Creating a Powershell menu from from config file - arrays

I have been trying to build a menu from a config file in Powershell. The purpose of the menu is to call other scripts and executables and to make maintenance easier so I can easily update the config whenever I need to add menu items.

First of all I strongly recommend you to use config files in XML format. Its REALLY much useful. I have came up with solution like this:
#Assuming this is content of your XML config file. You could easily add new Ids to insert new actions.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Description>Will do this</Description>
<Description>Will do that</Description>
#Here's the actual menu. You could add extra formating if you like.
$Message = ''
$Continue = $true
Write-Host 'Welcome to the menu!'
Write-Host ''
if ($Message -ne '')
Write-Host ''
foreach ($Item in #($Config.Menu.Actions.Id))
Write-Host ("{0}.`t{1}." -f $Item.Choice,$Item.Description)
Write-Host ''
Write-Host "Q.`tQuit menu."
Write-Host ''
$Message = ''
$Choice = Read-Host 'Select option'
if ($Choice -eq 'Q'){$Continue = $false} #this will release script from DO/WHILE loop.
$Selection = $Config.Menu.Actions.Id | ? {$_.Choice -eq $Choice}
if ($Selection)
Write-Host ("Starting {0}" -f $Selection.Description)
& $Selection.Script
Write-Host ''
$Message = 'Unknown choice, try again'
if ($Continue)
if ($Message -ne '')
Write-Host $Message -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Red
Read-Host 'Hit any key to continue'
WHILE ($Continue)
Write-Host 'Exited menu. Have a nice day.'
Write-Host ''
Welcome to the menu!
1. Will do this.
2. Will do that.
Q. Quit menu.
Select option:


Why is my object array doubling results?

The the set of code below, everything works except 1 thing I can not figure out.
while Get-CSUserStandardsValidatedSet is processing the data, The object count array stays in tact. whether I have 1 or 100 object in the array the count is good. But when Get-CSUserStandardsValidatedSet passes the object array via return $return back to the Caller Function Invoke-MRC_CSSkypeObjects_ImportCSV. The Object count Doubles everytime.
If I pass the parameter Select -unique I actually loose records I want to process.
Any Ideas?
Function Get-CSUserStandardsValidatedSet
param ($users)
[array]$UserInfoArray = #()
$DNStandardGlobalCpAnswer = $null
$DNStandardGlobalCuAnswer = $null
$SIPStandardGlobalCpAnswer = $null
$UMMStandardGlobalAnswer = $null
foreach ($user in $users)
$PhoneNumberIsInUse = $false
$UserInfoCopy = New-UserInfo
######################################################## #Still Need to validate the correct OU Location Based on AccountTypes# ########################################################
Write-host "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Write-Host "$($user.DisplayName) $($user.CSVtelephoneNumber) $user"
Write-host "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
#This must be populated for OU Validation, and Cu DisplayName Validation
$UserInfoCopy.AllowRecordToConinueNoErrorsFound = $true
Write-Host 'SiteCode'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode = $user.SiteCode
Write-host "$($UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode)"
$UserInfoCopy.CSVPrivateSiteCode = $user.SiteCode -replace "[^0-9]" #To be removed and replaced with CSVSiteCode
Write-host "$($UserInfoCopy.CSVPrivateSiteCode)"
#if ($user.SiteCode -match "^\d+$")
# { $user.SiteCode -replace "[^0-9]"}
# else { write-host "Site Code is not numeric or does not exist: $($user.PrivateSiteCode)";end}
Write-Host 'Acct Type (U, Cu, Cp, F, H)'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes =
Switch ($user.AccountTypes)
'U' {$user.AccountTypes}
'F' {$user.AccountTypes}
'Cu' {$user.AccountTypes}
'Cp' {$user.AccountTypes}
'H' {$user.AccountTypes}
default {"Unknown Type of Skype Account to create: $($user.AccountTypes) for $($UserInfoCopy.DisplayName) ";stop}
Write-host "$($UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes)"
Write-Host 'Private or Public'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVPhoneExtensionType_S_P = if ($user.PhoneExtensionType_S_P -eq 'S') {$true} else {$false}
Write-host "$($UserInfoCopy.CSVPhoneExtensionType_S_P)"
Write-Host 'OU'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVOU = Get-VerifyOUbyTypeForADLocation -Type $UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes -SiteCode $UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode -OU $user.CSVOU
Write-host "$($UserInfoCopy.CSVOU)"
Write-Host 'Telephone Number'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber =
