How to hydrate server-side parameters with React + Redux - reactjs

I have a universal React app that is using Redux and React Router. Some of my routes include parameters that, on the client, will trigger an AJAX request to hydrate the data for display. On the server, these requests could be fulfilled synchronously, and rendered on the first request.
The problem I'm running into is this: By the time any lifecycle method (e.g. componentWillMount) is called on a routed component, it's too late to dispatch a Redux action that will be reflected in the first render.
Here is a simplified view of my server-side rendering code:
export default getRoutes (store) {
return (
<Route path='/' component={App}>
<Route path='foo' component={FooLayout}>
<Route path='view/:id' component={FooViewContainer} />
let store = configureStore()
let routes = getRoutes()
let history = createMemoryHistory(req.path)
let location = req.originalUrl
match({ history, routes, location }, (err, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
if (redirectLocation) {
// redirect
} else if (err) {
// 500
} else if (!renderProps) {
// 404
} else {
let bodyMarkup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
<Provider store={store}>
<RouterContext {...renderProps} />
res.status(200).send('<!DOCTYPE html>' +
ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(<Html body={bodyMarkup} />))
When the FooViewContainer component is constructed on the server, its props for the first render will already be fixed. Any action I dispatch to the store will not be reflected in the first call to render(), which means that they won't be reflected in what's delivered on the page request.
The id parameter that React Router passes along isn't, by itself, useful for that first render. I need to synchronously hydrate that value into a proper object. Where should I put this hydration?
One solution would be to put it, inline, inside the render() method, for instances where it's invoked on the server. This seems obviously incorrect to me because 1) it semantically makes no sense, and 2) whatever data it collects wouldn't be properly dispatched to the store.
Another solution which I have seen is to add a static fetchData method to each of the container components in the Router chain. e.g. something like this:
class FooViewContainer extends React.Component {
static fetchData (query, params, store, history) {
let { query, params } = renderProps
renderProps.components.forEach(comp =>
if (comp.WrappedComponent && comp.WrappedComponent.fetchData) {
comp.WrappedComponent.fetchData(query, params, store, history)
I feel there must be better approach than this. Not only does it seem to be fairly inelegant (is .WrappedComponent a dependable interface?), but it also doesn't work with higher-order components. If any of the routed component classes is wrapped by anything other than connect() this will stop working.
What am I missing here?

I recently wrote an article around this requirement, but it does require the use of redux-sagas. It does pickup from the point of view of redux-thunks and using this static fetchData/need pattern.
I think this saga approach is far more cleaner and simpler to reason about but that might just be my opinion :)

There doesn't appear to be a more idiomatic way to do this than the fetchData approach I included in my original question. Although it still seems inelegant to me, it has fewer problems than I initially realized:
.WrappedComponent is a stable interface, but the reference isn't needed anyway. The Redux connect function automatically hoists any static methods from the original class into its wrapper.
Any other higher-order component that wraps a Redux-bound container also needs to hoist (or pass through) any static methods.
There may be other considerations I am not seeing, but I've settled on a helper method like this in my server.js file:
function prefetchComponentData (renderProps, store) {
let { params, components, location } = renderProps
components.forEach(componentClass => {
if (componentClass && typeof componentClass.prefetchData === 'function') {
componentClass.prefetchData({ store, params, location })


Passing data from the Redux store, as Props, to an unknown number of routes

Here is the situation:
I am getting an unknown amount of data from a service and putting it in my Redux store
Each data-point will have its own route /:rid
The route is setup like this <Route path=':rid' component={Restaurant}/> using react-router (v3) -- see full render method below
I'd like to be able to pass the correspond data about the specific restaurant, the one whose route was navigated to, to the Restaurant component as props so it can render the component with the correct information for that restaurant
Right now my solution is to pass all the restaurants from the store into the Restaurant component as props this.props.restaurants. Then in componentWillReceiveProps I loop over all the restaurants in this.props.restaurants and check to see if the rid of each restaurant is equal to the this.props.routeParams ie :rid. If it is I then set that state to contain the data I want to show and reference as opposed to the data being on `'
Is there another way to do this? Right now it's not a performance issue but I can imagine looping over and arbitrarily large data set could lead to so serious load times. Also, it just seems like there should be a way for react-router to pass in this data as props so I can keep this component stateless.
Ideally, something like this would happen:
a request is made to /1234
react-router in my index.js consults/queries the redux store and finds the data for the restaurant with rid 1234 and passes it as props to the component it renders
I imagine it looking something like this <Route path=':rid' component={<Restaurant {...matchedRestaurant} />}/>
Perhaps this questioning can be asked in short like, how do I make a unknown number of routes such that when one is navigated to it is rendered with the data for that corresponding restaurant as props?
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.props.restaurants.forEach((restaurant) => {
if(restaurant.rid == nextProps.routeParams.rid) this.setState({name:})
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={hashHistory}>
<Route path='/' component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={RestaurantList} />
<Route path=':rid' component={Restaurant}/>
Instead of having react-router figure this out for you, you should be using selectors (and potentially a package like reselect). Reselect even has a section on how to base your selector on props (in this case like the routerParams.rid):
For the non-Reselect solution, you could simply change the connect in your Restaurant component like so:
#connect((state, props) => {
return {
restaurants: => {
return restaurant.rid == props.routeParams.rid
As #Sean Kwon commented, you should also normalize your data which would make this selector trivial:
#connect((state, props) => {
return {
Assuming you have connected your action via mapDispatchToProps, you organize your store and async actions so that this can be possible.
componentDidMount() {
The store will then update your component with the corresponding restaurant data. This way, you're calling some kind of action to get the corresponding data whilst reducing the need to use the component state, which you should try to avoid in order to keep your state centralized.
Otherwise, for a quick and dirty solution, you can just do this really quickly.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
var name = => res.rid === nextProps.routeParams.rid)
this.setState({name: name})

