Creating batch documents using pouchdb slows the webapp - angularjs

I am trying to save documents using pouchdb's bulkSave() function.
However, when these documents are saved it starts to sync with master database using sync gateway & in doing so the webapp slows down and when I try to navigate to different tabs no content is displayed on that tab.
Below is an example of how the documents are being created:
for (var i = 0; i <= instances; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
advTask.startDate = new Date(new Date(advTask.startDate).setHours(new Date(advTask.startDate).getHours() + offset));
if (advTask.estimatedDurationUnit == 'Minutes') {
advTask = $Date.getAdvTaskEndTimeIfMinutes(advTask);
} else if (advTask.estimatedDurationUnit == 'Hours') {
advTask = $Date.getAdvTaskEndTimeIfHours(advTask);
} else if (advTask.estimatedDurationUnit == 'Days') {
advTask = $Date.getAdvTaskEndTimeIfDays(advTask);
if(new Date(advTask.endDate).getTime() >= new Date($scope.advTask.endDate).getTime()) {
// here save the task array using bulkSave() function
$db.bulkSave(tasks).then(function (res) {
advTask.startDate = $Date.toGMT(advTask.startDate);
advTask.endDate = $Date.toGMT(advTask.endDate);
var adv = angular.copy(advTask);
tasks.push(adv); // here pushing the documents to an array
offset = advTask.every;
Thanks in advance!

bulkSave is not a core PouchDB API; are you using a plugin?
Also one piece of advice I'd give is that Couchbase Sync Gateway does not have 100% support for PouchDB and is known to be problematic in some cases.
Another piece of advice is that running PouchDB in a web worker can prevent your UI thread from getting overloaded, which would fix the problem of tabs not showing up.
Do you have a live test case to demonstrate?