if ((Exists-PhoneNumberisUnUsed -PhoneNumber ($user.telephoneNumber -replace "[^0-9]")))
{$user.telephoneNumber -replace "[^0-9]"}
#write-host "Telephone Number $($User.telephoneNumber) is already in use. Please remove the number from active use or change the phone number being assigned."; break
$PhoneNumberIsInUse = $True
$user.telephoneNumber -replace "[^0-9]"
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber
Write-Host 'Ext'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVExt = $user.Ext -replace "[^0-9]"
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVExt
Write-Host 'Dial Plan'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVDialPlan = if (Exists-VoiceOrDataPlanTorF -Exists_Plan $User.DialPlan -VoiceSearch $false)
else {write-host "User: $($user.DisplayName) DialPlan: $($user.DialPlan) - DOES NOT EXIST";
if (($user.AccountTypes -eq 'U') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cu') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cp'))
else {write-host ' Not a User/Common Area Phone Account, Allowed to Continue'} #Do not proceed if Dial Plan can not be found
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVDialPlan
Write-Host 'Voice Policy'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVVoicePolicy = if (Exists-VoiceOrDataPlanTorF -Exists_Plan $user.VoicePolicy -VoiceSearch $true)
else {write-host "User: $($user.DisplayName) VoicePolicy: $($user.VoicePolicy) - DOES NOT EXIST";
if (($user.AccountTypes -eq 'U') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cu') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cp'))
else {write-host ' Not a User/Common Area Phone Account, Allowed to Continue'} #Do not proceed if Voice Policy can not be found
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVVoicePolicy
Write-Host 'UM Mailbox Policy'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVUMMailboxPolicy = Get-UMMailPolicyAssigned -Type $UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes -RequestUMMailboxPolicyAssign $user.UMMailboxPolicy
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVUMMailboxPolicy
Write-Host 'RegistrarPool'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVRegistrarPool = if ((Exists-MRCCSSkypeRegistrarPool -PoolCheck $user.RegistrarPool) -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'U'))
else {write-host "User: $($user.DisplayName) RegistrarPool: $($user.RegistrarPool) - DOES NOT EXIST";
if (($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cu') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cp'))
else {write-host 'Not a User Account, Allowed to Continue'}
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVRegistrarPool
#Private -replace "[^0-9]"
#$UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension = $PrivSiteExtNumber + $UserInfoCopy.CSVExt
Write-Host 'Private Extension'
$UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension = $UserInfoCopy.CSVExt -replace "[^0-9]"
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension
#New Logic
#Due to the variable ways private extensions are assigned, it will be up to the user to put the correct private extension into the csv file
#Old Logic
#if (($user.SiteCode -match "^\d+$") -and ($UserInfoCopy.CSVExt -match "^\d+$")) {($user.SiteCode -replace "[^0-9]") + ($UserInfoCopy.CSVExt -replace "[^0-9]")} else {" Site Code is not a numeric number $($user.SiteCode) or Private Extension is not a numeric number $($user.CSVExt)";break}
Write-Host 'LineURI Private'
$UserInfoCopy.LineuriPrivate = [String]::Format('tel:+{0:###########};ext={1:####}',([int64]$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber -replace "[^0-9]"),[int64]$UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension -replace "[^0-9]")
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.LineuriPrivate
Write-Host 'Telephone Number Private'
$UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumberPrivate_Format1 = [String]::Format('tel:{0:+#-###-###-####};ext={1:####}',[int64]$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber,[int64]$UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension -replace "[^0-9]")
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumberPrivate_Format1
$UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumberPrivate_Format2 = [String]::Format('{0:(###) ###-####};ext={1:####}',([int64]$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber - 10000000000),[int64]$UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension -replace "[^0-9]")
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumberPrivate_Format2
#Not Private
Write-Host 'LineURI Public'
