Solr deletions with custom full import - solr

I'm trying to use the DataImportHandler to keep my index in sync with a SQL database (what I would think is a pretty vanilla thing to do). Since my database will be pretty large, I want to use incremental imports using this method so the calls are of the form http://localhost:8983/solr/Items/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=false. This works perfectly well for adding items.
I have a separate DeletedItems table in my database which contains the primary keys of the items that have been deleted from the Items table, along with when they were deleted. As part of the DataImport call, I had hoped to be able to delete the relevant items from my index based on a query along the lines of
SELECT Id FROM DeletedItems WHERE WasDeletedOn > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'
but I can't figure out how to do this. The link above alludes to it with the cryptic
In this case it means obviously that in case you also want to use deletedPkQuery then when running the delta-import command is still necessary.
but setting deletedPkQuery to the above SQL query doesn't seem to work. I then read that deletedPkQuery only works with delta-imports, so I am forced to make two requests to my solr server as part of the sync process? This doesn't seem right as the operations are parameterized by the dataimporter.last_index_time property, which changes. Both steps would need to be done in one "atomic" action, surely? Any ideas?

You must use the import handler special commands
With these commands you can alter the boost or delete a document coming from the recordset of the full import query. Be aware that you must use the $skipDoc field to avoid that the document gets indexed again and that you must repeat the id in the $deleteDocById field.
You can use a union query
'false' as [$deleteDocById],
'false' as [$skipDoc]
from [rows to update or add]
Union Select
'' as text,
id as [$deleteDocById],
true as [$skipDoc]
or a case when
when deleted = 1 then id
else 'false'
END as [$deleteDocById],
when deleted = 1 then 'true'
else 'false'
END as [$skipDoc]
Where updated > ${dih.last_index_time}

The deletedPkQuery is run as part of the regular call to delta-import, so you don't have to run anything twice (and when doing a full-import, there's no need to run deletedPkQuery, since the whole connection is cleared before importing anyway).
The deletedPkQuery should be configured on the same element as your main query. Be sure to match the field names exactly as well, and that the id produced by your deletedPkQuery matches the one provided by the main query.
There's a minimal example on for importing and deleting fields using the same deleted_entries-table structure as you have here:
query="SELECT * from albums"
deletedPkQuery="SELECT deleted_id as id FROM deletes WHERE deleted_at > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'"
Also make sure that the format of the deleted_at-field is comparable against the value produced by last_index_time. The default is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
.. and lastly, remember that the last_index_time property isn't available before the second time the task is run, since there's no "previous index time" the first time an index is being populated (but the deletedPkQuery shouldn't run before that anyway).


