catch keydown events in inner components using react-keydown - reactjs

I'm using react-keydown library for adding keyboard shortcuts to my application, but can't make it work in inner dialogs components. The dialogs are not always visible, but I expect the keys to work when they are visible.
I'm getting to event_handlers.js._onKeyDown(event) method, but with missing value: fn = undefined, whereas fn should contain the decorated function.
My components looks like:
import keydown from 'react-keydown'
class Container extends Component {
// working
render() {
return (
import keydown, {keydownScoped} from 'react-keydown'
class MyDialog extends Component {
// not working

Based on your description in the comments, the issue appears to be that your Dialog components mount and then lose focus so any keybindings inside them will not receive the keystrokes. You have a couple of options:
1) Expand the scope of the keybinding by decorating a component that is an ancestor of your Dialog components and won't lose focus. In an extreme case this could be the root component of your app. Then decorate the desired Dialog component method with keydownScoped. Inside that method examine the props to make sure the current dialog is the active one.
2) Programmatically activate your Dialog keybindings along the lines of this
Hope that helps!


#testing-library/React : Clicking outside of component not working

I'm using react testing library to test my component built with FluentUI.
Here is link:
The code is basically a pasted snippet of the example code of Dialog component from FluentUI docs site. The behavior that I'm testing is:
User opens the dialog
User clicks outside of the dialog
onDimiss prop of the component should be fired.
It works when I'm playing with it manually however it seems that I failed to simulate a click outside of the component with testing library.
I tried using as mentioned in this post but got no luck
Does anyone has any idea how to make test work?
It is not working because the Dialog component is not listening for the onClick event on the body, so what you need to do in this case is to find the actual element that is being clicked, observing the dom you'll find that the overlay is a div with some overlay classes on it.
class="ms-Modal is-open ms-Dialog root-94"
class="ms-Overlay ms-Overlay--dark root-99"
The problem now is to find a way to select it. Unfortunately, you cannot select elements in RTL by their className, so you need to use another selector; in this case, we can get the parent element by the role and then access the first child.
const onDismiss = jest.fn();
const { getByRole } = render(<App onDismiss={onDismiss} />);"Open Dialog"));
const document = getByRole("document");;

React pass an event into child component

I'm trying to find a way to pass event to child component in react.
I have something like that:
class ParentComponent extends Component<IProps, IState> {
render() {
return (
<div className={"ParentComponent"} onClick={this.onPageClick}>
... some navbar ...
... some `tabs` component
... some footer ...
the child components are actually sub pages (changed using the tabs) with lot of logic and data inside them. (so I prefer manage them in separate components rather then one giant page).
some of the inner component have Editable labels which changed into an input (or in other case to a textarea or to MD editor) when the label is clicked.
there is an inner state in the child components when the user enter
into "Edit Mode" of the label. every component can have several of
this editable-labels.
The product request is when the user is clicking anywhere in the page the labels should exit from edit mode, so I need to capture the onClick on the master div like in the example and pass somehow the event into a function into the active child component so it will update it's inner state to exit edit-mode (if any).
Now, the solution I thought is to create a state variable in the parent which will be changed by the onPageClick function and pass into the child components
so they could update the local state. and then reset it on the parent again.
something like:
onPageClick() {
this.setState({ pageClicked: true }, () => {
this.setState({ pageClicked: false }
<ChildComponent pageClicked={this.state.pageClicked}/>
But it will change the parent state twice per click (and thus also the child state) even if not neccesary. the ideal why if I'll find a way to pass some event delegate to the children so a function will be triggered only inside the child when the parent onClick is triggered without any state changes in the parent.
Doe's it possible? do anyone have an idea how to implement something like that?
You are making your problem way more complicated than it needs to be.
You shouldn't listen for clicks on the outside component.
Instead, you should use your text input's onBlur event.
onBlur event is fired whenever a text input loses focus.