$UserInfoCopy.Lineuri = [String]::Format('tel:+{0:###########};ext={1:####}',([int64]$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber),$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber.Substring(($UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber.Length-4)))
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.Lineuri
Write-Host 'telephone Number Public'
$UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumber_Format1 = [String]::Format('{0:+#-###-###-####}',[int64]$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber)
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumber_Format1
$UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumber_Format2 = [String]::Format('{0:(###) ###-####}',([int64]$UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber - 10000000000))
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumber_Format2
#First and Last name we only care about if Cu since AD User account is being Created
#Last name must exist for Cp to generate the sip
Write-Host 'Last Name'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVLastName =
if ((($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cu') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cp')) -and ($user.LastName -eq ''))
#"Error no Last name for $($user.DisplayName)";stop
else {$user.LastName}
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVLastName
Write-Host 'First Name'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVFirstName =
if (($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cu') -or ($user.AccountTypes -eq 'Cp'))
if ($UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode -match "^\d+$")
$MySiteCode = $UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode -replace "[^0-9]"
else {$user.FirstName}
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVFirstName
Write-Host 'Display Name'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVDisplayName = Get-DisplayName -Type $UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes -DisplayNameRequest $user.DisplayName `
-IsSiteNotPrivateExtension $UserInfoCopy.CSVPhoneExtensionType_S_P -Extension $UserInfoCopy.PrivateExtension `
-PublicNumber $UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber -PrivateNumber $UserInfoCopy.CSVtelephoneNumber `
-SiteCode $UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode -LastName $UserInfoCopy.CSVLastName
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVDisplayName
Write-Host 'SAM Account Name'
$MySAM = Get-UserSAMAccountName -Type $UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes -SAM $User.SamAccountName -DisplayName $UserInfoCopy.CSVDisplayName -LastName $UserInfoCopy.CSVLastName -FirstName $UserInfoCopy.CSVFirstName
$UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountNameFound = if ($MySAM.SamAccountName.Length -ne 0) {$true} else {$false}
Write-host 'AD Account Found: ' + $UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountNameFound
$UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountName = $MySAM.SamAccountName
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountName
#Phone Number is already in use
if (($PhoneNumberIsInUse) -and ($UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountNameFound))
( (get-csuser $UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountName).lineuri -eq $UserInfoCopy.LineuriPrivate ) -and ($UserInfoCopy.CSVPhoneExtensionType_S_P -eq $False)
) `
( (get-csuser $UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountName).lineuri -eq $UserInfoCopy.Lineuri ) -and ($UserInfoCopy.CSVPhoneExtensionType_S_P -eq $True)
#The current user is assigned the phone number and we are allowed to Proceed
#Nothing needs done to allow this
"Telephone Number $($User.telephoneNumber) is already in use. Please remove the number from active use or change the phone number being assigned."; "This record will not be Processed"
#Phone number is in use
#We do not want the script to stop rather ignore the user account
$UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountNameFound = $false #This is a partial solution as it will only stop User Account Modifications not the others
$UserInfoCopy.AllowRecordToConinueNoErrorsFound = $false #This will be a new parameter used
#write-host "Telephone Number $($User.telephoneNumber) is already in use. Please remove the number from active use or change the phone number being assigned."; break
$UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumberOriginal = $MySAM.telephoneNumberOrigional
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.telephoneNumberOriginal
$UserInfoCopy.CSVMail = $MySAM.mail
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVMail
$ = $
