Excel VBA code needed to copy row if criteria is met - arrays

I have an excel document with two sheets. Sheet 1 has columns A-Q and Sheet 2 has columns A-H. What I need is a code that will copy the information in a row from sheet 1 to sheet 2 if the criteria is met. The criteria is the word "Awarded" in column L (Sheet 1).
Also is it possible to have only specific columns in the row copied?
X X Awarded X X
I would like to have only columns C,D,M, and N copied from the row if the word "awarded" is in column L. This information would be copied to Sheet 2 in the following fashion
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
D --> B
C --> C
M --> D
N --> F
I hope I'm being clear. Thanks in advance and let me know if I need to clarify!+
This is the code I currently have, which works. Only problem is it copies the entire row of information into sheet 2 when I only want rows D,C,M, and N to be copied.
Sub testing()
Set a = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set b = Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim d
Dim j
d = 1
j = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(a.Range("L" & j))
If a.Range("L" & j) = "Awarded" Then
d = d + 1
b.Rows(d).Value = a.Rows(j).Value
End If
j = j + 1
End Sub

First what you should do is change your data structure. Assuming you are using Excel 2007 or later, there is a great feature called Tables. If you highlight all of your data and go to Insert->Table, select the "My Table Has Headers" checkbox, and press ok, you will see a nicely formatted table. Do that for both of the data sets on each sheet.
This is more than just pretty formatting though, it is what is called a ListObject. In your VBA code, use the following to reference it:
Dim Table1 as ListObject, Table 2 as ListObject
Dim HeaderIndex as Integer
Dim MyColumnRange as Range
Set Table1 = Sheet1.ListObjects("TableName1")
`Change the table name under Formulas->Name Manager
Set Table2 = Sheet1.ListObjects("TableName2")
HeaderIndex = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("ColumnLHeaderName", _
Table1.HeaderRowRange, 0)
Set MyColumnRange = Table1.ListColumns(HeaderIndex).DataBodyRange
At this point, the select statement is just to show you what range you are dealing with now. The HeaderIndex refers to the header sub component of the table ListObject. Using Match() will allow you to specify the name of the column header without hard coding it's position. (i.e. if your data starts in column A, the header value in column L will return HeaderIndex = 12)
Now that you know what column you want, you select the ListColumn object. Then, the DataBodyRange is used to select the range component of that object. This is the entire range in that column. You can then iterate down the list to find the data you want.
EDIT: Updated Example:
'Specify your ranges you will be copying from beforehand, adding as many as you need here.
HeaderIndex_D = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("ColumnXHeaderName", _
Table1.HeaderRowRange, 0)
HeaderIndex_C = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("ColumnXHeaderName", _
Table1.HeaderRowRange, 0)
HeaderIndex_M = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("ColumnXHeaderName", _
Table1.HeaderRowRange, 0)
HeaderIndex_N = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("ColumnXHeaderName", _
Table1.HeaderRowRange, 0)
Set ColumnRange_D= Table1.ListColumns(HeaderIndex_D).DataBodyRange
Set ColumnRange_C= Table1.ListColumns(HeaderIndex_C).DataBodyRange
Set ColumnRange_M= Table1.ListColumns(HeaderIndex_M).DataBodyRange
Set ColumnRange_N= Table1.ListColumns(HeaderIndex_N).DataBodyRange
'Now, loop through each row that exists in your table. If the testing
'condition contained in MyColumnRange you previously defined is met,
'then assign the destination cell (which can be defined in the same way
'as above) equal to the lookup range's current row value (specified by i)
For i = 1 to MyColumnRange.Rows.Count
If MyColumnRange(i) = "Awarded" Then
DestinationCell1.Value = ColumnRange_D(i)
DestinationCell2.Value = ColumnRange_C(i)
DestinationCell3.Value = ColumnRange_M(i)
DestinationCell4.Value = ColumnRange_N(i)
End If
Next i


Effectively using 2D VBA Array variable and fetch whenever required

I am trying to develop a mechanism where I can store all the values in 2D array for below table.
Below is the code that I have developed, just to store values.
Sub temp()
Dim QtyArray(4, 11) As Integer, rw As Integer, col As Integer
For rw = 0 To 4
For col = 0 To 11
QtyArray(rw, col) = Cells(rw + 2, col + 3).Value
MsgBox QtyArray(rw, col)
Next col
Next rw
End Sub
I want to apply logic as per below:
First identify columns where COUNTA is 1 (highlighted in red) and move 1 qty of stock from that store to another store where COUNTA > 2, priority would be in order from store A to L. For example, first store with COUNTA=1 is store D, and it has qty 2. So I want to move these 2 qty to store E (not store C because it has already 1 qty, also H has 2 qty.)
If the COUNTA of any store's qty is zero, nothing to be done.
I want to fetch separate report as per below format, showing how the stock is being moved across store as per logic rule 1.
Explained in previous section.