React - How to notify popper to reposition my popover whenever react updates any DOM element

Relevant versions: React 16.4.2, Bootstrap 4.1.3, popper.js 1.14.4, Typescript 3.0.3
I use the Bootstrap Popover functionality in my react app.
The Popover works well if the rest of the page is static. When the page is changed (at the browser level), the Popover gets repositioned very quickly and smoothly so it stays visible while the content it's anchored to is visible:
when scrolling if it bumps up against the windows edges
if the screen is rotated on a phone
if the window is resized
This all works well because popper.js is apparently watching the window.scroll and window.resize events, as per this answer: Bootstrap 4 - how does automatic Popover re-positioning work?
The problem comes when my react application starts showing/hiding DOM elements. Because popper.js doesn't know about react, it doesn't know the DOM changed, so it doesn't know that the Popovers might need to be repositioned.
I know calling popover("update") on each Popover anchor works, because I've added code like this to do it intermittently:
window.setInterval(()=> $(this.selfRef).popover("update"), 100);
But that's yucky and wasteful, and a little janky.
Is there a way to have react tell me when it updates any node in the DOM, so I can then tell popper.js to update the position of the popovers?
Note that the react component that causes the DOM change isn't necessarily located near the component that uses the Popover. It could be something in a completely separate part of the hierarchy that happens to be displayed before the component with the popover - so the I don't think the solution is componentWillReceiveProps() or methods like that on the Popover component, because it's probably not the component that's causing the movement.
Note that I'm aware of projects like react-bootstrap, reactstrap or react-popper - but I don't want to use them.
EDIT: it seems like MutationObserver might be a non-react way to do this. I just figured since React is already doing all that reconciliation work, maybe there's a way to get it to notify me when it actually does edit the DOM.
"The react Component that causes the DOM change isn't necessarily
located near the Component that uses the Popover. It could be
something in a completely separate part of the hierarchy"
If both the Component that changes the DOM, and the Component that creates the Popover are in the same parent, you could share a method in the parent that does the .popover('update'). The Component that changes the DOM would need to trigger this event, but it doesn't need to be specifically "aware" of the Popover Component. The Popover Component doesn't need to be aware of the DOM changing Component.
class ChangeDom extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.changeDom = this.changeDom.bind(this);
changeDom () {
render() {
return (
<button className="ml-2 btn btn-primary" onClick={this.changeDom}>Change Dom
class Pop extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.togglePopover = this.togglePopover.bind(this);
togglePopover() {
render() {
return (
<div class="position-relative">
<button className="mt-4 btn btn-primary" onClick={this.togglePopover} data-toggle="popover"
class Parent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<ChangeDom domChanged={this.domChanged} />
<Pop />
This is my current attempt at a MutationObserver based solution.
UserApp is a component placed toward the top of the application hierarchy.
The Popover class is (over) used in various places in my application for a bunch of stuff.
The possibility of infinite recursion caused by firing popover("update") from a MutationObserver event makes me wary of using this solution long term.
It seems to do the job for now, but this is one of the things uni-directional binding is meant to avoid.
On the plus side, this works even when you have non-react components in your application (like for example, the Bootstrap navbar).
export class UserApp extends React.Component<any, AppState> {
public domChangeObservers = $.Callbacks();
public mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(
(mutations: MutationRecord[])=>{
// premature optimisation?
// I figure I don't care about each individual change, if the browser