Loading a new window from local files and accessing it's contents

I am setting up a local webpage which shows videos in a HTML5 video tag. I just want to be able to do database search from a PHP request and show the results from which I can click on and show the video I want. The problem I have is that hte videos load WAY faster when loading from a "file:///" link than from the "http://" link. Server works flawlessly when in "HTTP" mode but nothing works in "file:///" mode which is normal as PHP codes only execute on the server side when requested to the server.
I have spent my full day trying soo much stuff. I changed my server to accept CORS, I tried, storing the reference in a variable, local or global but I lose this as soon as I get out of my javascript function. I tried in a function which is called from another function but no matter what I do, the window reference gets lost as soon as I leave the functions, or once the functions have finished. Since my browser is used as my main browser, I do not want to disable the security arround CORS but since my webpage's link comes from "file:///" requesting to "HTTP" on the same computer, CORS blocks me and wants an HTTP request which I can't give.
I have done all the searching for retrieving information from another webpage but I am always stuck with the "same domain" problem. I tried AJAX HTTPRequest, I just have no more solution for this simple problem which finished way more complicated than expected. The initial problem was just my videos not loading fast enough in HTTP mode (The speed difference is extreme, for 10 min videos, I can wait 5-10 seconds to skip through it while as in FILE:/// urls, It's almost instant, no waiting. longer videos of 1h, I can wait up to 20 and 30 seconds while as in file:/// mode, almost instant.) and I had to learn all that Allow cross domains stuff which ended up with no success either. I figure that maybe a few other heads may have better ideas than mine now.
#In my httpd.conf file from Apache
DocumentRoot "e:/mainwebfolder"
Alias "/lp" "d:/whatever"
// index.php file that does not contain PHP contents
// window.location.href: file://d:/whatever/index.php
<script src="html/servcom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<video id="vplayer" width="1280" height="720" controls></video>
<div id="search-form">
<input id="srch" name="srch" type="text">
<button class="bbut" onclick="ServInfo('search-results','','mode=s','search-form');">Search</button>
<div id='search-results'></div>
var dplay = document.getElementById("vplayer");
function ShowVideo (vidUrl) {
dplay = document.getElementById("vplayer");
dplay.src = vidUrl;
// Now this is in my javascript file servcom.js
var win_ref = -1;
function ServInfo(pop_field_id,web_page,params="",form_id="",exec_string = "") {
var sparams = params;
var swpage = web_page;
var eobj = document.getElementById(pop_field_id);
var moreparams = "";
// If we entered extra parameters including form fields,
// add the the "&" before the form field list
if (sparams != "") {moreparams = "&";}
// Get form field values if a form id is specified
if (form_id != "") {
var efrm = document.getElementById(form_id);
sparams += moreparams+GetDivFields(form_id);
// Add the question mark if there is any parameters to pass
if (sparams != "") {
sparams = "?"+sparams;
// Add recieving objects reference
sparams += "&srco="+pop_field_id;
// If HTML element to populate does not exist, exit
if (typeof(eobj) == "!undefined" || eobj == null) {return;}
win_ref =,"_blank");
// right here win_ref will never be available once the code from this function has been finished executing although the variable is global. The problem starts here.
// Execute a string if a user defined one
if (exec_string != "") {eval(exec_string);}
// Build a parameter string with div fields of type text, hidden or password
function GetDivFields(div_id) {
var ediv = document.getElementById(div_id);
var elem = ediv.children;
var retval = "";
var ssep = "";
for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
if (elem[i].type == "text" || elem[i].type == "hidden" || elem[i].type == "password") {
retval += ssep+elem[i].name+"="+pURL(elem[i].value);
ssep = "&";
if (elem[i].type == "checkbox") {
if (elem[i].checked == true) {
retval += ssep+elem[i].name+"="+elem[i].value;
ssep = "&";
return retval;
// And this is a brief overview of my db.php page
<?php // Search Database code ?>
<div id="output"></div>
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = "<?php echo $search_results; ?>";
// I actually want to retrieve the info from this div element once it has been populated from the initial page that called for this page. BUT again. window.opener becomes empty once my initial script finishes.
Access my newly loaded page's "output" div innerHTML OR loading videos through local HTTP as fast as "FILE:///".
Well, I fanally found a solution. Since this is for local and presentation use only, I could bypass some securities. Basically, doing what we would normally NOT do in a website but all this WITHOUT modifying your webserver config or touching any .htaccess file. Basically, no security restrictions, just a plain old hack that poses no security breaches for your browser or your server.
To be noted:
2 different websites exist (so 2 different folders at very different locations), 1 for developpement and serious releases, one for internal and/or presentation purposes.
Every file is local abd inside the presentation folder.
No PHP code can be ran from a "file:///" link.
Access to the mysql database is done through PHP and server is on Apach24
Reading video locally from a "file:///" link are WAY faster than from an "http://" link
Searching needs to be done in MySQL database frm a "http://" link and results need to be displayed on a webpage opened from a "file:///" link.
