Use same functions over different arrays in Angular directive - angularjs

I'm really new to AngularJS and I'm having difficulties when trying to reuse functions over different arrays,actually its just one array and it has 2 more inside him.Can anyone tell me where I'm wrong,please.Thank you.
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as mainCtrl">
<my-dates ng-repeat="item in mainCtrl.list"></my-dates>
app.directive('myDates', function() {
return {
// scope:{options:'&'},
template:'<table class="myTable">' +
'<th><input type="checkbox" ng-model="selectedAll" ng-click="mainCtrl.checkAll()"></th>'+
'<th>Start Date:</th>'+
'<th>End Date:</th>'+
'<tr ng-repeat = "items in item">'+
'<td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="items.selected"></td>'+
'<button class="myButton" ng-click="mainCtrl.add()">Add element</button>'+
'<button class="myButton" ng-click="mainCtrl.remove()">Remove element</button>'
app.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $modal ,$log) {
var self = this;
self.list = [[{start:1,end:15,hours:7,selected: false},{start:2,end:14,hours:6,selected: false},{start:3,end:13,hours:5,selected: false},{start:1,end:15,hours:7,selected: false},{start:2,end:14,hours:6,selected: false},{start:3,end:13,hours:5,selected: false}],
[{start:1,end:15,hours:7,selected: false},{start:1,end:15,hours:7,selected: false}]];
self.allSelected = false;
self.add = function () {
var modalInstance = ${
template: '<div class="modal-header"><h1>Add element to array</h1></div>'+
'<div class="modal-body">'+
'<span>Enter Start Date:</span>'+
'<input ng-model="object.start" type="text"/>'+
'<span>Enter End Date:</span>'+
'<input ng-model="object.end" type="text"/>'+
'<span>Enter Work Hours:</span>'+
'<input ng-model="object.hours" type="text"/>'+
'<div class="modal-footer">'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()">OK</button>'+
'<button class="btn btn-warning" type="button" ng-click="close()">Cancel</button>'+
controller: 'PopupCont',
resolve: {
items: function () {
return $scope.items;
modalInstance.result.then(function (object) {
}, function () {
$'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
self.remove = function() {
self.list = self.list.filter(
function(item) {
return !item.selected
self.checkAll = function(){
if ($scope.selectedAll) {
$scope.selectedAll = true;
} else {
$scope.selectedAll = false;
angular.forEach(self.list, function(item) {
item.selected = $scope.selectedAll;
app.controller('PopupCont', ['$scope','$modalInstance',function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.object = {start:undefined,end:undefined,hours:undefined};
$scope.ok = function () {
$scope.close = function () {

I think you want to do the following:
At the moment your code doesn't know which list to select, so a couple of changes:
'<button class="myButton" ng-click="mainCtrl.add($index)">Add element</button>'+
'<button class="myButton" ng-click="mainCtrl.remove($index)">Remove element</button>
Then in the add:
self.add = function (index) {
refer to the index:
modalInstance.result.then(function (object) {
}, function () {
$'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
And also in the remove:
self.remove = function(index) {
self.list[index] = self.list[index].filter(
function(item) {
return !item.selected
Is that what you want?