Write-host $
Write-Host 'SIP'
$UserInfoCopy.CSVSIP =
if ($UserInfoCopy.CSVPhoneExtensionType_S_P)
Get-SIPAddress -Type $UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes -SAM $UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountName -LastName $UserInfoCopy.CSVLastName -FirstName $UserInfoCopy.CSVFirstName -SiteCode $UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode -LineURI $UserInfoCopy.Lineuri
Get-SIPAddress -Type $UserInfoCopy.CSVAccountTypes -SAM $UserInfoCopy.CSVSamAccountName -LastName $UserInfoCopy.CSVLastName -FirstName $UserInfoCopy.CSVFirstName -SiteCode $UserInfoCopy.CSVSiteCode -LineURI $UserInfoCopy.LineuriPrivate
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVSIP
if ($User.ExtensionAttribute7.length -ne 0)
$UserInfoCopy.CSVExtensionAttribute7 = [String]::Format('+{0:#-###-###-####}',([int64]($User.ExtensionAttribute7 -replace "[^0-9]")))
Write-host $UserInfoCopy.CSVExtensionAttribute7
$UserInfoCopy | Select-Object -Property *
Write-Host '#####################################################'
$UserInfoCopy | Select-Object -Property * | Write-Host
Write-Host '#####################################################'
Write-Host ($UserInfoCopy | Select-Object -Property *)
$UserInfoArray += $UserInfoCopy
$UserInfoArray | Export-CSV $LOG_csv
#$UserInfoArray | Export-CSV $LOG_csv
$return = $UserInfoArray
Return $return
Function Invoke-MRC_CSSkypeObjects_ImportCSV
param ($Import_CSVFile = $Import_CSV, [bool]$ValidateOnly = $false, $Export_ValidatedObjectCSVFile = $LOG_csv)
$FileNameTranscript = "C:\ScriptOut\Transcript-SkypeObject-CompanyPolicies-$((get-date).toString(‘yyyyMMdd-HHmmss’)).log"
Start-Transcript -Path $FileNameTranscript -Append
Write-Host '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Write-Host ' Validating the CSV File'
Write-Host '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
$UserInfoArraySet = ''
$CSVusers=Import-Csv $Import_CSVFile
$UserInfoArraySet = (Get-CSUserStandardsValidatedSet -users $CSVusers | Select -Unique)
$UserInfoArraySet | Export-CSV $Export_ValidatedObjectCSVFile
if ($ValidateOnly -eq $false)
Set-MRC_SkypeWorkFlow_ProcessObjectModification -users $UserInfoArraySet
{ #Return the Validate object Details
Return $UserInfoArraySet

Powershell Script Limiting OU search for Active/Disabled users

I currently have a script that is functional with the exception of two search features. The Active user search which is limited to two OUs, and the Disabled user which is limited to a separate 2 OUs. This is all contained within a while loop that performs a search of all of AD. I am having difficulty getting these two sub-searches to work. They return the result of all of AD users no matter what. I have several different renditions in the Disabled search.
I am trying to get it to search the specific OU for user, if not present, display message saying user not found.
#Requires -Version 2.0
#Connection and Startup Strings
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
#-Set Window title
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + " - " + (Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).LastWriteTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss")
#Requires -Version 2.0
$ADServer = ''
$Aous = 'OU=Users,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com','OU=Onboarding,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
$Dous = 'OU=Terminated,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com', 'OU=Disability Leave,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
$ADous = 'OU=Users,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com','OU=Onboarding,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com','OU=Terminated,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com', 'OU=Disability Leave,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
$Exportpath = "C:\domain\ExportADUsers\"
if(!(test-path $Exportpath)){ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Exportpath }
$Logfile = "C:\domain\UserSearch_errors.txt"
#-determine Service Desk agent; used in Signature as well as Push-Button
if($env:UserName -Match "x_\w.*"){ $SDAgent = $env:UserName.Substring(2) }
else{ $SDAgent = $env:UserName }
#--Prompt/menu strings
$noADuserErrorString = "`n---..-- No Account found in Active Directory --..---"
$promptActiveSearchString = " - Enter the employee username that you wish to search the Active OU's for"
$promptDisabledSearchString = " - Enter the employee username that you wish to search the Disabled OU's for"
$emptyInput = "No entry specified, please retype request."
$cancelOnboardForm = "Exiting Onboarding form. No actions taken."
