SSIS conversion to Project Deployment & Convert Deployment Model - sql-server

I have 3 2008-style SSIS packages that I think I've done a pretty good job upgrading to the 2016 tooling. I've migrated to Project Deployment at the top level and I'm using project params - it all seems like a big improvement.
My first problem is that when I deploy to the server, it seems to succeed, but the Integration Services explorer mode in SSMS shows no packages in the place I expect to see them. The new folder is there but there's nothing in it. I was able to use 7zip to uncompress the .ispac file in the /bin folder which is being deployed and it does indeed contain the .dtsx files that I expect to see.
When I deploy, the deployment wizard lists the .ispac file Path under Source section, but not the individual packages. That's probably fine but I'll mention it in case I should see the individual packages listed.
I also notice that there's an option to "Convert Deployment Model" under the Visual Studio project's SSIS Packages section - that's separate from the "Convert to Package/Project Deployment" at the project-level. It's also separate from the "Upgrade All Packages" option that has already been done and for which there are no remaining upgradable packages.
When I run the "Convert Deployment Model" wizard and try to "Next" past the screen where the packages are listed as "Not loaded" Status, I get an error that "One or more selected packages are not ready" an an Error status on all packages with the message that The variable "$Project::ServerB" was not found in the Variables collection. The variable might not exist in the correct scope.
#[$Project::ServerB] is indeed a variable in all of the packages. And in at least one of the xml content of the package files I can see it listed in just the one place. In the editor (the Expression field of the SQL Connection Manager) where we use the variable this project parameter evaluates to the configured value just fine.
What is this "Convert Deployment Model" option anyway, separate from the "Convert to Package/Project Deployment" option? Are they the same, and the one on the "SSIS Package" folder just failing to validate the conversion (back to Package Deployment) because there are project parameters that the resulting Package Deployment mode doesn't support, hence the error?
And most importantly, why aren't my packages actually getting deployed? Is this deployment model thing just a red herring at this point? What should I be seeing?

I was looking in the wrong spot. In SSMS, I see them under the Database Engine side of the Object Explorer, but not under the Integration Services side. Integration Services had a folder that might have been carried over from the old deployments and seems no longer necessary. Under the database there is a new "Integration Services Catalogs" folder that now shows the projects along with the expected deployed packages.
I guess the "Convert Deployment Model" was just a distraction.


SSIS - package works in VS, fails with "Failed to compiled scripts contained in the package". There are no script objects in the package

VS2017, Deploy to SS2016. Package runs without any errors from VS. Project deployment to a server that previously had package deployments only - we're moving to project deployment, and DBAs said to use that.
Getting many errors like:
Get Error Information:Error: Failed to compiled scripts contained in the package. Open the package in SSIS Designer and resolve the compilation errors.
The package has absolutely no script objects. I've checked with the package explorer, and there isn't even a scripts section. To verify, I added an empty script, and then the explorer did show that section.
Other info: Package deployment is new to our DBAs. They are completely mystified by this, and other errors, like:
Get Error Information:Error: CS2001 - Source file 'C:\Windows\TEMP.NETFramework,Version=v4.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs' could not be found, CSC, 0, 0
My opinion, unexpert in SSIS as I am, is that these servers are not set up or configured properly in some way, but I am out of my depth in this, and DBAs are floundering. What might I do to get to the root of this?
I ended up side-stepping the issue by essentially recreating the package. Even XML search revealed no scripts, so the assumption was some kind of corruption. The package was recently upgraded to package-deployment - perhaps that action had a hand in the problem.
We had the same issue and isolated the problem to a Script Task (regardless of language) that existed in a Sequence Container. Placing the Script Task outside the Sequence Container, and upgrading the package to 2016 worked. The package was originally 2012 (as far as I can see) and the server side SSIS was 2016 13.2.5426.0. We were using VS 2017 as well.
For me this was happening because I was targeting the wrong database version. in your SSIS Package project go into properties and set the TargetServerVersion appropriately And then recompile the project and redeploy to sql server.

SQL Server Database Project

I want to use database project for script deployment in Azure SQL Server, I don't want to import full database. I just want to use database project for delta script. I added a project and included one script file with none as build action that contains create table statement , I am publishing the project, It's completing successfully but create statement is not executing. What is wrong here? Is there any other way to do this?
TLDR: Set your build action to "Post Deployment Script".
What happens in SSDT is that all the files that have a build action of "Build" are built into a model of what the database should look like. When the deploy happens that model is compared to the target database and if there are any changes, a change script it generated and then optionally deployed.
If you have any file marked pre or post deployment script then they are either prepended or appended to the change script and will be run as part of the deployment.
If you have any files with a build action of "None" then SSDT ignores them, you could put anything in there, even an ascii picture of a donkey and the project will still build and deploy (obviously your ascii donkey won't get deployed anywhere).
If you just want to use SSDT to do your deployments you can just set the build action to pre or post deploy and it will be included. This is pretty odd though, either don't use SSDT or use SSDT and put the model of your entire database in there.
Personally, I would use SSDT properly and live the dream.