Select Always Returning First Item of List (AngularJS)

No matter what I select, this function only returns the first item of the list. As requested, I have included the complete JS code. I have looked through this code four hours and everything seems right to me. This is my first contact with Angular and any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
<div class="form-horizontal input-append">
<select name="selectedSharedTenantId" data-ng-model="selectedSharedTenantId">
<option data-ng-repeat="item in getFilteredTenants()" value="{{}}">{{item.displayName}}</option>
<button type="button" class="btn" ng-click="addSharedTenant();">
<i class="fas fa-plus"></i>
$scope.addSharedTenant = function () {
angular.module('directives.datasetEditor', [
.directive('datasetEditor', ['$modal', 'DatasetServices', function ($modal, DatasetServices) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
tenantId: '=',
tenants: '=',
originalModel: '=model',
callback: '&callback'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.model = scope.originalModel ? angular.copy(scope.originalModel) : {
entryType: 'Activity',
displayName: ''
var ModalInstanceCtrl = ['$scope', '$modalInstance',
function($scope, $modalInstance) {
var setSelectedSharedTenantId = function () {
var selectedTenant = $scope.getFilteredTenants()[0];
$scope.selectedSharedTenantId = selectedTenant ? : null;
$scope.getFilteredTenants = function () {
return _.filter($scope.tenants, function (o) {
return _.indexOf($scope.model.sharedTenantIds, == -1 && != $scope.tenantId;
$scope.getTenantById = function (id) {
return _.findWhere($scope.tenants, {
id: id
$scope.removedSharedTenant = function (id) {
$scope.model.sharedTenantIds = _.without($scope.model.sharedTenantIds, id);
var selectedTenant = $scope.getFilteredTenants()[0];
$scope.addSharedTenant = function () {
if ($scope.selectedSharedTenantId) {
if ($scope.model.sharedTenantIds == null) {
$scope.model.sharedTenantIds = [];
$scope.submit = function(isValid) {
if (isValid) {$scope.model).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
} else {
$scope.submitted = true;
$scope.cancel = function() {
$scope.submitted = false;
function open() {
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: '../pkg/wisdom/common/angular/directives/dataset-editor/index.html',
controller: ModalInstanceCtrl,
scope: scope
function(model) {
model: model
function() {
element.on('click', open);

isolate scope communication from directive to directive?

I am new to AngularJS and got confused with directive concept.
I am updating scope.markers in my second directive via $scope.delete function but changes are not reflecting on first directives,as I am using two way data binding isolate scope, so it should reflect. any solution will be a great help.
I have my first directive as:
app.directive('damageDiagram', function () {
return {
retrict: 'AE',
scope: {
imgsrc: '=', markers: '=', pointsrc: '=', dtype:'='
templateUrl: 'app/components/inspections/damage-diagram.html',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
and second directive as:
app.directive('damageMarker', function ($mdDialog,inspectionService,$timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
require: '?^damageDiagram',
scope: {
marker: '=',
pointsrc: '=',
markers: '='
template: '<img ng-src="{{pointsrc}}" />',
link: function (scope, elem, attr) {
function showDialog($event) {
var parentEl = angular.element(document.body);
$ ({
parent: parentEl,
targetEvent: $event,
'<form name="clientForm" novalidate >'+
'<md-dialog aria-label="List dialog">' +
' <md-dialog-content>'+
'<md-select ng-model="dtypeValue" class="dialog-close" placeholder="Select dtype">'+
'<md-option ng-repeat="opt in dtype">{{opt}}</md-option>'+
'<md-input-container class="md-block">'+
'<input required name="name" ng-model="comment" class="dialog-close">'+
'<div ng-messages="$error">'+
'<div ng-message="required">This is required.</div>'+
' </md-dialog-content>' +
' <div class="md-actions" layout="row" layout-align="end center">' +
' <md-button ng-click="closeDialog()" class="md-primary">' +
' Close' +
' </md-button>' +
'<md-button ng-disabled="clientForm.$invalid" ng-click = "save()" class="md-primary">'+
