I'm finishing a web app and all works like a charm.
I use Grunt to join all my .js files in one unique file and that's the one I use in the index.html file to load the code.
The issue is when I use the .min. version of the file generated by grunt using 'grunt-contrib-uglify' task.
When I reload the page, the following error arises:
angular.js:38Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.5/$injector/modulerr?p0=myapp&p1=Error%…ogleapis.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fangularjs%2F1.5.5%2Fangular.min.js%3A39%3A222)
I've been reading around this on Google but no success.
How can I solve this?
This is a typical file controller (all have the same structure):
(function() {
var app = angular.module("post", []);
var controllers = {};
controllers.postCtrl = ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'myFactory', function($scope, $rootScope, myFactory) {
$scope.loading = {state:false};
$scope.filters = $scope.filters || myFactory.authors;
$scope.init = function() {
var idx = myFactory.get_author_by_index(Number($('input[name="author"]').val()));
$scope.filterSelected = $scope.filters[idx];
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
angular.forEach($('div.general_page_content').find('a'), function(value, index) {
$(value).attr('target', "_new");
angular.forEach($('div.general_page_content').find('iframe'), function(value, index) {
$(value).attr("width", "100%");
angular.forEach($('div.general_page_content').find('img'), function(value, index) {
$(value).attr("width", "100%").css('width', '100%');
$rootScope.$on('loading', function(evt, value) {
$scope.loading.state = value;
$rootScope.$on('autocomplete:focus', function(ev) {
$scope.search_focus = true;
$rootScope.$on('autocomplete:blur', function(ev) {
$scope.search_focus = false;
$scope.showSocialShare = function(ev) {
$scope.url = decodeURIComponent($('input[name="url"]').val());
$scope.text = decodeURIComponent($('input[name="text"]').val());
$scope.img = decodeURIComponent($('input[name="img"]').val());
myFactory.showSocialShare($scope, ev);
$scope.favorite_post = function(ev, id, title) {
myFactory.favorite_post($scope, ev, id, title);
$scope.fetchPostsChange = function(selected) {
document.location = '/blog/?author='+selected.id;
$scope.search = function(text) {
document.location = '/blog/?search='+encodeURIComponent(text);
$scope.go_to_favorites_post = function() {
document.location = '/blog/archive/';
I took only two .js files and process them to minified it and check if the same error arises or not. The curious thing is that taking into account only two files, the same error arises, so I paste the minified file for you to be able to detect what's wrong.
!function(){angular.module("myapp",["ngMaterial","ngMessages","ngStorage","toaster","ngMdIcons","lvl.services","smart-table","angularGrid","ngFileUpload","angular-timeline","header","dashboard","sidebar","autocomplete","timeline","sidebarCollection","myappFactory","objectCtrl","homeCtrl","Collections","Collection","posts","post","model","postArchive","720kb.socialshare","services","footer"]).config(function(a,b,c){a.theme("default").primaryPalette("lime").accentPalette("grey").warnPalette("red"),a.theme("darkTheme").primaryPalette("lime").accentPalette("grey").warnPalette("red").dark(),b.enabled(!1),c.get("user")})}(),function(){var a=angular.module("autocomplete",[]),b={},c={};b.autocompleteCtrl=["$http","$scope","$mdBottomSheet","$sessionStorage","myappFactory",function(a,b,c,d,e){b.init=function(){b.session=d,angular.isUndefined(b.session.advance_search)&&(b.session.advance_search={select_all:!0,show_cost:!0,show_free:!0,items:[{name:"Thingiverse",selected:!0},{name:"Youmagine",selected:!0},{name:"MyMinifactory",selected:!0},{name:"Cults 3D",selected:!0},{name:"Pinshape",selected:!0},{name:"Turbosquid",selected:!0},{name:"Shapeways",selected:!0},{name:"GrabCAD",selected:!0},{name:"CGTrader",selected:!0},{name:"Threeding",selected:!0}]})},b.querySearch=function(c){var d=c.trim();return d&&d.length>2?