$script:TESTING = $False
function testing-message
Write-Host "script:TESTING is currently : " -NoNewline
if($script:TESTING){ Write-Host "TRUE" -ForegroundColor Red }
else { Write-Host "FALSE" -ForegroundColor Green }
Write-Host "`n`n**********************`n**`n** " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Welcome, $SDAgent ($env:UserName)"
Write-Host "**`n********`n" -ForegroundColor Green
$SelectString = "Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container}}, homeDirectory"
function SelectStandard
#-trying to create function to standardize output for various search modes
Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container}}, homeDirectory
function Show-Error
#- NOTE: add "-ErrorAction Stop" switch to force terminating error
Write-Host " |====================="
Write-Host " |"
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Caught an exception:" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Exception Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Exception Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " | " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Exception Error[0]: $($error[0])" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " |"
Write-Host " |====================="
function Show-Prompt
$prompttime = Get-Date -format T
$prompttime = Get-Date -format hh:mm:ss
Write-Host " `n<" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$prompttime" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
Write-Host ">" -NoNewline
Write-Host " Enter the username you would like to lookup: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline
# Write-Host " `n[ $prompttime ] Enter the username you would like to lookup: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
# main loop
$username = Read-Host
$username = $username.Trim()
#-ignore blank
elseif (($username -Match "^\s+$") -or ($username -eq '')){
Write-Host $emptyInput
#-Search Active OU's
elseif ($username -eq 'Active'){
$usra = Read-Host -prompt $promptActiveSearchString
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$activecorp = Get-QADUser $usra -Searchroot $aous | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
if (!$activecorp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
$username = $usra #~why?
#-Search Terminated & Disability Leave OU's
elseif ($username -eq 'Disabled'){
$usra = Read-Host -prompt $promptDisabledSearchString
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$validUsername = $False
Get-ADUser -Server $ADServer -Searchbase $Dous | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
$validUsername = $True
Write-Host "$usra $noADuserErrorString" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
$validUsername = $False
$username = $usra
$usra = Read-Host -prompt $promptDisabledSearchString
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$discorp = Get-QADUser $usra -Searchroot $dous | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
if (!$discorp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
#$username = $usra #~why?
Return $discorp
foreach($AllADUsers in $ADous){Get-ADUser -server $ADServer `
-SearchBase $AllADUsers `
-Filter * -Properties * |
#-if starts with a number, assume phone number mode
elseif ($username -Match "^\d.*"){
$phoneno = $username
# Connect-QADService
$phonecorp = Get-QADUser -Enabled -telephonenumber "*$phoneno" | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container} }
if (!$phonecorp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
#-Get employee ID
elseif ($username -eq 'gid'){
$usra = Read-Host -prompt " - Enter the employee username that you wish to get the Employee ID for"
$usra = $usra.Trim()
$validUsername = $False
Get-ADUser $usra -Properties EmployeeID | Select EmployeeID
$validUsername = $True
Write-Host "[$usra] is not a valid username. Username must match EXACTLY." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
$validUsername = $False
$username = $usra
#-Exit script gracefully
elseif ($username -eq 'Exit'){
#-perform basic search
# Write-Host "`n - basic search - " #-for testing, to verify elseif as well as to prove Active/Disabled options are not working as intended
# Connect-QADService
$corp = Get-QADUser $username | Select Domain, Displayname, Description, AccountExpires, PasswordLastSet, Lastlogon, AccountIsDisabled, AccountIsLockedOut, PasswordNeverExpires, UserMustChangePassword, AccountIsExpired, PasswordIsExpired, AccountExpirationStatus, UserPrincipalName, #{l='DN'; e={Find-Container}}, homeDirectory, #{n="ManagerName";e={(Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Manager -properties DisplayName).DisplayName}}
if (!$corp) { Write-Host $noADuserErrorString -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black }
I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to do, but I do see a couple problems in your code.
I can't speak to the Quest cmdlets, but I can speak to Get-ADUser.
The SearchBase parameter takes a sting, but you've declared $Dous as an array:
$Dous = 'OU=Terminated,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com', 'OU=Disability Leave,OU=Production,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
Then passed it to Get-ADUser:
Get-ADUser -Server $ADServer -Searchbase $Dous
That's not going to work. You need to run Get-ADUser once for each OU.
You also need to set the Filter parameter, even if you just set it to * to get every user:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Server $ADServer -Searchbase 'OU=Terminated,DC=childdomain,DC=domain,DC=com'
But you may want to set Filter differently if you know the name of the account you're looking for.

Create a save button in winforms

I am attempting to create a button that would save a file to desktop. The incoming file is fetched with an Invoke-WebRequest using the GET method. I want the save button to be in my pop-up window.