'<md-button ng-disabled="clientForm.$invalid" ng-click = "delete()" class="md-primary">'+
' </div>' +
controller: DialogController
function DialogController($scope, $mdDialog) {
$scope.dtypeValue = scope.dtype[scope.marker.dtype.toUpperCase()];
$scope.dtype = scope.dtype;
$scope.comment = scope.marker.comment;
$scope.marker = scope.marker;
$scope.closeDialog = function() {
$ = function(){
var dataSend = {}; = $;
dataSend.comment = $scope.comment;
for(var key in $scope.dtype) {
if($scope.dtype[key] == $scope.dtypeValue) {
dataSend.dtype = key;
console.debug("response ; "+response);
$mdDialog.hide(); =;
scope.marker.comment = response.comment;
scope.marker.dtype = response.dtype;
$scope.delete = function(){
var dataSend = {}; = $;
var param = {};
$timeout(function() {
scope.markers = response.results;
console.debug("response ; "+response);
console.log(, scope.marker.left, elem);
My html code for damage-diagram directive is as follows:
<damage-diagram imgsrc="imgsrc" pointsrc="pointsrc" dtype="dtype"
and my html code for damage-directive is as follow:
<div style="position:relative">
<img id="23467129" ng-src="{{imgsrc}}" style="position:relative" width="100%" />
<div ng-repeat="marker in markers"
controller is as follows:
app.controller('InspectionDetailCtrl', ['$scope', 'inspectionService', '$stateParams', 'Restangular','$rootScope',
function ($scope, inspectionService, $stateParams, Restangular, $rootScope) {
$scope.updateDamageImage = {};
$scope.insp_id = $stateParams.inspId;
$scope.damageImagesShow = false;
$scope.comments = [];
$scope.types = [];
$scope.selectTypeDelete = false;
$scope.commentDelete = false;
$scope.selectTypeDeleteBefore = true;
$scope.commentDeleteBefore = true;
console.log("Fetching details for scope", $scope.insp_id);
function init(insp_id)
inspectionService.inspections.customGET(insp_id, {type: 'full'})
.then(function (data) {
$scope.inspection = data;
}, function (err) {
$scope.inspection = null;
$scope.dtype = {
'S': 'Scratch (minor)',
'DS': 'Deep Scratch',
'D': 'Dents',
'WD': 'Wheel Damage',
'CW': 'Cracked Window',
'FT': 'Flat Tire',
'BL': 'Broken (lights)'
First of all two way binding in directive doesn't works like that any change reflected in main controller can be seen in directive but not other way any change in directive won't be reflected in main controller.
But there is a solution you can create an object in main controller
var x={};
x.value='to be passed in directive'
then you use same variable in directive since only once instance of object is created so any change in any directive will be reflected everywhere.

How to call controller method from custom directive in AngularJs

<div class="row" ng-app="myModule" ng-controller="multiselect">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div id="lob" ng-dropdown-multiselect="" extra-settings="dropdownSetting" options="lobs" attrfilterprojectsonlob="getProjects"
selected-model="lobsSelected" checkboxes="true">
<div class="col-md-2">
<div id="projects" ng-dropdown-multiselect="" extra-settings="dropdownSetting" options="projects"
selected-model="projectsSelected" checkboxes="true">
Angular Controller
var myApp = angular.module('myModule', ['angularjs-dropdown-multiselect']);
myApp.controller('multiselect', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.lobsSelected = [];
$scope.lobs = [];
$scope.projectsSelected = [];
$scope.projects = [];
$scope.dropdownSetting = {
scrollable: true,
scrollableHeight: '200px'
$http.get('Home/GetALLLOB').then(function (data) {
angular.forEach(, function (value, index) {
$scope.lobs.push({ id: value.N_LevelID, label: value.T_LevelName }
$http.get('Home/GetAllProjects').then(function (data) {
angular.forEach(, function (value, index) {
$scope.projects.push({ id: value.N_LevelID, label: value.T_LevelName }
$scope.getProjects = function (selectedId) {
var parentId = id;
$http.get('Home/GetAllProjects', { params: { "parentId": selectedId } })
.then(function (data) {
angular.forEach(, function (value, index) {
$scope.projects.push({ id: value.N_LevelID, label: value.T_LevelName }
.catch(function (data) {
console.error('Gists error', data.status,;
