SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 how to create nested groups - sql-server

I know it's old technology (ancient now), but it's what I have to work with due to work.
I am able to create a Group and report and link it to a textbox to provide a collapsible report, with master data and detail data.
What I want to know, is it possible in SSRS2005 to create another sub-group to the first group?
i.e. Master record -> Detail -> Sub-details
Every time I try and add another detail row for example I only get one row of data in the sub-group, because it's tied to the Details Grouping. I cannot explicitly say "report grouped by this other subgroup" (where it offers you to create groups in the Group list).
Yes I am trying to do this in a table.
This is what I am after...
[+] Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
[+] data data data data
Col1 Col2 Col3 ...
data data data ...
The [+] is what I want to set up to allow the expansion of another group within the first group.

The answer is not to try and pack too much into one reporting object. In this case the Table object.
I managed to have far more flexibility by placing the tables and fields inside a List object.
Try these...
Drop a List item into the report
Define the Dataset to your main dataset that contains all the data.
Note: For this to work you need a query that have as much as the master and detail data inside as ONE query, so obviously your master data will repeat as deep as it has to, to get to the lowest common dataset, which in my case was the action items per student.
The List object will act as the Master data reference for all your other objects inside of it.
Now you can play! Drop in a few textboxes to show the data for the master data you want to only show ONCE per "logical record". I'll let you ponder what that meant!
Now to show subgroups, you'll need Tables for each one. Drop a Table object
In each table (group) don't specify a dataset, as I said above, all the data comes from the List.
But for each table, you'll need to define your Details Grouping. Go ahead and simply state the group parameters you require for the sub-group. So in my case, I want to display ONE row of Students, but any amount of Actions each student has. So place a StudentID for the student and an ActionID for the actions as a combined grouping.
Repeat the above for any other groups, and define their groupings so you don't get repeatitive data. One table could only have one pivot or group, so just define the index for that inside the Details Grouping. Do not use the Add.. feature to add groups, because you'll be adding groups within subgroups and go into another level again! Beware.
I hope this made sense.


How to create a custom drop down control list in Google Data Studio? (using multi category column or multiple binary columns)

My use case is that one of the columns in my table has multiple categories included. For example, entry 1 may say budget, schedule, entry 2 may say schedule, quality and entry 3 may say schedule. I can also change it so that budget, schedule and quality become boolean columns.
I would like to create a drop down option that list each grade level individually and when one of the categories is selected, I want the table to filter based on the selection in the drop down. So when someone selects schedule, all 3 entries, in this scenario, will be displayed.
Do you believe this is possible to do in Data Studio?
Thank you
Create a parameter cat_select to filter the data.
Create a calculated field cat_test with
Generate a filter for that field cat_test to be true.

How do I write to an access query that uses linked tables?

I have been tasked with create a tracker for company work flow.
I have 10 tables with data in them. There are attributes all the tables have in common. I made a table with those attributes, giving those records a unique ID that could join them to the unique attribute records of the original tables. I am also linking a personnel table to the original tables. All of these tables exist on my SQL Server back end. I Have made a query in Access that displays all the information I was given. I'm going to use the forms in access as a front end to display, edit, and add records.
The issue I am encountering is that I can not write to a query that has externally linked tables. I have spent a lot of time normalizing this data and I know I can get around it by making tables with redundant attributes in SQL and not writing to the query, but rather write to the linked tables instead. Just wondering if there is a way around this.
In general, even without linked tables, such queries are NOT updatable.
The general approach when working with multiple tables is to use sub forms for the child tables. That way, each form is only bound to one table. (You are free even to bind such forms directly to the linked table).
Thus, you might say have a customer table and then a table of invoices. So your main form will display the one customer and is bound to that one table.
In the sub form, you can then display all of the invoices.
So to combine multiple tables into a form or screen that allows users to update the data, or add more data, you don’t build some query that joins all the data together, but simply combine several forms into one form. But each of those separate forms will display data from the given related child table.
Here is a typical invoice form thus built in Access:
The top part is the “main” form of an invoice. It is bound to the customer table – one record. Then the multiple lines of detail is the invoice details table. So the form does NOT use queries, but each part of the form and sub forms are bound to the given related tables. You are binding each form directly to the linked table (or tables if you need to show related data like above).
This approach allows you to cobble together a set of forms that edit related tables, but each form is bound directly to the linked table.
So the fact of linked tables or not is moot – such queries are not used to edit data and such queries from link or non-linked tables are NOT updatable.
So your form + sub forms will follow the pattern of related tables that you need to work together as one whole view and means to edit data. You don’t need nor want to use a query to fill these forms.
You most certainly will provide some kind of “search” form, or some means to pull up say one customer invoice, and that invoice along with its sub forms will display the related data, and also allow editing of that data.