No changes must be made in the Browser's configuration so disabling CORS is not a solution.
Bypassing cors with methods proposed by many site won't work because of security reasons or because CORS bypass does not accept "file:///" links
PHP can write files on the server which is where I decided to bypass CORS. Since XML requests through AJAX can be done on the same origin domain an thus, purely in javascript. If a file exists which contains no PHP code AND resides on the same domaine i/e "file:///", the contents can the be read wothout any problems.
So I simply do the following in my db.php file:
$s_mode = "";
$s_text = "";
$sres = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST["srch"])) {$s_text=$_REQUEST["srch"];}
if (isset($_REQUEST["mode"])) {$s_mode=$_REQUEST["mode"];}
if ($s_mode == "s") {
$sres = SearchDB($s_text);
// Writes the contents of the search in a specified file
function WriteFile($faddress,$fcontents) {
$ifile = fopen($faddress,"w");
Now using a normal AJAX request, I do 2 things. I opted to use an iframe with a "display:none" style to not bother seeing another tab openup.
Do the actual request which opens the "cross-doamin" link in the iframe WHICH executes my db.php code. I basically open "" inside my iframe.
Once my search is done and I have the results, my db.php will save an html file with the results as it's contents in my "file:///" direct location's path so: "D:/whatever/my_path/dbres.html".
I added a new function in my servcom.js. So my new file's contents looks like this:
// Show page info in another page element or window with parameters (for local use only)
function ServInfoLocal(dest_frame,web_page,params="",form_id="") {
var sparams = params;
var swpage = web_page;
var iweb = document.getElementById(dest_frame);
var moreparams = "";
// If we entered extra parameters including form fields,
// add the the "&" before the form field list
if (sparams != "") {moreparams = "&";}
// Get form field values if a form id is specified
if (form_id != "") {
var efrm = document.getElementById(form_id);
sparams += moreparams+GetDivFields(form_id);
// If destination frame does not exist, exit
if (typeof(iweb) == "!undefined" || iweb == null) {return;}
// Add the question mark if there is any parameters to pass
if (sparams != "") {sparams = "?"+sparams;}
// Show results in iframe
iweb.src = swpage+sparams;
// AJAX simple HTTP GET request
function ServInfo(pop_field_id,web_page,params="",form_id="",append_data_to_output = "",exec_string = "",dont_show_results = "") {
var sparams = params;
var swpage = web_page;
var eobj = document.getElementById(pop_field_id);
var moreparams = "";
// If we entered extra parameters including form fields,
// add the the "&" before the form field list
if (sparams != "") {moreparams = "&";}
// Get form field values if a form id is specified
if (form_id != "") {
var efrm = document.getElementById(form_id);
sparams += moreparams+GetDivFields(form_id);
// If HTML element to populate does not exist, exit
if (typeof(eobj) == "!undefined" || eobj == null) {return;}
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
// IE6-
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// Do not show any results if requested
if (dont_show_results == "") {
if (append_data_to_output == "y") {
document.getElementById(pop_field_id).innerHTML += this.responseText;
if (append_data_to_output == "") {
document.getElementById(pop_field_id).innerHTML = this.responseText;
// Execute a string if a user defined one
if (exec_string != "") {
// Add the question mark if there is any parameters to pass
if (sparams != "") {swpage += "?";}"GET",swpage+sparams,true);
// Build a parameter string with div fields of type text, hidden or password
function GetDivFields(div_id) {
var ediv = document.getElementById(div_id);
var elem = ediv.children;
var retval = "";
var ssep = "";
for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
if (elem[i].type == "text" || elem[i].type == "hidden" || elem[i].type == "password") {
retval += ssep+elem[i].name+"="+pURL(elem[i].value);
ssep = "&";
if (elem[i].type == "checkbox") {
if (elem[i].checked == true) {
retval += ssep+elem[i].name+"="+elem[i].value;
ssep = "&";
return retval;
Now, my dbres.html file will contain just the div elements and all the information I need to show up in my "file:///" page from which the search request came from. So I simply have this inside my page:
<div id="search-form" style="color:white;font-weight:bold;">
<input id="srch" name="srch" type="text">
<button class="bbut" onclick="ServInfoLocal('iweb','','mode=s','search-form');">Search</button>
<button class="bbut" onclick="ServInfo('search-results','dbres.html');">Click here</button>
<div id="search-results">Results here</div>
<iframe id="iweb" style="display:none;" src=""></iframe>
For now I have 2 buttons, one for the search and one to show the results from my newly created file. Now, I can show my local videos which will load in my video container with "file:///" source directly without passing through http. I'll make my results display automatic which I will be able to do myself from here on.
So, if someone on planet earth wants to be able to do cross-domain searches in a MySQL database from a local file ran directly from the Windows explorer, there's not too many solutions, actually, I found none so here is at least one for who would ever need this solution.
For the curious ones out there, my next step will be to loop my folder until my dbres file is present using another js function. Once my file has been fetched, call another php file which wil destroy the created file and I'll be ready for another database request from my webpage situated in a "file:///" location.