MS Access, use query name as field default value

My department uses a software tool that can use a custom component library sourced from Tables or Queries in an MS Access database.
Table: Components
ID: AutoNumber
Type: String
Mfg: String
P/N: String
Query: Resistors
SELECT Components.*
FROM Components
WHERE Components.Type = "Resistors"
Query: Capacitors
SELECT Components.*
FROM Components
WHERE Components.Type = "Capacitors"
These queries work fine for SELECT. But when users add a row to the query, how can I ensure the correct value is saved to the Type field?
Edit #2:
Nope, can't be done. Sorry.
Edit #1:
As was pointed out, I may have misunderstood the question. It's not a wonky question after all, but perhaps an easy one?
If you're asking how to add records to your table while making sure that, for example, "the record shows up in a Resistors query if it's a Resistor", then it's a regular append query, that specifies Resisitors as your Type.
For example:
INSERT INTO Components ( ID, Type, Mfg )
SELECT 123, 'Resistors', 'Company XYZ'
If you've already tried that and are having problems, it could be because you are using a Reserved Word as a field name which, although it may work sometimes, can cause problems in unexpected ways.
Type is a word that Access, SQL and VBA all use for a specific purpose. It's the same idea as if you used SELECT and FROM as field or table names. (SELECT SELECT FROM FROM).
Here is a list of reserved words that should generally be avoided. (I realize it's labelled Access 2007 but the list is very similar, and it's surprisingly difficult to find an recent 'official' list for Excel VBA.)
Original Answer:
That's kind a a wonky way to do things. The point of databases is to organize in such a way as to prevent duplication of not only data, but queries and codes as well
I made up the programming rule for my own use "If you're doing anything more than once, you're doing it wrong." (That's not true in all cases but a general rule of thumb nonetheless.)
Are the only options "Resistors" and "Capacitors"? (...I hope you're not tracking the inventory of an electronics supply store...) If there are may options, that's even more reason to find an alternative method.
To answer your question, in the Query Design window, it is not possible to return the name of the open query.
Some alternative options:
As #Erik suggested, constrain to a control on a form. Perhaps have a drop-down or option buttons which the user can select the relevant type. Then your query would look like:
SELECT * FROM Components WHERE Type = 'Forms![YourFormName]![NameOfYourControl]'
In VBA, have the query refer to the value of a variable, foe example:
Dim TypeToDel as String
TypeToDel = "Resistor"
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * FROM Components WHERE Type = '" & typeToDel'"
Not recommended, but you could have the user manually enter the criteria. If your query is like this:
SELECT * FROM Components WHERE Type = '[Enter the component type]'
...then each time the query is run, it will prompt:
Similarly, you could have the query prompt for an option, perhaps a single-digit or a code, and have the query choose the the appropriate criteria:
...and have an IF statement in the query criteria.
FROM Components
WHERE Type = IIf([Enter 1 for Resistors, 2 for Capacitors, 3 for sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads]=1,'Resistors',IIf([Enter 1 for Resistors, 2 for Capacitors, 3 for sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads]=2,'Capacitors','LaserSharks'));
Note that if you're going to have more than 2 options, you'll need to have the parameter box more than once, and they must be spelled identically.
Lastly, if you're still going to take the route of a separate query for each component type, as long as you're making separate queries anyway, why not just put a static value in each one (just like your example):
SELECT * FROM Components WHERE Type = 'Resistor'
There's another wonky answer here but that's just creating even more duplicate information (and more future mistakes).
Side note: Type is a reserved word in Access & VBA; you might be best to choose another. (I usually prefix with a related letter like cType.)
More Information:
Use parameters in queries, forms, and reports
Use parameters to ask for input when running a query
Microsoft Access Tips & Tricks: Parameter Queries
 • Frickin' Lasers

