Comparing Arrays in Powershell - arrays

There is probably a simple way to do this, but I've been hitting my head against a wall for hours at this point. I'm trying to grab several user attributes out of AD, compare two of those attributes, and then modify them based on the differences. However since some users have null values for either their office or department fields which causes compare-object to fail, I have those going into other arrays with a -replace to get rid of the nulls, so my variables look like this:
$UserData = Get-ADuser -filter * -properties physicaldeliveryofficename,department | select samaccountname,physicaldeliveryofficename,department
$Offices = $UserData.physicaldeliveryofficename -replace "^$","N/A"
$Departments = $UserData.department -replace "^$","N/A"
So far so good, but when I loop through to compare values, I start to run into trouble. Looping through the users like this seems to be comparing every element to every other element:
Foreach ($user in $UserData.samaccountname) {
Compare-object $offices $departments -includeqeual}
While not having a loop and using compare-object by itself gives accurate results, but then I'd need a loop to check for matches anyway.
Assuming I just want to determine which users have matching office and department fields (and based off that do a pretty simple Set-ADUser command), how would I go about comparing the values without checking every element against every other element?

Your ForEach loop won't work properly because even though you are going through each user account, you are always comparing the same collection of offices and departments. I wrote this that might give you better results and saves the compare results as part of an object so you can see the user account as well.
Get-ADuser -Filter * -properties physicaldeliveryofficename,department | ForEach {
$Offices = $_.physicaldeliveryofficename -replace "^$","N/A"
$Departments = $_.department -replace "^$","N/A"
$Results = Compare-object $offices $departments -IncludeEqual
User = $_.samaccountname
compare = $Results


How to find if Powershell Array Contain part of another Array

I have 2 Arrays
$Array1 = Get-Disabledusers SIDS
$Array2 = %Unnecessarytext(SIDS).VHDX
I need to compare Array1 and Array2 and output only the things in Array2 that contain Array1.
Thing is, when I compare both objects, it returns not equal because they don't match exactly.
How do I get it to output the items in Array2 that contain the matching Disabled Users SIDS?
Should I run a foreach loop and compare a part of the Array?
I found this: How to find if Powershell Array Contains Object of Another Array
However this doesn't help as it will return not equal.
Clarified Question:
There is a folder in which there are VHDXs. The VHDXs are named based on a user's SID. However, there is a bunch if unnecessary text before and after the SIDs.
In Array1, I run:
Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $false} | FT SID
In order to retrieve a list of disabled users and filter out their SIDs.
In Array2, I list the names of the files in the VHDX folder which look like this: text SID text. I want to compare both and return which files in the VHDX folders contain the SIDS of the disabled users.
You can do it this way, first get the list of SID values from all disabled users and store them in a variable, then since the files or folders (unclear on this) are not exact SIDs, you will need to first check if they contain a valid SID, this can be accomplished using a regular expression and the -match operator and if they do, then we can use the automatic variable $Matches to check if the SID is -in the array of SIDs of Disabled Users, if yes, we can output that file or folder and store it in $result:
$re = 'S-1-[0-59]-\d{2}-\d{8,10}-\d{8,10}-\d{8,10}-[1-9]\d{2,3}'
$sids = (Get-ADUser -Filter "Enabled -eq '$false'").SID.Value
$result = foreach($item in Get-ChildItem -Path path\to\something) {
if($item.Name -match $re) {
if($Matches[0] -in $sids) {
$result # => has all the files or folders existing in `$sids`
The regex used was taken from this answer and only required to change the last \d{3} for \d{2,3} to match any valid SID.