(b.isFetching=!0,a.get(e._myapp_link+"/api/index.php/myapp/autocomplete/"+encodeURIComponent(d)).then(function(a){return a.data})):void 0},b.collectionSearch=function(c){var d=c.trim();return d&&d.length>2?(b.isFetching=!0,a.get(e._myapp_link+"/api/index.php/myapp/collection_search/"+encodeURIComponent(d)).then(function(a){return a.data})):void 0},b.search=function(a){var c="";b.session.advance_search.show_cost&&!b.session.advance_search.show_free?c+=" free:0 ":!b.session.advance_search.show_cost&&b.session.advance_search.show_free&&(c+=" free:1 "),angular.forEach(b.session.advance_search.items,function(a,d){(b.session.advance_search.select_all||a.selected)&&(c+=" plataforma:"+a.name)}),window.location="/?search="+encodeURIComponent(a)+"¶ms="+Base64.encode(c)},b.go_to_collection=function(a){window.location="/collections/"+encodeURIComponent(a)},b.showAdvancedSearch=function(){c.show({templateUrl:"/advanced_search_sheet.html",controller:"ListBottomSheetCtrl"})},b.init()}],b.ListBottomSheetCtrl=["$scope","$mdBottomSheet","$sessionStorage","myappFactory",function(a,b,c,d){a.session=c,a.toggle_all_sites=function(){a.session.advance_search.select_all=!a.session.advance_search.select_all,a.session.advance_search.select_all&&angular.forEach(a.session.advance_search.items,function(a,b){a.selected=!0})},a.toggle_advance_search=function(b){if(a.session.advance_search.select_all)a.session.advance_search.items[b].selected=!0,d.showMessage({msg:"Uncheck 'All repositories' first!"});else if(a.session.advance_search.items[b].selected=!a.session.advance_search.items[b].selected,!a.session.advance_search.items[b].selected){var c=0;angular.forEach(a.session.advance_search.items,function(a,b){a.selected&&++c}),c||(a.session.advance_search.items[b].selected=!0,d.showMessage({msg:"There must be at least 1 respository selected!"}))}},a.free_cost_checked=function(b){var c="cost"==b?!a.session.advance_search.show_cost:!a.session.advance_search.show_free;c?"cost"==b?a.session.advance_search.show_cost=!0:a.session.advance_search.show_free=!0:"cost"==b?a.session.advance_search.show_free?a.session.advance_search.show_cost=!1:d.showMessage({msg:"Free and Price cannot be unchecked!"}):"free"==b&&(a.session.advance_search.show_cost?a.session.advance_search.show_free=!1:d.showMessage({msg:"Free and Price cannot be unchecked!"}))}}],c.myEnter=function(){return function(a,b,c){b.bind("keydown keypress",function(b){13===b.which&&(a.$apply(function(){a.search(a.searchText)}),b.preventDefault())})}},c.onBlur=["$rootScope","$mdUtil","$timeout",function(a,b,c){return{require:"^mdAutocomplete",link:function(d,e,f,g){c(function(){var c=(e.find("input"),e[0],g.blur),h=g.focus;g.blur=function(){c.call(g),b.nextTick(function(){a.$broadcast("autocomplete:blur"),d.$eval(f.mdBlur,{$mdAutocomplete:g})})},g.focus=function(){h.call(g),b.nextTick(function(){a.$broadcast("autocomplete:focus"),d.$eval(f.mdFocus,{$mdAutocomplete:g})})}})}}}],a.controller(b).directive(c)}();
As you certainly found on Google, that error depends on Variable Mangling https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify#mangle.
So, when you mangle $rootScope becomes a and, of course, angular dependency injection cannot resolve it:
.module('test', [])
.run(function($injector) {
"$rootScope exists?",
try {
// mangle $rootscope => a
} catch(e) {
console.log('a exists?', e.message);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.js"></script>
<section ng-app="test"></section>
There are many ways to manage this issue:
Disable Variable Mangling (not a good way, but is a solution).