Here is an example:
Side note:
This code is sitting in a switch with a variable split three ways.
switch (...) {
p {
if ($second -match 'RegexMatch') {
$resource = $second
$fileResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$resource/file -WebSession $currentsession
# End API Call
Write-Host '------------' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host 'FILE Results' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host '------------' -ForegroundColor Green
# Create Window
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$form = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Form
$form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
$form.KeyPreview = $true
$form.Add_KeyDown {
if ($_.Control -and $_.KeyCode -eq 'F') {
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
$stringToFind = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox('Please enter your search terms', 'Find')
$pos = $textBox.Text.IndexOf($stringToFind)
if ($pos -ne -1) {
$textBox.SelectionStart = $pos
$textBox.SelectionLength = $stringToFind.Length
# Textbox
$textBox = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$textBox.Dock = [Windows.Forms.DockStyle]::Fill
$textBox.ReadOnly =$true
$textBox.Multiline = $true
$textBox.ScrollBars = 'Vertical'
$textBox.Font = New-Object -TypeName System.Drawing.Font -ArgumentList ('Arial',12)
$textBox.ForeColor = 'White'
$textBox.Text = $fileResult
$textBox.BackColor = 'Black'
$textBox.ShortcutsEnabled = $true
# Button
$btn = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Button
$btn.Text = 'Finish'
$btn.DialogResult = 'Ok'
$btn.Dock = 'bottom'
if ($form.ShowDialog() -eq 'Ok') {
} else {
Write-Warning -Message 'Please enter a valid FILE ID'
I want to add an option for the user to download the file for a closer look in a different application.
How would I begin to create a button utilizing winforms in powershell to save this file to disk?
Here is what I have tried:
$BtnSave=New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Button
$SaveFileDialog = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog'
if ($SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() -eq 'Ok')
$textBox.Text = $SaveFileDialog.FileName
Write-Information 'File Saved'
New Problem:
File is not saving to disk still, but the save file dialog does show up on click. In addition, using Switch -OutFile with my Invoke-WebRequest is shooting me an error.
Invoke-WebRequest : Missing an argument for parameter 'OutFile'. Specify a parameter of type 'System.String' and try again.
After adding a button where you want in the form, the Add_Click() method will allow you to handle its click event and run any scriptblock you want (when button is clicked).
At this point, the -OutFile argument for Invoke-WebRequest will help with saving the downloaded file to disk (pass it the desired path to the file).

Upload file from my local system on Sharepoint

Please help me with the complete batch file code:
I want to upload file(.xls,csv) onto Sharepoint server using batch file. It should perform:
a> Do a check to see in the sharepoint location if the file exist. If exist then do nothing.
b> If the file do not exist, then
1.check the local if the file is present in this location or not. If yes then simply upload it n sharepoint.
2.Step a. again
This batch file will be triggered by windows schedular every 20 mins.
My goal is to upload the files the moment they get generated.
Request you to please help me with the correct code logic which I can implement.
Thankyou for the help n support!