PowerShell How to loop a script based on script array count

I'm new to PowerShell. I'm trying to pull a users name and place it in a file. I have two corresponding arrays, $title and $csvfile. $title[0] corresponds with $csvfile[0] and $title[1] to $csvfile[1] and so on. Is it possible to loop this script while increasing the index for both at the same time so that each index runs once but also in sync?
$title = #('jim' 'john' 'james')
$csvfile = #('jim.csv' 'john.csv' 'james.csv')
Get -ADUser -filter {(Title -like "$title") -and (Company -like "Location1")} | Export-Csv c:\temp\$csvfile
Problem 2
The $title array doesn't seem to be iterating one at a time. If I replace $title[$] with any of the listed array items it works. Funny thing is that it DOES create all my .csv files from the $csvfile array, they are just empty. I've done some looking on the web, not sure if my array items are to long or the quotations are not parsing right. Any help would be muchly appreciated.
$title = #(
'Director of Nursing'
'Assistant Director of Nursing'
'Activities Director'
$csvfile = #(
for($i=0; $i -lt $title.Count; $i++)
#Get-ADUser -Filter { (Title -like "Director of Nursing") -and (Company -like "location1") }| Export-Csv c:\temp\$($csvfile[$i]).csv"
Get-ADUser -filter { (Title -like "$($title[$i])") -and (Company -like "Location1") }| Export-Csv "c:\tempPath\$($csvfile[$i]).csv"
If I'm understanding this correctly. You'd like to append the user information from Get-Aduser to the corresponding csv of the users name you got it from? Such as, jim info goes to jim.csv, and so on for each one?
Seems like you're looking for the Foreach loop.
$title = #('jim','john','james')
#$csvfile = #('jim.csv' 'john.csv' 'james.csv')
Foreach($user in $title){
Get-ADUser -filter {(Title -like "$title") -and (Company -like "Location1")} | Export-Csv "c:\temp\$title.csv"}
A Foreach loop goes through a list of objects and performs the same action for every object, ending when it's finished with the last one. The list of objects is typically an array. When you run a loop over a list of objects, we say you're iterating over the list.
The Foreach loop can be used in 3 different ways: Foreach Statement, Foreach-Object cmdlet, or as a foreach() method.
What we're using here is the Foreach statement which is followed by parentheses that contain three elements, in order: a variable, the keyword in, and the object or array to iterate over. As it moves through list ($title-array in this case), Powershell will copy the object it's looking at into the Variable defining each item in the list, $user.
Note: because the variables is just a copy, you cannot directly change the item in the original list.
Please note as well, the items in an array are read separately by adding a comma to the end of each item in the list(if its not in a new line). In the code above, we're appending the same name you're iterating with to the csv file as well.
EDIT: Using for loop. . .
$title = #('jim','john','james')
$csvfile = #('CEO','CFO','CIO')
For($i=0; $i -lt $title.Count; $i++){
Get-ADUser -filter {(Title -like "$($title[$i])") -and (Company -like "Location1")} | Export-Csv "c:\temp\$($csvfile[$i]).csv"}
Matches the output like so:
jim - CEO.csv
john - CFO.csv
james - CIO.csv

Is it possible to make IndexOf case-insensitive in PowerShell?

I've got a problem searching an INDEX in an array made up by query sessions command in a terminal server.
This is the problematic script:
# Array of logged users in terminal servers
$a=Get-RDUsersession -CollectionName "BLABLA" -ConnectionBroker BLABLA.BLA.BL
# Array of all users with two columns from active directory
$b=Get-ADUser -filter * -properties TelephoneNumber,SamAccountName
Now imagine logging in the terminal server using the account name TEST instead of test.
If I do:
$c = $b[$b.SamAccountName.indexof("test")].TelephoneNumber
then I don't get the telephone number.
I think that's because of the case sensitivity, isn't it? If I type TEST in the search command, I get the correct number.
Is there any simple way to solve this problem and make the search of the index case-insensitive?
I've read about using the method [StringComparison]"CurrentCultureIgnoreCase", but it seems not working with array.
Since $b is an Object[] type, then you would probably want to do a Where-Object.
$b | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Samaccountname -like '*Smith*'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'telephoneNumber'
That being said, an array in Powershell can be indexed case-insensitively if it is converted to a [Collections.Generic.List[Object]] type.
$b = [Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$b
$b.FindIndex( {$args[0].sAMAccountName -eq 'test'} )
Note that pulling every single user object in AD and filtering using where-object or index matching can be very slow. You can instead Get-ADUser as needed or pull all ADusers using a filter that pulls only the users returned in $a.
If you insist on having all ADUsers in one spot with one pull, consider looping over the list once to make a hash lookup so you can easily index the hash value.
#Create account lookup hash
$accountlookup = #{}
foreach ($element in $accounts) {
$accountlookup[$element.SamAccountName] = $element
Hope that helps!