Directive : - Please ignore fn_template()
'use strict';
var directiveModule = angular.module('angularjs-dropdown-multiselect', []);
directiveModule.directive('ngDropdownMultiselect', ['$filter', '$document', '$compile', '$parse',
function ($filter, $document, $compile, $parse) {
return {
//restrict: 'AE',
restrict: 'AEC',
scope: {
selectedModel: '=',
options: '=',
extraSettings: '=',
events: '=',
searchFilter: '=?',
translationTexts: '=',
groupBy: '#',
fn_selectAll: '&',
selectedId :'=',
attrfilterProjectsonLob: '&'
template: fn_Template,
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var $dropdownTrigger = $element.children()[0];
$scope.toggleDropdown = function () {
$ = !$;
$scope.checkboxClick = function ($event, id) {
$scope.filterProjectsonLob = function ($event, id) {
$scope.selectedId = id;
$scope.attrfilterProjectsonLob({value : selectedId});
$scope.externalEvents = {
onItemSelect: angular.noop,
onItemDeselect: angular.noop,
onSelectAll: angular.noop,
onDeselectAll: angular.noop,
onInitDone: angular.noop,
onMaxSelectionReached: angular.noop
$scope.settings = {
dynamicTitle: true,
scrollable: false,
scrollableHeight: '300px',
closeOnBlur: true,
displayProp: 'label',
idProp: 'id',
externalIdProp: 'id',
enableSearch: false,
selectionLimit: 0,
showCheckAll: true,
showUncheckAll: true,
closeOnSelect: false,
buttonClasses: 'btn btn-default',
closeOnDeselect: false,
groupBy: $attrs.groupBy || undefined,
groupByTextProvider: null,
smartButtonMaxItems: 0,
smartButtonTextConverter: angular.noop
$scope.texts = {
checkAll: 'Check All',
uncheckAll: 'Uncheck All',
selectionCount: 'checked',
selectionOf: '/',
searchPlaceholder: 'Search...',
buttonDefaultText: 'LOB',
dynamicButtonTextSuffix: 'Selected',
LOBSelected: ''
$scope.searchFilter = $scope.searchFilter || '';
if (angular.isDefined($scope.settings.groupBy)) {
$scope.$watch('options', function (newValue) {
if (angular.isDefined(newValue)) {
$scope.orderedItems = $filter('orderBy')(newValue, $scope.settings.groupBy);
angular.extend($scope.settings, $scope.extraSettings || []);
angular.extend($scope.externalEvents, $ || []);
angular.extend($scope.texts, $scope.translationTexts);
$scope.singleSelection = $scope.settings.selectionLimit === 1;
function getFindObj(id) {
var findObj = {};
if ($scope.settings.externalIdProp === '') {
findObj[$scope.settings.idProp] = id;
} else {
findObj[$scope.settings.externalIdProp] = id;
return findObj;
function clearObject(object) {
for (var prop in object) {
delete object[prop];
if ($scope.singleSelection) {
if (angular.isArray($scope.selectedModel) && $scope.selectedModel.length === 0) {
if ($scope.settings.closeOnBlur) {
$document.on('click', function (e) {
var target =;
var parentFound = false;
while (angular.isDefined(target) && target !== null && !parentFound) {
if (_.contains(target.className.split(' '), 'multiselect-parent') && !parentFound) {
if (target === $dropdownTrigger) {
parentFound = true;
target = target.parentElement;
if (!parentFound) {
$scope.$apply(function () {
$ = false;
$scope.getGroupTitle = function (groupValue) {
if ($scope.settings.groupByTextProvider !== null) {
return $scope.settings.groupByTextProvider(groupValue);
return groupValue;
$scope.getButtonText = function () {
if ($scope.settings.dynamicTitle && ($scope.selectedModel.length > 0 || (angular.isObject($scope.selectedModel) && _.keys($scope.selectedModel).length > 0))) {
//if ($scope.settings.smartButtonMaxItems > 0) {
if ($scope.settings.smartButtonMaxItems >= 0) {
var itemsText = [];
var SelectedTexts = [];
angular.forEach($scope.options, function (optionItem) {
if ($scope.isChecked($scope.getPropertyForObject(optionItem, $scope.settings.idProp))) {
var displayText = $scope.getPropertyForObject(optionItem, $scope.settings.displayProp);
$scope.SelectedTexts = displayText;
var converterResponse = $scope.settings.smartButtonTextConverter(displayText, optionItem);
itemsText.push(converterResponse ? converterResponse : displayText);
//if ($scope.selectedModel.length > $scope.settings.smartButtonMaxItems) {
// itemsText = itemsText.slice(0, $scope.settings.smartButtonMaxItems);
// itemsText.push('...');
if (itemsText.length <= 2) {
return itemsText.join(', ');
