Is it possible to view FASM preprocessor output? - fasm

I'm using fasm to compile a dll that uses macros shipped with fasm, i would like to see what the output is after the preprocessor stage but before the binary stage. Is there any way to see this? I would like to quickly see what is being generated to see if it's Worth getting rid of the dependency on the macro.

Fresh IDE has a feature "Unroll macro" - compile the source, position the caret on the row with the macro invocation and press Ctrl+U or select from the drop down menu "Unroll macro". The preprocessed code will be displayed on the scratch pad window.
If you want the whole preprocessed code at once - use the converting tools located in the FASM package, in the directory tools/ - you need to compile tools/%YOUR_OS%/prepsrc.asm.
But you should always remember, that the reverse side of having so powerful macro engine is that the complex macros are pretty hard to debug.

You could get it by prepsrc. You need to compile tools/%YOUR_OS%/prepsrc.asm by fasm.
Next you need to get fas file. I do it by fasmw: Run -> Build symbols (for example let's call it file.fas).
prepsrc file.fas our_preprocessed_code.asm
our_preprocessed_code.asm will contain preprocessed souces.


Need to figure our what a specific symbol is replaced to after macro expansion [duplicate]

Let's say I have a source file with many preprocessor directives. Is it possible to see how it looks after the preprocessor is done with it?
cl.exe, the command line interface to Microsoft Visual C++, has three different options for outputting the preprocessed file (hence the inconsistency in the previous responses about Visual C++):
/E: preprocess to stdout (similar to GCC's -E option)
/P: preprocess to file
/EP: preprocess to stdout without #line directives
If you want to preprocess to a file without #line directives, combine the /P and /EP options.
Most compilers have an option to just run the preprocessor. e.g., gcc provides -E:
-E Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is sent
to the standard output.
So you can just run:
gcc -E foo.c
If you can't find such an option, you can also just find the C preprocessor on your machine. It's usually called cpp and is probably already in your path. Invoke it like this:
cpp foo.c
If there are headers you need to include from other directories , you can pass -I/path/to/include/dir to either of these, just as you would with a regular compile.
For Windows, I'll leave it to other posters to provide answers as I'm no expert there.
Right-click on the file on the Solution Explorer, goto Properties. Under Configuration Properties->C/C++->Preprocessor, "Generate Preprocessed File" is what you are looking for. Then right-click on the file in the Solution Explorer and select "Compile". The preprocessed file is created in the output directory (e.g. Release, Debug) with an extension .i (thanks to Steed for his comment).
You typically need to do some postprocessing on the output of the preprocessor, otherwise all the macros just expand to one liners, which is hard to read and debug. For C code, something like the following would suffice:
gcc -E code.c | sed '/^\#/d' | indent -st -i2 > code-x.c
For C++ code, it's actually a lot harder. For GCC/g++, I found this Perl script useful.
I don't know anything about Microsoft compiler, but on GCC you can use this:
gcc -E -P -o result.c my_file.h
If you want to see comments use this:
gcc -E -C -P -o result.c my_file.h
More options avaliable on this page.
Try cl /EP if you are using Microsoft's C++ compiler.
As bk1e and Andreas M. answered, the /P option for the compiler will cause it to preprocess a file. However, in my project using VS2005 and Platform Builder (for an embedded ARM processor), the project did not present an option in the dialog box (as described by Jim B) to enable that option.
I could run CL manually and add /P, but it failed because I did not know all of the appropriate command-line options that were invisibly being activated by Platform Builder during the full build. So I needed to know all of those options.
My solution was to go look in the build.log file, and find the line that executed
CL blah-blah-blah myfile.c
I copied this line to the clipboard. The "blah-blah-blah" part contained the build options, and was huge.
Back in the IDE, I right-clicked on myfile.c, chose "Open Build Window", and then in that window I pasted the build command-line, and added a "/P".
CL /P blah-blah-blah myfile.c
Done. The myfile.i file was produced, which contained the preprocessor output.
In Visual Studio you can compile a file (or project) with /P.
CPIP is a new C/C++ preprocessor written in Python. If you want a detailed visual representation of a preprocessed file, give it a shot.
CPIP is a C/C++ pre-processor implemented in Python. Most pre-processors regard pre-processing as a dirty job that just has to be done as soon as possible. This can make it very hard to track down subtle defects at the pre-processing stage as pre-processors throw away a lot of useful information in favor of getting the result as cheaply as possible.
Few developers really understand pre-processing, to many it is an obscure bit of black magic. CPIP aims to improve that and by recording every detail of preprocessing so CPIP can can produce some wonderfully visual information about file dependencies, macro usage and so on.
CPIP is not designed to be a replacement for cpp (or any other established pre-processor), instead CPIP regards clarity and understanding as more important than speed of processing.
On Windows OS, a simple one line answer to this question is to use the below command in DOS prompt to see the preprocessed file:
CL /P /C myprogram.c
This will generate a file called myprogram.i. Open it and look out for your expanded preprocessors.