Performance issue with django exclude

I have a Django 1.8 application, and I am using an MsSQL database, with pyodbc as the db backend (using "django-pyodbc-azure" module).
I have the following models:
class Branch(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
startTime = models.DateTimeField()
class Device(models.Model):
uid = models.CharField(max_length=100, primary_key=True)
type = models.CharField(max_length=20)
firstSeen = models.DateTimeField()
lastSeen = models.DateTimeField()
class Session(models.Model):
device = models.ForeignKey(Device)
branch = models.ForeignKey(Branch)
start = models.DateTimeField()
end = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
I need to query the session model, and I want to exclude some records with specific device values. So I issue the following query:
sessionCount = Session.objects.filter(branch=branch)
badDevices is a pre-filled list of device ids with around 60 items.
badDevices = ['id-1', 'id-2', ...]
This query takes around 1.5 seconds to complete. If I remove the exclude from the query, it takes around 250 miliseconds.
I printed the generated sql for this queryset, and tried it in my database client. There, both versions executed in around 250 miliseconds.
This is the generated SQL:
SELECT [session].[id], [session].[device_id], [session].[branch_id], [session].[start], [session].[end]
FROM [session]
WHERE ([session].[branch_id] = my-branch-id AND
NOT ([session].[device_id] IN ('id-1', 'id-2', 'id-3',...)) AND
DATEPART(dw, [session].[start]) = 1
AND [session].[end] IS NOT NULL AND
[session].[end] >= ((DATEADD(second, 600, CAST([session].[start] AS datetime)))))
So, using the exclude in database level doesn't seem to be affecting the query performance, but in django, the query runs 6 times slower if I add the exclude part. What could be causing this?
The general issue seems to be that django is doing some extra work to prepare the exclude clause. After that step and by the time the SQL has been generated and sent to the database, there isn't anything interesting happening on the django side that could cause such a significant delay.
In your case, one thing that might be causing this is some kind of pre-processing of badDevices. If, for instance, badDevices is a QuerySet then django might be executing the badDevices query just to prepare the actual query's SQL. Possibly something similar might be happening in the case where device has a non-default primary key.
The other thing might delay the SQL preparation is of course django-pyodbc-azure. Maybe it's doing something strange while compiling the query and it becomes a bottleneck.
This is all wild speculation though, so if you're still having this issue then post the Device and Branch models as well, the exact content of badDevices and the SQL generated from the queries. Then maybe some scenarios can be at least eliminated.
EDIT: I think it must be the Device.uid field. Possibly django or pyodbc is getting confused by the non-default primary key and is fetching all the devices while generating the query. Try two things:
Replace device__in with device_id__in, device__pk__in and device__uid__in and check each one again. Maybe a more explicit query will be easier for django to translate into SQL. You can even try replacing branch with branch_id, just in case.
If the above doesn't work, try replacing the exclude expression with a raw SQL where clause:
# add quotes (because of the hyphens) & join
badDevicesIdString = ", ".join(["'%s'" % id for id in badDevices])
# Replaces .exclude()
... .extra(where=['device_id NOT IN (%s)' % badDevicesIdString])
If neither works, then most likely the problem is with the whole query and not just exclude. There are some more options in that case but try the above first and I will update my answer later if necessary.
Just want to share a similar problem that I had with MySQL and exclude clauses performance and how it was fixed.
When running the exclude clause, the list with the "in" lookup was actually a Queryset that I got using values_list method. Checking the exclude query executed by MySQL, the "in" objects were not values but actually another query. This behavior was impacting performance on specific large queries.
To fix that, instead of passing the queryset, I flat it out in a python list of values. By doing that, each value is passed as an argument inside the in lookup and the performance was really improved.

Django Query Optimisation

I am working currently on telecom analytics project and newbie in query optimisation. To show result in browser it takes a full minute while just 45,000 records are to be accessed. Could you please suggest on ways to reduce time for showing results.
I wrote following query to find call-duration of a person of age-group:
for i in range(popn)]
for card in card_list:
Above code is within for loop to iterate over age-groups.
Model is as follows:
class Demo(models.Model):
class Fact_table(models.Model):
Try that:
demo_by_age = Demo.objects.filter(age_group=age);
popn=demo_by_age.count() #One
card_list = demo_by_age.values_list('card_no', flat=True) # Two
dic = Fact_table.objects.filter(card_no__in=card_list).aggregate(Sum('duration') #Three
sigma = dic['duration__sum']
A statement like card_list=[Demo.objects.filter(age_group=age)[i].card_no for i in range(popn)] will generate popn seperate queries and database hits. The query in the for-loop will also hit the database popn times. As a general rule, you should try to minimize the amount of queries you use, and you should only select the records you need.
With a few adjustments to your code this can be done in just one query.
There's generally no need to manually specify a primary_key, and in all but some very specific cases it's even better not to define any. Django automatically adds an indexed, auto-incremental primary key field. If you need the card_no field as a unique field, and you need to find rows based on this field, use this:
class Demo(models.Model):
card_no = models.SlugField(max_length=20, unique=True)
SlugField automatically adds a database index to the column, essentially making selections by this field as fast as when it is a primary key. This still allows other ways to access the table, e.g. foreign keys (as I'll explain in my next point), to use the (slightly) faster integer field specified by Django, and will ease the use of the model in Django.
If you need to relate an object to an object in another table, use models.ForeignKey. Django gives you a whole set of new functionality that not only makes it easier to use the models, it also makes a lot of queries faster by using JOIN clauses in the SQL query. So for you example:
class Fact_table(models.Model):
card = models.ForeignKey(Demo, related_name='facts')
The related_name fields allows you to access all Fact_table objects related to a Demo instance by using instance.facts in Django. (See
With these two changes, your query (including the loop over the different age_groups) can be changed into a blazing-fast one-hit query giving you the average duration of calls made by each age_group:
age_groups = Demo.objects.values('age_group').annotate(duration_avg=Avg('facts__duration'))
for group in age_groups:
print "Age group: %s - Average duration: %s" % group['age_group'], group['duration_avg']
.values('age_group') selects just the age_group field from the Demo's database table. .annotate(duration_avg=Avg('facts__duration')) takes every unique result from values (thus each unique age_group), and for each unique result will fetch all Fact_table objects related to any Demo object within that age_group, and calculate the average of all the duration fields - all in a single query.