else {
var totalSelected;
if ($scope.singleSelection) {
totalSelected = ($scope.selectedModel !== null && angular.isDefined($scope.selectedModel[$scope.settings.idProp])) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
totalSelected = angular.isDefined($scope.selectedModel) ? $scope.selectedModel.length : 0;
if (totalSelected === 0) {
return $scope.texts.buttonDefaultText;
} else {
return totalSelected + ' ' + $scope.texts.buttonDefaultText + ' ' + $scope.texts.dynamicButtonTextSuffix;
} else {
return $scope.texts.buttonDefaultText;
$scope.getPropertyForObject = function (object, property) {
if (angular.isDefined(object) && object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
return object[property];
return '';
$scope.selectAll = function () {
angular.forEach($scope.options, function (value) {
$scope.setSelectedItem(value[$scope.settings.idProp], true);
$scope.deselectAll = function (sendEvent) {
sendEvent = sendEvent || true;
if (sendEvent) {
if ($scope.singleSelection) {
} else {
$scope.selectedModel.splice(0, $scope.selectedModel.length);
$scope.setSelectedItem = function (id, dontRemove) {
var findObj = getFindObj(id);
var finalObj = null;
if ($scope.settings.externalIdProp === '') {
finalObj = _.find($scope.options, findObj);
} else {
finalObj = findObj;
if ($scope.singleSelection) {
angular.extend($scope.selectedModel, finalObj);
if ($scope.settings.closeOnSelect) $ = false;
dontRemove = dontRemove || false;
var exists = _.findIndex($scope.selectedModel, findObj) !== -1;
if (!dontRemove && exists) {
$scope.selectedModel.splice(_.findIndex($scope.selectedModel, findObj), 1);
} else if (!exists && ($scope.settings.selectionLimit === 0 || $scope.selectedModel.length < $scope.settings.selectionLimit)) {
if ($scope.settings.closeOnSelect) $ = false;
$scope.isChecked = function (id) {
if ($scope.singleSelection) {
return $scope.selectedModel !== null && angular.isDefined($scope.selectedModel[$scope.settings.idProp]) && $scope.selectedModel[$scope.settings.idProp] === getFindObj(id)[$scope.settings.idProp];
return _.findIndex($scope.selectedModel, getFindObj(id)) !== -1;
function fn_Template(element, attrs) {
var checkboxes = attrs.checkboxes ? true : false;
var groups = attrs.groupBy ? true : false;
var template = '<div class="multiselect-parent btn-group dropdown-multiselect">';
template += '<button type="button" class="dropdown-toggle" ng-class="settings.buttonClasses" ng-click="toggleDropdown()">{{getButtonText()}} <span class="caret"></span></button>';
template += '<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-form" ng-style="{display: open ? \'block\' : \'none\', height : settings.scrollable ? settings.scrollableHeight : \'auto\' }" style="overflow: scroll" >';
template += '<li ng-hide="!settings.showCheckAll || settings.selectionLimit > 0"><a data-ng-click="selectAll()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> {{texts.checkAll}}</a>';
template += '<li ng-show="settings.showUncheckAll"><a data-ng-click="deselectAll();"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> {{texts.uncheckAll}}</a></li>';
template += '<li ng-hide="(!settings.showCheckAll || settings.selectionLimit > 0) && !settings.showUncheckAll" class="divider"></li>';
template += '<li ng-show="settings.enableSearch"><div class="dropdown-header"><input type="text" class="form-control" style="width: 100%;" ng-model="searchFilter" placeholder="{{texts.searchPlaceholder}}" /></li>';
template += '<li ng-show="settings.enableSearch" class="divider"></li>';
if (groups) {
template += '<li ng-repeat-start="option in orderedItems | filter: searchFilter" ng-show="getPropertyForObject(option, settings.groupBy) !== getPropertyForObject(orderedItems[$index - 1], settings.groupBy)" role="presentation" class="dropdown-header">{{ getGroupTitle(getPropertyForObject(option, settings.groupBy)) }}</li>';
template += '<li ng-repeat-end role="presentation">';
} else {
template += '<li role="presentation" ng-repeat="option in options | filter: searchFilter">';
template += '<a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" ng-click="setSelectedItem(getPropertyForObject(option,settings.idProp))">';
if (checkboxes) {