Always use Angular DI Annotation
a. Array notation: someModule.run(["$rootScope", function(a) {}]);
b. $inject Property: runFn.$inject = ['$rootScope']; function runFn(a) {}; someModule.run(runFn);
Use ngAnnotate that does annotation at build time. I suggest you this option because you don't need to take care about annotation...
Important thing:
Always run your code in angular strict di mode, that gives you the opportunity of control each annotation issue.
If you minify, each module's injections must be named. So before you may have had:
app.factory('myFactory', function($route) {
Now you must name/declare them as well otherwise angular doens't know what to inject:
app.factory('myFactory', ['$route', function($route) {
Minification turns everything to small variables amongst other things. So our factory becomes:
app.factory('myFactory', function(a) {
Angular doens't know what "a" is and so must be told:
app.factory('myFactory', ['$route', function(a) {
And so it now knows and a= $route and so on.
I'm trying to call a web service in AngularJS bootstrap method such that when my controller is finally executed, it has the necessary information to bring up the correct page. The problem with the code below is that of course $rootScope is not defined in my $http.post(..).then(...
My response is coming back with the data I want and the MultiHome Controller would work if $rootScope were set at the point. How can I access $rootScope in my angular document ready method or is there a better way to do this?
.controller('MultihomeController', MultihomeController);
function MultihomeController($state, $rootScope) {
if ($rootScope.codeCampType === 'svcc') {
} else if ($rootScope.codeCampType === 'conf') {
} else if ($rootScope.codeCampType === 'angu') {
MultihomeController.$inject = ['$state', '$rootScope'];
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
var initInjector = angular.injector(["ng"]);
var $http = initInjector.get("$http");
$http.post('/rpc/Account/IsLoggedIn').then(function (response) {
$rootScope.codeCampType = response.data
angular.bootstrap(document, ['baseApp']);
}, function (errorResponse) {
// Handle error case
$scope (and $rootScope for that matter) is suppose to act as the glue between your controllers and views. I wouldn't use it to store application type information such as user, identity or security. For that I'd use the constant method or a factory (if you need to encapsulate more logic).
Example using constant:
var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope','user',
function ($scope, user) {
$scope.user = user;
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
var user = {};
user.codeCampType = "svcc";
app.constant('user', user);
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
Note Because we're bootstrapping the app, you'll need to get rid of the ng-app directive on your view.
Here's a working fiddle
You could set it in a run() block that will get executed during bootstrapping:
baseApp.run(function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.codeCampType = response.data;
angular.bootstrap(document, ['baseApp']);
I don't think you can use the injector because the scope isn't created before bootstrapping. A config() block might work as well that would let you inject the data where you needed it.
I need to load a config file (JSON format) upon my AngularJS app startup in order to load few parameters which will be used in all api calls. So I was wondering if it is possible to do so in AngularJS and if yes where / when I shall be loading the config file?
- I will need to save the config file parameters in a service, so I will need to load the json file content before any controller is loaded but with service units available
- Using an external json file is a must in my case here as the app client need to be able to update the app configuration easily from external file without the need to go through the app sources.
It sounds like what you are trying to do is configure a service with parameters. In order to load the external config file asynchronously, you will have to bootstrap the angular application yourself inside of a data load complete callback instead of using the automatic boostrapping.