Tableau- Filtering based on another element

I have multiple tables with one common element (ID). The first table has is the only one that has the ID and First Name. In a dashboard, I am trying to create a filter where when I type in or select the First Name, all data from all tables relating to the First Name's ID would populate.
FYI, I don't want to join the data. My actual tables are big data from multiple sources I would like to find an alternative route to this.
I also tried to create a parameter for the First Name and then created a Calculated Field with
IF [Parameter]=[Name]
but this didn't work. I am very new to Tableau and I'm thinking that there must be a way where the choosing a Name would trigger the ID and its relevant data.
create multiple sheets with different tables where each sheet will be collected to individual table.
Now create a filter and apply the filter to all worksheets and then go to dashboard and apply filter, Dash board should change.

filter data from one table based on second table without duplicates

Note: I'm working with a large complex database, so for clarity's sake I have simplified the set up below.
I struggled a bit with how to title the question since it's a bit of a complex question. I hope it's accurate enough....
A bit of background first:
I have an Access 2010 database that contains a one-to-many relationship between a table Called "Products" and a table called "Datasets" (ie I have a bunch of products, and each product has multiple datasets). Each has an autonumber key field (p_ID and d_ID respectively) as well as numerous other fields.
I have a form (lets call it frm_Main) that has two subforms: sub_Products (based on the "Products" table) and sub_Datasets (based on the "Datasets" table). On the main form I have a control ctrl_SelectedProduct which is linked to [sub_Products]![p_ID] to see which record in sub_Products is selected / has the focus, and the sub_Datasets subform is linked to this control so that it only displays Datasets records that belong to the selected Products record.
On the main form I also have a number of controls that I'm using for filtering the data in the subforms. For example, I have a control ctrl_Category. I have this control coded so that when the user changes the value of the control, a filter is applied that limits the records in sub_Products to only those that have a p_Category value equal to whatever is chosen in ctrl_Category. If the control is blank, it will show all records. All this works great when if comes to filtering based on fields in the Products table.
Now the problem:
My problem is that I also want to be able to filter based on fields in the Datasets table. For example, Datasets has a field called d_Status. I want the user to be able to chose the status in a control (ctrl_Status), and based on this:
1) sub_Products will be filtered to display only those Products records that have an assotiated Datasets record (or records) that has d_Status equal to whatever was chosen in ctrl_Status
2) when a Products record is selected in this filtered sub_Products, sub_Datasets will only show the Datasets records that has d_Status equal to whatever was chosen in ctrl_Status
I know how to do part2. But I have no idea how to get part1 to work. Since sub_Products is currently based on the Products table, which does not have the d_Status field, I have no way to filter it based on that field. Thus, I'm assuming my first step will be to change my setup so that sub_Products is based on a query that combines the two tables (or at least adds the d_Status field).
If I do that, however, I get duplicate Product records. I can't use the query's Unique Values property because if I have a product that has two datasets, one with status "Current" and a one with status "Archived", then those aren't considered duplicates, and the product info is there twice. If I don't have the status field displayed, it shows only unique products initially, but then I can't subsequently apply a filter based on that non-displayed field.
I also tried basing sub_Products on a Totals query in order to utilize the Group By functionality, but I still couldn't get it to work right. Even if I could I don't think that's the best solution, because you can only have 10 fields with Group By, and my Products table has more than 10 fields that I need displayed in sub_Products.
I feel like I'm now just going around in circles and am at a loss of what to try from here. Please help!
Couldn't you add something like this?
Private Sub ctrl_Category_AfterUpdate()
Form_frm_Main.Recordsource = "Select * from Products where p_ID IN(" & _
"Select p_ID from Datasets where d_Status = " & _
Me!ctrl_Category.Value & ")"
End Sub
Alternately, you can access the childform via the parent of the other child form.
This is a non-working snippet just to give you the idea:
Me.Parent.otherChildFormName.Form.Recordsource = whatever

Custom query which returns to data block output in Oracle Forms Builder?

I have these tables
ID | GENREID(number) | COUNTRYID(number) |
In my form BOOKS, I need to display:
All I need is to JOIN tables or SELECT data from all tables and display it. It seems that this is impossible with Oracle forms designer. My data block output displays data from the BOOKS table with inserted ids, but not with titles corresponding to those ids from separate tables (e.g. GENRES, COUNTRIES). I can't find where to put a custom query to data block.
I am using latest oracle dev suite home. How do I do this?
There's two common ways to do this:
Use a post-query trigger to populate non-database display fields and an LOV to allow them to insert and update those fields.
Create a view in the database and base your block on that.
The first one is the easiest but they won't be able to search on those non-database fields without a lot of extra work.
The second option allows search but adding and updating data in a view introduces some problems. I usually use an on-insert, on-update, on-delete, and on-lock trigger to handle those function manually and modify the base tables.
--> Read the Step 3
I'm using that one a lot. With that you can build your own queries to Forms and also get block which you can insert/update/delete (of course to one table). And this is how I for example do block which has like user id and user name fields.
But at least in my Forms version it's not possible to change query in run time because it's changing data_source_type back to default.
