F# TextEditor control for web [closed] - angularjs

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a control I could integrate to my angular web application to let my users edit some F# code.
For now they just modify it through a regular text area. The F# code is then saved in a database field and is compiled and executed by another external process.
But I'm looking for something providing keywords formatting and maybe intellisense.
There is no need to run the F# code, just a nice editor.

As far as I know, there are two open source projects you can use:
FSharpWebIntellisense provides an integration for the Ace editor and for CodeMirror. It is an older project that has been the core for the F# support for IPython Notebook and I also used it in a couple of project including fun3d.net. For Fun3D, I modified it a bit (made it simpler with Suave backend), so you might want to use this version instead. I tried turning this into a stand-alone repo which can be referenced via Paket as shown in a demo.
Ionide Web is a new work-in-progress project that brings Ionide (F# support for VS Code) to the web. This is based on the Monaco editor (by Microsoft) which is powering VS Code. I expect there will be more activity here in the near future.


Using VSCode to develop code (HTML, CSS, JS files) that are stored in a database? [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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If that question makes no sense, let me explain!
I currently store a templating system (raw HTML, CSS & JS) for a CMS system in a MySQL database. The CMS allows users to edit those templates, but currently the only way to do so is via a rubbish code editor in the browser.
In an ideal world, a user would be able to connect their VSCode editor to an endpoint that I can make that will provide all those templates in a relevant file structure which they can use to edit and save changes to via VSCode.
Does anyone know of any extensions that allow you to do a similar thing and/or if it's at all possible if I made my own extension? (I've never dabbled with VSCode extensions so not sure what the limitations are on the APIs accessible to me as a developer)

How to create a WPF project without using Visual Studio? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 1 year ago and left it closed:
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How can I create (and run) a new WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) project without having Visual Studio installed? My primary editor is VS code but it does not have the feature for creating new projects from templates?
VS Code is designed more to host Console based apps such as .Net Core, .Net Framework Console, and Node.js. If you would like to develop WPF apps look for a different solution. I highly recommend using Visual Studio by Microsoft.
write in terminal "dotnet new" and check the list. Class library is at "dotnet new classlib", but I'm interested in how to create WPF applications too, because there isn't that comand in the list.

Are there any open source database server health monitoring softwares? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hi I have been given a task to design tool to monitor database server health like cpu usage, memory usage etc. Now there is one such tool like MySQL Spotlight. I want to know is there any open source software available with same functionalities? I want software which has nice visualization with charts. Please guide. Thanks in advance.
You could use Cacti for this. Also look at Nagios.
Check out http://code.openark.org/forge/mycheckpoint. It is an open sourced monitoring tool, primarily for db monitoring, even including custom queries and custom alerts! Graphs come pre-packaged and pre-generated. It's written in python, so mods can added to the code easily. I've used it a bit, and it seems to work pretty well. The only caveat I see is the extensive schema that comes pre-packaged which, ostensibly, can't be customized. One thing I will note for the email alerts, if you're getting login or credential alerts, go to line 4338 of the code and just add what you need to the smtplib.SMTP instance.

Are there any tools better than White for WPF automation test? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I found the project White in codeplex and Snoop. However I was wondering if there are better tools for WPF automation.
May be you should learn the 'base' of all above systems - its UI Automation. It's really not that hard to learn and get used to. It's sometime not trivial (like finding or setting SelectedItem in ComboBox for example) but actually all above system it's mostly a wrappers around UI Automation that is already build-in into .NET.
As Hadi mentioned, Test Studio will help you with record/playback and lots of other features.
That said, since you're interested in something to tie in to the various DSL-ish tools, then please have a look at our free testing framework. You can use it to write powerful, code-based tests for WPF as well as browser-based tests.
The testing framework also has a fee-based support system if you are looking for great technical support during your project.
Recording features are nice but when it comes to creating a maintainable and extensible UI tests, you inevitable end up writing them by your own. I would recommend sticking to White if this is the case and use Coded UI with the built-in recorder if you have only a couple of tests.
Here I compare the two frameworks in more detail: Coded UI vs White
There are other tools, mostly commercial. Take a look at Test Studio from Telerik and then there's the CodedUI that comes with Visual Studio Ultimate versions.

Visual IDE with WinForms for C? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I worked a lot with C#.Net in the last years (Visual Studio).
At the moment I am on a project for iPhones, I use the iTunes MobileDevice.dll and have a lot of reference code in C.
I try to give my best to do it in C#.Net but I give up now and like to change to C.
So I will now rebuild my C#.Net Code, its a WinForm Project with a lots of events and so on.
Now I search the best IDE, I tried Eclipse but as far as I see there is no WinForm Visual-thing I can use, or? Ideas?
There is no such thing as WinForms for C, nothing even close as far as I know.
However, C++/CLI might be what you are looking for. Because it is c++ it can easily interoperate with C libraries, and because it is also .Net is can interoperate with .Net libraries (like those that comprise WinForms).
Some other Stackoverflow questions have addressed this and their answers are informative:
How to use C++/CLI to program Winforms applications
Can I use C++/CLI (.NET Winforms/WPF ) to provide GUI for app written in native C & C++
If you go the C++/CLI route, Visual Studio will likely be the best visual IDE.
