Pushwoosh Web SDK not working in ES5 - angularjs

I am using Pushwoosh Web SDK 2.0^ to register my device (Browser) Id. and to get it token, However the Object doesnt get constructed, because Pushwoosh is using ES6 and promises while I am using ES5 in my project. is there a way to get PushWoosh Object so I can use the other APIs in their SDK?
I was following Web Push SDK 2.0, but this didn't worked out for me.
PS: I am using Angular 1.5 on front end.

All browsers that support web pushes also support promises.
You can use compiled source:
git clone git#github.com:Pushwoosh/web-push-notifications.git
cd web-push-notifications && npm install
npm run build:lib
take source from lib/ directory and copy to your project


How to convert an existing AngularJS 2 web app to a Cordova app?

I have a webapp which I build with Angularjs 2.0, I want to convert it to android apk and install it on android phone and test.
I dont have any experience in building mobile native app or converting webapp to native app.
I have gone through How to convert an existing AngularJS web app to a Cordova app?
Any suggestion/guidance will be helpful.
The most simple explanation is you will need to put your angular files in the www folder, setup your configuration file, make sure the android platform is installed, then run the Android emulate and/or build command to see if it works. That's a very oversimplified version.
Once you've got it working there's a process to go through to prepare the apk to be uploaded to the Google Play Store. You have to be a registered developer for the play store, which is $25/year.

How to add Scandit barcode plugin to custom build of Phonegap developer ios app?

I use Phonegap Desktop and Phonegap Developer app for a while now. This is really interesting for quickly testing my development.
But I'm facing a limitation with the embedded barcode scanner which is displaying the camera display in full screen.
I need to embed the camera display into a container so I have space for displaying information in the same time.
After searching for a while, I've discovered the Scandit SDK for PhoneGap was the only plugin which allows cropping the camera display.
I spent a lot of time trying to implement Scandit, but no success. At least I can build the app, but when using it, scanner is not working...
Here are the steps I've followed:
clone the PhoneGap Developer project from Git
Install using npm
add ios platform
open the xcode project file
build the application and run it on device
=> At this time the PG Dev is running well and my application is working fine
Then, i continued:
remove all reference to the default barcode scanner plugin
build the application and run it on device
==> PG Dev still working fine and my application is working fine
Next steps:
clone the Scandit phonegap plugin from Git
download the Scandit SDK from my scandit account
put the SDK into the cloned scandit phonegap plugin
modify the plugin.xml to change the path to the bundle and framework (mismatch of version name in the path)
<resource-file src="src/ios/scanditsdk-community-ios_4.16.1/ScanditBarcodeScanner.bundle"/>
<framework src="src/ios/scanditsdk-community-ios_4.16.1/ScanditBarcodeScanner.framework" custom="true"/>
copy bundle and framework into the correct folder of scandit
modify the config.xml to include reference to Scandit and set the spec attribut to the version of the SDK
build the application and run it on device
==> PG Dev still working fine and my application is working fine (it doesn't use scandit for the moment)
Next steps:
Remove my project from PhoneGap desktop
add Scandit Sample project to PG Desktop
I used the "Continuous Scaled/Cropped" example from there: http://docs.scandit.com/4.12/phonegap/cordova-examples.html
add my App Key for the license
launch my PG Dev app on my device and download the project files
==> PG Dev is running fine and download the Scandit Sample App.
But the app doesn't work. When clicking on the scan button, nothing happends..
After some investigation, I found that I ran through an exception on Scandit class.
Adding a try on the command 'Scandit.License.setAppKey' allowed me to report in the PG Desktop log the following error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Scandit
Adding this try/catch made the app raising an exception at the next line:
var settings = new Scandit.ScanSettings();
After searching the web about my error, and some posts were suggesting to manually add the framework and bundle into xcode.
So I did it by drag&droping the framework and bundle into the framework folder of the xcode project.
But when I try building my project, it is failing with many errors...
To solve it, I had to had manually all the scandit plugin files (*.h and *.m) into my xcode project.
All previous errors have been solved, but new ones appeared.
This was due to some other missing native ios frameworks...
Once these framework added, all errors were solved and I managed to successfully build the application.
But when running it, I'm still having the error: "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Scandit"
I'm now running out of idea..
What did I do wrong?
Is there anyone having managed to build a PG Desktop with Scandit embedded?
Sorry for this long post, just tried to be the more precise I could be.
The issue here is two fold. First you need to be aware that the Scandit Barcode Scanner plugin makes use of native code and can therefore not be used in the Phonegap Developer app, as the only thing transmitted to it is your html/css/javascript and the javascript part of the plugin. To also include the native parts of the plugin you have to build and deploy the project yourself. As you are trying to build the XCode project it seems like you are now doing this.
The second part is that you are way overcomplicating the adding of the plugin. There is no need for you to manually clone the git repo, add our libraries, adjust paths in the plugin.xml etc. You can directly download the entire plugin as a zip from your account at scandit.com where the library is contained and the plugin.xml is correct. After that you can simply add the plugin to your project through the CLI (also see our documentation for this at http://docs.scandit.com/stable/phonegap/cordova-integrate.html) and there is no need to do anything manually unless you are using a very outdated Phonegap version that fails to properly handle the plugin.xml. Doing it the automated way with our properly prepared plugin zip will remove most error sources, please try it that way.
Thanks #moritzha. It helped me finding the solution.
I followed this doc at the beginning but it was not working.
After adding the plugin and building the application, I never managed to see it in my xcode project.
I took the opportunity of changing my mac to restart everything from scratch, and after many tries I found where I was wrong.
In fact, the documentation provided by scandit is missing one step.
The command ' phonegap plugin add < path to downloaded and unzipped plugin > ' is doing half of the job.
The command is correctly copying the plugin files to my project but it is not updating the config.xml.
So before building your application, you have to edit the config.xml located at the root of your project folder.
You need to manually reference the plugin with the following:
and replace the x by the version of the sdk you will use.
Once the config.xml updated, you will be able to build the app for your targeted platform.
I now have my own version of the Phonegap Developer App with the Scandit plugin in place of the default barcode scanner plugin. And it works perfectly.
This plugin is awesome!
PhoneGap Developer App version: 1.7.2 (taken on Github)

Why do I need to install node.js and git to learn AngularJS?