Consider this example for a service definition that does not actually have the service URL defined (this would be something like contact-service.js):
angular.module('myApp').provider('contactsService', function () {
var options = {
svcUrl: null,
apiKey: null,
this.config = function (opt) {
angular.extend(options, opt);
this.$get = ['$http', function ($http) {
if(!options.svcUrl || !options.apiKey) {
throw new Error('Service URL and API Key must be configured.');
function onContactsLoadComplete(data) {
svc.contacts = data.contacts;
svc.isAdmin = data.isAdmin || false;
var svc = {
isAdmin: false,
contacts: null,
loadData: function () {
return $http.get(options.svcUrl).success(onContactsLoadComplete);
return svc;
Then, on document ready, you would make a call to load your config file (in this case, using jQuery). In the callback, you would then do your angular app .config using the loaded json data. After running the .config, you would then manually bootstrap the application. Very Important: do not use the ng-app directive if you are using this method or angular will bootstrap itself See this url for more details:
Like so:
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
$.get('/js/config/myconfig.json', function (data) {
angular.module('myApp').config(['contactsServiceProvider', function (contactsServiceProvider) {
svcUrl: data.svcUrl,
apiKey: data.apiKey
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
UPDATE: Here is a JSFiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/e8tEX/
I couldn't get the approach suggested my Keith Morris to work.
So I created a config.js file and included it in index.html before all the angular files
var configData = {
<script type="text/javascript" src="config.js"></script>
<!-- compiled JavaScript --><% scripts.forEach( function ( file ) { %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= file %>"></script><% }); %>
then in my run function I set the config variables to $rootScope
.run( function run($rootScope) {
$rootScope.url = configData.url;
$rootScope.foo = configData.foo;
You can use constants for things like this:
angular.module('myApp', [])
// constants work
//.constant('API_BASE', 'http://localhost:3000/')
.constant('API_BASE', 'http://myapp.production.com/')
//or you can use services
.service('urls',function(productName){ this.apiUrl = API_BASE;})
//Controller calling
.controller('MainController',function($scope,urls, API_BASE) {
$scope.api_base = urls.apiUrl; // or API_BASE
//in html page call it
There are also several other options including .value and .config but they all have their limitations. .config is great if you need to reach the provider of a service to do some initial configuration. .value is like constant except you can use different types of values.
Solved by using constant.
Like providers you can configure it in .config phase.
Everything else like Keith Morris wrote before.
So the actual code would be look like this:
(function () {
var appConfig = {
angular.module('myApp').constant('appConfig', appConfig);
then in app.bootstrap.js
(function () {
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
function handleBootstrapError(errMsg, e) {
console.error("bootstrapping error: " + errMsg, e);
$.getJSON('./config.json', function (dataApp) {
angular.module('myApp').config(function (appConfig) {
$.extend(true, appConfig, dataApp);
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
}).fail(function (e) {
handleBootstrapError("fail to load config.json", e);
To json config file, there is a practice example on Jaco Pretorius blog's. Basically:
angular.module('plunker', []);
angular.module('plunker').provider('configuration', function() {
let configurationData;
this.initialize = (data) => {
configurationData = data;
this.$get = () => {
return configurationData;
angular.module('plunker').controller('MainCtrl', ($scope, configuration) => {
$scope.externalServiceEnabled = configuration.external_service_enabled;
$scope.externalServiceApiKey = configuration.external_service_api_key;
angular.element(document).ready(() => {
$.get('server_configuration.json', (response) => {
angular.module('plunker').config((configurationProvider) => {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['plunker']);
Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/9QB6BqPkxprznIS1OMdd?p=preview
Ref: https://jacopretorius.net/2016/09/loading-configuration-data-on-startup-with-angular.html, last access on 13/03/2018
I've created an angular app that has the following structure.
Application configuration, routes, directives, controllers and filters are all defined in index.js (I know this is not recommended). All of my general functions are in a controller called main.js, this is also the controller I am using in my main view in index.html. From then on the app consists of 10 different views, each has it's own controller.
main.js has become very difficult to maintain, so I would like to separate it into five external "utility" style files that contain the general function the application uses. These functions all use angular's $scope and must be able to be accessed by all the views and controllers that exist in the application.
For the past few days I've tried several different methods, such as defining the functions under angular's factory service, using angular's $provide method, defining a controller without a view and many others. None of them worked for me. What is the simplest way to separate the functions that exist in main.js to external js files without changing any code within the functions themselves. Let's pretend that the function cannot be turned into a directive.