Would a hash table speed this up? If so how would I do it?

I'm looking for the negative intersection of two arrays. Each array has about 20k elements. I'm using a foreach loop over one array and looking each value up in the other array. I'm only keeping elements in the first array not found in the second array:
ForEach ($f in $FSBuildIDs)
if (-not($blArray -like $f)) {$deadpaths+=$paths[$ix]}
$blArray contains valid IDs. $FSBuildIDs contains the IDs corresponding to the file system paths in $paths. The intent is to only keep the elements in $paths where the corresponding ID in $FSBuildIDS is NOT in $blArray.
Is there a better way to do this? The processing here takes an extremely long time. Both $blArray and $FSBuildIDs have about 20k elements and I suspect I'm looking at On^2 comparisons.
I thought about using a Dictionary with the elements of $FSBuildIDs as the keys and $paths as the values, but I can't figure out from the docs how to initialize and load the Dictionary (assuming this approach would speed things up). Obviously negative set intersection would be best but this isn't TSQL and I'm painfully aware that even V4 of PS doesn't support set operations.
Would using a dictionary in this problem speed up the comparisons? If so how do I create it from $FSBuildIDs and $paths? Any other techniques that might give me a performance boost vs. just iterating over these large(ish) lists?
Sample data for $blArray:
Sample data for $FSBuildIDs:
Sample data for $paths:
This is similar to the question posed previously, but different in some aspects. I'm essentially looking for guidance on constructing a dictionary from two existing arrays. I realized after posting that I really need a dictionary from $blarray as the keys and maybe $True as the value. The value is irrelevant. The important test is whether or not the current value in $FSBuildIDs is found in $blarray. That could be a dictionary lookup based on the ID as the key. That should speed up the processing, right?
I'm not clear on the comment that I'm destroying and recreating the array each time. Is that the $deadPaths array? Simply adding to it causes that? If so would I be better using a .Net ArrayList?
You could achieve a significant improvement by using the -contains operator instead of -like.
When the left-hand side of a -like operation is an array, PowerShell will iterate the array and perform a -like comparison against each and every entry.
-contains, on the other hand, returns as soon as a match is found.
Consider the following example:
$array1 = 1..2000
$array2 = 2..2001
$like = Measure-Command {
foreach($i in $array2){
$array1 -like $i
} |Select -Expand TotalMilliseconds
$contains = Measure-Command {
foreach($i in $array2){
$array1 -contains $i
} |Select -Expand TotalMilliseconds
Write-Host "Operation with -like took: $($like)ms"
Write-Host "Operation with -contains took: $($contains)ms"
Just like in your real-world example, we have 2 integer arrays with a large overlap. Let's see how it performs on my Windows 7 laptop (PowerShell 4.0):
I think the result speaks for itself :-)
That being said, you could, as you seem to anticipate, achieve an even greater improvement by populating a hashtable, using the values from the first array as keys:
$hashtable = $array1 |ForEach-Object -Begin {$t = #{}} -Process {
$t[$_] = $null
# the value doesn't matter, we're only interested in the key lookup
} -End { $t }
and then use the ContainsKey() method on the hashtable instead of -like:
foreach($i in $array2){
if($hashtable.ContainsKey($i)) { # do stuff }
You'll need to bump up the size of the array to see the actual difference (here using 20K items in the first array):
Final test script can be found here
I think this would be the start of what you are looking for. As discussed in comments we are going to do two comparisons. First to get the BuildID's we need to compare from from $FSBuildIDs and $blArray then we take the result of that to compare against the list of $paths. I am going to assume that it is just a string array of paths for now. Note there is room for error prevention and correction here. Still just testing for now.
$parsedIDs = Compare-Object $blArray $FSBuildIDs | Where{$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
$paths = $paths | ForEach-Object{
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BuildID -Value (($_.Parent.Name + $_.Name) -as [int32]) -PassThru
$paths | Where-Object{$_.BuildID -in $parsedIDs}
First we compare the two ID arrays and keep the unique elements of $FSBuildIDs.
Next we go through the $paths. For each one we add a property that contains buildid. Where the buildid is the last two path elements concatenated and converted to an integer.
Once we have that a simple Where-Object give us the paths that have an id present from the first comparison.
To answer the question about building a hashtable:
$keyEnumerator = $FSBuildIDs.GetEnumerator()
$valEnumerator = $paths.GetEnumerator()
$idPathHash = #{}
foreach ($key in $keyEnumerator ) {
$null = $valEnumerator.movenext()
$idPathHash[$key] = $valEnumerator.current
Running this code on my system with a 20000 element array of fake data took 138ms.
To build the list of build ids not in the $idPathHash:
$buildIDsNotIn =
foreach ($buildId in $blArray) {
if (!$idPathHash.ContainsKey($buildId )) {
This took 50ms on my system, with 20000 items in $blArray, again with fake data.