Take a look of the SharePoint Multiple File Upload Script;
function Copy-FilestoSP
Param (
#Get web and document library objects
$web = Get-SPWeb $SiteUrl
$docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
#Load metadata manifest file, if specified
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ManifestFilePath')) {
$metadataManifest = [xml] (Get-Content ($ManifestFilePath))
write-host "Manifest file not specified for categorising uploaded documents"
#Check for the LibraryStartFolder parameter to specify a root folder
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LibraryStartFolder')) {
$folder = $web.GetFolder($docLibrary.Title + $LibraryStartFolder)
$folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder
#Attach to local folder and enumerate through all files
if($IncludeSubFolders) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath -Recurse
$files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath
$files | ForEach-Object {
#Check if the object is a folder - if so, create it in doc library
if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
if (($IncludeSubFolders) -and (!$FlattenStructure)) {
#Generate folder path for creation in SharePoint
#by looking at the parent folder on the local path
$spFolderPath = ($_.Parent.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
#Get the folder into which the new folder will be created
#by adding the folder path generated above, if one existed
if ($spFolderPath -eq "") {
$currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url)
$currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url + $spFolderPath)
#Check to see if subfolder already exists
#and create it if not
$testFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders[$_.Name]
if ($testFolder -eq $null) {
write-host "`nAdding folder" $_.Name "to" $docLibrary.Title "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
$newFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders.Add($_.Name)
write-host "`nFolder" $_.Name "already exists in" $docLibrary.Title "and shall not be created" -foregroundcolor Red
#Generate file path for upload into SharePoint
if ($FlattenStructure) {
$spFilePath = ("/" + $_.Name)
$spFilePath = ($_.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
$spFullPath = $folder.Url + $spFilePath
#Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
if ((!$web.GetFile($spFullPath).Exists) -or ($Overwrite)) {
#Add file
write-host "`nCopying" $_.Name "to" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($spFullPath, $_.OpenRead(), $true)
$spItem = $spFile.Item
#Walk through manifest XML file and configure column values on the file
$metadataManifest.Columns.Column | ForEach-Object {
#Single value text columns
if (($_.Type -eq "Text") -or
($_.Type -eq "Choice") -or
($_.Type -eq "Boolean") -or
($_.Type -eq "Number") -or
($_.Type -eq "Currency")) {
$columnName = $_.Name
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$spItem[$columnName] = $_
write-host "Value set to"$_
catch {}
#Multiple line text column
if ($_.Type -eq "Note") {
$columnName = $_.Name
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
[string]$multiLineValue = $null
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$multiLineValue = $multiLineValue + $_ + "`n"
$spItem[$columnName] = $multiLineValue
write-host "Value on multiiple line text column set"
catch {}
#Multiple choice columns
if ($_.Type -eq "MultiChoice") {
$columnName = $_.Name
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
[string]$multiChoiceValue = ";#"
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$multiChoiceValue = $multiChoiceValue + $_ + ";#"
write-host "Value"$_ "added to column"
$spItem[$columnName] = $multiChoiceValue
catch {}
#Hyperlink columns
if ($_.Type -eq "URL") {
$columnName = $_.Name
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$urlFieldValue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUrlValue
$_.Values.Description | ForEach-Object {
$urlFieldValue.Description = $_
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$urlFieldValue.Url = $_
$spItem[$columnName] = $urlFieldValue
write-host "Value set to"$urlFieldValue.Url
catch {}
#Single User column
if ($_.Type -eq "User") {
$columnName = $_.Name
$user = $null
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
#Check to see if SharePoint group exists in the site collection
if ($web.SiteGroups[$_])
#Set account variable to SPGroup
$account = $web.SiteGroups[$_]
#Set account variable to SPUser
$account = $web.EnsureUser($_)
$spItem[$columnName] = $account
write-host "Value set to"$_
catch {}
#Multiple User column
if ($_.Type -eq "UserMulti") {
$columnName = $_.Name
$user = $null
$userField = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUserValueCollection
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
#Check to see if SharePoint group exists in the site collection
if ($web.SiteGroups[$_])
#Set account variable to SPGroup
$account = $web.SiteGroups[$_]
#Set account variable to SPUser
$account = $web.EnsureUser($_)
$userValue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUserValue($web, $account.ID, $account.Name)
write-host "Value"$_ "added to column"
$spItem[$columnName] = $userField
catch {}
#Single value Managed Metadata column
if ($_.Type -eq "TaxonomyFieldType") {
$columnName = $_.Name