Example -
Function that checks users name for 'guest' string and returns an image
main.js -
$scope.defaultpic = function(username) {
var guest = username;
if (guest.indexOf("guest") != -1){
{return {"background-image": "url('"}}
in the view
<img ng-style="defaultpic(JSON.Value)" class="user_pic" ng-src="getprofilepic/{{JSON.Value}}"/>
In order to use the function in markup, you still have to bind it to the scope. But, you can move the body of the function to a service:
angular.module('myapp').factory('picService',[ function () {
return {
defaultpic: function(username) {
var guest = username;
if (guest.indexOf("guest") != -1){
{return {"background-image": "url('"}}
And then bind it up in the controller:
$scope.defaultpic = picService.defaultpic;
Refactor controller functions as services declared in different files
As you correctly stated, a great approach to refactor the functions is to put them into different services.
According to the angular Service docs:
Angular services are singletons objects or functions that carry out specific tasks common to web apps.
Here is an example:
Original code
Here we have a simple Hello World app, with a controller that has two functions: greet() and getName().
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.getName = function () {
return 'World';
$scope.greet = function (name) {
return 'Hello ' + name;
<div id="container" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
We want to test that our scope always has both functions, so we know it is working as intended, so we are going to write two simple jasmine tests:
describe('Testing a Hello World controller', function() {
var $scope = null;
var ctrl = null;
//you need to indicate your module in a test
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller('MainCtrl', {
$scope: $scope
it('should say hallo to the World', function() {
it('shuld greet the correct person', function () {
expect($scope.greet('Jon Snow')).toEqual('Hello Jon Snow');
Check it out in plnkr
Step 1: Refactor controller functions into separate functions
In order to start decoupling our controller to our functions we are going to make two individual functions inside app.js.
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.getName = getName;
$scope.greet = greet;
function getName() {
return 'World';
function greet(name) {
return 'Hello ' + name;
Now we check our test output and we see that everything is working perfectly.
Check out the plnkr for step 1
Step 2: Move functions to their own services
We will define a NameService and GreetService, put our functions in them and then define the services as dependencies in our controller.
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.service('NameService', function () {
this.getName = function getName() {
return 'World';
app.service('GreetService', function() {
this.greet = function greet(name) {
return 'Hello ' + name;
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'NameService', 'GreetService', function($scope, NameService, GreetService) {
$scope.getName = NameService.getName;
$scope.greet = GreetService.greet;
We make sure that our tests are still green, so we can move on to the final step.
Have a look at step 2 in plunker
Final Step: Put our services in different files
Finally we will make two files, NameService.js and GreetService.js and put our services in them.
angular.module('plunker').service('NameService', function () {
this.getName = function getName() {
return 'World';
angular.module('plunker').service('GreetService', function() {
this.greet = function greet(name) {
return 'Hello ' + name;
We also need to make sure to add the new scripts to our index.html
<script src="NameService.js"></script>
<script src="GreetService.js"></script>
This is how our controller looks like now, neat huh?
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', 'NameService', 'GreetService', function($scope, NameService, GreetService) {
$scope.getName = NameService.getName;
$scope.greet = GreetService.greet;
Plunker for the final step.
And that's it! Our tests still pass, so we know everything works like a charm.
how do you bootstrap a controller that loaded asynchronously via require.js?
if I have something like that:
var dfrd = $q.defer();
return dfrd.promise;
why angular still won't find the controller? I am resolving the route after it loads the script
check out this plunkr
try calling $controllerProvider.register to create your controller. I would also call $apply() on the $rootScope after resolving the deferred because without it, the view does not seem to appear:
load: function($q, $rootScope){
var dfrd = $q.defer();
return dfrd.promise;
in addition, here is a good post: http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2013/05/22/dynamically-loading-controllers-and-views-with-angularjs-and-requirejs.aspx
It's been 3 years, but just in case anyone still interested, a few months ago I wrote a post about a similar technique to do it.
