How to properly implement PHPWord to CakePHP? - cakephp

I am trying to generate a word document using phpword through cakephp but I always get a fatal error:
Error: Class 'PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor' not found
Line: 1016
line 1016:
$templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('resources/Sample_07_TemplateCloneRow.docx');
I placed the phpword files in this path:
And the docx file here:
Is there anything wrong on how I implemented phpword with cakephp?
Thank you.

I think you should install PHPWord through Composer as CakePHP is using Composer to manage its dependancies.


Testing after update: The plugin class `WyriHaximus\TwigView\Plugin` cannot be found

I started update CakePHP 3.5 to 3.6, but when I try check my code by tests, i got error:
InvalidArgumentException: The plugin class Migrations\Plugin cannot be found. Ensure your autoloader is correct.
After, I runed command php composer.phar require --dev phpunit/phpunit:"^5.7|^6.0"
Now a got next error:
InvalidArgumentException: The plugin class WyriHaximus\TwigView\Plugin cannot be found. Ensure your autoloader is correct.
And I don't used this plugin before.
Also I used this release files for update deprecated code
How I can fix it, and what could provoke this problem?
Full error:
3) App\Test\TestCase\Controller\CardsControllerTest::testEditPostError
InvalidArgumentException: The plugin class `WyriHaximus\TwigView\Plugin` cannot be found. Ensure your autoloader is correct.
Thank you.
Make sure you have removed/commented Plugin::routes(); line from your config/routes.php file.

CakePHP cms tutorial missing Helpers

Just starting with CakePHP and started the cms tutorial.
Install and configure went fine, but when I get to load the site for the first time there is a missing HTML Helper error.
When checking the View/Helper directory, it is empty: so obviously not installed.
What do I need to do to get the Helpers installed?
The issue was incorrect code in the ctp file (a stray character), and I incorrectly read the Error message as a missing Helper.
Core Helper was not actually missing, I just needed to read the Directory to discover the difference between core helpers and application helpers :-/

Not able to load Drupal site

I have downloaded a new theme from Themeforest however when loading the site I m getting the below error.
Even developer is confused about the error.
I believe its more of drupal issue can anyone help?
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\wamp\www\sites\all\modules\media\file_entity/' (include_path='.;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\pear') in C:\wamp\www\sites\all\modules\media\file_entity\file_entity.module on line 13
Can you try using relative path like
Before that you need to find out the getcwd() for getting the current working directory.'
then give relative path according to that.
use below,
require_once(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/all/modules/media/file_entity/');

CakePHP Twitter plugin

Appologies if this is something obvious I've missed.
I'm trying to use this Cake plugin to add a twitter feed to my cake app (just display my latest tweet). I've followed the docs in the readme but I get this:
Missing Controller
Error: Twitter.UsersController could not be found.
Error: Create the class UsersController below in file: C:\wamp\www\mysite\app\Plugin\Twitter\Controller\UsersController.php
Heres what I've done so far (as the readme instructs):
Cloned all the files into app/Plugin/Twitter/
Rename Config/twitter.default.php to Config/twitter.php
Updated the config file with my twitter app keys
Visited mysite/twitter/twitter/connect - which gives me the above error.
The readme mentions that the plugin uses - http_socket_oauth, another cake plugin, I trust that this is included in this plugin and that I dont have to install that plugin aswel?
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you

CakePHP Media Plugin Issue - undefined method MIME_Type::config()

I am using the Media plugin by David Persson for CakePHP ( I've placed the files in app/plugins/media and added
require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';
to my app's core.php, but when I run cake media init I get this error:
Fatal Error: Call to undefined method MIME_Type::config() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wompwomp\app\plugins\media\config\core.php on line 166
Any idea what's happening here? Can I just make the directories manually? If so, what are the default directories?
It looks like you need to install the MIME_Type library. The pear package for it is available here.
The proper library would be found here.
I encounter this error on windows when i updated my php to 5.3.5 (xampp 1.7.4).
There is a conflict between Cakephp Mime Types and Pear Mime types. I rename the folder or
disable Pear Mime Type located at /php/PEAR/MIME..
That solves the problem.
Here is my solution to the conflict between the Plugin library and Pear library:
As we all known, the order of multiple php include_path matters, in other words, if the PEAR path is set before the Cake Media Plugin Built_In Mine_Type Library Path, the Mine_Type class in PEAR is found first, and the built-in one is ignored, that's the reason of the error.
To fix this, just open /app/plugins/media/config/core.php, and find the ini_set('include_path') directive, move the cake media plugin built-in library path to the very beginning of the INCLUDE_PATH.
That's it, enjoy!
Maybe someone can report this as a bug to the plugin author.
