Using SharePoint and Microsoft Access Web services as an alternate interface - sql-server

I have an application that currently uses Microsoft Access 2013 as a front end with SQL Server 2012 as a back end. When in the office, that's fine for the users, but some of the users need to be able to access (no pun intended) the application from other sites.
Is it possible to publish the Access front-end to the web while retaining the connection to the back-end tables in SQL Server, and allow the access from SharePoint as an alternate means of getting to the application?
There are firewall issues to contend with, so I was hoping that we'd only have to worry about a firewall opening between the SharePoint server (network A) and the SQL Server (network B). I'm sorry I can't be more specific than that.


Using Power Desktop with an Azure VM and Enterprise Gateway

I am developing a report in PowerBI Desktop based on data hosted in an Azure SQL Server VM.
When publishing a report, I get the below error:
Publishing succeeded, but the published report cannot connect to the
data source because we were unable to find a gateway. Please install
and configure an enterprise gateway
I believe this is because the enterprise gateway is installed locally on my azure VM, however I'm accessing it from my desktop by going over the web and through the firewall. Therefore I believe the issue is that my pc acceses the machine at
Whilst the enterprise gateway knows the machine as
Is there any way that I can upload a desktop report to powerBI web using this configuration? The other solution would be to get the machine and sql server to identify itself as "" so that I can use this as the name to connect to through the enterprise gateway, but I'm not sure how to do that (adding the alias to SQL Server isn't enough).
It's a bit hacky, but I've got a work around.
Open the server and edit your hosts file and add the following line:
Make sure that has been configured in SQL Server as an alias.
In PowerBI, add a new enterprise gateway data source, this time, use to connect rather than netbios-name. You will need to use SQL Authentication to connect.
Obviously connecting PowerBI to an Azure VM in this way is not ideal, as it could potentially be unencrypted, but this works around the issue of different host names between PowerBI Desktop and Web.

Microsoft Access Web App Sharepoint (SQL Server)

Hi let me start of with saying I have Zero Experience with SharePoint. I have tons of experience with MS Access and SQL Server.
Normally when i need a Data entry front end i'll go for MS Access, but in this case most (probably all of my users) do no have MS Access so a standard MS Access Desktop App is useless.
I have heard that MS Access Web App can be published on to SharePoint, and then Sharepoint can be shared with our users so that they can enter the data.
Now through doing some reading up. I know that you can create a MS Access Web App through sharepoint then design your forms on MS Access and publish them, and the data will be then stored on to SQL Server of the Sharepoint. I hope I have that correct.
I need to be able to access that data through SSMS infact it will be so much better if I can just create the sharepoint app pointing to my sql server.
It would be really helpful if you could offer some guidance on this.
Create MS Access Web app on sharepoint (With data going into another SQL Server)
Craete MS Access Web App on SharePoint (With data going to the SharePoint Server) - but in this case I need to be able to access the database, and be able to add triggers and constraints.
This might be a very stupid question, but I have no idea how Web App and SharePoint work and I currently have no access to SharePoint so I cannot test. I am basically researching before going ahead and asking for SharePoint from my company.

Remote IIS MVC App and local SQL Servers

I am trying to find code examples of:
1. Remote MVC App on IIS
2. Data is on the customers SQL Server and on the windows domain they are using their web browser from.
I have a MVC app that works well with IIS and SQL Server being on the same domain.
However, I am trying to figure out how to extend the MVC App to multiple customers by hosting the site on a remote IIS server and having the remote MVC application on IIS query the customers SQL Server database.
I am comfortable with MVC, Entity Framework, & SQL Server but have had a hard time finding examples for this scenario.
You can certainly change the connection string of your application to work with any remote SQL Server instance you please. Obviously being outside the domain poses some additional challenges and security risks that you should consider, however, to get them talking to each other you can simply specify the server address in your connection string like so:
Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
The Network Library parameter forces the use of TCP/IP as a network protocol. Note that the customer will have to set up a SQL Server Authentication user on their database to simplify this scenario - using a trusted connection will be impossible unless you integrate your Windows domains, which could be a significant amount of work for little benefit.

connect visual studio and sql express on amazon EC2

I'm newbie for Amazon EC2.
I'm given an assignment where I've to connect VS 2008 to Sql Express 2005.
VS and Sql Express are running on separate Amazon machine.
(I mean, I've to do 2 separate Remote Desktop Connection to access both).
I've no clue how to connect to the Sql Express.
I've been trying different options found in search on google, stackoverflow etc...
But no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
Assuming that you have a connection string (to server, your problem could be that the .Net instance (let's call it NET) and the SQL Server instance (SQL) don't have the rights to see each other.
Create two instances with the different security groups
On both groups, you'll like want to open RDP (you probably have that already as I can read)
On the SQL instance security group create an inbound rule for port 1433 and open it only for the security group of WEB. Otherwise, the whole world can access your SQL Server Express database. Like this, only the WEB instance can access it. You need to paste the security group id of WEB into the inbound rule for SQL to do that.
Good luck.

SQL Server 2008 FileStream on a Web Server

I've been developing a site using ASP.NET MVC, and have decided to use the new SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM facility to store files 'within' the database rather than as separate entities. While initially working within VS2008 (using a trusted connection to the database), everything was fine and dandy. Issues arose, however, when I shifted the site to IIS7 and changed over to SQL authentication on the database.
It seems that streaming a FILESTREAM doesn't work with SQL authentication, only with Windows authentication. Given this, what is the best practice to follow?
Is there a way to force this sort of thing to work under SQL authentication?
Should I add NETWORK SERVICE as a database user and then use Trusted authentication?
Should I create another user, and run both the IIS site and the database connection under this?
Any other suggestions?
Take a look at this article. I don't know a whole lot about FileStreaming and security, but there are a couple of interesting options in the FileStreaming setup such as allowing remote connections and allow remote clients to access FileStreaming
