listening on port 1433 and has TCP/IP and Named Pipes enabled. I have several Surface Tablets running Windows 10 and Windows 11. These tablets make a VPN connection to the server to connect to SQL Server. All of the tablets, except one of them, can connect to SQL Server. All tablets connect using the server's IP address and with SQL Server Authentication. All tablets are connected to the same WiFi router - both the ones that CAN connect and the one that CANNOT, so I believe router settings are not the problem.
The tablet that fails to connect can ping the server successfully. It cannot, however, telnet to port 1433 on the server - this times out. All other tablets can make the telnet connection. Also, using sqlcmd to connect (sqlcmd -S ip-address -U user-name -P password) works on all tablets except the one. This returns error 53. Checking the SQL Server logs after attempting to connect using sqlcmd shows no errors. So this tablet is definitely not even reaching SQL Server.
I have disabled all Windows Firewall options on the tablet with no change - still cannot telnet or connect via sqlcmd.
I have walked through multiple remote connection troubleshooting guides step by step, but most of them assume that NO remote systems can connect to SQL Server. In this case, it is just one system. So I know that the server is configured properly to allow remote connections. I just cannot determine what is different about this one tablet that is preventing it from making a connection.
What might be preventing this one system from making this connection? Any settings or other options I should be looking at?
SOLVED: After performing tracert on multiple systems that connect to this server including the problem tablet as well as attempting to telnet to various ports at the server's IP address, I discovered that the WiFi network that the tablet was on had a conflicting IP address with the server. The previous tablets that tested fine were, unbeknownst to me, on different wifi networks that did not have this conflict. As a result, this tablet was attempting to connect to a completely different device despite being properly connected to the server's network via VPN.
So the additional piece of advice to add to this troubleshooting process would be to very closely scrutinize the output of ipconfig /all. Even though you may be connected to the network of the SQL Server system you are trying to connect to remotely, if the IP of the SQL Server system is duplicated on your local network, it can be very difficult to see that all of your connection attempts are actually routing to a different system - that is why the connection is failing.
What to look for in ipconfig /all... check the client system's IP address and the default gateway that it is using. If these are using private IP addresses (as most do) most commonly starting with 192.168.x.x, and you are trying to connect to SQL Server over VPN via which the server also has a private IP address, check if your local subnet is matching the server's subnet. For instance, both the client (tablet) subnet and the server subnet were 192.168.20.x There's a chance for an IP address conflict in these conditions.
Another check that I found was helpful was, on the client, to DISCONNECT from the remote server and then try to ping the SQL Server IP address. If the ping succeeds, the server's IP address is being duplicated by another system.

SQL Server TCP/IP times out

I have to connect to a fresh SQL Server Express 2017 on a machine not part of my domain. I have configured
Mixed Mode Installation with sa with password
SSMS -> Server -> Properties -> Connections -> Allow remote connections
SQL Configuration Manager -> Instance "EXPRESS2017" -> TCP/IP: Enable and Active and Port 1438
Restarted the "SQL Server (EXPRESS2017)" service.
I now tried to access from a remote computer, and got a timeout. I then tried to connect from the local SSMS, which works without special settings, but when under options, forced "Protocol: TCP/IP" is set, with the same credentials as before, I also got a timeout.
So am I right that I can rule out the firewall or problems finding the instance, and everything points towards a configuration issue in TCP/IP protocol, or did I overlook some setting?
EDIT: I have disabled Windows firewall, and no other firewall is installed on the computer. I have restarted the computer. I also found this article about PortQry and had a check - locally:
C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads>PortQry.exe -n -p UDP -e 1434
Querying target system called:
Attempting to resolve IP address to a name...
IP address resolved to WIN-AECL8CJVS7E.test.local
UDP port 1434 (ms-sql-m service): NOT LISTENING
EDIT: I have run NETSTAT and it seems no port in the 14xx range is open at all, although the SQL Server Browser service is running. I must be missing something there...
You did not show your connection string, but I suppose you use your instance name here.
In order to connect to SQL Server the network library has to know 2 things: IP address and a port. Your instance is named and uses non-default port 1438.
So your connection string should use,1438 as server name, or, alternatively, you can use instance name like this:\EXPRESS2017 but SQL Server Browser should run.

Databse Connection error By Giving Specific IP address-Drupal

I have created database and user and give all the privilege to the user.When i give the IP as Database host.It will show the following errors.Giving hostname as localhost it will work fine.
I am using phpmyadmin 3.3.2...
The error message is given below.
Failed to connect to your MySQL database server. MySQL reports the following message: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
It seems that the IP address you use is your "external" IP and not the IP localhost would resolve to, which is most of the time your loopback:
So if you are trying to connect from the same computer as the database is running you should use as the IP address.
If you are trying to connect to your database from another computer on the network, you should enable MySQL remote access in your my.conf (MySQL config file). Because by default MySQL disables remote incoming connections.
You do this by setting the "bind-address" line to your real (external) server IP as such:
bind-address = 192.168.xx.xx (assuming its on your local network)
Or put the bind-address in comment.
Also make sure that the skip-networking option is commented as such:
And then restart your MySQL server.
Now also make sure that your MySQL users are also allowed to connect from locations other then "#localhost".
I hope this helps!

sql 2008 express connection problems

I've just installed a fresh copy of SQL 2008 Express. before I did anything I opened Management Studio and successfully connected using Window Authentication.
However I tried to run the following on the command line
"telnet localhost 1433" and got the error "Could not open connection to the host, on port 1433: Connect failed"
I checked netstat and there is nothing listening on port 1433.
Before I go any further, is there a problem with the install?
did you check if the tcp/ip protocol is enabled? It's disabled by default if I remember correctly.
are you telling your SQL Server to listen on TCP/IP
The port number isn't guaranteed to be 1433.
In Sql Server Configuration Manager, make sure:
(1) SQL Server is running
(2) SQL Server Browser is running.
(3) In the Protocols for SQLEXPRESS that TCP/IP is on. You can check the port inside there.
Alternately get the port by finding the PID of sqlservr.exe in Task Manager and then typing:
netstat -ano | findstr PID
Prior to these steps I couldn't connect via myself, now I can connect even from a remote machine on my LAN. (Note: for LAN access you'll need to add firewall exceptions for sqlservr.exe and sqlbrowser.exe)

What port is a remote SQL Server 2005 running on?

How do I find what port is my remote SQL Server 2005 running on?
Unless it's modified, it's the default port 1433.
SQL Server's default port is 1433. If you are unable to connect, you may have to make sure your firewall settings are correct.
Alternatively you can find out which port SQL Server is running by opening your command prompt: (Start > Run > CMD). Type "netstat" and hit enter, this will show you what you're looking for.
You could also check SQL Server's Error Log on the remote server to determine the port. Here are some more intracate ways of determining the port.
Additional information about ports right here on SO.
