What is the necessary header file for prvGetInterruptControllerInstance() function in FreeRTOS? - c

I am trying to link the interrupt of the fpga to FreeRTOS in zedboard. When I write the code:
InterruptController = (XScuGic *)prvGetInterruptControllerInstance();
I get an error from Xilinx SDK said:
undefined reference to `prvGetInterruptControllerInstance'
May I know what is the necessary include header file to use that function? I tried to search online and I have the same header file included:
/* FreeRTOS includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "semphr.h"
/* Xilinx includes. */
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "xparameters.h"
#include <xil_io.h>
#include "xscugic.h"
#include <stdio.h>
Thank you!

1- Your IDE may help you find the header file : right click on the function name, then click on go to the definition, once you get the header file eg file.h you should include it.
2-Your # includeassume that the header files freeRTOS.h... are in the same folder but possibly they are in other folders,
I said that because freeRTOSConfig.his a configuration file that should not be in the same folder as the kernel include filestask.h,...,(at least in the demo project) so make sure that you use the good local /global path to your headers
3- The order of include is not good i guess, the best approach is to go from global to local, stdio.h for example should be at the top of the includes


Include ext4.h in C program

I'm trying to create a little program that can read the ext4 filesystem, and for that i need to use all the structures that are defined in the ext4.h file.
Problem is, that this file includes a set of kernel headers such as
#include <linux/blkdev.h>
#include <linux/magic.h>
#include <linux/jbd2.h>
#include <linux/quota.h>
#include <linux/rwsem.h>
#include <linux/rbtree.h>
#include <linux/seqlock.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/timer.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
... and more
I've installed the kernel headers using:
$ apt search linux-headers-$(uname -r)
So now i have them in /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.../include and i try to compile my program with -I /path/to/kernel-headers but now it seems that there're headers included in those headers that it can't find such as asm/current.h which in my filesystem is asm-generic/current.h
Do someone that ever did something like this can help me?
I suggest you take a look at e2fsprogs. This is the user-space toolset for manipulating ext2/3/4 filesystems, and it contains a userspace implementation of the filesystem you can adapt.

How do you include FreeRTOS header files in different source files in an Espressif IDF Eclipse project

Upon creating an ESPRESSIF project in Eclipse, I see the following includes already exists in main.
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
#include "esp_syst"
#include "esp_wifi.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "lwip/sockets.h"
I guess the included files are referenced by the path defined in IDF_PATH. But how do you go about using these files in any other source file? The same include won't work.
// file1.c
#include "lwip/sockets.h" // Unresolved inclusion: "lwip/sockets.h"
Below is the snapshot of the properties. I don't see a C/C++ build section for some reason otherwise I know there's an option to put the file paths in there which could then just be used by any source file without specifying the relative path.
For reference: I followed this tutorial -> https://github.com/espressif/idf-eclipse-plugin/blob/master/README.md#create-a-new-project until Compiling the Project

Do I need to include files that my included files depend on?