The most important part is that second parameter of the method $routeProvider.when(route, ctrl) method can handle promises, so you can simply emulate it:
function controllerFactory(ctrl) {
return {
then: function (done) {
var self = this;
require(['./controller/' + ctrl], function (ctrl) {
self.controller = ctrl;
self.resolve = ctrl.resolve;
self.templateUrl = ctrl.templateUrl;
And you can end up writing your route definition like this:
when('/some/route', controllerFactory('some/route')).
when('/other/route', controllerFactory('other/route'))
I recently chose AngularJS over ember.js for a project I am working on, and have been very pleased with it so far. One nice thing about ember is its built in support for "computed properties" with automatic data binding. I have been able to accomplish something similar in Angular with the code below, but am not sure if it is the best way to do so.
// Controller
angular.module('mathSkills.controller', [])
.controller('nav', ['navigation', '$scope', function (navigation, $scope) {
// "Computed Property"
$scope.$watch(navigation.getCurrentPageNumber, function(newVal, oldVal, scope) {
scope.currentPageNumber = newVal;
$scope.totalPages = navigation.getTotalPages();
// 'navigation' service
angular.module('mathSkills.services', [])
.factory('navigation', function() {
var currentPage = 0,
pages = [];
return {
getCurrentPageNumber: function() {
return currentPage + 1;
getTotalPages: function() {
return pages.length;
// HTML template
<div id=problemPager ng-controller=nav>
Problem {{currentPageNumber}} of {{totalPages}}
I would like for the UI to update whenever the currentPage of the navigation service changes, which the above code accomplishes.
Is this the best way to solve this problem in AngularJS? Are there (significant) performance implications for using $watch() like this? Would something like this be better accomplished using custom events and $emit() or $broadcast()?
While your self-answer works, it doesn't actually implement computed properties. You simply solved the problem by calling a function in your binding to force the binding to be greedy. I'm not 100% sure it'd work in all cases, and the greediness might have unwanted performance characteristics in some situations.
I worked up a solution for a computed properties w/dependencies similar to what EmberJS has:
function ngCreateComputedProperty($scope, computedPropertyName, dependentProperties, f) {
function assignF($scope) {
var computedVal = f($scope);
$scope[computedPropertyName] = computedVal;
$scope.$watchCollection(dependentProperties, function(newVal, oldVal, $scope) {
// in some controller...
ngCreateComputedProperty($scope, 'aSquared', 'a', function($scope) { return $scope.a * $scope.a } );
ngCreateComputedProperty($scope, 'aPlusB', '[a,b]', function($scope) { return $scope.a + $scope.b } );
See it live: http://jsfiddle.net/apinstein/2kR2c/3/
It's worth noting that $scope.$watchCollection is efficient -- I verified that "assignF()" is called only once even if multiple dependencies are changed simultaneously (same $apply cycle).
I think I found the answer. This example can be dramatically simplified to:
// Controller
angular.module('mathSkills.controller', [])
.controller('nav', ['navigation', '$scope', function (navigation, $scope) {
// Property is now just a reference to the service's function.
$scope.currentPageNumber = navigation.getCurrentPageNumber;
$scope.totalPages = navigation.getTotalPages();
// HTML template
// Notice the first binding is to the result of a function call.
<div id=problemPager ng-controller=nav>
Problem {{currentPageNumber()}} of {{totalPages}}
Note that with ECMAScript 5 you can now also do something like this:
// Controller
angular.module('mathSkills.controller', [])
.controller('nav', function(navigation, $scope) {
$scope.totalPages = navigation.getTotalPages();
Object.defineProperty($scope, 'currentPageNumber', {
get: function() {
return navigation.getCurrentPageNumber();
<div ng-controller="nav">Problem {{currentPageNumber}} of {{totalPages}}</div>