SOQL Query to fetch more than 2000 records

How to fetch more than 2000 records through SOQL ....
Is there something query more ?
call queryMore with the queryLocator provided in the first set of results, keep calling it with the next queryLocator until the done flag is true. See the Web Services API docs for more info.
You can actually do this manually as well if you order by id and then query again with "where id > : idPrevious". If you try this just as I've typed it you'll hit a problem however, you can't use > and < with id fields. There is a simple work around for this though, just create a text type formula field which takes it's value from the id field. Then you can use that field in the query with no problems.
Of course if you're just looking to process loads of data then you might really be looking for Batch Apex.

SQL Query Notifications and GetDate()

I am currently working on a query that is registered for Query Notifications. In accordance w/ the rules of Notification Serivces, I can only use Deterministic functions in my queries set up for subscription. However, GetDate() (and almost any other means that I can think of) are non-deterministic. Whenever I pull my data, I would like to be able to limit the result set to only relevant records, which is determined by the current day.
Does anyone know of a work around that I could use that would allow me to use the current date to filter my results but not invalidate the query for query notifications?
Example Code:
SELECT fcDate as RecordDate, fcYear as FiscalYear, fcPeriod as FiscalPeriod, fcFiscalWeek as FiscalWeek, fcIsPeriodEndDate as IsPeriodEnd, fcPeriodWeek as WeekOfPeriod
FROM dbo.bFiscalCalendar
WHERE fcDate >= GetDate() -- This line invalidates the query for notification...
Other thoughts:
We have an application controls table in our database that we use to store application level settings. I had thought to write a small script that keeps a record up to date w/ teh current smalldatetime. However, my join to this table is failing for notificaiton as well and I am not sure why. I surmise that it has something to do w/ me specifitying a text type (the column name), which is frustrating.
Example Code 2:
SELECT fcDate as RecordDate, fcYear as FiscalYear, fcPeriod as FiscalPeriod, fcFiscalWeek as FiscalWeek, fcIsPeriodEndDate as IsPeriodEnd, fcPeriodWeek as WeekOfPeriod
FROM dbo.bFiscalCalendar
INNER JOIN dbo.xApplicationControls ON fcDate >= acValue AND acName = N'Cache_CurrentDate'
Does anyone have any suggestions?
EDIT: Here is a link on MSDN that gives the rules for Notification Services
As it turns out, I figured out the solution. Basically, I was invalidating my query attempts because I was casting a value as a DateTime which marks it as Non-Deterministic. Even though you don't specifically call out a cast but do something akin to:
RecordDate = 'date_string_value'
You still end up w/ a Date Cast. Hopefully this will help out someone else who hits this issue.
This link helped me quite a bit.
A good way to bypass this is simply to create a view that just says "SELECT GetDate() AS Now", then use the view in your query.
EDIT : I see nothing about not using user-defined functions (which is what I've used the 'view today' bit in). So can you use a UDF in the query that points at the view?
