How to use a stylus variable in a selector - stylus

I would like to do something like this:
for $num in (1..100)
width: $num + '%'
but it gives me this
:scope[md="$num"] {
width: 1%;
:scope[md="$num"] {
width: 2%;
How can I make $num be replaced in the selector as well?

You have to use interpolation. In the comment Jcl has made a little mistake by not remove the quotes:
for $num in (1..100)
width: $num + '%'
:scope[md=1] {
width: 1%;
:scope[md=2] {
width: 2%;
:scope[md=3] {
width: 3%;
If you want the output with quotes you can escape like this:


React Material ui input field to custom

Hi does anyone have any idea to make the input field behave like this example?
we should not allow user to delete 0 and when user type should replace 0 with the value, and when we delete all the value, the cursor will always stays at the end of the first digit.
The below code should work the way you want it.
function theFunction(e) {
if (e.value <= 0) return e.value = 0
if (e.value[0] == 0) return e.value = e.value.substring(1)
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
.custom-input {
border-top-right-radius: 4px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
background-color: rgb(42, 46, 66);
color: rgb(249, 249, 251);
padding: 18px;
font-size: 48px;
height: 84px;
margin-bottom: 18px;
border-color: rgb(171, 175, 177);
<input type="number" class="custom-input" id="custom-input" oninput="theFunction(this)" value="800">
I think you can use the if condition in your handleChange function, for example :
var result = 0;
if(input <= 0 || input == ''){
result = 0;
} else {
result =;
inputValue: result
Hope this will help you :)

SCSS for loop: mix variable with index

In the following situation, I would like to combine variables with the loop index (in SCSS):
Predefined variables
$item-width-1: 400px;
$item-height-1: 340px;
$item-spacing-1: 40px;
$item-width-2: 200px;
$item-height-2: 440px;
$item-spacing-2: 100px;
$item-width-3: 300px;
$item-height-3: 240px;
$item-spacing-3: 60px;
For loop:
#for $i from 2 through 3 {
&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
.image { width: $item-width-#{$i}; height: $item-height-#{$i}; bottom: $item-spacing-#{$i}; }
.content { transform: translate(calc(#{$item-width-#{$i}} + 40px), 0); bottom: $item-spacing-#{$i}; }
.line { height: 108px + $item-spacing-#{$i}; left: $item-width-#{$i} / 2; }
&.active { width: $item-width-#{$i} + ($content-width + 80px); }
But it shows the following error:
Any ideas on how I could fix this?
Thank you in advance!

Creating classes programmatically with Stylus

I wonder if there's a way to programmatically create classes with stylus using Iterators.
$my-colors = {
"black": #344F5E,
"grey": #E0E0E3,
I know there's define() but I'm not sure if that works and if so how I would access the key and the value side.
for col in $rf-colors
define('rf-bg-' + col #() {
Goal is to extend the color pallette and have all classes automatically generated. Maybe I'm using the completely wrong approach.
You can use interpolation with {} and a loop on a hash for $key, $value in $hash:
$my-colors = {
"black": #000,
"white": #fff
for $name, $color in $my-colors {
.{$name} {
background-color: $color
which will output:
.black {
background-color: #000;
.white {
background-color: #fff;
The define() function is used to define variables.

Grouping Selectors inside of a loop using Sass

The Issue
I'm currently in a pickle. I need to group selectors inside of a Sass loop. I've tried many different ways to go about doing this such as:
body {
$store: null;
#for $i from 1 through 10 {
$store: append($store, ".offset-by-#{$i}", comma);
// produces content: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;
#each $j in $store {
$store: unquote($j);
// produces .offset-by-10
What I'm trying to accomplish using pure Sass (no Ruby) is the following:
.offset-by-10 { foo: bar; }
If you are a Sass god then please give me an idea of what to do here. If this is an inherent limitation of the meta-language then let me know about that too!
I can't use anything other than a mixin to accomplish this because functions are expected to be used on a property value. Mixins, on the other hand allow the production of entire blocks of code.
Keep it simple, soldier!
%foo {
foo: bar; }
#for $i from 1 through 10 {
.offset-by-#{$i} {
#extend %foo; }}
UPD You can also have individual styles with this approach:
%foo {
foo: bar; }
#for $i from 1 through 10 {
.offset-by-#{$i} {
#extend %foo;
margin-left: 50px * $i; }}
Which results in the following CSS:
.offset-by-1, .offset-by-2, .offset-by-3, .offset-by-4, .offset-by-5, .offset-by-6, .offset-by-7, .offset-by-8, .offset-by-9, .offset-by-10 {
foo: bar; }
.offset-by-1 {
margin-left: 50px; }
.offset-by-2 {
margin-left: 100px; }
.offset-by-3 {
margin-left: 150px; }
.offset-by-4 {
margin-left: 200px; }
.offset-by-5 {
margin-left: 250px; }
.offset-by-6 {
margin-left: 300px; }
.offset-by-7 {
margin-left: 350px; }
.offset-by-8 {
margin-left: 400px; }
.offset-by-9 {
margin-left: 450px; }
.offset-by-10 {
margin-left: 500px; }
Have you tried something like this:
#mixin createNumbered($num, $className){
#for $i from 1 through $num {
.#{$className}-#{$i} {
#include createNumbered(10, 'foo-bar'){
color: white;
#mixin createNumbered($num, $className){
$foo : '';
#for $i from 1 through $num {
$foo : $foo + '.' + $className + '-' + $i + ', ';
#{$foo} {
#include createNumbered(10, 'foo-bar'){
color: white;
This is likely overkill for what you need, but I needed to be able to add :last-child onto the class list. I built this on Clark Pan's Answer:
#mixin group-classes($start, $stop, $step, $selector, $selector-suffix, $property, $value) {
$selector-list: '';
$i: $start;
#while $i <= $stop {
$comma: ', ';
#if $i == $stop {
$comma: '';
$selector-list: $selector-list + $selector + '-' + $i + $selector-suffix + $comma;
$i: $i + $step;
#{$selector-list} {
#{$property}: #{$value}
And then to use it:
#include group-classes(1, 3, 1, '.e > .g', ':last-child', 'margin', 0);
.e > .g-1:first-child,
.e > .g-2:first-child,
.e > .g-3:first-child {

SCSS for each loop with Multiple Variables with decimal values

I'm having trouble with a SASS #each loop with multiple variables using decimals. I can get it to work on a basic level but want to add decimals, which throws me errors.
For example..
$columns: 100, 25, 33;
#each $proportion in $columns {
.col_#{nth($proportion, 1)} {
width: percentage($proportion/100);
... will successfully compile to...
.col_100 {
width: 100%;
.col_25 {
width: 25%;
.col_33 {
width: 33%;
However, trying to add a decimal to the variable list throws me an error. For example how can I get this to to work...
$columns: 100, 25, 33.333;
You could round the value for the class name:
#each $proportion in $columns {
.col_#{floor(nth($proportion, 1))} {
width: percentage($proportion/100);
.col_100 {
width: 100%;
.col_25 {
width: 25%;
.col_33 {
width: 33.333%;