Macro to reconstruct receipts from database

I need some help with a database I am trying to create on excel. Currently, I managed to build a system where I paste on to the excel sheet a receipt, then a macro extract certain pieces of information and stores it in another sheet, something like this;
A B 123 abc USD
D E 456 def GBP
Now, I can search this database using simple filtering. What I would to do now is, once I have filtered and am left with, lets say, 5 entries, I would like those to be reconstructed in another sheet, looking like the receipts do originally e.g
123 456
a d
b e
c f
I know I need to loop through each row and once in a row, loop through each column to extract the required piece of information(e.g date, products etc).
I have looked around and couldn't find anything.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
I think that this can help you to start:
Sub From_DB()
Dim i As Long
Dim col As Integer
Dim DB_Sheet, Rec_Sheet As Object
Set DB_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database")
Set Rec_Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Receipts")
col = 1
For i = 2 To DB_Sheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If DB_Sheet.Rows(i).Hidden = False Then
Rec_Sheet.Cells(1, col) = DB_Sheet.Cells(i, 3)
Rec_Sheet.Cells(2, col) = DB_Sheet.Cells(i, 1)
Rec_Sheet.Cells(3, col) = DB_Sheet.Cells(i, 2)
Rec_Sheet.Cells(4, col) = DB_Sheet.Cells(i, 5)
Rec_Sheet.Cells(5, col) = DB_Sheet.Cells(i, 4)
col = col + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub

Extracting unique values from row in Excel

I need to summarize unique values from a row into a column that's in the same row. My goal is in the second row of the attached image where T:Z contains the data and AA:AC contains the summary (I typed the values in for the demo). The first row is what is currently occurring where I tried using a nested if function for values greater than zero, but I also tried using an index match function to no avail. The issue is I either receive duplicates in AA:AC or not all values are included.
Currently using Excel 2016
So if I understand you correctly, you are going to have a sheet of rows of data. You want to look in the columns T:Z and then generate a list of unique values (non-zero) in the columns AA:AC. I assume that you know you will never have more than 3 unique values, but I can't be sure that this wasn't just an omission.
Either way, the below code should work:
Sub Find_Uniques()
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer, Z As Integer
Dim Temp_Strings() As String
For X = 1 to 10000 'This assumes you don't have more than 10,000 rows of data
ReDim Temp_Strings(1 to 5) As String
For Y = 20 to 26
If Range(Cells(X,Y).Address).Value <> "" And Range(Cells(X,Y).Address).Value <> 0 Then
For Z = 1 to 5
If Temp_Strings(Z) = "" Then
Temp_Strings(Z) = Range(Cells(X,Y).Address).Value
Exit For
End If
If Temp_Strings(Z) = Range(Cells(X,Y).Address).Value Then Exit For
Next Z
End If
Next Y
For Z = 1 to 5
If Temp_Strings(Z) <> "" Then Range(Cells(X,Z+26).Address)).Value = Temp_String(Z)
Next Z
Next X
End Sub
Thank you all for your help. Instead of extracting the data from the row, I wrote a macro that changed the zeros to blanks, deleted the blank cells, and shifted them to the left. After that it was easy to cut the range and paste it into the old data set to be analyzed.
Sub clean_data()
Sheets("Reason data").Range("H:Z").Replace 0, ""
Call delete_blanks
End Sub
Sub delete_blanks()
Sheets("Reason data").Range("H:Z").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete (xlToLeft)
Call move_data
End Sub
Sub move_data()
'Copies reason data and pastes it into data worksheet
Sheets("Reason data").Range("A3:K3", Sheets("Reason data").Range("A3:F3").End(xlDown)).Cut _
End Sub

Add value to the last empty cell in a defined dynamic column

My model takes two numbers from one sheet, adds the average to another sheet in the last cell of a defined column. The problem that I have is that when I insert a new column, the references get missed up and I'm trying to have a macro that would 1. take the average 2. look for a specific column on the second sheet 3. paste the averaged value to the last cell.
Please help me with this I have been trying to get my head around it for a long time.
my problem is that I have to insert new columns and I need to keep the references dynamic when adding a value to the last empty cell in a column. For example: if i have salary as col A, and expenses as Col B - in this model that I have now I put in .Cells(emptyRow, 1) and .Cells(emptyRow, 2) now if I insert a column between A and B the references 1 and 2 will not work. Is there anyway that I can work around this where if i add a new column it wont mess up the references in the macro?
Thank you.
This is the code that I have right now but it does not really work - when I insert a new column the column defined name does not shift right.
Sub demo()
Dim expCol As Long, FirstEmptyRow As Long
Range("B:B").Cells.Name = "expenses"
expCol = Range("expenses").Column
FirstEmptyRow = Cells(Rows.Count, expCol).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Cells(FirstEmptyRow, expCol).Value = 123
End Sub
P.S. 123 here is just an example for testing purposes. The value that would replace it in my model is the average I talk about in the question.
If your columns have headers (I guess they do), and your data has no gaps just use
Range("1:1").Find(columnName).End(xlDown).Offset(1,0) = 123
If a column can have just a header but no values, you need to add additional check if second row isn't empty.
If you create a named range this way (rather than the Range.Cells.Name way you were using), then when inserting columns the reference will be dynamic. Now if you insert columns between A and B later in the code, you can still use expCol and FirstEmptyRow to reference the first empty cell in the expenses column, where ever it may have moved to on the sheet, as long as you update them after each column insertion.
Sub Demo()
Dim expensesrng As Range
Dim Expenses As Range
Dim expCol As Long
Dim Exprng As Range
Dim FirstEmptyRow As Long
'set the original range to use for the expense column
Set expensesrng = Range(Range("B1"), Range("B1").End(xlDown))
'add the named range
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Expenses", RefersTo:=expensesrng
' create a variable to refer to the Expenses Range
Set Exprng = ActiveWorkbook.Names("Expenses").RefersToRange
expCol = ActiveWorkbook.Names("Expenses").RefersToRange.Column
FirstEmptyRow = Exprng.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Cells(FirstEmptyRow, expCol).Value = 123
'after inserting columns then you will have to get/update the column number
'of the expense named range and the first empty row before adding your new expense
'data to it
Range("B:B").Insert Shift:=xlShiftToRight
expCol = ActiveWorkbook.Names("Expenses").RefersToRange.Column
FirstEmptyRow = expensesrng.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Cells(FirstEmptyRow, expCol).Value = 123
End Sub