// batched em up, just fire on the last one.
// But is this a good idea given we have to inspect the mutation in order
// to avoid recursive loops?[mutations.length-1]);
constructor(props: any) {
this.mutationObserver.observe(document.documentElement, {
attributes: true,
characterData: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
characterDataOldValue: true
const DefaultTrigger = "click";
export interface PopoverProps{
popoverTitle: string | Element | Function;
popoverContent: string | Element | Function;
/** Set to "focus" to get "dismiss on next click anywhere" behaviour */
popoverTrigger?: string;
/** Leaving it empty means that the popover gets created
* as a child of the anchor (whatever you use as the child of the popover).
* Setting this to "body" means the popover gets created out on the body
* of the document.
* "body" can help with stuff like when the popover ends up
* being clipped or "under" other components (because of stuff like
* `overflow:hidden`).
container?: string;
allowDefaultClickHandling?: boolean;
ignoreDomChanges?: boolean;
id?: string;
export class Popover
extends PureComponent<PopoverProps, object> {
// ! to hack around TS 2.6 "strictPropertyInitialization"
// figure out the right way... one day
selfRef!: HTMLSpanElement;
onDomChange = (mutation:MutationRecord)=>{
- popover("update") causes DOM changes which fire this handler again,
so we need to guard against infinite recursion of DOM change events.
- popover("update") is async, so we can't just use an "if not currently
handling a mutation" flag, because the order of events ends up being:
onDomChange() -> flag=true -> popover("update") -> flag=false ->
popper.js changes DOM -> onDomChange() called again -> repeat forever
- Can't just detect *this* popover. If DOM event occurs because popovers
overlay each other they will recurse alternately - i.e. pop1 update
call makes DOM changes for pop2, pop2 update makes changes for pop1,
repeat forever.
if( Popover.isPopoverNode(mutation) ){
- tell popper.js to reposition the popover
- probably not necessary if popover is not showing, but I duuno how to tell
private static isPopoverNode(mutation: MutationRecord){
Had a good attempt that used the structure of the mutation target to
see if it's parent element was defined as `data-toggle="popover"`; but
that fails when you set the `container` prop to some other element -
especially, "body", see the comments on the Props .
if( != 1 ){
return false;
// Is Element
let element = as Element;
Is the mutation target a popover element?
As defined by its use of the Bootstrap "popover" class.
This is dodgy, it relies on Bootstrap always creating a container
element that has the "popover" class assigned.
BS could change their classname, or they could
change how they structure their popover, or some other
random widget could use the name.
Actually, this can be controlled by overriding the popover template,
which I will do... later.
let isPopoverNode = element.classList.contains("popover");
// very helpful when debugging - easy to tell if recursion is happening
// by looking at the log
// console.log("target", isPopoverNode, mutation, );
return isPopoverNode;
componentDidMount(): void{
// the popover() method is a "JQuery plugin" thing,
// that's how Bootstrap does its stuff
container: this.props.container || this.selfRef,
placement: "auto",
title: this.props.popoverTitle,
content: this.props.popoverContent,
trigger: this.props.popoverTrigger || DefaultTrigger,
if( !this.props.ignoreDomChanges ){
componentWillUnmount(): void {
if( !this.props.ignoreDomChanges ){
// - without this, if this component or any parent is unmounted,
// popper.js doesn't know that and the popover content just becomes
// orphaned
stopClick = (e: SyntheticEvent<any>) =>{
if( !this.props.allowDefaultClickHandling ){
// without this, if the child element is an <a> or similar, clicking it
// to show/dismiss the popup will scroll the content
let popoverTrigger = this.props.popoverTrigger || DefaultTrigger;
// tabIndex is necessary when using "trigger=focus" to get
// "dismiss on next click" behaviour.
let tabIndex = popoverTrigger.indexOf("focus")>=0?0:undefined;
return <span id={}
ref={(ref)=>{if(ref) this.selfRef = ref}}