Powershell: Using -notcontains to compare arrays doesn't find non-matching values

PS noob here (as will be obvious shortly) but trying hard to get better. In my exchange 2010 environment I import and export huge numbers of .pst files. Many will randomly fail to queue up and once they're not in the queue it's very tedious to sort through the source files to determine which ones need to be run again so I'm trying to write a script to do it.
first I run a dir on the list of pst files and fill a variable with the associated aliases of the accounts:
$vInputlist = dir $vPath -Filter *.pst |%{ get-mailbox -Identity $_.basename| select alias}
Then I fill a variable with the aliases of all the files/accounts that successfully queued:
$vBatch = foreach ($a in (Get-MailboxImportRequest -BatchName $vBatchname)) {get-mailbox $a.mailbox | select alias}
Then I compare the two arrays to see which files I need to queue up again:
foreach($should in $vInputlist){if ($vBatch -notcontains $should){Write-Host $should ""}}
It seems simple enough yet the values in the arrays never match, or not match, as the case may be. I've tried both -contains and -notcontains. I have put in a few sanity checks along the way like exporting the variables to the screen and/or to csv files and the data looks fine.
For instance, when $vInputlist is first filled I send it to the screen and it looks like this:
Yet that last line of code I displayed above (..write-host $should,"") will output this:
(those all display as a column, not sure why they won't show that way here)
I've tried declaring the arrays like this, $vInputlist = #()
I've tried instead of searching for the alias just cleaning .pst off off the $_.basename using .replace
I've searched on comparing arrays til I'm blue in the fingers and I don't think my comparison is wrong, I believe that somehow no matter how I fill these variables I am corrupting or changing the data so that seemingly matching data simply doesn't.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Using -contains to compare objects aren't easy because the objects are never identical even though they have the same property with the same value. When you use select alias you get an array of pscustomobjects with the property alias.
Try using the -expand parameter in select, like
select -expand alias
Using -expand will extract the value of the alias property, and your lists will be two arrays of strings instead, which can be compared using -contains and -notcontains.
UPDATE I've added a sample to show you what happends with your code.
#I'm creating objects that are EQUAL to the ones you have in your code
#This will simulate the objects that get through the "$vbatch -notcontains $should" test
PS > $arr = #()
PS > $arr += New-Object psobject -Property #{ Alias="" }
PS > $arr += New-Object psobject -Property #{ Alias="" }
PS > $arr += New-Object psobject -Property #{ Alias="" }
PS > $arr | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
#Now this is what you will get if you use "... | select -expand alias" instead of "... | select alias"
PS > $arrWithExpand = $arr | select -expand alias
PS > $arrWithExpand | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