How to pass JSON to Redux -> React Component

I am building an app from this boilerplate:
I am hitting an API that requires a Secret Key, so I am going to Fetch the JSON via Express (server.js) and pass it to my component as props.
How do I glue everything together to get the JSON in as props?
I tried just to pass some Dummy JSON
app.get('yourinfo', (req, res) => {
res.json({ 'a': 'Some JSON' });
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Match exactly pattern="/yourinfo" component={App} />
And I don't get anything rendered in when I inspect this.props.
Any ideas?
Remember when using redux that your application's state is stored in the redux state. And all changes to the state are done through actions which are dispatched.
So, to save your API key in your application's state, just create an action & dispatch it:
// the "save API key" action
export function saveAPIKey(key) {
return {
// to use the loadAPIKey action, dispatch it
import store from './store/store';
import { saveAPIKey } from './path/to/actions';
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => store.dispatch(saveAPIKey(data.key)));
That's the basic idea, but there is a simpler way of doing it. If you read through the redux docs on async actions you'll see that you can use the redux-thunk package to create an action that behaves asynchronously. It looks a little more complicated, but it has the advantage of putting all the code handling the asynchronous actions in one place, rather than spreading fetch calls throughout your code.

Sync redux store with react-router route location (update header on route change)

I am using react-router-redux and I'm trying to update the header of my app, that receives it's state from the store, whenever the route changes (##router/UPDATE_LOCATION)
Currently I'm dispatching actions in a componentWillMount like:
componentWillMount() {
this.props.appActions.setHeader('New Block')
When I manually set the header in componentWillMount on route /blocks/new, and it is a child of a route 'blocks', who both have a different header, it doesn't work when I go back in history, because the component of route blocks does not mount again, it is still mounted. Thus the header is still New Block. And not what its own header was before, when blocks mounted, and new was still unmounted as child.
(And when I try to reverse time with the redux-devtools, what seems to happen then, every time I go back to a point where a component mounts again, it will dispatch the action again, and the devtool will receive another dispatch.)
The routes:
<Route path="begin" component={PlayerBeginContainer}>
<IndexRoute component={PlayerOverview}/>
<Route path="blocks" component={PlayerBlocks}>
<Route path="new" component={PlayerNewBlock}/>
I've tried to sync the store whenever a route changes, but:
if (action && action.type === UPDATE_LOCATION) {
let path = action.payload.pathname.split('/')
// Laboriously iterate through array to figure out what the new header state should be.
// i.e. if (1 in split && split[1] === 'routeName')
// or let lastPath = path[path.length - 1]
// and getting parentPath would require more checking of whether it is the parent itself or not etc.
// appHeader = 'routeHeader'
return Object.assign({}, state, { appHeader: appHeader});
This gets very tedious when you just need it to trigger on a specific sub-route,
And I want to avoid making another nested structure, while I already have that defined in the router.
In the header I can't use anything other than this.props.location.pathname either to try and figure out which route i'm on, and the components themselves should not bother with setting the header themselves (i.e. in componentWillMount).
Last option would be to use the router onEnter, but I'd like to keep the router clean, but perhaps I need to compromise on this.
Is there something I'm missing here? Or some sort of lib that can help me with this?
TL;DR: How can I make my header component aware of which route we are on, without having to break down the location.pathname to figure out where we are?
This is code from one of my codebases. In this app i use hash history, but i think you could do same thing with other history objects too.
import {hashHistory} from 'react-router';
import {syncHistoryWithStore} from 'react-router-redux';
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(hashHistory, store);
history.listen(location => {
// here you can do something after location is updated
<Router history={history}>
and then in you components you can get some info from state.routing:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
current: state.routing.locationBeforeTransitions.pathname,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App);
To change route from some component, do this:
import {push} from 'react-router-redux';