I am presently reading Manning's AngularJS in Action by Lukas Ruebbelke
The introductory part suggests,
Because you’re pulling files from a CDN, you’ll need to run
Angello Lite(the application name) from a web server. There are a few ways to do this, but one of the easiest ways is to use the npm package serve.
The steps for installing Angello Lite are as follows:
■ Install Node.js. You can find all of the information to do that at http://
■ Install the serve package by running npm install -g serve from the command
■ Download Angello Lite from GitHub, using the URL given above, and place it
on your local machine in a directory named angello-lite.
■ Navigate to the angello-lite directory from the command line and run serve.
■ Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application.
Does learning Angular JS require previous exposure to node and git?
If I have Apache Tomcat already configured on my local m/c, what is the procedure to start with it?
Furthermore, just to keep in sync with the author, I installed git and then cloned a dir onto my local m/c from github.
Then i install node.js and Install the serve package by runningnpm install -g servefrom the command line.
Unfortunately when i navigate to the angello-lite directory from the command line and run serve, it shows me
where angello-lite is the repository where the application resides?
Any suggestions on how to configure successfully?
I have no idea regarding node.js and git. Do i really need to learn
these to begin with AngularJS then.
No, that's not a requirement. You don't even need a web server. You can have your static HTML files locally or use some online service like plnkr. Obviously if you need to work with dynamic data then you will need a web server. At some point you might want to start making AJAX calls in order to fetch some dynamic data from your server backend.
If I have Apache Tomcat already configured on my local m/c, what is
the procedure to start with it?
Just add an HTML page to the root of your website, open your favorite browser and invoke this page.
You don't need those tools to learn Angular - you can download latest package from the AngularJS website (both for development and for production).
Node.js and Git may be necessary to pull and build packages from the NPM, run tasks and many more great features, but just to learn Angular all you need is its code.

Can you used ng-Cordova with the PhoneGap Build service?

I am building a hybrid mobile app using the Ionic Framework library (including Angular JS) and have found that they've made a wrapper for a number of the cordova plugins so that they work with Angular.
I have downloaded the ng-cordova.js file and referenced it in my index.html
As as test I have used the cordova device plugin just to display the device name in a popup. It works fine in the ripple emulator just running the html in my browser, however when I build the app using Phonegap Build it no longer works.
Is it not possible to use the ng-cordova.js file to access native device features when using Phonegap Build? (i.e. Can you literally only use the plugins from the list on the build website?)
As another user of PhoneGap Build, you are limited to whatever plugins can be found here:
That being said, if the plugin is not in their repository already (most of the popular ones are), you can always submit it yourself or try to get the author to submit it.
Other than that, it should work fine.
This is ngCordova contributor.
It should be possible to use ngCordova with PhoneGap, but are you using the same plugins repos as they are mentioned in ngCordova documentation?
I can imagine that PhoneGap plugins my have different API than Cordova plugins.
And what is here the reason to use PhoneGap Build, if I may ask?
Can you specify which plugins are not working and how could I simply replicate your errors?

How to run angularjs documentation locally

I have compiled the newest angular.js and find out that links in the doc all point to absolute URL angularjs.org/.... I want to be able to read the doc locally.
You have to run a webserver ("python -m SimpleHTTPServer) to properly browse the docs.
As an alternative, you might want to try Dash for offline documentation for many APIs - http://kapeli.com/dash
"Dash" which is mentioned in another answer costs around $20.
For a free solution, check out http://devdocs.io/
Clone the angular source code in order to have access to the docs directory of all released (and yet unreleased) versions locally.
Local AngularJS API Docs
Here's how I hosted the Angular.JS documentation locally, on my Mac:
Download the zipped version of the Angular.JS Build, which contains both the builds of AngularJS, as well as documentation and other extras.
Unzip the Angular.JS docs folder.
Download and install Node.JS.
Using Mac Terminal, install the npm package http-server globally so that it can be run from the command line.
$ sudo npm install -g http-server
cd to the Angular.JS docs folder and start-up http-server.
$ http-server -a
Starting up http-server, serving ./ on:
Use your browser to view the docs #
Using the default served by http-server ( and in Chrome will end up in a google search. Alternatively you can create a bookmark and Chrome will stop searching for it.
download the lastest version of the doc, then run python -m SimpleHTTPServer, in your browser enter the following url: localhost:8000/index-production.html , it works for me.
If you want a complete local AngularJS documentation, you can clone the angular/angular.js repository on Github. The nodejs webserver is already included.
You just need to install nodejs dependencies (npm install) and build (grunt package), and you can run the local webserver with grunt webserver.
All the documentation (API, tutorials, etc ...) will be available on your computer at http://localhost:8000/build/docs
For a free and open source version of Dash, use Zeal to provide offline documentation. It's also very nice when integrated with your editor (Submlime in my case).
if you are developing a site using "localhost/your-project"
and refer the angular.js file as:
then, you can access the docs by:
For those with WampServer (or anyother *AMP application ),
Simply point your Web Browser to your offline docs ,
it works like charm.