$taxonomySession = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $web.Site
$termStore = $taxonomySession.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore
$taxonomyField = $docLibrary.Fields[$columnName]
$termSet = $termStore.GetTermSet($taxonomyField.TermSetId)
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$termCollection = $termSet.GetTerms($_, $true)
if ($termCollection.Count -eq 0)
$term = $termSet.CreateTerm($_, 1033)
$term = $termCollection[0]
$taxonomyField.SetFieldValue($spItem, $term)
write-host "Value set to"$_
catch {}
#Multi value Managed Metadata column
if ($_.Type -eq "TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti") {
$columnName = $_.Name
$taxonomySession = Get-SPTaxonomySession -Site $web.Site
$termStore = $taxonomySession.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore
$taxonomyField = $docLibrary.Fields[$columnName]
$tfvc = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValueCollection($taxonomyField)
$termSet = $termStore.GetTermSet($taxonomyField.TermSetId)
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$termCollection = $termSet.GetTerms($_, $true)
if ($termCollection.Count -eq 0)
$term = $termSet.CreateTerm($_, 1033)
$term = $termCollection[0]
$valueString = "-1;#" + $term.Name + "|" + $term.Id.ToString()
$taxonomyValue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue($valueString)
write-host "Value"$_ "added to column"
$taxonomyField.SetFieldValue($spItem, $tfvc)
catch {}
#Update document with new column values
#Check in file to document library (if required)
#MinorCheckIn=0, MajorCheckIn=1, OverwriteCheckIn=2
if ($CheckIn) {
if ($spFile.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
$spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 1)
write-host $spfile.Name"checked in"
#Approve file (if required)
if ($Approve) {
if ($spItem.ListItems.List.EnableModeration -eq $true) {
$spFile.Approve("File automatically approved after copying from " + $filePath)
if ($spItem["Approval Status"] -eq 0) { write-host $spfile.Name"approved" }
write-host "`nFile"$_.Name "already exists in" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "and shall not be uploaded" -foregroundcolor Red
catch [System.SystemException]
write-host "The script has stopped because there has been an error. "$_.Message
write-host "SharePoint 2010 Multiple File Upload Script -"
More information is available in CodePlex;

Powershell - How to include array data with flat file

I am creating a csv flat with some data. One of the column is content type which may have one or more content types in the column (string values). How do I include all the values from the array object into the flat file but with the respected row? See the code below... I passed $ct to the add-content but flat file does not have the content type data in it. when I do write-host for $ct I see that it has values. Please suggest.
#For Output file generation
$OutputFN = "Libraries.csv"
#delete the file, If already exist!
if (Test-Path $OutputFN)
Remove-Item $OutputFN
#Write the CSV Headers
Add-Content $OutputFN "Web URL, Site Name, Library Name, Content Types"
$systemlibs =#("Converted Forms", "Customized Reports", "Documents", "Form Templates",
"Images", "List Template Gallery", "Master Page Gallery", "Pages",
"Reporting Templates", "Site Assets", "Site Collection Documents",
"Site Collection Images", "Site Pages", "Solution Gallery",
"Style Library", "Theme Gallery", "Web Part Gallery", "wfpub")
#Get the Site collection
$Site= Get-SPSite ""
$spWebApp = $Site.WebApplication
foreach($allSites in $spWebApp.Sites)
#Loop through all Sub Sites
foreach($Web in $allSites.AllWebs)
#Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------"
#Write-Host "Site Name: '$($web.Title)' at $($web.URL)"
#Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------"
foreach($list in $Web.Lists)
if($list.BaseTemplate -eq "DocumentLibrary" -and $list.AllowContentTypes -eq $true)
if(-not ($systemlibs -Contains $list.Title))
if ($list.AllowContentTypes -eq $true)
$ct = #()
foreach ($contenttype in $list.ContentTypes)
$ctProperties = #{ContentType = $contenttype.Name}
$ctObject = New-Object PSObject -Property $ctProperties
#write-host $ct
$ct += $ctObject
#write-host $ct
#Write-Host "$($web.URL), $($web.Title), $($list.Title), $ct"
write-host $ct
#Write-Host "$($web.URL), $($web.Title), $($list.Title), $($ct)"
$content = $web.URL + "," + $web.Title +"," + $list.Title +"," + $ct
add-content $OutputFN $content
If you wanted to include data in a csv file that could be later converted to an array you could just store it as a delimited string. The delimiter obviously cannot be the same as the one you are using in your flat file. In its basic form you could be using -split and -join
$array = #("a","b","c")
Add-Content $path ($array -join ";")
In context we could make a couple of changes for the better. In place of this if statement
if ($list.AllowContentTypes -eq $true){
# Stuff happens here
You could instead do the following.
if ($list.AllowContentTypes -eq $true){
$ct = $list.ContentTypes | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$content = "$($web.URL), $($web.Title), $($list.Title), $($ct -join ";")"
add-content $OutputFN $content
You could take this farther using Objects and ConvertTo-CSV but lets be sure we are on the right track first.