How to avoid library finding CMakeLists feature

I'm trying to adjust 3rd person code to my needs. This code is provided with CMake config files used to build and install it. There is possibility to choose one of libraries. And in code is often used #ifdef USE_FTD2XX directive. I saw that this is defined in CMamkeFiles.txt file like here:
option(USE_FTD2XX "Use FTDI libFTD2XX instead of free libftdi" ON)
add_definitions( -DUSE_FTD2XX )
But if I simply use *.c and *.cpp files and I analyse and run it simply from IDE (Codeblocks), how could I set using this library in C++ code instead of in CMake? I'm also sure that I want use always this one so it can be fixed.
Should I simply #define USE_FTD2XX in main file?
You cannot simply #define USE_FTD2XX because you also need specific linker options for this to work (i.e. the library to link with). If the option is OFF in cmake, the specific link options won't be present in the Makefile and most likely you'll have linker errors.
So CMake takes care of everything automatically for you, but you need to re-generate your makefiles each time you want to toggle options on/off.
If only headers were involved and no library to link with (like some parts of the Boost framework), then yeah, defining USE_FTD2XX in your should be enough.

masm32 Linking 2 .obj files (SIMPLE)

I just started to learn masm32 and am a bit confused about the .obj files, I used C# before, so the compiler linked for me, now I have qeditor but I cant find an option to assemble multiple .asm files. I have a very basic program built of:
Vector.asm (+, a vector
Matrix.asm (+, a matrix
Main.asm ... is the main program where I do some Vector calculations
When I compile each one of them seperate, I get 3 .obj files, what are they? I looked into the makeit.bat at the line:
\masm32\bin\PoLink /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE "console.obj"
so I thought I could just change it to
\masm32\bin\PoLink /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE "console.obj" "vector.obj" "matrix.obj"
to compile my whole program, but I was wrong :(, can anyone help me to successfully create a .bat (because maybe I want to create a little ide later, for which I would need a .bat) which compiles the 3 .obj files into 1 .exe?
I'm not familiar with PoLink, but a standard linker requires more than just a list of .obj files. It will also need to know what you intend on calling the resulting .exe (it can assume if you only give it a single .obj file). May also require an entry point. May even require library definitions if you're doing multiple files. You really need to read the docs and see what it wants on the command line...

How can I get Eclipse to index code inside #ifdef .... #endif

I'm using eclipse to work on some c code and it is not indexing code inside conditional compilation blocks like this:
int feature_a(...) {
some = code(here);
How can I get eclipse to index the feature_a function?
You could tell eclipse that USE_FEATURE_A is defined. Open your project properties and go to the "C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols" page, under the "Symbols" tab click the "Add" button and put USE_FEATURE_A in the name feild and click OK.
Note: this will cause it not to index any #else sides to your preprocessor stuff... so unless they are all like the one in question you can't AFAIK, but if they are they you're good. (Eclipse contains a C preprocessor that it uses to analyize your code all the stuff above does is essentially the same as adding -DUSE_FEATURE_A to your command line so Eclipse's preprocessor will behave differently from the one in your compiler)
This is an easier and in my opinion more elegant solution to the one selected as the solution:
If someone has the same problem (as I had), this can (now?) easily be solved by going to Window->Preference->C/C++/Indexer and enable "Index all header variants".
Then click Project->C/C++ Indexer->rebuild and clean and build your project. This should resolve all error originating from preprocessor commands.
For what it's worth, getting eclipse to parse conditionally compiled code is much harder to do than would appear at first glance. I found a paper on by IBM from 2007 where they said they will prioritize for the "next release".
Handling Conditional Compilation in CDT's Core
I had this same problem, but the code conditionally eliminated by preprocessing was perfectly valid c code and I wanted it formatted... This was my solution:
1) Global find/replace of #if to #JUNKif
2) Ctrl-Shift-F to reformat the source
3) Another global find/replace of #JUNKif to #if
One way to index code under flag in Eclipse(Kepler) c/c++Editor.
You can enable the compilation flags in Eclipse editor so that code under them can be indexed.
Properties > Preprocessor Include Paths > CDT User settings Entries
Click on ADD and add the Preprocessor Macro and you can specify its value.
Best way I guess is to use the Indexer option : Project Properties>C/C++ General>Indexer.
You can choose Enable project specific settings
I prefer choosing "Use active build configuration" so that all files which are actually built in the project are indexed.
Anyhow you can also choose to index all files in the project even if they are not included in the build ...

Graph of included files

When I work on someone else's code, I tipically need to abuse of grep in order to find data types declarations etc, and this usually makes me confused.
I'd like to have some tool which analyzes the source code and produces some graphviz-like drawing and allows me to follow dependencies.
Also I've found this on the internet, but I think is taylored for the linux kernel only.
Have you tried doxygen?
Doxygen can produce dot files, and you can build the documentation without changing the source code with the right options set in the Doxyfile.
Do you use an editor that can take advantage of tags ? In Emacs, I just type M-. to go to the definition of a symbol, and M-* to go back to where I was once I have read it. This also enables the command tags-search to grep among the files of the software project (very convenient if they are in multiple directories).