Is it possible to do File deployment in SSIS 2014

I have been doing file deployment and database deployment in sql server 2008.I have gone through the ssis(on sql 2014) and seen only catalogue based deployment.
Just wondering ,is there file deployment still available in ssis 2014.
can not find any file deployment option in deployment wizard.
There is an option called convert to package deployment.Does it mean the file deployment is only available under the package deployment option .
If i select the "Convert to package deployment" option,then the project deployment is not going to work in the future!
Also,Is there any concept of configuration in ssis 2014!
In ssis 2008 ,we have a file called configuration file and it contains all the
connection information.After the package deployment,we can change all the package connection information in this single file ,instead of opening and doing it in multiple files
There are two deployment models available to SSIS from the 2012 release going forward: Project Deployment Model (new, default) and Package Deployment Model (classic).
Which deployment model am I using?
The easiest way is to look at Solution Explorer. If you see a node under there specifying Project.params, then you are in the Project Deployment Model (left half of the image). Otherwise, you should see a "Data Sources" folder along with the project title's giant hint (package deployment model) (right half of the image)
Is File Deployment still a thing?
Package Deployment Model allows you to keep your process if you like your process. Happy deploying to the file system? Great, keep it up. Enjoy explicitly turning on logging and configuration - it's all yours. Just convert to the package deployment model and it's all there.

SQL Server Database Project's Deploy & Publish Targets

There are two distinct targets, Deploy and Publish, in SSDT project alongside Build but I can't find anything on what's the difference between them and which one should be used when? From what I can gather .dbproj used to use Deploy but .sqlproj supposedly replaced it with Publish, how come it's still there and what is it still used for?
<UsingTask TaskName="SqlBuildTask" AssemblyFile="$(SqlServerRedistPath)\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Tasks.Sql.12.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="SqlDeployTask" AssemblyFile="$(SqlServerRedistPath)\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Tasks.Sql.12.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="SqlPublishTask" AssemblyFile="$(SqlServerRedistPath)\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Tasks.Sql.12.dll" />
<Target Name="Deploy" DependsOnTargets="$(DeployDependsOn)">
<Target Name="Publish" DependsOnTargets="$(PublishDependsOn)">
The main difference is that Publish is used when you have a publish profile file describing the connection information, whereas Deploy is used when you do not have this file / do not wish to use one. Both are used by SSDT, the Deploy task is not just there for backward compatibility.
The Publish task takes in a "PublishProfile" property that specifies a saved publish profile xml file. The required server name, database name and other properties needed are read from that file. See this forum post for some more information.
The deploy task is used when you do not have a publish profile (for example, the F5 debug deployment uses this, if I recall correctly). I believe this requires that the server, database name and other properties be set explicitly.
I'm assuming it's for backwards compatibility. Upgrading a SQL2008 dbproj to SQL2012 sqlproj after installing the SSDT update, you'd probably still want your dbprojects to function correctly until they are converted.

SSIS, dtsx and deployment packages

I'm just trying to understand SSIS packages a bit better and how they are deployed. Correct me I'm wrong but for any deployment, I believe there needs to be at least two files a .SSISDeploymentManifest and a .dtsx. The .SSISDeploymentManifest acts as the equivalent windows installer package which points to the .dtsx. The dtsx is the actual package of "stuff" that is referenced as an external file some how when you run the installer. When you install it, the package gets added to a list of ssis packages for that instance.
My further questions:
If i wanted to keep previous version of the same package, can I just copy the bin directories with the two above files and keep separately should I need to roll back to a previous package?
Where are these packages installed to? How does SSIS know where the packagess are?
Correct me I'm wrong but for any deployment, I believe there needs to
be at least two files a .SSISDeploymentManifest and a .dtsx. The
.SSISDeploymentManifest acts as the equivalent windows installer
package which points to the .dtsx. The dtsx is the actual package of
"stuff" that is referenced as an external file some how when you run
the installer. When you install it, the package gets added to a list
of ssis packages for that instance.
Your assumptions are mostly correct. You don't need the deployment manifest, but it can be handy. Also, you don't need to deploy to the SQL Server instance. You have the option to deploy to the file system as well. I'll explain both below.
Regarding your 1st question:
Version Control:
Make sure you're developing and checking in your dtsx packages via visual studio. Label your releases in sourcesafe or whatever version control you're using. If you are checking in and labeling, then you should be able to easily roll back to a previous version. As you mention, you also can just save a copy of your old bin directory but naturally put them in dated subfolders or something. However, this does not take the place of proper version control.
Regarding your 2nd question:
As the other poster states, you first have a decision to make:
a) Deploy packages to the file system
b) Deploy packages to MSDB
There are benefits to each, and everyone has their preference. I have used both, but I prefer the filesystem because it's more transparent, however there is more to maintain.
See this post for much more on this:
The code is in the dtsx package. Generally,in order to make your packages portable you also abstract your connection strings and other configurable information into a config file (.dtsconfig) or environment variable (no file needed). See BOL to learn more about configuration.
The manifest file contains metadata about which dtsx and config files to install. If you open one, you'll see it's a simple readable xml file.
The manifest file makes it easy to hand over to a DBA to deploy (ask them to double-click the manifest file and follow directions, but they'll need instructions.
To me, the manifest file is more useful for deploying to SQL Server than to the file system. Really, all it does is make a copy of the dtsx and config files and puts them where you tell it. You could just as easily instruct the DBA to copy your dtsx files to a common folder on the server, and the config files to another folder on the same server.
Then when you schedule your jobs using SQL Agent, you specify that you're going to run an SSIS package that is stored on the file system and browse to where it's located. If you're using configurations, then there's a tab to specify where the config file is located.
There is so much to know about configuring/deployment/versioning of SSIS packages. But hopefully this will get you started on the right path.
When you export your DTS packages using the Import/Export Wizard in SQL Server you have the option of saving them to SQL Server or locally on the file system.
Regarding the versions of your SSIS packages, you need to query SSISDB to extract the version numbers. It's annoying this kind of info isn't shown directly in the Management Studio but, until it is, someone may find this useful:
SELECT prj.[name] as Project
,pkg.[name] as Package
FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[packages] as pkg
JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[projects] as prj
ON pkg.[project_id] = prj.[project_id]
ORDER BY prj.[name]