template += '<div class="checkbox"><label><input class="checkboxInput" type="checkbox" ng-click="checkboxClick($event, getPropertyForObject(option,settings.idProp)); filterProjectsonLob($event, getPropertyForObject(option,settings.idProp)) "ng-checked="isChecked(getPropertyForObject(option,settings.idProp))" /> {{getPropertyForObject(option, settings.displayProp)}}</label></div></a>';
} else {
template += '<span data-ng-class="{\'glyphicon glyphicon-ok\': isChecked(getPropertyForObject(option,settings.idProp))}"></span> {{getPropertyForObject(option, settings.displayProp)}}</a>';
template += '</li>';
template += '<li class="divider" ng-show="settings.selectionLimit > 1"></li>';
template += '<li role="presentation" ng-show="settings.selectionLimit > 1"><a role="menuitem">{{selectedModel.length}} {{texts.selectionOf}} {{settings.selectionLimit}} {{texts.selectionCount}}</a></li>';
template += '</ul>';
template += '</div>';
---------- .
Please guide me what is wrong i am doing, as controllers method is not getting invoked.
I need to call $scope.getProjects method present in controller from $scope.filterProjectsonLob in directive. Please guide me as i am new to angularJs.
Your directive can have it's own controller:
angular.directive(function() { //blah blah
return {
//restrict: 'AE',
restrict: 'AEC',
scope: {
controller: multiselect,
controllerAs: 'vm'
Then it's a matter of vm.methodNameCall(arguments) as you would normally do.
What's happening here is that your controller is existing on the parent scope of your directive and the directive has an isolate scope so it doesn't see its parent scope's data.
The simplest solution (but not necessarily most correct) is to use $scope.$parent ($scope.$parent.getProjects) from inside your directive to access the controller's scope.
A more correct solution is to refactor your multiselect controller to be a directive. With multiselect as a directive (ex. ngMultiselect), you would be able to inject its controller into other directives. You won't need to change your controller code that much, just make a directive with it as a controller rather than use ng-controller.
Step 1: replace ng-controller with ngMultiselect directive.
directiveModule.directive('ngMultiselect', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AEC',
controller: 'multiselect'
<div class="row" ng-app="myModule" ng-multiselect> ... </div>
Step 2: update multiselect controller to expose getProjects function
// change:
$scope.getProjects = function (selectedId) {...};
// to:
this.getProjects = function (selectedId) {...};
// and if you still need getProjects on multiselect's scope, you can add $scope.getProjects = this.getProjects;
Step 3: Inject controller into ngDropdownMultiselect by requiring ngMultiselect
directiveModule.directive('ngDropdownMultiselect', ['$filter', '$document', '$compile', '$parse',
function ($filter, $document, $compile, $parse) {
return {
//restrict: 'AE',
restrict: 'AEC',
require: 'ngMultiselect',
scope: {
selectedModel: '=',
options: '=',
// etc ...
template: fn_Template,
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, MultiselectCtrl) {
$scope.getProjects = MultiselectCtrl.getProjects;
// and the rest of your stuff here...
Learning how to set up and differentiate controllers + directive link functions is certainly one of the finer points of learning angular. I would say it is necessary for building anything beyond simple components. There are lots of tutorials about it, but it can be tricky to really grok until you come across it in your own codings.
Just wanted to note that you will need to take a look at which modules you are defining your directives and controller in and set your module dependencies accordingly.

Create a simple Bootstrap Yes/No confirmation or just notification alert in AngularJS

It's so simple in a non-Angular environment. Just html and a two line of js code to show a modal confirmation dialog on the screen.
Now I am developting an AngularJS project in which I am using ui-bootstrap modal confirmation dialogs all over the place and I am sick of creating new controllers even for simple things like "Are you sure to delete this record?" kind of stuff.