Dart - getting 'Malformed message' in console when spawning multiple isolates

i'm new to dart and i'm trying to run multiple algorithms using isolates to more efficiently run them multiple times, however, when calling more than one function with Isolate.spawn i start getting 'Malformed message' in the console, it still works, but i would like to know why am i getting this message, also any help in improving the code is welcome since i'm still learning the intricacies of using isolates
ReceivePort rpDouble = new ReceivePort();
ReceivePort rpString = new ReceivePort();
ReceivePort rpInteger = new ReceivePort();
int counter = 0;
int tempoTotal = 0;
rpDouble.listen((data) {
tempoTotal += data; //data is a stopwatch.toMilliseconds
setState(() { //updating the "progress" and the time it took to run the algorithm in the ui
test = counter.toString() + '%';
_counter = tempoTotal.toString();
tempoTotal += data;
setState(() {
test = counter.toString() + '%';
_counter = tempoTotal.toString();
tempoTotal += data;
setState(() {
test = counter.toString() + '%';
_counter = tempoTotal.toString();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Isolate.spawn(DoubleTest, rpDouble.sendPort);
Isolate.spawn(StringStress, rpString.sendPort);
Isolate.spawn(integerTest, rpInteger.sendPort);
the DoubleTest, StringStress and IntegerTest are functions that return a stopwatch.toMilliseconds integer to the sendPort.
Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated
This happens when you want to see the Performance App. However, during the Reload app, resyncing the data results in flutter performance not getting an address or interrupting the progress reader leading to that message. This does not affect the application or your application error. If you need to read "Memory usage" or "frame rendering times" then just restart the IDE and start again.
As your code is running fine, so you don't need to worry much about the error. However,try reformatting your code to avoid this error message.
I had a similar problem in my program. Just saving the file before 'hot restart' did the job.

Firebase Unity - Get all children into an array/generic list after GetValueAsync?

How can I get data back as an array or generic list from a Firebase database in Unity3D without knowing ahead of time what the name (key) of the children are?
I have been trying out the new Unity Firebase plugin, and I am having an issue figuring out how to get all the children in a specific location, and put the names (the key) and the values into arrays or generic lists so that I can work on the data locally. Forgive me for being so new to Firebase and probably using bad techniques to do this, and this plugin being so new its pretty hard for me to get much outside help, as there are not a lot of docs and tutorials out there on Firebase Unity.
In this particular case I am trying to create "instant messaging" like functionality, without the use of Firebase messaging, and just using regular Firebase database stuff instead. It might have been easier to use Firebase messaging, but mostly for the sake of learning and customization I want to do this on my own with just the Firebase database.
I insert data into the database like this:
public void SendMessage(string toUser, string msg)
Debug.Log(String.Format("Attempting to send message from {0} to {1}", username, toUser));
DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("Msgs");
string date = Magnet.M.GetCurrentDate();
// send data to the DB
// user receiving message / user sending message > VALUE = "hello dude|20170119111325"
And then I try and get it back like this:
public string[] GetConversation(string userA, string userB)
// get a conversation between two users
string[] convo = new string[0];
FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.GetReference("Msgs").GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
Debug.Log("Getting Conversation...");
if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled)
Debug.LogError("ERROR: Task error in GetConversation(): " + task.Exception);
else if (task.IsCompleted)
DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;
string[] messagesA = new string[0], messagesB = new string[0];
// userA has a record of a conversation with other users
if(snapshot.Child(userA).HasChild(userB)) // userB has sent messages to userA before
Debug.Log("Found childA");
long count = snapshot.Child(userA).Child(userB).ChildrenCount;
messagesA = new string[count];
var kids = snapshot.Child(userA).Child(userB).Children;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// this won't work, but is how I would like to access the data
messagesA[i] = kids[i].Value.ToString(); // AGAIN.... will not work...
if(snapshot.Child(userB).HasChild(userA)) // userA sent a message to userB before
Debug.Log("Found childB");
long count = snapshot.Child(userB).Child(userA).ChildrenCount;
messagesA = new string[count];
var kids = snapshot.Child(userB).Child(userA).Children;
// messy incomplete testing code...
Debug.Log("Done Getting Conversation.");
return convo;
But obviously this won't work, because DataSnapshot won't let me access it like an array or generic list using indices, and I can't figure out how to treat the data when I don't know the names (the keys) of all the children, and just want to get them out one by one in any order... and since they are named by the date/time they are entered into the DB, I won't know ahead of time what the childrens names (keys) are, and I can't just say "GetChild("20170101010101")" because that number is generated when its sent to the DB from any client.
FYI here is what the DB looks like:
Figured out the answer to your question. Here's my code snippet. Hope this would help!
void InitializeFirebase() {
FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;
app.SetEditorDatabaseUrl ("");
.GetReference ("Products").OrderByChild ("category").EqualTo("livingroom")
.ValueChanged += (object sender2, ValueChangedEventArgs e2) => {
if (e2.DatabaseError != null) {
Debug.LogError (e2.DatabaseError.Message);
if (e2.Snapshot != null && e2.Snapshot.ChildrenCount > 0) {
foreach (var childSnapshot in e2.Snapshot.Children) {
var name = childSnapshot.Child ("name").Value.ToString ();
text.text = name.ToString();
//text.text = childSnapshot.ToString();
Firebase developer here.
Have you tried to use Value at the top level Snapshot? It should return to you an IDictionary where the values can also be lists or nested dictionaries. You will have to use some dynamic inspection to figure out what the values are.