I have a C program named coderTest.c in a directory. In a sub-directory, src, I have several files, one.c, two.c, three.c, and their associated header files one.h, two.h, three.h.
I want to use functions from one.c and two.c in coderTest.c. Both one.c and two.c use functions from three.c. Do I need to include three.c in coderTest.c, or will it take care of it's dependency on it's own?
I am using #include "src/one.h" for one and two.
Do I need to include three.c in coderTest.c, or will it take care of
it's dependency on it's own?
You don't need to include "src/three.h" in coderTest.c, but this does not mean, that compiler does handle dependency automagically. This header needs to be included in one.c, two.c and three.c. The last one is to confirm that header's declarations and definitions match with each other properly.
As a result, you project might look as:
#include "src/one.h"
#include "src/two.h"
// ...
#include "one.h"
#include "three.h"
// ...
#include "two.h"
#include "three.h"
// ...
#include "three.h"
// ...
To prevent multiple includes of same header, use header guards for each header file individually.
In coderTest.c, include the following:
#include "src/two.h
#include "src/one.h
In one.c, include:
#include "src/three.h
In two.c, include:
#include "src/three.h
Do I need to include three.c in coderTest.c, or will it take care of it's dependency on it's own?
No you don't need to include three.c in coderTest.c, because one.c and two.c abstract it away.
As long as two.c and one.c properly #include "three.h" then the compiler will be able to chain the dependencies together without a problem. If you wanted to run something from three.c in coderTest.c it would want you to #include it in there as well.
Do your files have the preprocessor directives #IFNDEF, #DEFINE, and #ENDIFin place to prevent duplicate importing?
You can do what you want several ways as long as visibility to necessary prototypes is provided. In addition to where best to include header files, consider using wrappers to guarantee your header is used only once:
#ifndef _SOMEFILE_H_
#define _SOMEFILE_H_
the entire file
#endif /* SOMEFILE_H__SEEN */
Also consider readability. For example given: coderTest.c, one.c/.h, two.c/.h, three.c/.h are as you described:
1) You should include three.h in both one.c and two.c.
2) For coderTest.c, #include headers of all supporting headers either in the file itself, or perhaps in a collector header: conderTest.h:
#include "./src/one.h"
#include "./src/two.h"
#include "./src/three.h"
#include "coderTest.h"

Do I need to include system header file in the source if another header file already includes it?

For example, in the header file example.h, I wrote:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
And in the source file example.c, I wrote:
#include "example.h`
Do I still need to explicitly wrote these lines if I need functions of these libararies?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
Keep in mind that includes works like some kind of text substitution, as it's done by the preprocessor.
When you write, on some file:
#include "someheader.h"
It's just like that line will be replaced with the actual content of the header file.
No, you don't.
Include will, as it's named, include the whole content of your header file in your .c file.
If you are using linux, try cpp example.c or gcc -E example.c to see what #include does. You will run the c-preprocessor on your file, which is the program that interpret all # started instructions before the copilation

C - adding base64 methods to my file

I found these libraries: http://svn.opendnssec.org/trunk/OpenDNSSEC/common/ for encoding in c. I want used them but I am not sure how can I add them.
If I add #include "b64_ntop.c" I have problem with #include <config.h> in b64_ntop.c (no such file or directory). How can I add these modules?
My makefile:
CFLAGS=-std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic
all: rdtclient
rdtclient: b64_ntop.o rdtclient.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) b64_ntop.o rdtclient.o -o rdtclient
Thanks for help
For that particular file, you can remove every header except <stdlib.h> (needed for abort()), but you would add <stdint.h> to get uint8_t.
#include <config.h> // Remove
#include <sys/types.h> // Remove
#include <sys/param.h> // Remove
#include <sys/socket.h> // Remove
#include <netinet/in.h> // Remove
#include <arpa/inet.h> // Remove
#include <ctype.h> // Remove
#include <stdio.h> // Remove
#include <stdlib.h> // Keep
#include <string.h> // Remove
#include <stdint.h> // Add
There's no need for the others that I can see, and GCC agrees with me when I tested it.
I'm not sure which header introduced uint8_t; most likely, it was <sys/types.h>, but the C standard says <stdint.h> does that (or <inttypes.h> does it).
You should also have a header which declares the function, and that header should be included in this file to ensure that the function declaration and definition agree, and the header should be included in each source file that uses the function. Obviously, that's one more #include line in the source file.
In general, if a file uses <config.h> (or, more usually, "config.h"), then you need to use the configuration tool (usually autoconf or automake) or the configure script that is generated by the tools to create the config.h header. In this file, there was no conditional code affected by the configuration header, so it could be removed.
Once you've cleaned up the header list, you can treat the file as you would any other source file in your project. It would be best to compile it as a separate object file (no special options needed) which is added to the build. That's what your makefile seems to be doing perfectly well. Occasionally, it is sensible or necessary to include a source file (as opposed to header file) in another source file. The number of times that is sensible is strictly limited, though.
You should not #include a C file. Instead #include compat.h and specify the path to the header file in the CFLAGS using the -I option thus:
CFLAGS=-std=gnu99 -Wall -pedantic -Ipath/to/header