How do you handle these simple situations? I am sure some people wrote some directives to simplify the needs.
I am asking you to share your experiences or the projects you know about that subject.
so create a reusable service for that... read here
code here:
angular.module('yourModuleName').service('modalService', ['$modal',
// NB: For Angular-bootstrap 0.14.0 or later, use $uibModal above instead of $modal
function ($modal) {
var modalDefaults = {
backdrop: true,
keyboard: true,
modalFade: true,
templateUrl: '/app/partials/modal.html'
var modalOptions = {
closeButtonText: 'Close',
actionButtonText: 'OK',
headerText: 'Proceed?',
bodyText: 'Perform this action?'
this.showModal = function (customModalDefaults, customModalOptions) {
if (!customModalDefaults) customModalDefaults = {};
customModalDefaults.backdrop = 'static';
return, customModalOptions);
}; = function (customModalDefaults, customModalOptions) {
//Create temp objects to work with since we're in a singleton service
var tempModalDefaults = {};
var tempModalOptions = {};
//Map angular-ui modal custom defaults to modal defaults defined in service
angular.extend(tempModalDefaults, modalDefaults, customModalDefaults);
//Map modal.html $scope custom properties to defaults defined in service
angular.extend(tempModalOptions, modalOptions, customModalOptions);
if (!tempModalDefaults.controller) {
tempModalDefaults.controller = function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.modalOptions = tempModalOptions;
$scope.modalOptions.ok = function (result) {
$scope.modalOptions.close = function (result) {
return $;
html for display
<div class="modal-header">
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn"
<button class="btn btn-primary"
once this is done... you just have to inject above service whereever you want to create a dialog box, example below
$scope.deleteCustomer = function () {
var custName = $scope.customer.firstName + ' ' + $scope.customer.lastName;
var modalOptions = {
closeButtonText: 'Cancel',
actionButtonText: 'Delete Customer',
headerText: 'Delete ' + custName + '?',
bodyText: 'Are you sure you want to delete this customer?'
modalService.showModal({}, modalOptions)
.then(function (result) {
You can see my example. whatever i'v done.
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="firstCtrl">
<button ng-click="delete(1);">Delete </button>
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller('firstCtrl', ['$scope','$window', function($scope,$window) {
$scope.delete = function(id) {
deleteUser = $window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the Ad?');
//Your action will goes here
alert('Yes i want to delete');
You can use the Angular Confirm library.
When included, it's became available as a directive:
<button type="button" ng-click="delete()" confirm="Are you sure?">Delete</button>
As well as a service:
.controller('MyController', function($scope, $confirm) {
$scope.delete = function() {
$confirm({text: 'Are you sure you want to delete?', title: 'Delete it', ok: 'Yes', cancel: 'No'})
.then(function() {
// send delete request...
For anything that has code that is triggered with a ng-click I just add a confirm attribute
<a confirm="Are you sure?" ng-click="..."></a>
and confirm comes from (not mine, found on the web)
app.controller('ConfirmModalController', function($scope, $modalInstance, data) {
$ = angular.copy(data);
$scope.ok = function() {
$scope.cancel = function() {
}).value('$confirmModalDefaults', {
template: '<div class="modal-header"><h3 class="modal-title">Confirm</h3></div><div class="modal-body">{{data.text}}</div><div class="modal-footer"><button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="ok()">OK</button><button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button></div>',
controller: 'ConfirmModalController'
}).factory('$confirm', function($modal, $confirmModalDefaults) {
return function(data, settings) {
settings = angular.extend($confirmModalDefaults, (settings || {}));
data = data || {};
if ('templateUrl' in settings && 'template' in settings) {
delete settings.template;
settings.resolve = { data: function() { return data; } };
return $;
.directive('confirm', function($confirm) {
return {
priority: 1,
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
confirmIf: "=",
ngClick: '&',
confirm: '#'
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
function reBind(func) {
element.unbind("click").bind("click", function() {
function bindConfirm() {
$confirm({ text: scope.confirm }).then(scope.ngClick);
if ('confirmIf' in attrs) {
scope.$watch('confirmIf', function(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
} else {
reBind(function() {
} else {
My google FOO has failed me and I cannot find the source site for this. I will update if I find it.