Pass object through Link in react router

I found this question, which describes exactly what I was looking for...
Pass object through Link in react router
Is it possible to pass an object via Link component in react-router?
Something like:
<Link to='home' params={{myObj: obj}}> Click </Link>
In the same way as I would pass props from the Parent to Child component.
If it's not possible what is the best way of achieving this:
I have a React + Flux app, and I render the table with some data. What I am trying to do is when I click on one of the rows it would take me to some details component for this row. The row has all of the data I need so I thought it would be great if I could just pass it through Link.
The other option would be to pass the id of the row in the url, read it in the details component and request the data from the store for by ID.
Not sure what is the best way of achieving the above...
I agree with the author's conclusion, meaning: instead of passing an object, we should pass an id. I am however struggling with where on the next component I should perform that lookup, possibly in an onload method where I define mapDispatchToProps.
However, I don't know how to access the state from there to see if the object is in the state so I can retrieve it from an api call if it isn't in the state. Does that belong here or in the action? If it is in the action, how do I get it there. This seems like it would be a very basic pattern and I am missing something.
You use it with redux-thunk and you can make action for the router.
I mean something like this
export const boundAllStreams = (nextState, replaceState) => reqStreams(;
So you can see I use the params game and change the state with
export const reqStreams = game => {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.end((err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
return {
type: types.RECEIVE_STREAMS,
payload: promise
Here this is my reducer where I got my params from the router action.
After you need to do something like this, you bind your action and make it a object.
const boundRouteActions = bindActionCreators(routeActions, store.dispatch);
And finally in the router you can dispatch the action with the onEnter api from react-router
<Route path=":game">
onEnter={boundRouteActions.boundAllStreams} />
Hope that can help you ;). I know I just show you code but I'm sure that can help yo figured out how to implement this ;)

Where and How to request data asynchronously to be passed down as props with React Router (v 1)

After reading many questions regarding this topic I am still unsure as to which is the best way to asynchronously fetch data which later will be passed down as props to the child routes with React Router v1.0.0 and up.
My route config looks something like this:
import { render } from 'react-dom';
// more imports ...
<Route path="/" component={App} />
<IndexRoute component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path="userpanel" component={UserPanel}/>
In my App component I have code which asynchronously fetches data from the backend and will incorporate it into its state, if fetching was successful. I use componentDidMount for this within App.
The state of App will look like this contrived example:
user: {
name: 'Mike Smith',
email: ''
I would want to pass the user part of state as props to my IndexRoute and the userpanel route. However I am not sure how I should do this.
A few questions come to mind:
Should I place the async data request somewhere else within my code?
Should I use the React Router api (like onEnter) instead of React lifecycle methods for the data fetching?
How can I pass the state (user) of App to the Dashboard and UserPanel components as props?
I am unsure how to do this with React.cloneElement as seen in other answers.
Thanks for the help in advance.
What you are asking for is persistent data between routes and that's not the job of the router.
You should create a store (in flux terms), or a model/collection (in MVC terms) - the usual approach with react is something flux-like. I recommend redux.
In the redux docs it has an example of fetching a reddit user:
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch, selectedReddit } = this.props
Personally I don't think flux/redux is the easiest approach to implement, but it scales well. The essential concept is even if you decide to use something else:
You are correct, as Facebook suggests, async fetching goes best in componentDidMount.
If you want to integrate with other JavaScript frameworks, set timers using setTimeout or setInterval, or send AJAX requests, perform those operations in this method.
Next you need to set this data in a store/model which can be accessed from other components.
The nice thing about redux (with react-redux) is that for each component you can say "Here are the actions this component is interested in" and then that component can simply call the action like UserActions.fetchUserIfNeeded() and the action will figure out whether it already has the user or if it should be fetched, and afterwards it will re-render and the prop will be available.
Answer to Q4: What are you trying to clone and why? If it's a child see this answer.
You can do one thing when your application start at that time you will call the API and fetch the data and register your Route like
my index.js is entry file then
here I have used React-Router 0.13.3 you can change the syntax as per new Router
var TaskData=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(items.json.Tasks));
var Data=[];
if(TaskData[task].PageName !=='' && TaskData[task].PageUrl !=='')
var routes=require('./routes')(Data);
React.render(<Handler />,document.getElementById('root'));
React.render(<UserRoles />, document.getElementById("userrole"));
I have pass the data to routes.js file like var routes=require('./routes')(Data); and my routes.js file look like
export default (data =>
<Route name="App" path="/" handler={App}>
<NotFoundRoute handler={require('./pages/PageNotFound')} />
<Route handler={TaskList} data={data} >
{ =>
<Route name={task.PageName} path={task.path} handler={require(task.PageUrl)}>
) }
I am not entirely sure I understand the question, but I just recently passed properties to the children of my routes as well. Pardon me if this is not the best way of doing it, but you'll have to clone your children and edit them and then pass down the copies not the children. I'm not sure why react and the react router make you do this, but try this:
let children (or whatever you want to name it) =, (child) => {
return React.cloneElement(child, {name of property: property value});
Afterwards, you should be able to access those properties in this.props in the sub routes. Please ask if you have any questions because this is pretty confusing.