BULK INSERT with inconsistent number of columns

I am trying to load a large amount data in SQL server from a flat file using BULK INSERT. However, my file has varying number of columns, for instance the first row contains 14 and the second contains 4. That is OK, I just want to make a table with the max number of columns and load the file into it with NULLs for the missing columns. I can play with it from that point. But it seems that SQL Server, when reaching the end of the line and having more columns to fill for that same row in the destination table, just moves on to the next line and attempts to put the data on that line to the wrong column of the table.
Is there a way to get the behavior that I am looking for? Is there an option that I can use to specify this? Has anyone run into this before?
Here is the code
FROM '<path to file>'
BULK INSERT isn't particularly flexible. One work-around is to load each row of data into an interim table that contains a single big varchar column. Once loaded, you then parse each row using your own routines.
My workaround (tested in T-SQL):
Create table with colum count = minimum column count of your import file
Run bulk insert (it will succeed now)
In last table column, you will find all rest items (including your item separator)
If it is necessery for you, create another full-columned table, copy all columns from first table, and do some parsing only over last column.
Example file
alpha , beta , gamma
one , two , three , four
will look like this in your table:
c1 | c2 | c3
"alpha" | "beta" | "gamma"
"one" | "two" | "three , four"
Another workaround is to preprocess the file. It may be easier to write a small standalone program to add terminators to each line so it can be BULK loaded properly than to parse the lines using T-SQL.
Here's one example in VB6/VBA. It's certainly not as fast as the SQL Server bulk insert, but it just preprocessed 91000 rows in 10 seconds.
Sub ColumnDelimiterPad(FileName As String, OutputFileName As String, ColumnCount As Long, ColumnDelimiter As String, RowDelimiter As String)
Dim FileNum As Long
Dim FileData As String
FileNum = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Binary Access Read Shared As #FileNum
FileData = Space$(LOF(FileNum))
Debug.Print "Reading File " & FileName & "..."
Get #FileNum, , FileData
Close #FileNum
Dim Patt As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Dim Matches As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
Set Patt = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Patt.IgnoreCase = True
Patt.Global = True
Patt.MultiLine = True
Patt.Pattern = "[^" & RowDelimiter & "]+"
Debug.Print "Parsing..."
Set Matches = Patt.Execute(FileData)
Dim FileLines() As String
Dim Pos As Long
Dim MissingDelimiters
ReDim FileLines(Matches.Count - 1)
For Pos = 0 To Matches.Count - 1
If (Pos + 1) Mod 10000 = 0 Then Debug.Print Pos + 1
FileLines(Pos) = Matches(Pos).Value
MissingDelimiters = ColumnCount - 1 - Len(FileLines(Pos)) + Len(Replace(FileLines(Pos), ColumnDelimiter, ""))
If MissingDelimiters > 0 Then FileLines(Pos) = FileLines(Pos) & String(MissingDelimiters, ColumnDelimiter)
If (Pos + 1) Mod 10000 <> 0 Then Debug.Print Pos + 1
If Dir(OutputFileName) <> "" Then Kill OutputFileName
Open OutputFileName For Binary Access Write Lock Read Write As #FileNum
Debug.Print "Writing " & OutputFileName & "..."
Put #FileNum, , Join(FileLines, RowDelimiter)
Close #FileNum
Debug.Print "Done."
End Sub
The varying number of columns means it can't be parsed by the bulk insert code.
How does it know the correct number of columns? What if you supply too many?
You'll have to upload it to a table with 4 columns, and split out the rest later (or one big column)
Or pre-process it to generate an equal number of columns.
Try specifying a ROW terminator along with your field terminator.
FROM '<path to file>'
ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' --Or whatever signifies the end of a row in your flatfile.
More info on this can be found here:
