AngualrJS: Create a watcher that would get garbage collected - angularjs

Is it possible to create a watcher that is tied to an object such that
1) the watcher's handler function uses the object but does not prevent it from garbage collected; and
2) if the object is garbage collected, the watcher is also de-registered
The use case is that a component has a collection of internal "helpers" that caches derived data, so they need to $watch scope variables of the parent. However, they are not angular components (no individual scopes for them) and they're added/removed dynamically without a way of hooking their life-cycle.
I guess I can $watch the collection and process the any removals manually, but this seems extremely cumbersome. A more direct solution is welcomed.


Angularjs performance of $ vs manual function call?

Assuming I have a very complicated object where each key has very large nested structures for values. Each entry in the object (key, complex nested value pair) comes as a result of a call to some http service.
Performance-wise... is it better to....
1) In a service, scope watch the object for any new keys, then inside of it, call a function to do something.
2) After a successful http request, manually call functions that would have otherwise been in the scope watch function to process the new information.
I think the angular way is to watch, but if option 1 would cause a performance issue due to some constant watching, I would prefer to do 2.
What is the best performance way to do this provided that my object being watched could potentially have a large volume key/values?
I would recommend creating a version on the scope and watching that. i.e.:
$scope.version = 1;
Then, whenever your code changes something about the object, simply increment the verion:
$scope.version += 1;
And finally, set your watch on "version" to respond to any changes.

Is it an antipattern to use angular's $watch in a controller?

In my never ending quest to do things the "proper" angular way, I have been reading a lot about how to have controllers observe the changes in models held in angular services.
Some sites say using a $watch on a controller is categorically wrong:
DON'T use $watch in a controller. It's hard to test and completely unnecessary in almost every case. Use a method on the scope to update the value(s) the watch was changing instead.
Others seem fine with it as long as you clean up after yourself:
The $watch function itself returns a function which will unbind the $watch when called. So, when the $watch is no longer needed, we simply call the function returned by $watch.
There are SO questions and other reputable sites that seem to say right out that using a $watch in a controller is a great way to notice changes in an angular-service-maintained model.
The site, which I think we can give a bit more weight to, says outright that $scope.$watch should replace the need for events. However, for complex SPA's that are handling upwards of 100 models and REST endpoints, choosing to use $watch to avoid events with $broadcast/$emit could end up with lots of watches. On the other hand, if we don't use $watch, for non-trivial apps we end up tons of event spaghetti.
Is this a lose/lose situation? Is it a false choice between events and watches? I know you can use the 2-way binding for many situations, but sometimes you just need a way to listen for changes.
Ilan Frumer's comment made me rethink what I'm asking, so perhaps instead of just asking whether it is subjectively good/bad to use a $watch in a controller, let me put the questions this way:
Which implementation is likely to create a performance bottleneck first? Having controllers listen for events (which had to have been broadcast/emitted), or setting up $watch-es in controllers. Remember, large-scale app.
Which implementation creates a maintenance headache first: $watch-es or events? Arguably there is a coupling (tight/loose) either way... event watchers need to know what to listen for, and $watch-es on external values (like MyDataService.getAccountNumber()) both need to know about things happening outside their $scope.
** EDIT over a year later **
Angular has changed / improved a lot since I asked this question, but I still get +1's on it, so I thought I would mention that in looking at the angular team's code, I see a pattern when it comes to watchers in controllers (or directives where there is a scope that gets destroyed):
$scope.$on('$destroy', $scope.$watch('scopeVariable', functionIWantToCall));
What this does it take what the $watch function returns - a function that can be called to deregister the watcher - and give that to the event handler for when the controller is destroyed. This automatically cleans up the watcher.
Whether watches in controllers are code smell or not, if you use them, I believe the angular team's use of this pattern should serve as a strong recommendation for how to use them.
I use both, because honestly, I view them as different tools for different problems.
I'll give an example from an application that I built. I had a complex WebSocket Service that received dynamic data models from a web-socket server. The service itself doesn't care what the model looks like, but, of course, the controller sure does.
When the controller is initiated, it set up a $watch on the service data object so that it knew when it's particular data object had arrived (like waiting for to exist. As soon as that model came into existence, it was able to bind to it and crate a two-way data-bind to it, the watch became obsolete, and it was destroyed.
On the other side, the service was responsible for broadcasting certain events as well, because sometimes the client would receive literal commands from the server. For instance, the Server might request that the client send some metadata that was stored in the '$rootScope' throughout the application. an .on() was set up in the $rootScope during step to listen for those commands from the server, gather needed information from other services, and call the WebSocket service back to send the data as requested. Alternatively, if I had done this using a $watch(), I would have needed to set up some sort of arbitrary variable for it to watch, like metadataRequests which I would need to increment every time I receive a request. A broadcast achieves the same thing without having to live in permanent memory, like our variable would.
Essentially, I use a $watch() when there is a specific value that I want to see change (especially if I need to know the before-and-after values), and I use events if there are more high-level conditions that have been met that the controllers need to know about.
With regards to performance, I couldn't tell you which one is going to bottleneck first, but I feel like thinking of it this way will let you use the strengths of each feature where they are strongest. For instance, if you use $on() instead of $watch() to look for changes in data, you will not have access to the values before and after the change, which could limit what you are trying to do.
All that two-way data-binding is, is a $watch on whatever scope property you give to ng-model, which has a controller that allows other directives like input, and form to sync the ng-model value to render the view on a change. Which is detected by their registration of events in the DOM.
In essence,ng-model's $watch compares the value in the model, to the value it has internally. The value it has internally is set by supporting directives (input,form etc).
IMHO The only "events" you should react to in an angular application are user created (ie DOM events). These are solved with directives on the DOM and ng-model linking to the ..model
Also naturally there is async, for which angular provides $q for which the callbacks invoke a $digest.
As for performance, it says it really well in the angular docs. Its run on every $digest. So make it fast. Whats every $digest? Angular traverses all of your active scopes. Each scope has watches. which it executes. and performs comparisons in those. If there are diffs, it will run again. (the next loop around) Its not that simple because its optimized but all of your "angular code" executes in this $digest loop. A lot of directives might invoke a digest with scope.$apply(...) That will cause watches of whatever value they changed to notice and do their thing.
So your original question. Is it an anti-pattern? Absolutely not if you know how to use it. Though I'd just use ng-model. Just because it has had 1.2.10+ iterations of pretty smart people working on it... All of the other 'reactive-ness' of your app can be handled by $q, $timeout and the like.
I think they all have their proper place and, for me, it would be difficult to say stop using one for the others.
Data binding should always be used to keep your data model in sync with changes from the view. I think we can all agree on that.
I think using a watch on a controller to trigger some action based on a data change is useful. Like watching a complex data model to calculate a running total for an invoice. Or watching a model to trigger it as dirty.
I have used broadcast/emit/on when sending a message or an indication of some change from one scope to another that may be several layers away. I have created a custom directive where a broadcast event has been used as a hook to take some action in a controller.

Difference between backbone on/off (teardown) and listenTo/stopListening Implementation

I am currently using backbone to implement my app. As part of memory management, I will trigger a teardown of all the views when I am switching views
teardown: ->
for viewName, view of #subViews
for object, events of #objectEvents
#_handleObjectEvents("off", object, events)
Is this approach sufficient to ensure that most of the memory issues are resolved? The challenge I see here is that I need to track all the subviews of each view and call teardown for all main views and subviews as part of the cleanup.
I did some searching and found that backbone also has these two events: 'listenTo' and 'stopListening' where we control the binding of events to models at the view level.
view.listenTo(model, 'change', view.render);
My questions is, is there an overlap between my teardown implementation and using 'stopListening'? Can I just solely use 'stopListening' for memory management?
The short answer is yes, there is an overlap.
The more complicated answer is listenTo/stopListening methods introduced in Backbone 0.9.9 already use on/off methods but with some useful addition – they store current event listeners in internal object called _listeners.
The benefit of using this object is that you always know full list of all your listeners – you can iterate over it and remove specific elements from it (remember that a listener is just a function and a function is just an object).
So, you can call it this way:
this.stopListening(emitting_object, ["reset", "add"]) // Removes listeners for "reset" and "add" on emitting_object
this.stopListening(emitting_object) // Removes all listeners on emitting_object
this.stopListening() // Iterates over _listeners object and removes all listeners (probably the most usable case)
So, using this method, you can convert your teardown method to something like this:
this.teardown = function(){
I'd recommend using listenTo method. The niceness of it is that when you use the remove method on your view, it will automatically unbind (call stopListening) on what it's listening to. According to Derrick Bailey, it also unbinds the events under the events property.
What I will do, since I am in the process of upgrading my app to 0.9.9 from 0.9.2 (which actually still works so far), is just switch around all of my ons/offs to listenTo and stopListening. I also, mostly, have close methods on there. I will, however, still call undelegateEvents, just in case. Doesn't hurt to know that you're still getting rid of the event listening.

backbone.js: does calling collection.reset() removes the models as well?

I read in the backbone documentation that calling collection.reset() clears the collection. I want to know if it removes the models as well or do they continue to live in memory?
If they're not removed is there an easier way to remove all the models in a collection without iterating through the models and calling model.remove()?
You could listen for the reset event from the model and do your cleanup and this.destroy() in response. That's what the event hooks are for. See
Note: You absolutely should not change or override any method or property prefixed by an underscore, such as _removeReference. The underscores mean that it is intended as an internal method or property, and that the internal implementations may change (their API's are considered unstable). Upgrading Backbone could break any code that relies on underscore-prefixed methods, even if the release is advertised as a backwards-compatible change.
I know your question says "without iterating", but it really is the most reliable way of handling this. Consider a case where a model has been moved from one collection to another, but it's still listening on the first collection's reset event (because a programmer six months later didn't notice the connection).
Now when the first collection gets reset, the moved model gets destroyed. Oops!
Iterating over the collection probably is the best way to handle this if you don't have an endpoint on your API that will delete all objects in a collection in batch on the API server (which is often how this is handled).
Luckily, that iteration is pretty easy:
destroyAll: function () {
var promises = [];
while(this.models.length > 0) {
promises.push( this.models[0].destroy() );
// handle errors communicating with the server
$.when(promises).fail(function (response) {
What you are looking for is, probably, for the models to be garbage-collected. That is, that nobody has a reference to these models anymore, after they are removed from the collection.
Backbone does its part of removing the references that it set on the models, when they are removed from the collection. However, you have to do your own cleanup if your code has references to those models. Most of the time, this happens if those models are registered as event listeners, like in this example:
Taking a look at the implementation of reset, you could change _removeReference to call a cleanup function on the model as well. And in the model, remove the model from all the listeners/all the other objects that keep a reference to it.

nHibernate: Reset an object's original state

I have a very basic query. I am using WPF Binding to edit a object which is loaded by a ISession. If somebody edits this object in the form, because of two way binding and a stateful session, whenever I close the session, changes to the object made in the form are stored back in the database. Which is the best way to avoid this?
The methods I know:
Shadow copy the object and use the copied object as the DataContext (the method I am using as of now).
Use IStatelessSession.
Is there any way to reset the object to it's original form before closing the ISession?
If you look here:
It is an example of finding dirty properties. NHibernate internally tracks a persistent object's state by way of the EntityEntry object.
This is useful for you, because with a little modification to the method above, you're able to get old values back ... which you can use to reset the properties.
As for closing your session causing the object to be flushed to the database, you can set the session FlushMode to FlushMode.Never. This will mean no database sync occurs until you call Session.Flush().
Alternatively, you can hook into IFlushEntityEventListener to reset the object state. There are a reasonable examples of using the NHibernate event system on google.
See Managing the caches on NHibernate Forge:
When Flush() is subsequently called, the state of that object will be synchronized with the database. If you do not want this synchronization to occur or if you are processing a huge number of objects and need to manage memory efficiently, the Evict() method may be used to remove the object and its collections from the first-level cache.
I think that sounds like what you want.
I would suggest the use of transactions. You just rollbackthe transaction if that is the case? what do you think?