You can create a simple factory like this
.factory('modalService', [
'$modal', function ($modal) {
var self = this;
var modalInstance = null; = function (scope, path) {
modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: path,
scope: scope
self.close = function () {
return self;
In your controller
$scope.openModal=function(){$scope,'modal template path goes here');
//do something on modal close
I have passed $scope in service function so that you can access closeModal function and in case you want to access some data from your controller .
In your html
<button ng-click="openModal()">Open Modal</button>

How to get ng-model value from directive to controller in Angular?

I created a custom directive in which I have given text box and I want to take that model value in my controller.
I tried to find it, but didn't success.
here is my directive code
app.directive("bhAddCategory", ["$rootScope", "$timeout", "CategoryFactory", "ArticleFactory", "RecentArticleFactory", "focus", function ($rootScope, $timeout, CategoryFactory, ArticleFactory, RecentArticleFactory, focus) {
return {
scope: {
display: '=bhCategoryToggle',
imageOverflow: '=bhImageOverflow',
textBoxCss: '#bhTextBoxCss',
rmText: '=bhRmText'
replace: true,
template: '<div>' +
'<div class="pull-left forDrop"><input type="text" focus-on="focusMe" ng-class="myColonyList" class="effect1" placeholder="Add a colony" data-ng-model="newCategoryName" data-ng-trim="true" ng-keypress="pressEnter($event)"></div>' +
'<div class="pull-right"><img src="/images/greyplus.png" ng-class="{imageoverflow: imageOverflow}" ng-show="loadplus" data-ng-click="addCategory()" alt="add category"><img src="/images/loader.gif" ng-class="{imageoverflow: imageOverflow}" alt="" ng-show="loadgif" class="colonyloder"></div >' +
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.loadplus = true;
scope.pressEnter = function (keyEvent) {
if (keyEvent.which === 13)
scope.resetNewCategoryName = function () {
if (scope.rmText) {
scope.newCategoryName = '';
scope.addCategory = function () {
scope.display = false;
var addNewCat = scope.newCategoryName;
commonNotification($rootScope, true, false, '', '');
var categoryData = {
category_name: addNewCat,
category_type: 0
if (addNewCat !== undefined && addNewCat !== '') {
scope.loadgif = true;
var category_details = CategoryFactory.nameExists(addNewCat);
if (!category_details.exist) {
CategoryFactory.addAtPostion(categoryData, category_details.mid)
.then(function (category) {
scope.loadgif = false;
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, category.success);
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 3000);
}, function (error) {
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, error.message);
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 3000);
} else {
scope.loadgif = false;
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, 'Category name already exists!');
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 2000);
} else {
commonNotification($rootScope, false, true, true, 'Category name is required!');
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.newStatus = false;
}, 2000);
And here is my controller
app.controller('bookmarkCtrl', ["$scope", "$http", "$rootScope", "$timeout", "RecentArticleFactory", "CategoryFactory", "ArticleFactory", "focus", "debounce", "userFactory", function ($scope, $http, $rootScope, $timeout, RecentArticleFactory, CategoryFactory, ArticleFactory, focus, debounce, userFactory) {
Can I get any working demo, so that I can understand and implement in my code
Thanks in Advance
Use a parent scope excecution parameter on your directive.This is a scope function which is declared on your parent controller and is invoked from within your directive whenever you want to pass something to your controller.
To accomplish this we declare a scope parameter in our directive with the '&' prefix
See this example which i created for another answer
angular.module('components', []).controller('Composer', function Composer($scope, $http) {
// adding snippet to composed text
$scope.composed_text = '';
}).directive('caretPosition', function() {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('keyup click', function(e){
var caret_position = element[0].selectionStart;
console.log('my current position: ' + caret_position);
angular.module('myApp', ['components'])
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="Composer">
<textarea class="form-control composed_text" ng-model="composed_text" update-caret-position="updateCaretPosition(pos)" caret-position="" rows="20"></textarea>