Alfresco check for adding files

There is a review and approval workflow
On the start forms are attached files and selected executors(Package Items and People selection).
Then create a task is assigned to the previously selected executors.
Each executor sees the task assigned to it, and file attachments.
I need to check for adding files. While the executor has not added a file it can not approve the task.
I created the counter at the time of task creation taskListener event="create".
He counts the files sent to the executor.
Then I created another counter at the time of completion of the task taskListener event="complete", It also counts files.
Then I compare these two counters and if they are equivalent
It means that the executor does not attach files and he sees the error.
But this method works only for the first executor who approved the task.
The rest of the executors can already approve the task without adding files.
I do not know what the problem is.
Here's the code where I implemented it:
<userTask id="userTask5" name="Revies" activiti:assignee="${}" activiti:formKey="zvernennya:reviewnach">
<documentation>Review task</documentation>
<activiti:taskListener event="create" class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.tasklistener.ScriptTaskListener">
<activiti:field name="script">
if (typeof bpm_workflowDueDate != 'undefined') task.dueDate = bpm_workflowDueDate;
if (typeof bpm_workflowPriority != 'undefined') task.priority = bpm_workflowPriority;;
var count=0;
for (var i = 0; i < bpm_package.children.length; i++)
execution.setVariable ('count', count);
<activiti:taskListener event="complete" class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.tasklistener.ScriptTaskListener">
<activiti:field name="script">
if(task.getVariableLocal('zvernennya_reviewnachtransitions') == 'Approve') {
execution.setVariable('zvernennya_reviewnachapprovalcount', zvernennya_reviewnachapprovalcount + 1);
var count_new=0;
for (var i = 0; i < bpm_package.children.length; i++)
if (count==count_new) {
var message = "\n\nAttach files!!\n";
throw new Error(message + "\n");
<multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="false" activiti:collection="zvernennya_executers" activiti:elementVariable="zvernennya_reviewnachassignee">
<completionCondition>${zvernennya_reviewnachapprovalcount >= zvernennya_reviewnachrequiredapprovalcount}</completionCondition>
I think you need to re-initialize the variable "count" in the 2nd tasklistener ("complete"). like so:
var count = execution.getVariable ('count');
var count_new= bpm_package.children.length;
if (count==count_new) {
var message = "\n\nAttach files!!\n";
throw new Error(message + "\n");

How to use Ext.state.Manager with localStorage instead cookies?

Ext JS Ext.state.Manager has only Coockie provider. Cookie can hold only 4096 bites and if my grid or tree has many columns - it overflow 4096 bites and cant save state.
one else issue - every request to server sends all cookies in request, so Apache or anoter web server can not permit huge cookies.
I want to use Provider to save data in localStorage. Is any ready solution? Or I have to write it ?
Here is workaround that I use for now, but may be any more complex solution?
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({
setCookie : function(name, value){
var me = this;
clearCookie : function(name){
var me = this;
readCookies : function(){
var prefix = this.prefix,
len = prefix.length,
cookies = {};
keys = Object.keys(localStorage),
i = 0;
for (; i < keys.length; i++) {
console.log(keys[i].substring(0, len));
if (keys[i] && keys[i].substring(0, len) == prefix){
cookies[keys[i].substr(len)]= this.decodeValue(localStorage.getItem(keys[i]));
return cookies;
The class Ext.state.LocalStorageProvider has been added to ExtJS in Ext JS 4 Beta 1 released on March 30, 2011. See original Docs and Implementation and current Docs and Implementation as of March 11, 2022.
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.LocalStorageProvider());