Element-less component with bound events

Is there a Reacty way to create a wrapper component of another element that has bound DOM events, without producing another element (as in <div>)?
class TripleClickWrapper extends Component {
render() {
return <div onClick={::this._onClick}>{this.props.children}</div>
_onClick() { /* counts clicks and handles timeouts etc */ }
// somewhere else:
<TripleClickWrapper onTripleClick={::this._doSomething}>
<SomeComponent />
I don't want the extra <div> TripleClickWrapper creates, but I want to bind onClick to the wrapper, without passing it down to <SomeComponent>. Any nice way without getting to DOMy (findDOMNode+addEventLisetener+remove on unmout)?
If I didn't need to bind DOM events, I could just return React.Children.only(this.props.children).
You can return an augmented/cloned version of the child component in your render function:
You can add additional props during the cloning process.
render() {
const newProps = /* any props/event handlers you want to add */;
return React.cloneElement(React.Children.only(this.props.children), newProps);
Based on the source code (specifically, this line: ) I see that a possible solution might be to inject an EventPlugin. This is because enqueuePutListener is called, which in turn calls ReactBrowserEventEmitter.listenTo --> ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent --> EventListener.listen which does the actual addEventListener. The if statement there looks for a plugin name. I'm not sure how that mechanism works, and didn't find it in the docs, but with some investigation sounds like a possible solution. For example, there's a plugin that handled tap events when 300ms delay was still a thing.
I ended up with this approach:
I didn't want an extra <div>
I didn't want my wrapper to override the child's events (so if my wrapped div already had onClick it should still run
I didn't want to use addEventListener manually on the findDOMNode(this). Reasons: 1) inner onClicks can't run e.stopPropagation() and stop my added event, as React events run on the document, without useCapture, and 2) lose React event system goodies.
Currently I'm taking the only child in the wrapper and use cloneElement, as #Calvin Belden recommended, and pass in my events combined with existing events.
render() {
const onlyChild = React.Children.only(children)
const events = {
onClick: this.doSomething,
onMouseEnter: this.doSomethingElse,
// ...
for (let [eventName, fn] of Object.entries(events)) {
if (onlyChild.props[eventName]) {
let oldFn = onlyChild.props[eventName]
events[eventName] = e => {
if (!e.isPropagationStopped()) fn(e)
return React.cloneElement(onlyChild, events)
It still forces me to pass in events when I use a component instead of a div: <TripleClickWrapper><SomeComponent></TripleClickWrapper>. SomeComponent would have to pass down onClick to its div.
Not optimal, but as clean as it can be.

How to handle focus using declarative/functional style libraries like Redux and ReactJS?

In looking around to see what ways other developers are handling input focus when working with Redux I've come across some general guidance for ReactJS components such as this. My concern however is that the focus() function is imperative and I could see strange behaviours possible where multiple components are fighting over focus. Is there a redux way of dealing with focus? Is anybody dealing with pragmatically setting focus using redux and react and if so what techniques do you use?
How to set focus on an element in Elm?
Automatically focus input element after creation in purescript-halogen
My approach is using ref callback, which is kind of an onRenderComplete of an element. In that callback I can focus (conditionally, if needed) and gain a reference for future focusing.
If the input is rendered conditionally after an action runs, that ref callback should fire a focus, because the ref doesn't exist yet immediately after calling the action, but only after render is done. Dealing with componentDidUpdate for things like focus just seems like a mess.
// Composer.jsx -- contains an input that will need to be focused somewhere else
class Composer extends Component {
render() {
return <input type="text" ref="input" />
// exposed as a public method
focus() {
// App.jsx
state => ({ isComposing: state.isComposing }),
class App extends Component {
render() {
const { isComposing } = this.props // or props, doesn't matter
return (
<button onClick={::this._onCompose}>Compose</button>
{isComposing ? <Composer ref={c => {
this._composer = c
this._composer && this._composer.focus() // issue initial focus
}} /> : null}
_onCompose() {
this.props.startComposing() // fire an action that changes state.isComposing
// the first time the action dispatches, this._composer is still null, so the ref takes care of the focus. After the render, the ref remains so it can be accessed:
this._composer && this._composer.focus() // focus if ref already exists
Why not autoFocus or isFocued prop?
As HTMLInputElement has value as a prop, but focus() as a method -- and not isFocused prop -- I would keep using methods to handle that. isFocused can get a value but if the user blurs from the input, what happens to that value? It'll be out of sync. Also, as mentioned in the comments, autoFocus can conflict with multiple components
So how to decide between props and methods?
For most cases props will be the answer. Methods can be used only in a 'fire and forget' things, such as scrollToBottom in a chat when a new message comes in, scrollIntoView and such. These are one time behaviors that the store doesn't care about and the user can change with an interaction, so a boolean prop won't fit. For all other things, I'd go with props.
Here's a jsbin:,js,output
